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1, I’m going to take a holiday in the mountains.

I find it not easy to prepare suitcase for the mountains and to choose the best thing to bring with.

But now I’m going to talk about my choice

I think a map is the best choice for me

- It’s cheap and I can easy buy a map at bookstore or online

- Moreover, It help me to stay safe and avoid getting lost

- I can relax and enjoy the scenery without worrying about getting lost

I don’t think a flashlight is a good choice because I go to the moutains with my best friend. And we come
back home before sunset. I think we don’t have to bring a flashlight

And I don’t choose a camera because I don’t have much money to buy it. ,. Instead of using camera, I
will use a phone that my father give me to take a picture

In conclusion, I think a map is the best thing for me to bring with for a holiday in the moutains

2, My mother’s birthday is next month.

It’s difficult for me to choose present to give her

And now I’m going to talk about my choice

I think a birthday party is the best choice for me

- I will make a birthday surprise party for her

- Because she like rose, I can use my savings money to buy a bunch of flower to give her

- Moreover, My younger sister and I will make a cake to show our love for her

- And my father will sing a love song and I’m sure that my mother will be happy for this

I don’t think a meal at a restaurant is a good choice.

My mother’s birthday is on Chrismasday, maybe a lot of people also have a meal at restaurant.

It’s uncomfortable to have a meal

And I don’t choose give my mom a holiday at beach

I don’t have enough money and my family member is very busy. and it’s not easy for us to have a holiday

In conclusion, I think a birthday party is the best present for my mom

3, My birthday is coming up soon. It’s in just two week

I’m going to invite all my friends to enjoy my birthday with me

It’s not easy for me to choose what to do on my birthday

And there are three options for me : Đọc

Now I’m going to talk about my choice

In my opinion, Cooking a big meal is the best choice

- I can decorate my house in cute style with cute sticker and pink baloons, because I like pink colour very

- My mother can help me to cook some tasty dishes

- We can share a moment and spent a quality time together. I will have a happy time on my birthday.

I don’t choose a meal at a restaurant.

Because I’m a little bit shy, and I don’t like to be the center of attention. Instead of having a meal at
restaurant, I just want a party at home with my family and my friend

I also don’t think that Travelling to my favoutite detination is a good choices

Because We are going to have an important exam. We have to study all day and don’t have freetime

It’s difficul for us to have a trip

In short, I think cooking a big meal at my house is the best choice for me. I hope that I will have a
wonderful memory on my birthday

4, I have studied at Thai Nguyen University of Education for 2 years.

I must have English certificate to graduate. Now, I want to improve my English.

There are 3 options for me: Đọc

In my opinion, Making friends with a native speaker is the best choice for me

It’s help me to improve my speaking skills

I can think in English, become more confident and

Can tell them about my difficulty when learn English and I think they can help me very well

I don’t think watching more English films is good for me.

As you know, my English is not good enough to watch English films without translating subtitile.

When I don’t understand, it will be very boring. It not good for me

I also don’t choose taking an English course in a language centre because I don’t have time to do that.

I have many homework and many exams at university. Very busy

In conclusion, I think making friends with a native speaker is the best choice for me to improve my
English. And I hope that I will pass English exam easily.

5, As you know, I have studied at Thai Nguyen but my friend have studied at Ha noi.

Last month, I went to Ha Noi to go to Hương birthday party. She is one of my best friend. And we had
very beautiful memory together

And this weekend, They will go to Thai Nguyen to visit me.

I have 3 option to do with them : Đọc

I think going to the cinema is the best choice for us.

All of us like watching romantic film. In this weekend, our favourite film will be released around the

After watching film, I will take them around TN city, and go to eat some tasty street food. I’m sure that
they will like it.

I don’t choose going shopping because we dont like it. We often shopping online because it’s more
convenient variety.

I also think that going to a restaurant is not good for us.

Maybe it’s expensive and don’t suitable for us.

It’s also not happy than going outside

Inshort, My choice is going to the cinema with my friend. I’m very looking forward to seeing my friend
this weekend

6, My sister like cycling and her bike seem old

I want to buy her a new bike as a gift in her next birthday

So I decide to do a part time job to earn money

There are 3 option for me : A shopkeeper, A waiter and a shipper

Now I’m going to talk about my choices

I think a shopkeeper is the best choice for me

- I like selling things, I’m good at keeping money

- I have good communication skills like working with customers, like meeting new people

- Á shopkeeper help me earn money in the shorttime

I don’t choose a waiter because I’m not go at survice and I often break everything. Maybe I have to give
money back them and it’s waste my money.
I also don’t think that a shipper is good for me. It’s very dangerous and I don’t have a driver licenses. so a
shipper isnt suitable for me

Among 3 option, I think a shopkeeper is the best choice for me to earn money. I hope that I can buy my
sister a bike in the near future.

7. Last week. I went to hospital because I had a headache. Then, My doctor said that I was overweight
and need to lose weight to protect my health.

I want to be fitter and to me more healthy. So there are 3 options for me : eating less, doing exercise, and
using drugs.

I think it not hard for me to choose.

Definitely, Doing exercise is the best choice for me

- It not only help me to lose weght but also help me to have a better health.

- It easy to find exercise lesson on Youtube after studing hard. I can relax and relieve stress by doing
exercise with listening some favourite songs

I don’t like eating less because It make me feel stress. I have study all day and now I have to eat less. I
cant do this

I also don’t choose using drug because It’s not good for my health. It can lead to a variety of heath

Inshort, to lose weight, to become fitter, Doing exercise is a good choices for me.

