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Group 3

Members :
1. Adella Rachelmia A (1111231284)
2. Prima Resta D (1111231204)
3. Salsabiila Wp. Pg (1111231180)
4. Adila Putri Santoso (1111231229)
5. Indriani Pitria Agustiani (1111231183)
6. Ajeng Rosiana (1111231184)
7. Zerlina Zandra (3112231141)
8. Fadila Nursyifa (3112231099)
9. Neilvisya Jannatin (1111231289)
10. Adristi Zatiam Putri R (3112231125)

Holiday to Jakarta

Last year, I was visiting Jakarta city with my family. I'm going there by train. That train had
been ordered by my father. I traveled for 4 hours, on the train I chatted with my family and I ate
the snacks I brought.

When I arrived, I had experienced culture shock because I saw that people here seemed to be
in a hurry to travel without considering safety, plus the air pollution was quite high. The reason I
went to Jakarta was to visit a relative's house there. I talked a lot and I was just realized that there
was a difference in calling each other.

When I went to the shopping mall, I was surprised to see and meet so many individuals from
outside of Jakarta. There are barely a handful indigenous Jakartans. The majority of persons who
sell or visit Jakarta are from outside the city. And the traffic in Jakarta is out of control; I can
spend an hour in the car simply to get home from the shopping mall. On weekends, I can
sometimes spend more than an hour in the car due to traffic bottlenecks.

The next day, I was walking around the hotel I was staying at, and I saw people wearing quite
revealing clothes. And I was a little surprised to see it, but I appreciate people with different
fashion tastes.

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