ME241 A1 (Part1)

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Given that - | Width of the wooden block = 25m | Depth of the wooden block =1'5m Length of the wooden block = 6m Heolen block 1 sfc | 5 x de ee Boh | Be t ‘ K-25 R= Buoyant nee Volume of the block =25x1'5Xx6 =22'5 m8 Specific gravity of cooden blade =0'65 a Height of the block = 20°5 x 0°65 x9°84 = 143'4Z KN, I Height of wwoden bhocle = 143°42kN. © Weight of cooten. displaced . Volume of coalere displaced = “Weight of woalen displaced Density of wxoten displaced _ saz 981 @ We kenowa, =14'606 nt, Ans) | Volume of wooden block in waton =Vblume of coten displaced D> 25xExh = 225 hh =09%5 m. Hene, h = depth of wooden block in waten. . Centne of buoyancy = 0. =0°4875m from Soluction tothe Question 102 ea Ars) Given deta! Size of the block = 4m xm x05 m Volume of the black, = 2 wr? Specific gravity of the block = 0° ¥6 Specific weight of the bhock, = 0°76 X9'°81. =7'4556 kN/mnd. “Weight of the block = 7-4556x2 = 14°91 kN, : Specific weight of eaten = 9°81 KN/me Let, = We ig ht of conenete nequined {0 be placed on the bleck VE = Vellume of conenete negquined to be placed on the bllocle Total weight of the block =o +44°91 kN When the block is completely immensed, the. volume | of waton, displaced =2 mn Upuand thrust ot the time of complete immension = 2xX9'81 =19°62KN. So, Wy + 44°91 =19°62 Me =4 21 KN. Volume of concnete VY = Weight Specific weight _ An ~ 25 X9'84 =o2m, (Ans) Rage’ 03 Dlawension of Hc ond ¢ one Wy =Vxebxoed cs 24°525 Vy Total weight of the bheck = 24525 Ve +1494 Upwand thnust = (Me + 2) x93l Now, 24525 Vi + 149d = (+2 x98L > 94'525 Ve +1491 =9°81% + 19°62 . YG = 032 m?, (>) Solution to the Problem 103 ON Given that- Length =5m Width = 3m Heig ht =12m Volurne of the portoon = 5X3 xp2 =18m4 Depth of immension = h =0°gm Contne of gravity above the bottom of pontoon, Speci : OG =0'Gm., Speci qrevily of sea walen = 1025. | Rye04], | == | } = of ee from bottern, 08 =a. "BG = 0G-08 = a6 -04 =0'2m 5m Plane, Porrtoon Now, BM a Hene, V = Volume of waten disi pated = 5X3X0'8= 10nd * Mebacentnic height, GM =BM-BQ =0°9375-0-2 =0°7375m. ns Fee] | Salution to the Ruoblem * 04 [as Size of the Lbock = 41m X04 mXx0°3m Volume of the block = 0112 m3 Speci fie gravity of the block = 0°8 Speci fic weight of the block =0'8 x9°34. = F343 kMnd Weight of the bleck = 7-249 x0-19 = 0°942 kN. We know, height of wooden bhoek in woken = Height of toatendicplen 3991 x1x04Xh == 0°94 J h = 024m, where, h= =depth of aaa block. Contne, of buoyancy — = biloxt 0B =o0:12m Gotne o: vi = 0 tne of gra by 0% = 03. =0'15m “PG = 08-08 = O45 oy =0'03 m. BM=~, whene, Te Moment of inenta of the neclangull es ren nr q n Rege'06 | secnon, “ph = EXE X Oo 5 = 0'0b5m, 1x04 x 0'24 &, Melacen {nie height, GM = BM- Ba © 0'055 -0'03 | = 0°0255%. (Ans) | Solution tothe Problem ! 05 | eee ee Given data! | Diameter of the body »d=2m Depth of cafindnical portion =L2m Valine of eunved portion =0'4 m% Distance. bebooon conne of buoyancy Gunved portion) and top of the body, 0B, =13m, Distance betoeon contne of gravit of the whale body and the top of the eglinden, 06.