8. I have an extra English class to earn moneys. But I don’t have a destination for my class

There are 3 options for me: Đọc

It’s not easy for me to choose but now, I’m going to talk a bout my choice

I think A centre with good quality is a best choice for me

- It has an affordable prices. I don’t have to pay too much money for centre

- It has not bad quality and it’s near from my school. After studying, I can go to my class easily

I don’t think a well known centre with expensive course is a good idea

A well known centre has many class with a lot of exellent teacher, it has expensive prices, it not suitable
for my student

moreover, my class has only 10 student, so I don’t need a big class in well known centre

I also don’t choose a small centre with cheap couses. Althought It has cheap prices,

It’s too far from center of town, from my school. It hard for me and my student go to this centre

Inshort, I think a centre with good quality is the best choice for my extra English class,
9. After doing an exam, we have a seven day holiday.

I and my friend want to travel somewhere. There are 3 options for us: Đọc

It not easy to choose where to go

Now I’m going to talk about our choice

All of us think that going to the countryside is the best choice

- We are planning to go to Hương hometown because she said it was a wonderful countryside with
beautiful scenery

- After studying hard, we want to relieve stress and relax. A place has cleaner air and less noise pollution

- Hương grand mother has a garden. It has many kinds of flower. We can take photo and has interesting
activities here like going picnic

We don’t choose going to the seaside. Last summer holiday, we went to Sam Son Beach and had a
memorable trip. We want to go to another places

We also don’t think that going to the moutainouse area. It seem quite dangerous and we don’t like hiking
through the mountain

Inshort, We all agree to go to the countryside. We hope that we will have beautiful memory together

10. My best friend has just invited me to her birthday.

It’s not easy for me to choose gift for her

Now I’m going to talk about my choice . I have 3 option : …

I think a bunch of flower is the best choice

- I know that she like sun flower so I want to buy it for her and show my love to her

- A bunch of flower is not very expensive, I can use my saving to buy

- I can easy buy it on grocery store near my home

I don’t choose a book because she don’t like reading book

She said it was very boring. Instead reading book, she often watches film on TV

I also think that a pair of cinema ticket is not good idea.

She doesn’t like going to crowded places. Maybe she just want to have a small birthday party with friend
and her family

In conclusion, I think a bunch of sunflower is the best gift for my best friend birthday party.

11. I’m looking for a part time job to earn money and improve my social skills

There are there option for me: đọc

It’s difficult for me to choose what to do

Now I’m going to talk about my choice

I think a teaching assistant in an educational centre is the best choice for me

- It give me a chance to improve social skills. I can communicate better, can have more relationship

- I can go to the educational centre easily after studying because it is near from my school.

- In the future, I will become a teacher. So this work help me to be more confident and learn how to
become a good teacher

I don’t choose a waiter because I’m not good at service and I often break everything.

I also think that a clothes shop assistant isnt a good idea. I don’t like arange clothes in order

Inshort, a teaching assistant is a good choice for me

12. My university would like to conduct an activity to teach student about Viet Nam history

They are asking the student for the suggestions : ĐỌC

Now i’m going to talk about my choice

I think taking the student to a historical place is the best choice

- It give the student a chance to see object that they have only read in text book

To see the traditional of another cultures

It’s really exicting experience in their life

- There is a cultural museum near my university so the student transport easily by their car

I don’t choose organising a historical knowlegde competition

- The student maybe only care about the winner. They don’t interested in historical knowledge in the

I also don’t choose inviting a historical person to give a talk

I think student don’t really like it. It quite same about a history lesson, and maybe, they will feel bored

In conclusion, I think taking the student to a historical place is a good idea for my univiversity among 3

13, The Love Club of my school has invited me to write an article about the best time of my life for my
school magazine.

I have 3 option: …

Now I’m going to talk about my choice

In my opinion, writing about my childhood is the best choice for me

- My childhood memories are the best part of my life. I remember when I used to play in the
nearby park with my parents and sisters, when I had ice cream, when my mother gave me a
computer as a gift on my birthday,…

- I can share about my hobby, my friendship when I was young

- Childhood is really the best memorable time in my life.

I don’t choose writing about school time and my univercity life because they are very popular topic

Moreover, I have only studied at university for 2 years, so I’m not really interested in this topic

Inshort, I think writing about my childhood is the best choice for me

14, I and my friend are plannig to spend the weekend together.

We have 3 option: hold a party/ go to the cinema or travel to the neighbouring town

It’s not easy for us to choose what to do but now I’m going to tell you about our choice

We think that Traveling to the neighbouring town is the best choice

- We want to go to a place which has clean air and less noise pollution

- Going there, we can have some interesting activities like camping, like going fishing…

- After studing work hard, we can relieve stress and relax

We don’t choose going to the cinema because our favourite film will be realeasd nextmonth

We will go to the cinema together nextmonth not this weekend

We also don’t choose holding a party because all of us live

15. I and my friend have decided to travel to the neighbooring town.

We have 3 option to go : hire a taxi/ take a coach/ drive motorbike

All of us think that taking a coach is the best choice

- It’s easy to take a coach at in the morning

- It’s not very expensive to go to the neighbooring town

We don’t choose hiring a taxi because it’s too expensive. Its cost acording to the distance

We also don’t think driving motorbike is a good idea. We don’t have a license. It’s very dangerous

Among 3 option, I think that taking a coach is the best way to go to the neighbooring town. I hope that we
will have a happy time in here.

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