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Arctic Tundra and Sahara


Turki Al Mana
Arctic Tundra and Sahara Desert
● The global map delineates the
geographical positions of the Arctic
Tundra and the Sahara Desert.
● This map has been thoughtfully curated to
cater to the specific requirements of the
● The presentation aims at exploring and
elucidating various biomes.
● The Arctic Tundra is located within the
northern Polar Regions
● The Sahara Desert spans throughout North

(Liu & Xue 4109)

Climate of Arctic Tundra

● The Arctic Tundra has notably frigid

● This is mostly during the winter season,
meaning temperatures range from -34°C
in winter to 3-12°C in summer.
● The region also has varying precipitation
levels throughout the year.
● The annual precipitation in the region is
quite low,
● The average precipitation range is 15-25
cm, which is mostly in the form of snow.
(Sergio et al. 120022)

● The Arctic Tundra is a biome characterized by its severe climatic conditions

● This includes :
● Low temperatures
● Absence of trees
● Its geographical location is in the Earth's northernmost areas.
● The region experiences extended periods of cold and darkness in winters
● In summer, there are brief periods of mild temperatures.
● The soil shows a state of perpetual freezing, identified as permafrost,
● The soil has notable implications for drainage patterns and the growth of vegetation.

(Sergio et al. 120022)

Adaptations of Organisms

● Insulation
● Fat Storage
● Low-growing plants with a growth pattern characterized by their
ground proximity
(Chantal et al. 20190354)
Climate of Sahara Desert

● The Sahara Desert gets high

temperatures and low precipitation
● During the summer season,
temperatures can surpass 50°C
● In winter, temperatures tend to reach an
average of 25°C.
● The annual precipitation in the region is
less than 3 cm
● The precipitation has an adequate
number of locations, getting minimal or
negligible rainfall.

● The Sahara Desert is identified as one of the most arid

● It has thermally extreme biomes on the planet
● Its expansive stretches distinguish it:
● Sand dunes
● Rugged plateaus
● Limited presence of plant life
● The Sahara Desert extends to North Africa
● The desert holds the distinction of being the largest hot desert globally.
(Liu & Xue 4109)
Adaptations of Organisms

● Water conservation is a crucial aspect of survival for certain

animals, such as camels.
● Avoidance of species to the excessive heat experienced during
daylight hours.
● Specialized Plant Roots
(Alioua et al.167)
Food web of Arctic Tundra

● Native Animal Organisms: ● Native Plant Organisms:

● Arctic Fox ● Arctic Moss
● Polar Bear ● Arctic Willow
● Caribou (Reindeer) ● Bearberry
● Snowy Owl ● Diamond-leaf Willow
● Arctic Hare ● Labrador Tea
● Lemming ● Lichen
● Musk Ox ● Pasque Flower
● Arctic Wolf ● Saxifrage
● Walrus ● Tufted Saxifrage
● Ptarmigan ● Diapensia

(Chantal et al. 20190354)

Sahara Desert food web

● Native Animal Organisms: ● Native Plant Organisms:

● Arctic Fox ● Arctic Moss
● Polar Bear ● Arctic Willow
● Caribou (Reindeer) ● Bearberry
● Snowy Owl ● Diamond-leaf Willow
● Arctic Hare ● Labrador Tea
● Lemming ● Lichen
● Musk Ox ● Pasque Flower
● Arctic Wolf ● Saxifrage
● Walrus ● Tufted Saxifrage
● Ptarmigan ● Diapensia
List of Organisms in Arctic Tundra and their scientific names

● Animal organisms: ● Plant Organisms:

● Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)-Carnivore ● Arctic Moss (Calliergon
● Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus)-Carnivore giganteum)
● Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)-Herbivore ● Arctic Willow (Salix
● Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)-Carnivore arctica)
● Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus)-Herbivore ● Bearberry (Arctostaphylos
● Lemming (Dicrostonyx torquatus)-Herbivore uva-ursi)
● Musk Ox (Ovibos moschatus)-Herbivore ● Labrador Tea
● Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos)-Carnivore (Rhododendron
● Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)-Carnivore groenlandicum)
● Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta)-Herbivore ● Lichen (different species)
● Fungi/Bacteria symbiosis
(Mashwani 479)
List of Organisms in Sahara Desert and their scientific names

