Konverzační Otázky 4 - EVERYDAY LIFE

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1) What do you do every morning after you get up?

2) How do you travel to school?
3) What do you do in the main break at school?
4) What do you do in the afternoon after school?
5) Do you learn every day? What do you usually learn?
6) What do you usually do in the evening?
7) What do other members of your family do in the evening?
8) How do you usually spend weekends?
9) How do other members of your family spend weekends?
10) Do you help at home? If yes, what do you do?
11) Have you got a lot of free time?
12) What do you do when it is raining outside?
13) If you could, what would you change about your daily routine?
14) How do your weekdays differ from your weekends? Tell me something about it.
15) Have you ever had to do any housework you don’t like / dislike? Tell me something about it / Why not?
16) Should students study every day? Why? / Why not?
17) Can you live without your mobile phone/TV/computer? Why? / Why not?
18) In your opinion, will your everyday life change after you finish secondary school? How? / Why not?
19) In your opinion, should teenagers have part-time jobs / summer jobs? Why? / Why not?
20) What would your ideal weekend be like? Tell me more about it.
21) In your opinion, are typical weekdays different for girls and boys? Why? / Why not?
22) Have you ever kept a diary? Why? / Why not?

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