Finals Penales2

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Name: Andrei O.

Penales Sub: GEUS

Section: BSMT-1A

Give at least 2 Filipino traits that you possess. Explain the strength and weaknesses of such that you have.

Mahiyain/ Shyness- Shyness is defined as a fear, uneasiness, or unease in social circumstances, particularly while
engaging with people. Shy people may have heightened self-awareness as well as a fear of being judged or
negatively evaluated by others. As a result, people may avoid social contacts or feel constrained in social
situations. The strength of being extra shy is, I get to have my own me-time, without having social interactions
with anyone, without having someone to judge you when you are just having fun, or even doing mistakes. The
weaknesses of being extra shy is, I only got few friends that I could trust on, and as I said earlier, afraid of having
social interactions. I also can’t express my opinions about a thing or a subject because of this trait.

Over-thinker- An over-thinker is someone who obsesses over thoughts, frequently overanalyzing or examining
circumstances, actions, or occurrences. Overthinking is defined as thinking about a problem beyond what is
required, and it can result in increased tension, worry, or indecision. The strength of being an over-thinker is, I
get to examine thoroughly what I’m doing and how would it benefit me or would it have any drawbacks. This
trait can be used for problem-solving purposes. The weaknesses of being an over-thinker is that I get too
stressed because of the information overload in my brain, and I get too tired to think.

How did this develop and how would you improve the weaknesses of such traits.

Me, being mahiyain, started when I first went to school, with some unknown, unfamiliar faces. I became too
scared to share my knowledge or my opinions with my classmates. I think I can improve my weaknesses by
bonding with my friends more, and even make social interactions with someone I am comfortable with, or even
play with my online game friends so I wouldn’t feel being lonely,

Me, being an over-thinker, started when I was failing my quizzes and exams when I was at Senior High School. I
started to think of what the consequences would be if I kept failing my exams and quizzes. I can improve this
weakness of mine by watching some movies or films that can leave questions in my mind, so that I can use my
analysis on them, or even think of what will happen next or even its conclusion.

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