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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist

Technology and Livelihood

Quarter 1 – Week 4






Parent’s Name/Guardian


Date of Retrieval

School: Grade Level: Ten
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1 Week: 4

I. OBJECTIVES a. select suitable plates according to standards

present egg dishes hygienically and attractively
using suitable garnishing and side dishes
sequentially within the required time frame
b. rate the finished products using rubrics
A. Content The environment and market in cookery in one’s
Standard town/municipality
B. Performance Independently create a business vicinity map
Standard reflective of a potential cookery market in the

II. SUBJECT Present Egg Dishes

MATTER: Evaluate the Finished Product
a. References Retrieved from Grade 10 - Cookery Sim4 -
PDFCOFFEE.COM. Retrieved on August 12, 2021.
b. Materials Small bowls, Sauté pan, Fork
c. Integration Creativity, fair judgement, and objectivity
ACTIVITY Activity 1:
(DO)  True or False. Write T if the statement is true and
F if the statement is FALSE
 Recall your activities in the previous lesson while
cooking an egg dish. Check if you have or did it
ANALYSIS Activity 2:
(THINK)  Answer the following question. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.
 share your learning’s, insights/reflection about the
(LEARN) Present and discuss concepts related to
 Presenting Egg Dishes
 Eight Simple Ways to Present Food like a Chef
 Evaluating Finish products using Rubrics
(APPLY)  With the guidance of your parents/guardians,
prepare and cook omelette using the given recipe.
Present your product in an artistic way. Your
product and performance will be evaluated using the
given rubric.
 Your performance will be rated using the scoring
rubric below
IV. ASSESSMENT Activity 5:
 Check the internet for 3 egg dishes presentations
or you may use some old issue magazines or
newspapers and print/cut and paste these pictures
in your notebook with a short description of the
 Make your own rubric. Fill in the table below with
the description of criteria you want to see in a
performance of presenting an egg dish.
 Answer the questions for self-assessment:
Dear Learner,

Good day!
Welcome to our TLE subject. In this activity, you will be introduced to different
programs to derive information effectively and make this information meaningful.
Please read, understand, and follow carefully the instructions provided for you. If
you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this activity sheet, do not
hesitate to ask for support from your parents or anyone you think can help you do
the activities. Always bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Most importantly,
be free and creative in doing the activities. I hope you will experience meaningful
learning and gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies amidst the
COVID-19 pandemic. Say to yourself with confidence, “I CAN DO IT!” Stay safe!
Stay learning! God bless!


Your Teacher

Present Egg Dishes

Evaluate the Finished Product

Activity 1

Direction: True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the

statement is false.
________ 1. The quality of the egg matters to the outcome of the egg dish.
________ 2. Preparing the ingredients should be done ahead of time.
________ 3. In cooking egg dishes, time is not important.
________ 4. You can break the eggs however you want it.
________ 5. Egg dishes are good source of nutrients.

Direction: Recall your activities in the previous lesson while cooking
an egg dish. Check if you have or did the following:
Egg dish:
Time allotted:

Check Description
I covered/tied my hair.
Washed my hands before cooking.
Prepared the ingredients and tools/ equipment ahead of

Broke the eggs properly (no cracks of egg shells in the
egg dish).
I followed the ingredients carefully
I observed the proper time required in cooking the
The egg dish was edible.
The egg dish looked nice.
I used the right plates for the dish I cooked.
I restored all the tools and equipment after I used.

Activity 2


Direction: Answer the following question. Write your answer in a separate

sheet of paper.

1. Is it necessary that serving food requires proper presentation? Justify

your answers.

2. Why is it important to consider Plating, Garnishing, and Side Dishes in

presenting egg dishes?

Direction: share your learning’s, insights/reflection about the lesson.

1. How important rubrics in evaluating a finish product? Discuss its


2. Provide your insights and reflection on the necessity of presenting the

food in any occasion.

Activity 3
Presenting Egg Dishes

Part of serving food is presentation. It should appeal to your

mouth, nose, and eyes. You don‘t have to be a trained chef to learn the
basics of plating, which is the art of presenting food in an attractive way.

Eight Simple Ways to Present Food like a Chef

1. Set the table properly. Your day - to - day meals might be

free-for all, but if you‘ve got guests coming over, it‘s nice to
have the knives and forks in the right places

2. Choose your plates wisely. Make sure your serving plates

are big enough to let each food item stand out, but small
enough that the portions don‘t look tiny.

3. Read the clock! A fool proof way to arrange food on a

plate is to place the carbohydrate (rice, pasta, bread, etc.)
at ―11 o‘clock,‖ the vegetables at ―2 o‘clock,‖ and the
protein at ―6 o‘clock‖ from the diner‘s point of view. These
will also help you portion correctly, if you remember that
vegetables should cover about half of the plate, starch one
fourth, and protein one fourth.
4. Just like with centerpieces, it‘s good to have a little bit of
height, but don‘t overdo it or your guests won‘t know how
to proceed! If you have a mound of mashed potatoes (mid-
height), you may want to lean your pork chop against it so
that it is standing up (high), with a row of snow peas (low)
in front. Or, top some rice (low) with sliced grilled chicken
(cut into a few diagonal slices, and fan them out) (mid
height) and cross asparagus over top of it (high).

