BCA-5th Sem Syllabus

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Batch 2020-2023

M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 5th Semester

Sr. Course Course Course Title Teaching Credits Examination Marks
No. Category Code Load
L T P Internal Theory Practical Total
1. Core BCA-501 Python Programming 4 - - 4.0 40 60 - 100
2. Skill BCA-502 Mobile Application 4 - - 4.0 40 60 - 100
Enhancement Development
3. Interdisciplinary BCA-503 Statistical Methods 3 1 - 4.0 40 60 - 100
4. Discipline BCA-504 Select any one: 3 1 - 4.0 40 60 - 100
Specific a) Computer
Elective Graphics
b) System
5. Discipline BCA-505 Select any one: 4 - - 4.0 40 60 - 100
Specific a) Software Project
Elective Management
b) E-Commerce
6. Core BCA-506 Python Programming - - 2 2.0 60 - 40 100
7. Skill BCA-507 Mobile Application - - 2 2.0 60 - 40 100
Enhancement Development Lab.
8. General BCA-508 Project-II - - 1 1.0 100 - - 100
Total 18 2 5 25.0 420 300 80 800

One Course - 3 credit SWAYAM

* SWAYAM means subject that cover under self-study/learning mode via online study material

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 501 Python Programming

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 4 - - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to provide the students the ability to develop applications
in Python. The students will able to understand the concepts of list, tuple, dictionary, numpy, classes
and modules. The students will also learn to design graphical user interfaces in Python.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Build programs using programming constructs like variables, conditional logic and looping.
2. Use list, tuple and dictionary in Python.
3. Understand the concept of numpy, classes, modules and exception handing.
4. Access database in Python programs.
5. Develop GUI applications in Python.

Section - A (10 Lectures)

Overview: Features, History and Version of python, Application of Python, Environment, The Basic
Elements, Installation Steps, Python Data Types, Variables, Keywords, Identifiers, Literals, Operators,
Single line comments, Multiline comments.
Control Structure: If statements, Loops, Break and Continue statements, Pass. Python number, String,
Built in Number Functions, Built in String Functions.

Section - B (10 Lectures)

Overview of Python Collections: List: Fundamental List Operations, Accessing, Updating, Deleting,
Indexing, Slicing and Built-in list methods in Python; Tuples: Basic tuples Operations, Accessing,
Inserting, Deleting, Updating elements, Built-in tuple Functions & Methods. Dictionary: Properties of
Dictionary Keys, Basic operations on Dictionary, Built-in Dictionary Functions & Methods.

Section - C (10 Lectures)

Introduction to Numpy: ndarray object, Datatype, Array attribute, Indexing and slicing, Array
manipulation, Mathematical function, Arithmetic operation, Statistical functions.
Date, Time, Function and Modules: Date and Time function, Calendar Module, Defining and Calling
a Function, Function Arguments, Required Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments,
Variable Length Arguments, Anonymous Functions, Scope of Variables, Class importing modules.
Overview of Object and Classes: Creating objects and classes and instance. Accessing attributes
garbage collection, Class Inheritance, Overriding methods.

Section - D (12 Lectures)

Exceptions Handling: Standard Exceptions, Assertions in Python, Handling an Exception, The try finally
Clause, raising an exception User-Defined Exceptions.
Database Access: Create, Insert, Delete and update data into database using MYSQL or SQLite
database. File Input/output: Creating files, reading and writing data using files. Overview of GUI
Programming (Tkinter).

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one
word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section
D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each
question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. John V Guttag, Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, PHI, 2nd ed., 2017.
2. R. Nageswara Rao, Core Python Programming, Dreamtech, 1st ed., 2017.
3. Wesley J. Chun, Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed., 2017.

Reference Books:
1. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser, Data Structures and Algorithms in
Python, Wiley Publications, 2013.
2. Kenneth A. Lambert, Fundamentals of Python–First Programs, Cengage Publication, 2nd ed., 2021.
3. Luke Sneeringer, Professional Python, Wrox Publications, 1st ed., 2016.

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 502 Mobile Application Development

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 4 - - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to cover the fundamentals of Android Programming using
the Android SDK. The student will learn the basics of how to develop mobile application on emulator
or physical device and to understand the publishing of mobile application on the Android marketplace.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Learn and understand the terminology related to mobile application development.
2. Understand the project structure of android application.
3. Learn to create android user interface by using android widgets.
4. Learn to use Androids communication APIs for SMS, telephony, option menu and services.
5. Learn about how to develop mobile applications using data storage in SQLite Database and
automation testing of mobile application.