● Plants
● Sahara Mustard (Brassica tournefortii)-Consumed by herbivores
● Welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis)-Consumed by herbivores
● Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.)-Consumed by herbivores
● African Peyote Cactus (Lophophora williamsii)-Consumed by herbivores
● Saharan Silver Ant (Cataglyphis bombycina)-consumed by Omnivores
● Animals
● Nubian Bustard (Neotis nuba)-Omnivore
● Desert Crocodile (Crocodylus suchus)-Carnivore
● Sandfish Skink (Scincus scincus)-Insectivore
● Death stalker Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus)-Carnivore
(Sergio et al. 120022)
Sahara Desert Energy Pyramid
● On the trophic level 4, it represents the top predator identified as
the Saharan Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus hecki).
● The Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda) occupies Trophic Level 3 as a
secondary consumer.
● Trophic Level 2 includes primary consumers, such as the Addax
(Addax nasomaculatus).
● The first trophic level has producers, specifically the Date Palm
species (Phoenix dactylifera).
● The food chain is Date Palm → Addax → Fennec Fox →
Saharan Cheetah.

(Brusseau 98)
Arctic Tundra Energy Pyramid
● The top predator is the polar bear (Ursus maritimus).
● Trophic Level 3, secondary consumers have the Arctic
Fox (Vulpes lagopus).
● Trophic Level 2, primary consumers, for example the
caribou species (Rangifer tarandus).
● The first trophic level has the producers, mainly the
Arctic Moss species identified as Calliergon giganteum.
● The food chain is: Arctic Moss → Caribou → Arctic
Fox → Polar Bear

(Mashwani 475)
Concerns: Arctic Tundra
● Human Activity and Its Impact: oil and gas extraction is associated with:
● Destruction of habitats
● Pollution
● Disturbing of wildlife.
● Mining activities
● Lead to significant changes in the terrain
● Introduction of pollutants into the environment.
● Environmental issues include global warming, which causes :
● Accelerated thawing of permafrost
● Preservation of endangered species
● The establishment of nature reserves and national parks plays a crucial role in the conservation of the environment.
● Research and monitoring endeavors
● Climate change has caused:
● The rise in temperatures
● Exacerbation of permafrost thaw
● Significant modifications to ecosystems

(Brusseau 91)
Concerns: Sahara Desert
● Human activity
The excessive grazing of livestock and the removal of trees causes :
● Overgrazing
● Deforestation
● Desertification
● Water scarcity
● Environmental Issues
● The conservation of species is a critical endeavor
● Resource utilization leads to sustainable resource use.
● Climate change effects are due to greenhouse gas emissions.
● Climate change leads to exacerbation of drought conditions
● Occurrence of heatwaves
● Destruction of habitats
(Brusseau 96)
Works Cited
Alioua, Youcef, et al. "Arachnid fauna of the Sebkhat El Melah-Ramsar Site in the
Sahara desert of Algeria." Revista ibérica de aracnología 40 (2022): 165-169.
Brusseau, M. L. "Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services." Environmental and Pollution
Science. Academic Press, 2019. 89-102.
Hutchison, Chantal, et al. "Seasonal food webs with migrations: multi-season models
reveal indirect species interactions in the Canadian Arctic tundra." Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society A 378.2181 (2020): 20190354.
Liu, Ye, and Yongkang Xue. "Expansion of the Sahara Desert and shrinking of frozen
land of the Arctic." Scientific reports 10.1 (2020): 4109.
Mashwani, Zia-ur-Rehman. "Environment, climate change and biodiversity."
Environment, climate, plant and vegetation growth (2020): 473-501.
Rodríguez, Sergio, et al. "African desert dust influences migrations and fisheries of the
Atlantic skipjack-tuna." Atmospheric Environment 312 (2023): 120022.

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