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Unit No.

6 Object Oriented Databases & Applications

Unit No.6 Object Oriented Databases & Applications
6.1. Overview of Object- Oriented Database concepts & characteristics
6.2. Database design for OODBMS – Objects, OIDs and reference type
6.3. Spatial data and Spatial indexing (Any two techniques)
6.4. Mobile Database: Need, Structure, Features, Limitations and Applications
6.5. Temporal databases, temporal aspects valid time, transaction time or decision time
6.6. Multimedia Database: Architecture, Type and Characteristics
6.1. Overview of Object- Oriented Database concepts & characteristics

The ODBMS which is an abbreviation for object-oriented database management system is the data model in which data
is stored in form of objects, which are instances of classes. These classes and objects together make an object-oriented
data model. The data model in which data is kept in the form of objects, which are instances of classes, is known as an
object-oriented database management system, or ODBMS. The object-oriented data model is made up of these classes
and objects.
A database management system (DBMS) that facilitates the modeling and generation of data as objects is called an
object-oriented database management system (ODBMS), which is frequently abbreviated as ODBMS for object database
management system. Inheritance of class attributes and methods by subclasses and their objects is also included, as is
some sort of support for object classes.
6.2. Database design for OODBMS –

Object Oriented Data Model :

In Object Oriented Data Model, data and their relationships are contained in a single structure which is referred as
object in this data model. In this, real world problems are represented as objects with different attributes. All objects
have multiple relationships between them.
To represent the complex real world problems there was a need for a data model that is closely related to real world.
Object Oriented Data Model represents the real world problems easily.
Object Oriented Data Model

Object Oriented Data Model = Combination of Object Oriented Programming + Relational database model
Components of Object Oriented Data Model :
1. Objects –
An object is an abstraction of a real world entity or we can say it is an instance of class. Objects encapsulates data and code
into a single unit which provide data abstraction by hiding the implementation details from the user. For example: Instances
of student, doctor, engineer in above figure.
2. Attribute –
An attribute describes the properties of object. For example: Object is STUDENT and its attribute are Roll no,Branch,
Setmarks() in the Student class.

3. Methods –
Method represents the behavior of an object. Basically, it represents the real-world action. For example: Finding a STUDENT
marks in above figure as Setmarks().

4. Class –
A class is a collection of similar objects with shared structure i.e. attributes and behavior i.e. methods. An object is an
instance of class. For example: Person, Student, Doctor, Engineer in above figure.
class student
{ char Name[20];
int roll_no;
void search();
void update();

5. Inheritance –
By using inheritance, new class can inherit the attributes and methods of the old class i.e. base class. For example: as
classes Student, Doctor and Engineer are inherited from the base class Person.
Features of ODBMS:
Object-oriented data model: ODBMS uses an object-oriented data model to store and manage data. This allows developers
to work with data in a more natural way, as objects are similar to the objects in the programming language they are using.
Complex data types: ODBMS supports complex data types such as arrays, lists, sets, and graphs, allowing developers to store
and manage complex data structures in the database.
Automatic schema management: ODBMS automatically manages the schema of the database, as the schema is defined by
the classes and objects in the application code. This eliminates the need for a separate schema definition language and
simplifies the development process.
High performance: ODBMS can provide high performance, especially for applications that require complex data access
patterns, as objects can be retrieved with a single query.
Data integrity: ODBMS provides strong data integrity, as the relationships between objects are maintained by the database.
This ensures that data remains consistent and correct, even in complex applications.
Concurrency control: ODBMS provides concurrency control mechanisms that ensure that multiple users can access and
modify the same data without conflicts.
Scalability: ODBMS can scale horizontally by adding more servers to the database cluster, allowing it to handle large volumes
of data.
6.3. Spatial data and Spatial indexing (Any two techniques)

At a high level, a spatial index is just like any other index. Its purpose is to improve your database's performance
by helping SQL locate data without having to look through every row of a table.Spatial indexes store information
about spatial objects, but they are used for the same tasks as any other index type, i.e.,
•Fast filtering of lists of shapes based on spatial predicate functions such as ST_Contains .

•Speeding up joins that involve spatial data columns.

