ESL Sec Checkpoint Oct - 2021 - P1 - QP

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint



Paper 1 Reading and Usage October 2021
50 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen.
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.

• The total mark for this paper is 45.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Part 1

Questions 1–10

Read the text below, and for each number, circle the correct word on the next page.

A lost beach returns

Until 1984, the village of Dooagh in Ireland had a sandy beach which (0) lots of tourists. Then

one night, during (1) storms, waves washed away all the sand, leaving (2) only rocks. The

(3) people were extremely sorry to lose their beach, and worried about the (4) on tourism.

They thought that they would never see their beautiful beach again.

(5) , more than thirty-five years later, the sand started to return. During strong winds one spring,

waves brought huge (6) of sand onto the coast, (7) the rocks. The people of Dooagh were

delighted. As one villager said, ‘It’s wonderful to walk along the coast and see this beautiful beach,

(8) of just rocks. (9) the story was on the news, we’ve had lots of visitors. We (10)

numbers to keep increasing, so our hotels and restaurants should soon be busy once again.’

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0 attracted fetched gained predicted

1 thick heavy difficult hard [1]

2 after backwards out behind [1]

3 local close near particular [1]

4 action effect change issue [1]

5 However Indeed Otherwise Besides [1]

6 numbers sums quantities totals [1]

7 containing supporting wrapping covering [1]

8 instead despite except among [1]

9 Whether Until Since Unless [1]

10 hope expect suppose believe [1]

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Part 2

Questions 11–20

Complete the email.

For Questions 11–20, write ONE word in each space.

Example: (0) your

To: Diap

From: Carlton

Hi Diap,

How are you? How’s (0) your family? I’m glad we can see

(11) other next weekend. I’m sure you (12) enjoy

yourself – there’s lots we can do. I’ve made many friends since I moved here a year

(13) . You can meet some of them (14) you’re here.

Two friends of mine play in a band. They’re both really good (15)

playing the guitar. Their band practises every Saturday afternoon. We can watch

them play (16) you want. I know you like music as

(17) as I do! You’re (18) really good guitarist, so

how (19) playing some songs with them?

Anyway, I (20) to go – dinner’s ready!


[Total: 10 marks]

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Part 3

Questions 21–25

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Evelyn say to Harriet?
For Questions 21–25, mark the correct letter: A–H.


Harriet: What’s a good subject for our history project?

Evelyn: H
0 …………

Harriet: Actually, Mum showed me an article

about that! I’m sure she’s still got it.
A Brilliant! That’s when I’m free too.
Evelyn: 21 ………… [1]

Harriet: Of course. If you like, I’ll look for some B Oh, really? Thanks – you’re great at doing
useful sites. that!

Evelyn: 22 ………… [1]

C Do you think so? Then you’ve never heard
Harriet: No problem. Let’s meet early next week. my brother playing computer games!

Evelyn: 23 ………… [1]

D Isn’t that a bit late? We’ve got lots to do!
Harriet: Then how about tomorrow after school?

Evelyn: 24 ………… [1] E Sounds good. Why don’t you come home
with me?
Harriet: If that’s OK, thanks. It’s much quieter at
your place.
F That’s funny. I think it’s always noisy at
Evelyn: 25 ………… [1] home!

Harriet: I haven’t, no!

G But we’ll need more than that, don’t you

H What about how meals have changed over


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Part 4

Questions 26–35

Look at the text in each question.

What does it say?
For Questions 26–35, circle the correct letter: A, B or C.


0 New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

To: Julia B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

she’s not free on Saturday.
Send From: Andy
C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both
Hello Julia Saturday and Sunday, if possible.

I can’t have Friday off to go sailing.

I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.


26 Message A Peter’s mother has agreed that Mark can go

to her house after school.
B Mark needs to go directly to the swimming
Your father’s going to club with Peter after school.
be late – he’s
arranged with Peter’s C Peter’s mother can take Mark to the
mother for you to walk swimming club later.
back to Peter’s. He’ll
collect you from [1]
there and take you
straight to the
swimming club.

School Secretary

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27 Sam texted Tony to

A admit a mistake.
B make a new arrangement.
I waited ages for you
today. I got really cross,
wondering where you C apologise for not meeting him.
were, until I remembered
we’d agreed to meet on [1]
Sunday instead. So see
you then!


