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Shayna Goodman

Cat Muscles Innervations and Actions

You dont need to know plexuses or parts of a nerve. Ex- only need to know gracilis is innervated by obturator nerve, not anterior division of obturator nerve. Muscle 1) External Oblique Innervation T 7 -T 12 , iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves T 8 -T 12 , iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves Action compresses abdomen and flexes vertebral column compresses abdomen and flexes vertebral column compresses abdomen

2) Internal Oblique

3) Transverse Abdominis T 8 -T 12 , iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves 4) Rectus Abdominis T 7 -T 12 ,

flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen (to aid in defecation, urination, forced exhalation, and childbirth) flexes leg and extends thigh flexes leg and extends thigh flexes leg and extends thigh flexes and abducts thigh plantar flexes foot flexes leg

5) Biceps Femoris

tibial and common peroneal nerves from the sciatic nerve tibial nerve from the sciatic nerve tibial nerve from the sciatic nerve superior gluteal nerve tibial nerve

6) Semitendinosus 7) Semimembranosus 8) Tensor Fascia Lata 9) Gastrocnemius

Shayna Goodman

10) Vastus Lateralis 11) Vastus Intermedius 12) Vastus Medialis 13) Rectus Femoris 14) Sartorius

femoral nerve femoral nerve femoral nerve femoral nerve femoral nerve

extends leg extends leg extends leg extends leg flexes thigh flexes leg flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh adducts and medially rotates thigh Superior-elevates scapula and helps extend head and rotates scapula Middle- adducts scapula Inferior- depresses and rotates scapula elevates scapula and rotates it downward elevates and adducts scapula

15) Gracilis

anterior division of obturator nerve spinal portion of accessory nerve and cervical spinal nerves C 3 -C 5

16) Trapezius

17) Levator Scapulae

dorsal scapular nerve and cervical spinal nerves C 3 -C 5 dorsal scapular nerve (from brachial plexus 5th cervical)

18) Rhomboids

19) Latissimus Dorsi 20) Supraspinatous 21) Infraspinatous

thoracodorsal nerve (from extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm brachial plexus C 6 -C 8 ) suprascapular nerve suprascapular nerve assists deltoid muscle in abducting arm laterally rotates and adducts arm


Shayna Goodman

22) Subscapularis

upper and lower subscapular nerve (from brachial plexus) lower subscapular nerve

medially rotates arm

23) Teres Major

extends arm and assists in adduction and medial rotation of arm abducts scapula and rotates it upward extends forearm and extends arm laterally rotates, extends, and adducts arm abducts, flexes, extends and rotates arm flexes and supinates forearm flexes arm flexes forearm flexes and adducts arm elevates mandible (as in closing mouth) elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible (as in opening mouth)

24) Serratus Anterior 25) Triceps Brachii 26) Teres Minor 27) Deltoid 28) Biceps Brachii

long thoracic nerve (from brachial plexus) radial nerve axillary nerve axillary nerve musculocutaneous nerve

29) Brachialis 30) Coracobrachialis 31) Masseter

musculocutaneous and radial nerves musculocutaneous nerve masseteric nerve from mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve Anterior belly: mandibular division of trigeminal nerve Posterior belly: facial nerve mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

32) Digastric

33) Mylohyoid

elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth and depresses mandible


Shayna Goodman

34) Geniohyoid 35) Sternohyoid 36) Sternothyroid 37) Thyrohyoid

C-1 (first cervical spinal nerve) branches of spinal nerves C-1 - C-3 branches of spinal nerves C-1 - C-3 branches of spinal nerves C-1 - C-2 and descending hypoglossal nerve spinal part of accessory nerve (branches from anterior rami of 2nd and third cervical nerves) phrenic nerve medial and lateral pectoral nerves medial pectoral nerve

elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible depresses hyoid bone depresses thyroid cartilage of larynx elevates thyroid cartilage and depresses hyoid bone flexes cervical portion of vertebral column, flexes head, and elevates sternum during forced inhalation draws central tendon downward flexes, adducts, and medially rotates arm abducts and rotates scapula downward (elevates 3rd-5th ribs during forced inhalation) elevates and outwardly rotates ribs accessory of inspiration draws adjacent ribs together during forced expiration

38) Sternocleidomastoid

39) Diaphragm 40) Pectoralis Major 41) Pectoralis Minor

42) External Intercostals

thoracic spinal nerves T-2 - T-12 thoracic spinal nerves T-2 - T-12

43) Internal Intercostals


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