=0'3m. Total volume. of cwoaten dicplaced, V= 255 9°81 Volume of worten displaced by the eglinfnel porction = (26 - 04) = QQ m3, Tf 4 is the distance between the waten surface. | and the top of -lhe body then! | 22 = F xx (2-4) ng= om, Distance & the ponine of buoyancy of the cglindnical portion from the top of the body, 0B) = g+(224) =0°5 on) =0'35m. Tf B be the contne of buco jance| of the whole body og = 43x04) +@'85x29) 04422 =0'91&m. Now, BG =0B-0h =0'9122-0°8 =0'1122m from the figune, BM = Vv whene,T = Moment of inertia of the ca linchvind perition op portion) = xo 4 : =0'7354 wi. | also V= 26 wy, | “BM= 0° X354 26 | Hence, Metacentnic height, GM = BM- BE | =0'3021 -0' 122 =0° 3021 mM. =0'185" ™- Ans) | Solection tothe Problem :06 | Given deta! Stze of the block =2m X 1m Xo'sm Specific gravity F wood =O% Specific weight ,w= I81x0'% =6'867 kN/md Weight of wooden block SS Specific Weight xXVoleane = 6°86 x (2x1X0'8) Let, = 10: 9872 KN. depth oF immension = hm. Now, Weight of twooden blk = Height of waten isplace. > 981x2xixh 109872 F Sho O'56m. O8m=== =| ] Distance af the contne oJ buoyance frown botlern yea » ho “2G =o02%m., ee Oie) and OG = 3 = 04m BA = 0h-08 =0'4- 0% | Opens Also, BM = whene T = 1 x2xiI 12 and V = 2x1X 0°56 aig — “iz x2x19 2X1X0°56 =0'149 m. Hence, the metacentnic height, GM = BM- BG =0'149 -0'12 =0'0288 m. (Ans) Given dala? Diameton of cylinder, d 04m. Sp. gravity af wooden block =0'6 Sp. gnavily of oil =o | Let, | Height of the cy firden =h, | Lenath of the oY inden aL Now, 4 Weight of wooden cylinden =height of wonton displaced on, 06X91 XBL = 08x98 XA xd eh on, h=o7s Lf, Hene, contre. of meee = = i eles] And 0G a. ost BG =o'5l-0375L =0'1251. ae cen = = 4 _ = Exes 2. q Xd"x0'75L E x64) x095¢ 00133 Raget4t fon sdable. equilibniam, BM > BG > 00133 Sy o-425f L Z > — —o pst >0 > 0'0133 -0°12517 >0 > 0125-0133 -. L0°326, Bee _ « Mazcimum Length =0°326 Ges) Solution to the Problem 108 riven cota- Diameten of 4 tinden,d =4m | Height of cy linden, h=4m | Specific gravity =06 | Depth of cglinden in waten =Sp.gnavity xh =06X4 = 24m 1Y 1 I PlanelY” _L-Solid Nt Cylinder 0B = 24 Qa : =1am ee of cenlve of gnavily, OG = A =omn BG. = 08-08 =2-1:9m =9gm. | = 1 Also, 8M = V | whene T = moment of inertia of the plane of the body about Y-Y’ V= Fexd’x depth of oylinden : a it “BM=_ Ao xd 2x depthof eglinden _ ex OQ ase Fo apne 78 41%m. AXA X24 30°16 Hence, the Meta centnie. height , GM =BM-BR =0417-08 =-0°383 m, Ars) Since the melacentnic height is negative Eve), the equili bnium is unstable. [sete] Given that- Weight of the ynovable oad, Wy = 100 kN Distance. thnough which Joad is moved, Z=9m | height of pontoon, W = 7500 KN | Length of the plumb bob, k= 29m Displacement of the plamb bob,d=0'13 m. | We lenow thal Metacentnic height- of the pontoon, QM = hy. z. Wed 100 x 9XVF = 350x018 =25m. Co) Solution to the Problem 110 Given +that- Weight of the ship, W= 4o00 tons =(4000 x9°g1)= 39240kN Distance. between eertne of buoganes and cortne of qnavily, B@ = 2m Morment of inentia , T = 10400 m4 Radius of gyration , K= 4m. Ree 14 en Poniod of ralling of the ship, T: DADDMRYIYOOOOOOEO™OY” Weight Volume of — patent teed a aie seawoten Eve 39240 | 1:03 X9'SL | = 33¢3° 49 m’, Gince Sp. gravity of sea water =4'03) Now, BM = T= __10400__ Vv 3933°49 =2° 678m Alco, the metacenthuic height, @ M = 6M-BG. =2678-2 =0'678m, “The period, T= ar k* Mg = 4 = 2a f__ =9' 745 sec, Ans.) Bolilion o the Problem td lel, V= Volume af the body in no Then, -the volume of body sabmenged in mene) = XV = 0'4V. Volume of body submerged inate — 2 XV =0'6V. | The body will be in equilibrium ahen, | Total buoyant nce. = Weight of the body Bet total buoyant force = Force of buoyant duefrute force oF bacganey dee to rere, = Weight of waten displaced by the body + Weight of mencany displaced by the bod = (Weight density of caotenX Velume oF waten distleccd) + (Weight density of meneuny X Volume of menecny We = @81 xo6V) + 136x981 x0-4V) displaced) “Wight § the beds = We ight density X Volume of the e Woody XV body Fage:16 Hene, Woda = Weight density of the metallic body Neovo, (9°81. X0'6V) + 6:81.x136x0'4V) = Wea Vv ee Wy = 5925 KNind (avs) S. Golution to the Problem 712 Given dota: Outen diameten of cqlinden, D=600mm =0'6m Trnen diameten of cglinden , d = 300mm =0'3m Specific gravity =0'56 Specific weig ht =@'56x98i)= 5404 kKNAn3, Weig ht of cylinder = Volume of ogkinden X Sp. weight S x (O=d°) xl x 5-494 = 4 (6-08 xlx5494 =1'465L KN. ene, ) = the length of the cqlinder. a Volume of waten displaced , V= 268d asp 0°85 x9'84. $0, the volume of oylinden immensed in oil, V=01350, fage:S¥ a : a — Volare of og inden ender oi .Depthof immension, h= . Cnoss-section omen of cgphindere = ore5ol F O60") ‘ Height of centne of bucyaney, Woelen ofindey 20%) og = = oooh =0'320 Noo, Bri=L = FeGelod) Vi “passl — _0°0442 T: “0M =0B+BM | =0'329) + a Distance of corte of gree ity, 7 al =r =05L Fon stable eyuilibniam, melacentne Mle éo RN should be a Level greater. thang be 2 ! OM > of a 7 ors20h + OSES, grep 9 Dorn > amie. >a "04 On, LX, [oom os Hence, Lmaz =o'5m. (Ans,) And h =0'5 X0'659 =0'329 m, (ns) Paget8 t ! i i ' i ! Solelion lo the Question! 13 Tolal weight of the poorttoon = B00 +500 = 1300 KN, -' We ight of walen displaced = 1g00kN Volume of sea-toctton displaced, V — Heit of exten displaced Specific weight of woten = 180 ~ 42618 . . 10 . | (Since, Sp weight of Sea-waten = do kin) | So, wwoleurne of the armangemen| under ' woolen, V=130 m* Depth of immension, Rech aa Valurne of Vinten nN h = annaryeren| len oa ; lent Ghos5-section aneaof the pontoon’ = = — = 1 733m » B= co86%m Kt 5 2 Feat let, M be the metacentne, “then, BM = Ee = EOE = gta v 130 OM = 0B +BM 09996 = Anca LONL x5 SAnea LANL = 0°198 m?, Now, Anea LANL =Anea LanoL + Anea LON > 01198 = an? [SOT 4 1 x ensinOxnces6 2 mel) presinQcos@ = 0198 3763) (- =) + 63) sincos0 = 0198 0'283 -1'5708 x 10 B+-0°09 sindcos6 =0°198 > 0283 —0°198 =(05308x10)9 ~0'09 sincos® > 0085 =(1'5%08 x10) — 0°09 sin@ cos6 | 00 0'085" > 6- 2 6- 15708 X10°, 15X08 x 10-3 a > 90-5736 -54141 =0 By hit and tnail, we get 8 = F15° Hence. ) depth of oecen Jog i in cooler, h = + neosd =0'3 +03 cos 71'S = 0°395 m, (Ans) Given deta: Diamelen of the Cy linder, =d Length of the ‘inde =l Specific gravity, Sy =0'6 Specific