Section - A (11 Lectures)

Introduction: Features and history of Android, API level, Android IDEs, Architecture of Android,
Installation of Android, Application Components, Project Structure of Android Application, Dalvik VM,
AndroidManifest.xml, .apk file, R.java.
Emulator-Android Virtual Device: Launching emulator, Editing emulator settings, Logcat usage,
Introduction to DDMS.
Android Widgets: Button, Toast, Toggle Button, Checkbox, Custom Checkbox, Radio Button, Alert
Dialog, Spinner, Text fields, Rating Bar, Seek Bar, Date and Time Picker.

Section - B (11 Lectures)

Android Layout: Constraints, Linear, Relative, Grid, Absolute and Frame Layout.
Activities and Intents: Activity life cycle, Implicit Intent, Explicit Intent, Share App Data, Creating
Intents and Broadcast Receivers.
Android Fragment and Menu: Fragment Life Cycle and its Methods, Usage of Fragment, Types of
Fragments, Option Menu, Context Menu, Popup Menu.

Section - C (11 Lectures)

App functionality beyond UI: Drag and Drop, Threads, Async task, Services- States and Life Cycle,
Notifications, Performance and Memory Management, Telephony and SMS APIs, Sending SMS, Phone
Calls, Android Alarm Manager.
Native data handling: Android Storing and Retrieving Data, On-device File I/O, Shared Preferences,
Mobile database (SQLite) and Enterprise Data Access via Internet/Intranet, Working with Content
Section - D (10 Lectures)

Graphics and Animations: Custom views, Canvas, Animation APIs, Audio, Video and Images, Mobility
and Location-Based Services.

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

Testing and Publishing Mobile Apps: Debugging Mobile Apps, White Box Testing, Black Box Testing,
Test Automation of Mobile Apps, JUnit for Android, Steps for publishing and Signing Mobile App, App

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one
word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section
D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each
question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. Anubhav Pradhan, Anil V. Deshpande and Composing Mobile Apps: Learn-Explore-Apply using
Android, Wiley India, 1st ed., 2014.
2. Wei-Meng Lee, Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wiley India. 1st ed., 2011.
3. Carmen Delessio, Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey, Android application Development in 24 Hours:
Pearson Education, 1st ed., 2015.

Reference Books:
1. Michael Burton, Donn Felker, Android Application Development for Dummies, Wiley India, 2nd ed.,
2. Pradeep Kothari, Android Application Development (with KITKAT support), Black Book, Dreamtech
Press, 2019.
3. Charlie Collins, Michael Galpin and Matthias Kappler, Android in Practice, Dreamtech Press, 2012.

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 503 Statistical Methods

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 3 1 - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to provide an understanding on statistical concepts to
include measurements of location and dispersion, probability, probability distributions, sampling,
estimation, regression, and correlation analysis, multiple regression.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion - grouped and ungrouped
data cases.
2. Apply discrete and continuous probability distributions to various business problems.
3. Compute and interpret the results of Regression and Correlation Analysis.

Section - A (10 Lectures)

Introduction: Definition of statistics, importance and scope of statistics, limitation of statistics, distrust
of statistics. Statistical data collection: primary and secondary data, method of collecting primary data
Sources and secondary data. Presentation of statistical data: classification, Tabulation, frequency
distribution, graphic representation of a frequency distribution, Measures of central tendency-Mean,
median, mode, geometric mean and Harmonic Mean, Relationship amongst different averages.

Section - B (10 Lectures)

Measures of Dispersion: Meaning and significance of dispersion, Methods of measuring dispersion:

Range, Quartile, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Coefficient of Skewness, Coefficient of dispersion,
Coefficient of variation.
Section - C (12 Lectures)

Correlation and regression: Definition of correlation, scatter diagram, Karl Pearson coefficient of
correlation, limits for correlation coefficient, definition of regression, lines of regression, regression
curves, regression coefficients, Properties of regression coefficients.

Section - D (12 Lectures)

Random variables & Distribution functions: Definition of random variable, distribution function,
properties of distribution function, Bernoulli distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution,
geometric distribution.
Time Series Analysis: Components and Analysis of Time Series, Measurement of Trend, Seasonal
fluctuations and cyclic movement.

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one
word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section
D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K., Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
2. S.P. Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2012.

