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Chapter 3

TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TVM) The three most important financial statements:
- the concept that a sum of money is worth ● the income statements
more now that the same sum will be at a ● balance sheet
future date due to its earnings potential in ● statement of cash flows
the interim. This is a core principle of - statement of shareholders equity
finance. A sum of money in the hand has
greater value than the same sum to be paid These three are required financial statements, they
in the future. are very informative tools that traders can use to
analyze a company's financial strength and provide
How is TVM used in real life? a quick picture of a company's financial health and
- Time value of money, real example, if you underlying value.
put $1,000 in a bank, you may be willing to
accept a $50 dollar return on an investment THE INCOME STATEMENTS
after a year. This is because the risk that the - An Income statement is also called a profit
bank will not repay you is low. If you lend and loss account. One of the Financial
the same $1,000 to a stranger, you may statements of a company and shows the
require a $200 return on investment instead. company's revenues and expenses during a
particular period. It indicates how the
Reasons of time value of money revenues are transformed into the Net
1. Inflation income or Net Profit.
2. Risk
3. Liquidity What is the purpose of an Income statement?
➢ The purpose of an income statement is to
Money has time value because of the following show a company's financial performance
reasons: over a period. It tells the financial story of a
1. RISK AND UNCERTAINTY FUTURE is business activities. Within an Income
always uncertain and risky statement, you'll find all revenue and
2. INFLATION IN AN INFLATIONARY expense accounts for a set period.
ECONOMY, the money received today has
more purchasing power than the money to NET INCOME = (TOTAL REVENUE + GAINS)
be received in future. (TOTAL EXPENSES + LOSSES)
4. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES The income statement is an important part of a
company's performance reports that must be
PRESENT VALUE FORMULA submitted to the securities and exchange
present value / (1 + interest rate)^yrs commissions (sec).
● Future value, or FV is what money is A balance sheet is a financial statement that
expected to be worth in the future. contains details of a company's assets or liabilities
● Typically, cash in a savings account or cash at a specific point of time. it is one of the three core
in a time certificate of deposits, or a hold in financial statements (income statement and cash
a bond purchase earns compound interest flow statement being the other two important
and so has a different value in the future. financial statements) used for evaluating the
performance of a particular business
future value / (1 + interest rate)^yrs Asset-something that the company owns and that
is beneficial for the growth of the business
1. CURRENT ASSETS- examples short term
deposits, marketable securities stocks (can
easily le converted into cash)
2. FIXED ASSETS - building, machinery,
equipment, trademarks

A statement of cash flows is a financial statement

that summarizes the amount of cash and cash
equivalents entering and leaving a company, just
like an income statement a statement of cash flow
measures the performance of a company over a
period of time.

A statement of shareholders equity details the

changes within the equity section of the balance
sheet over a designated period of time. The report
provides additional information to readers of the
financial statements regarding equity related
activity during a reporting period. it provides
investors information on how the value of the
business to shareholders has changed from the
start to the finish of accounting periods

2 major sections of a statement of estockholder's

equity are:
1. capital stock - the amount of common and
preferred shares that a company is
authorized to issue, according to its
corporate charter
2. retained earnings - the amount of profit a
company has left over after paying all its
direct costs, indirect costs, income taxes
and its dividends to shareholders.

- The stockholders report places the
company's achievements on display for
shareholders, while highlighting future plans
and disclosing the financial well being of the

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