28 A You can’t start after three o’clock.

B You can’t do a tour in less than an hour.

Stadium Tours
Meet here – no booking necessary.
C You can’t go on a tour unless you’ve
Every hour from 10 a.m.
Last tour: 3 p.m.

29 A Students can only play in the concert if they

go to every practice session.
School band
B Students need to tell the teacher if they can’t
perform in December.
Please attend all weekly
practice sessions, if C Students have to meet regularly to prepare
possible. If you’re absent for their concert in December.
from too many without a
good reason, you won’t [1]
be able to play in
the December concert,

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30 A If you haven’t already booked, you won’t be

able to see a film.

B You can’t choose in advance where you’ll sit

during a film.

C Please make sure you sit in the correct seat

for a film.

Westway Cinema
Tickets for films have no
seat numbers.
Arrive early to get the best

31 Liz is texting to

Nancy, A suggest a topic for their geography project.

I can’t decide on the

B ask Nancy’s advice about which topic to
topic for the geography
project. Mountains, or
maybe oceans? I’ll C find out how much of her project Nancy has
choose later! I wish our completed.
teacher would let us
work in pairs. How are
you getting on with yours? [1]


32 A Students who have books due back today

must return them this morning.
School library B The library staff will not be available to help
The library will be students before noon.
closed from
C Remember to bring back any late books this
lunchtime today afternoon to avoid paying a fine.
because of staff
meetings. If you [1]
have books due back,
make sure you return
them by 12.00 or you
could get a fine!

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33 New Message A Fred wants his dad to collect his guitar from
Alex’s house.

B Fred has gone to Alex’s house to give back a

To: Dad guitar he’s borrowed.
Send From:
Fred C Fred left his guitar at Alex’s house and is
using his father’s instead.
I hope you don’t mind but I’ve
borrowed your guitar. I’ve got a
lesson today at school and I forgot
to pick mine up from Alex’s house


34 A The winner of the competition will be

announced by 5th April.
B Videos of the performances in the competition
will be recorded on 5th April.
Talent Competition
C Record yourself performing and use this to
To take part, just send a enter before 5th April.
video of your
performance by 5th April. [1]

35 New Message A You should check with Mr Harrison when your

event will happen.

To: B Mr Harrison will put a notice near the gym

All students showing the equipment you’ll need.
Send From: Head Teacher
C You must collect your equipment from Mr
Subject: School Sports Day Harrison in advance of your event.

Make sure you see Mr Harrison
before your event to pick up any
equipment you need. Times of all
events are on the noticeboards near
the gym.

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Part 5

Questions 36–40

The people below all want to do a photography course.

On the opposite page, there are descriptions of eight photography courses.
Decide which photography course would be the most suitable for each person.
For Questions 36–40, write the correct letter (A–H) in the box.

Clive would like to find a course for beginners. He is keen to learn
to photograph people and to visit several exhibitions with his


Leila wants to take photos of animals on the course and needs
advice on buying photography equipment. She wants teachers
who also work as professional photographers.


Vladislav would like some individual classes with a photography
teacher and wants to learn how to improve photos on a computer.
He’d like to take part in an exhibition at the end of the course.


Sally is keen to learn how to take better photos of landscapes.
She wants to use her photos to make presents for friends and
would like to listen to talks by famous photographers.


Mario wants a course for advanced photographers and is
especially interested in fashion photography. He’d like to be able
to get help from teachers between classes.


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Photography courses

A College of Photography B Institute of Photography

Our instructors teach large groups During the course, students will
but each student also receives three attend several shows by professional
hours a week of one-to-one photographers as well as holding
teaching. You’ll be amazed how their own end-of-course exhibition.
good your work looks in the show Our teachers are here to help, even
during the final week. We teach when you don’t have a class. They
many techniques and have the latest can make suggestions about the
software for making your photos look best cameras to buy and getting
even better. your photos printed onto other
things, like cushion covers.