Reference Books:
1. G. Barrie Wetherill, Elementary Statistical Methods, Springer Science Business Media, 1972.
2. N.G. Das, Statistical Methods (Combined edition volume 1 & 2), McGraw Hill 2017.

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 504(a) Computer Graphics

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 3 1 - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to provide comprehensive introduction about computer
graphics system and two-dimensional transformations. Students will familiar with techniques of
clipping, three-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional transformations.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Learn the foundations of computer graphics.
2. Comprehend the concept of geometric, mathematical and algorithmic concepts.
3. Understand the comprehension of windows, clipping and view-ports object representation in
relation to images displayed on screen.
4. Recognize the software utilized in constructing computer graphics applications.
5. Understand and demonstrate Hidden Surfaces, Projection & Shading.

Section – A (10 Lectures)

Overview of Computer Graphics: Introduction to Computer Graphics and its applications, Interactive
and passive graphics.
Graphics Devices: Storage tube graphics display, Raster scan and random Scan display, Resolution,
Aspect Ratio, Interlacing, Beam Penetration, Shadow Mask Monitors, Plasma Panel, LED and LCD
Section – B (10 Lectures)

Drawing Geometry: Coordinate System, Scan Conversions: Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms,
DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm, Ellipse generating algorithm.
Filling: Fill algorithm, Boundary Fill algorithm, Flood fill algorithm, Scan-line Polygon fill algorithm.
2D Transformations: Basic transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Matrix representations &
Homogeneous Coordinates, Reflection, Shearing, Zooming.

Section – C (10 Lectures)

Viewing: Windowing, Viewing, Window to viewport coordinate transformation.

Clipping: Point and Line clipping, Cohen-Sutherland and Mid-point sub-division line clipping, Polygon
Clipping, Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon clipping, Circle & Curve clipping algorithm.
Section – D (12 Lectures)

3D Transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, Reflection
through an arbitrary plane, Parallel Projection, Hidden surface Detection: Z-buffer algorithm, Backface,
Color & Shading models: Light & Colour model, Interpolative shading model, Flat shading, Phong
shading, Gouraud shading, Lambert lighting model, Phong lighting model, Blinn-Phong lighting model,

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section
D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each
question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. D. Hearn and P. Baker, Computer Graphics, Pearson, 3rd ed., 2013.
2. Zhigang Xiang, R. A. Plastock, Computer Graphics, TMH, 2nd ed., 2007.
3. D.P. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics & Multimedia, Prentice Hall, 2010.

Reference Books:
1. Newman & Sproull, Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd ed., 2000.
2. David F. Rogers, Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1985.
3. A.P. Godse, Dr. D.A. Godse, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Technical Publications, 2nd ed.,

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 505(a) Software Project Management

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 4 - - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to provide knowledge of different concepts of software
project management so that students will be able to understand and handle various projects including
very high risky and innovative projects using different project management skills.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Explain the main tasks undertaken by project managers.
2. Introduce software project management and to describe its distinctive characteristics.
3. Discuss project planning and the planning process.
4. Show how graphical schedule representations are used by project management.
5. Discuss the notion of risks and the risk management process.

Section - A (11 Lectures)

Software Project Management: Conventional approach, Basic of Project management Software, Project
Management phases, Boehm’s top 10 industrial software metrics, 7s of the project management, software
process models-linear, sequential, prototyping, incremental, spiral. Software cost estimation process,
Modern trends of SPM for Improving software economics, software processes and team effectiveness,
Principles of modern software management.

Section - B (12 Lectures)

A Software Management Process Framework: Life cycle phases - inception, elaboration, construction
and training phase. Artifacts of the process - the artifact sets, management artifacts, engineering artifacts,
pragmatics artifacts. Model based software architectures. Workflows of the process. Checkpoints of the
process. Software project planning, personal planning.

Section - C (12 Lectures)

Software Management Disciplines: Iterative process, Project Organization and Scheduling Project
Elements, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Types of WBS, WBS Planning, Project Schedule:
Scheduling terminology and techniques, Scheduling Objectives, Building the project schedule, Network
Diagrams: PERT, CPM, Bar Charts: Milestone Charts, Gantt Charts.

Section - D (10 Lectures)

Quality Analysis: Quality Controls, Formal approaches to SQA - the ISO 9000 quality Formal technical
review of quality, Project Appraisal, Review of quality, Quality indicators, Change traffic and stability,
Breakage and modularity, Rework, MTBF and Maturity.