Spatial data is associated with geographic locations such as cities,towns etc. A spatial database is optimized to store and
query data representing objects. These are the objects which are defined in a geometric space.
Characteristics of Spatial Database
A spatial database system has the following characteristics
•It is a database system
•It offers spatial data types (SDTs) in its data model and query language.
•It supports spatial data types in its implementation, providing at least spatial indexing and efficient algorithms for spatia l
A road map is a visualization of geographic information. A road map is a 2-dimensional object which contains points, lines,
and polygons that can represent cities, roads, and political boundaries such as states or provinces.
In general, spatial data can be of two types −
•Vector data: This data is represented as discrete points, lines and polygons
•Rastor data: This data is represented as a matrix of square cells.

The spatial data in the form of points, lines, polygons etc. is used by many different databases as shown above.
6.4. Mobile Database: Need, Structure, Features, Limitations and Applications

Mobile Database
A Mobile Database is a type of database that can be accessed by a mobile network and connected to a mobile
computing device (or wireless network). Here, there is a wireless connection between the client and the server.
In the modern world, Mobile Cloud Computing is expanding quickly and has enormous potential for the
database industry.

Mobile Database typically involves three parties :

•Fixed Hosts –
It performs the transactions and data management functions with the help of database servers.

•Mobiles Units –
These are portable computers that move around a geographical region that includes the cellular network that these
• units use to communicate to base stations.

•Base Stations –
These are two-way radios installation in fixed locations, that pass communication with the mobile units to and from
the fixed hosts
Features of Mobile Database:
•There are a lot of features of Mobile Database which are discussed below:
•As more people utilize laptops, smartphones
•To prevent frequent transactions from being missed due to connection failure, a cache is kept.
•Mobile Databases and the main database server are physically independent.
•Mobile gadgets hosted Mobile Databases.
•Mobile Databases can communicate with other mobile clients or a centralized database server from distant locations.
•Due to unreliable or nonexistent connections, mobile users need to be able to operate without a wireless connection with
the aid of a Mobile Database (disconnected).
•Information on mobile devices is analyzed and managed using a Mobile Database.
•There are a lot of limitations or drawbacks available, which are pointed out below:
•Its wireless bandwidth is restricted.
•It is very difficult work to make this database theft-proof.
•To operate this, we need unlimited battery power.
•Wireless communication speed suffers in mobile databases.
•In terms of security, it is less secure.
6.5 Temporal databases, temporal aspects valid time, transaction time or decision time

A temporal database is a database that needs some aspect of time for the organization of information. In the temporal
database, each tuple in relation is associated with time. It stores information about the states of the real world and time.
The temporal database does store information about past states it only stores information about current states.
Whenever the state of the database changes, the information in the database gets updated. In many fields, it is very
necessary to store information about past states. For example, a stock database must store information about past stock
prizes for analysis. Historical information can be stored manually in the schema.
There are various terminologies in the temporal database:
•Valid Time: The valid time is a time in which the facts are true with respect to the real world.
•Transaction Time: The transaction time of the database is the time at which the fact is currently present in the database.
•Decision Time: Decision time in the temporal database is the time at which the decision is made about the fact.

Temporal databases use a relational database for support. But relational databases have some problems in temporal
database, i.e. it does not provide support for complex operations. Query operations also provide poor support for
performing temporal queries.
Applications of Temporal Databases
Finance: It is used to maintain the stock price histories.
1.It can be used in Factory Monitoring System for storing information about current and past readings of sensors in the
2.Healthcare: The histories of the patient need to be maintained for giving the right treatment.
3.Banking: For maintaining the credit histories of the user.
6.6. Multimedia Database: Architecture, Type and Characteristics

Multimedia database is a collection of multimedia data which includes text, images, graphics (drawings, sketches),
animations, audio, video, among others. These databases have extensive amounts of data which can be multimedia and
multisource. The framework which manages these multimedia databases and their different types so that the data can be
stored, utilized, and delivered in more than one way is known as a multimedia database management system.Content of
Multimedia Database management system :
1.Media data – The actual data representing an object.
2.Media format data – Information such as sampling rate, resolution, encoding scheme etc. about the format of the media
data after it goes through the acquisition, processing and encoding phase.
3.Media keyword data – Keywords description relating to the generation of data. It is also known as content descriptive
data. Example: date, time and place of recording.
4.Media feature data – Content dependent data such as the distribution of colors, kinds of texture and different shapes
present in data.

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