C Sharp Photography School D Bell’s Photography

Our course instructors are well- Both of our teachers are experts in
known working photographers who one particular area of photography.
can teach you to take great photos While one takes photos for news
of everything, from mountains to websites, the other knows how to get
models wearing the latest styles. the best possible pictures of people.
The course offers one-to-one and On the last day of the course, we’ll
class teaching for experienced display students’ best work for
photographers. Students have full friends and family to come and see.
access to our website, which can be
used to chat online with instructors
at many different times during the

E Daniel’s Top Photo F The Photo Genius

Whether you’re a beginner or a more For those new to photography, our
experienced photographer, we’ll professional teachers will soon turn
teach you how to take spectacular you into an expert. Learn from the
pictures of the local countryside. best by coming on our many trips to
We’ll also show you how to print local photography galleries. From
these onto cards and cups to make changing pictures on the computer
great gifts. We have regular visits to taking great pictures of your
from well-known photographers friends and family, you’ll learn about
who’ll tell you all about their work. it all!

G Cal’s Photography College H Chilton’s Camera Courses

We focus on the best ways to take As well as being great teachers, our
pictures of people, whether they’re instructors are also employed by
wearing the latest fashions or international nature magazines.
appearing in a news story. You’ll That’s why they’re the perfect people
learn how to take great pictures and to help you get the best pictures of a
use special computer programs to huge range of wildlife, even if you’re
improve your work in classes with a beginner. They’ll recommend the
our experienced teachers. cameras and other things you’ll need

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Part 6

Questions 41–45

Read the text and questions below.

For each question, circle the correct letter: A, B, C or D.

Teenage actor
Journalist Elisa Franklin talked to young acting star Sonia Haddin.

Sonia Haddin is only fourteen but she has already made her first full-length film! She explained to me
how her interest in acting began: ‘Whenever teachers wanted volunteers for school plays, I never put
my hand up. Mum and Dad took me to the theatre regularly too, but I preferred the cinema. Then one
weekend, my cousins visited. We spent ages recording funny scenes together on our phones – it was
great fun being in front of the camera and I wanted to find out more. I saw an article recently about an
actor who’d done exactly the same thing at that age!’

Then Sonia began acting lessons at a drama school and performed at a local theatre. I asked her how
she’d ended up appearing in a film. ‘My drama teacher put up an advert,’ she said. ‘A film company
was looking for actors for a film called Magic! I knew the story well – it’s one of my favourite novels –
so I applied. I knew I’d have to act in front of the director, so I was terrified. He loved my performance
though!’ Sonia got a main role and was delighted when a friend also got a part. ‘It was funny because
she plays a character who’s quite like me,’ Sonia said.

Sonia had to keep up with her schoolwork by having an online tutor for the time the filming took. ‘I
thought having all my lessons on the internet would be fun,’ she explained. ‘But I missed my
classmates. I didn’t always know when I’d be filming, so it was sometimes difficult to organise when I
could do my lessons. On film sets, there are often times when everyone’s waiting around, doing
nothing. The other actors found that quite dull, but I didn’t because I used that time to do school work.
Now the film’s finished, I’m back at school, but I can’t wait to start working on a new project with a
different director next month. It’ll be an amazing opportunity!’

41 What is the journalist doing in this text?

A making suggestions about how to start an acting career
B explaining why acting is such a popular profession
C describing how one actor had some success
D encouraging readers to join an acting class

42 How did Sonia first become interested in acting?

A by reading about a famous actor
B by seeing a play with her parents
C by performing in a production at her school
D by creating short videos with other people

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43 What made Sonia apply for a role in a film?

A She was familiar with the story the film would be based on.

B Her acting teacher suggested she should do it.

C She admired some of the director’s previous films.

D Her friend convinced her she would be perfect for the part.

44 What does Sonia say about studying while working on a film?

A She had to follow a strict timetable.

B Studying online limited the time she could spend acting.

C She had to get on with her studies during any breaks.

D It was easier than she had expected.


45 Which text message would Sonia send to one of her friends?


The same director has just I’m happy to be back in

offered me a big role in his lessons with my friends for
next film. I must’ve now but I’m looking forward
impressed him! to acting in another film


I can’t believe I was asked It’s great my friend put that

to be in a film after someone advert up at the drama
saw me in a play at my local school. Otherwise, I’d still
theatre! just be acting at the local


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