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one
word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each
question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. Walker Royce, Software Project management A Unified Framework, Pearson, 1st ed., 1998.
2. Harvey Maylor, Project management, Pearson Edu., 2nd ed., 2002
3. Kathy Schwalbe, Project Management in IT, Cengage Learning, 1st ed., 2007.

Reference Books:
1. Pankaj Jalote, Software Project Management in Practice, Pearson Education, 4th ed., 2007.
2. William A. Florac, Anita D. Carleton, Measuring the Software Process, Pearson Education, 1st ed.,
3. V.K. Kapoor, Operational Research Quantitative techniques for management, Sultan Chand & Sons,
8th ed., 2006.

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

BCA – 505(b) E-Commerce

Continuous evaluation: 40 L T P Credits: 4.0
End semester exam: 60 4 - - Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Total marks: 100

Course Objective: The aim of the course is to cover all the basic concepts of e-commerce, EDI,
Marketing and branding concept, use of e-payment system and basic knowledge about IT Act 2000 and
security issues in E-Transactions.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand elementary services and types of E-Commerce.
2. Understand the Purpose and working of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
3. Comprehend the knowledge of IT Act 2000 and Cyber Crime.
4. Understand the knowledge & working of marketing concepts.
5. Comprehend the knowledge of E- Payment Systems and Concepts of security issues.

Section-A (10 Lectures)

An overview of E-Commerce: Operating System Services, Developer Services, Data Services,

Application Services, Store Services, Client Services, Types of E-Commerce Solutions: Direct Marketing
and Selling, Supply Chain Integration, Corporate Procurement, Types of e-commerce Business models.
Electronic Data Interchange: Evolution, Uses, Benefits, Working of EDI, EDI Standards (includes
variable length EDI standards), Cost Benefit Analysis of EDI, Electronic Trading Networks, EDI
Components, File Types, EDI Services.

Section – B (10 Lectures)

Applications of E-Commerce: Applications, Obstacles in adopting E-Commerce, Future of E

E-Commerce Marketing Concepts: Basic marketing concepts for Internet marketing, E-commerce
marketing and branding strategies, strengthening the customer relationship.

Section – C (12 Lectures)

Electronic Payment Systems: Overview of Electronic Payment Systems, Cyber cash (Customer to
Merchant Payments, Peer to Peer Payments, Security). Smart Card (Card Types, Closed or Open Security,
Privacy, Card Costs, Non-Card Costs), Electronic Banking, Electronic Fund Transfers.
IT Act 2000 and Cyber Crimes: Definitions, Digital Signature, Electronic governance, Attribution,
acknowledgement and dispatch of electronic records, Regulation of certifying authorities, Digital
signatures certificates, Duties of subscribers, Penalties and adjudication, Offences and Cyber-crimes.

Section – D (10 Lectures)

Security issues: Introduction, Network and Web security, Risks Analysis, E-business risk management
issues, types of threats, Encryption overview, Elements of an encryption system, Secret key encryption,
Public-key encryption, Cryptography export restrictions, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure Electronic
Transactions (SET).

Batch 2020-2023
M.M. Institute of Computer Technology & Business Management w.e.f July, 2022

Instructions for Paper setter: All Questions are compulsory. The Question paper is divided in to four
sections A, B, C and D. Section A is compulsory and comprises of 12 questions of one mark each, 3 from
each unit. The questions shall be asked in such a manner that there are no direct answers including one
word answer, fill in the blanks or multiple choice questions. Section B comprises of 4 questions of 2 marks
each, one from each unit. Section C Comprises of 4 questions of 4 marks each, one from each unit. Section
D Comprises of 4 questions of 6 marks each, one from each unit. There is no overall choice, however each
question in section C and D shall have two alternatives, out of which student will be required to attempt
one question.

Text Books:
1. S. Jaiswal, Doing Business on the Internet E- Commerce (Electronic Commerce for Business),
Galgotia Publications, 2010.
2. P. T. Joseph, E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective, Prentice Hall of India, 4th ed., 2013.
3. Efraim Turban & David King, Electronic Commerce: Managerial Perspective, Pearson Publications,
6th ed., 2010.
4. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, Cyber Security Understanding cyber Crime, Computer Forensics and
Legal Perspectives, Weily Publication, 1st ed., 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Greenstein, Merylin, Electronic Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. Kenneth C. Laudon & Carol Guerico Traver, E-Commerce Business Technology Society, Pearson
Education, 2008.
3. Kamlesh K. Bajaj, E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd ed., 2008.


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