(L1) Maps and Chronology

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Monday, 18 September 2023 17:16

Classifications of Structures:

(Separate block of buildings)


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(L1) Maps and chronology Page 2

Monday, 18 September 2023 17:16

• 6 October
○ Rome is on the knee of the boot in Italy • Last Term's Work
○ Southern part of Italy is toe. • REVIEW HOMER!!!!
○ Pasta came from the interaction

▪ Mount Vesuvius:
□ South of Rome

▪ Pompeii:
□ 'Playground' hub of Rome
□ People still live there in modern day
□ Reason for Pompeii here is soil was good
for wine due to ancient volcanic minerals

• Economy based off olive production + wine

○ Expanded empire to make wheat fields
○ Economy based on land, food based on sea


Architecture: Public Spectacles/Mass Entertainment:

• Concrete • Chariot races
• Arch and Barrel Vault • Gladiators
• Columns • People were fanatical towards these events,
• Domes just as SA's people are fanatical about rugby
• Amphitheatres • People could pay to spend night with gladiator
• Aqueducts
• Bridges (Viaducts)
• Drains Socks:
• Roads (Via/Viae) • Soccus --> two towed and used for theatre
• Brickwork
• Insulas (Apartment Blocks)
○ Apartment blocks Julian Calendar:
○ First to start living vertically • Names from Latin words
○ Generally made out of wood (poorer area) • January: Janus/god of doors and
○ Overcrowded generally beginnings
• Sanitation • February: Ferbuum/purification
○ Public toilets • March: Mars/ god of war
○ Running water underneath and in front of public toilets • April: Aprire/ To open --> Spring
○ Sponge sticks --> toilet paper • May: Maia/ Goddess of Fertility
▪ Generally rinsed in front of loo, (reason for water) • June: Juno/ Goddess of Marriage
▪ Communal • July: Julius Caesar
○ Water fountains • August: Augustus
○ Public baths • September: 7th month (March was first)
▪ Also in Turkey • October: 8th
▪ Very lavish • November: 9th
• December: 10th

Sources for Ancient Rome:

Pompeii and Herculaneum

(L1) Maps and chronology Page 3

Sources for Ancient Rome:
Pompeii and Herculaneum
• Primary:
• Texts
• Pumice, ash, gas, rocks from mount Vesuvius
▪ Limitations:
• Both destroyed and preserved these sights
□ Lacuna
• Plaster of Paris casts of holes left gives cultural and biological information
□ Bias ---> affluent male citizen of Rome
○ As well as valuables
□ Requires interpretation
○ Love letters
▪ Epithets
▪ Technical Treatises
▪ Formal letters
▪ Legal Speeches and Documents
▪ Military leaders' "journals"
A Brief History of Rome: ▪ Poets, playwrights, novelists
▪ Historians
▪ Philosophers
Era of the Kings: 753-510/509 BC
• Founding of Rome • Material:
• 510/509 BC: Kings Expelled by Lucius Junius Brutus ▪ Architecture
▪ Pottery
Republic: 509-27 BC ▪ Coins
• SPQR- Senatus Populusque Romanum ▪ Sculpture
○ Senate and people of Rome ▪ Mosaics
• 451-450 BC ▪ Artefacts
○ Laws of the Twelve Tables
• Wars with Carthage

○ 264-241 BC
▪ First Carthaginian War
○ 218-201 BC
▪ Second Carthaginian War
▪ Hannibal invades Italy

Century of Civil Wars

○ 100BCE
○ Julius Caesar: 44 BC
▪ Murdered 15 March

Roman Empire: 27 BCE

○ Emperors
○ Conquest and Expansion
○ 293 AC
▪ Diocletian reforms empire: East & West
○ 313 AC: Edik of Milan: Acknowledgement of Christian faith

Decline and Fall:

○ 476 AC
▪ Fall of Western Empire
▪ Last emperor in Rome dethroned by Odoacer
○ 1453 AC:
▪ Fall of Eastern Empire

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