5. Be odd. Don‘t be strange, but things generally look more

interesting when they‘re in sets of odd numbers, rather
than even numbers.

6. Play with color and texture. Even if you‘re just serving

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, a green
paper napkin
7. Play with can makeThis
Height. this Chicken
simple meal look really
Stir-fry special!
with Broccoli
looks more interesting because of the high mound of rice
sitting next to it

8. Garnish appropriately. Don‘t lose sight of the recipe you

made in the first place! Any garnish on the plate should be
edible and should enhance the flavor of the main dishes.
Grilled salmon might be served with a lemon wedge, for
example. Garnishes, like the cut-up fruit with the fried egg
below, are also a great way to add color or texture.

Evaluating Finish products using Rubrics
What is a rubric?
A rubric is an assessment tool that clearly indicates achievement
criteria across all the components of any kind of student work, from written
to oral to visual. It can be used for marking assignments, class
participation, or overall grades.

How to make a rubric?

Decide what criteria or essential elements must be present in the work
to ensure that it is high in quality. For each criterion, component, or
essential element of quality, describe in detail what the performance at each
achievement level looks like. Leave space for additional, tailored comments
or overall impressions and a final grade.

Activity 4
Direction: With the guidance of your parents/guardians, prepare and cook
omelette using the given recipe. Present your product in an
artistic way. Your product and performance will be evaluated
using the given rubric.
Tools/Equipment Needed: Small bowl
Sauté pan
Ingredients Needed: Three
Salt and pepper
Clarified butter Fillings
1. Prepare the necessary equipment.
2. Beat two or three eggs on a small bowl first until well-mixed. Do
not whip until frothy. Season with salt and pepper. Tablespoon
water may be added to make the omelet lighter.
3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.
4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon clarified butter to coat
the inside of the pan. Give it a second to get hot.
5. Add eggs to the pan
6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan back and forth. At the
same time, stir the eggs with a circular motion with the bottom
side of the fork, but do not let the fork scrape the pan.
7. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the omelet slides to the
opposite side.
8. For filled omelet, spoon the filling across the center of the egg.

9. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet over the center
10. Grasp the handle of the pan, and tilt the omelet into the plate so it
inverts and keeps an oval shape.

Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:


Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Not

(4 pts) Satisfactory (2 pts) Improvement Attempt
(3 pts.) (1 pt) (0)
1. Use of Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools No
tools and and equipment and and and Attempt
equipment correctly and equipment equipment equipment
confidently correctly correctly but incorrectly
at all times and less and less
confidently confidently confidently
most of the sometimes most of the
times time
2.Applicatio Manifests very Manifests Manifest Manifests No
n of clear clear s less Attempt
procedures understanding of understandi understandi understandin
the step- by step n g of the n g of the g of the
procedure step- by step- by step- by-
step step step
procedure procedure procedure
but seeking
sometimes clarification
seeks most of the
clarification time
3. Safety Observes Observes Observes Not No
work habits safety precautions safety safety observing Attempt
at all time precautions precautions safety
most of the sometimes precautions
time most of the
4. Final Output is Output is Output is Output is No
Output very presentable very presentable not so Attempt
and taste presentable and taste is presentable
exceeds the and taste little below and taste is
standard. meets the the not within
standard. standard the
Time Work Work Work Work No
Managemen completed ahead completed completed completed Attempt
t of time within (mins./h (mins./h o
allotted time our s/day s) urs/day s)
beyond beyond

Activity 5

Answer the questions for self-assessment:
Directions: Check the internet for 3 egg dishes presentations or you may use
some old issue magazines or newspapers and print/cut and paste
these pictures in your notebook with a short description of the

You will be scored using the criteria:

Presentation of output ----- 30 points
Adherence to instruction ----- 20 points
Total 50 Points

Direction: Make your own rubric. Fill in the table below with the
description of criteria you want to see in a performance of
presenting an egg dish.

Criterion Excellent (5) Satisfactory (3) Poor (1)

Actual cooking
of egg dish
Presentation of
Egg dish

1. Which among the activities is easy for you to understand and perform?

2. What did you learn when performing the different activities?


3. How did you able to perform different tasks/activities?


This LEARNING MATERIAL is developed by the

Learning Resources Material Development Team of Lanao del Sur I Division
 +63948-105-1098
(to be accomplished by a parent or guardian)

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________ Quarter & Week: ____________________
Subject: _________________________________ Date: _______________________________




Parent’s /


Bases for Evaluation Remarks

Activity 1:
 Students are able to identify facts on
the presentation and evaluating of
 Students are able to recall and
evaluate the previous lesson while
cooking an egg dish
Activity 2
 Student are able to answer the
following questions and share their
learning’s, insights/reflection about
the lesson.
Activity 3
 Students are able to present and
discuss concepts related to the
Present and discuss concepts related
the presentation of egg dishes, the
eight simple ways to present food like
a chef, and the valuating finish
products using rubrics
Activity 4
 Students are able to prepare and
cook omelette using the given recipe.
Then, resent the product in an
artistic way; and be evaluated using
the given rubric.
Activity 5

 Students are able to check the
internet for 3 egg dishes
presentations, use some old issue
magazines or newspapers and
print/cut and paste pictures
 Students are able to make their own
 Answer the questions for self-

Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian

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