gravity of oil ,S, =0'8 he Depth of cylinder immensed in oil So, vert of eylinden = Weight of cil displaced I Rxdxlxs = Fxd%hxs, > vk 06 =hxog The diskmee of conlne of gnavily 6 From the bose point, Oh = = SV IF Mis the me lacentnic coritne , mel... ere e BM= a = OT v Fp xdxh ich -_ ff fF ~ 76x3l ~ tah fon stable equilibniam, 4 aun Shy u ia aa 4 >fpot- ae ? a 3 2 » > a yf ot aay a4 _ 4-he=H L a8 Dil . neoaeen. b Bum the istanee of contne. of buoyancy Jrom’ per : OB = “eh — 4x 0'888H =0666 H. Dislanee of contne of gravit (6c) Jnom the apex, om =H =0765H. 1h Fon stable equilibniam, the metacentne (M) shold be above Ge on may concide. with Ge, BAK BM on O6-OBZBM . .@) | Now, BM = + | whene T= moment of inertia af the cineda i Mbck the clon lech teunresetion qe Bt howto and V= Volume of the woten displaced | = rh awit, From the eqn@, we gel = ahd tartlot OFEH-O66IE HK med Arti lar’ 3 0°084 HE 0°75 h tartol 0084 H < 0 75x0' SBSH X tanrol [:h=o eectl] 08 2 raril > aot > tar’ > 0'1236 > tanol > 0'355 ADI, » Least @pere angle, 2K = 39°4°, Ans.) Given data! Diameten of the buoy ,d =2m. Length of the buoy »L=25m Weight of the buoy 5 W = 20kN Spetific weight of soa water = 1025x981 KN/s | = 10°055 kN/w3 Fant TS To show that the buoy docswt Shea with | is axis worcbical : ye Weight of water displaced Specific weight of cater, Since weight of the buoy = height of waten displaced | i Ciintrion b ! Mor V= =1'989 m3 1 I ~ 40055 ' T Volume of buoy immensed inthe « dicen waten =1°989 m3 i Et Let, By OEE h= depth of tmmension al t So, fe Volerne of buggimmensed in waten an Cnoss.sectional omea of thebuog 1°989 ' r = Te = 0'633m. 4 Distance of eontne of buogancy (8) from the base pointe ope = 0688 z =0°3166 mm let, M be the vmelacentne. then BM aL. = aX" BM=—=— = Vi 1-989 Ry of = ee =0'3949m. 1989 | OM=08+86M =0'3166+03949 | =0 7145 m. Now, distance of contne oF gnavity(G) fromthe base. point.0: 0@ = 22 =125m. Since OM og/=2 : 20+T Hen ee ee bE ence, BG’ =0-08R’ = =~ —- . 201: = fon stable equilibniam, M“rnus die above G’, hence- ) B’M > BG’ > _¥'8972 255 20k 20+T 204+T 63:18 739072, 2047 25 ? 2047 + 63"l8 a 20+T 3 498'9451+Go+T~ 25 ~“Boriweste > @o+T)xe3"18 204+T > 498°9451 +G0+41) > 15¥0'5 D041) 7 1579'5-493°9451 > (20+T)” > 102075549 >(04T) 7 38892. TDS BTEKN, Hence, minirnam pull in the chain nequined 40 keep the buoy vertical = 12872 KN = 12°9 KN. Qns) | | Solution to the Problem 218 Given clade: length of the vessel, L=Gm Bneadth of the vessel, b=12m Displacement, W=19620 kN Angle of Lifo=s° Movable weight, Wy =2943kN Distance moved by Wy, Z=6'5m | t (i) Melacentnie height: We know that - le a yz W tan@ 2943 X65 : = Aten ee 14m, . ‘ 19620 x tanb? Ars) (i) The position of contne of gravity of the vessel : We know, BM = whene, T = second moment of anea oFwetertine . -o x128 = ORS x SEE = 6780 m4 and V = Volume of waten displaced by the vessel — Weight of the vessel oT Specific weight of vessel ~~ lo-tog = 1941-8 m3 =3'34 m 6480 1941°3 Hence, and centne of Gravity From base pein, = + MG = (0B-BH) +MQ = @ 75-334) 41-414 =0°53 m. [below waten cxface] @ns) -.BM =

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