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Issue Date: 23-03-2019 Zone: UKPB Desk: GraphicDetail Output on: 20-03-2019----18:27 Page: GD1 Revision: 0

Graphic detail Happiness economics The Economist March 23rd 2019 81

Self-reported happiness tends to be higher in richer countries, but does not always rise when economies grow
0-10 scale
GDP per person v self-reported happiness
85 countries with adult population over 5m 8
Happiness and GDP per person: → Life satisfaction is high
but decreasing in many
moving in the same direction Netherlands
2005-08 2015-18 European countries,
Happier ↑
average average moving in opposite directions despite growing wealth

Population, m
→ A decade ago Venezuela was among
500+ the happiest countries in the world, but United UAE
its economic collapse has caused States
5-25 25-100 100-500 Spain
widespread misery Germany


Hong Kong
China Greece
Vietnam 5


India 4

↑ India’s GDP per person has

Burundi increased by 80% in ten years Less happy ↓
but average happiness has
Tanzania fallen considerably

1 5 10 50 100
← Poorer GDP per person, $‘000 Richer →
At purchasing-power parity, log scale
Sources: World Happiness Report, by John Helliwell, Richard
Layard & Jeffrey Sachs (eds), UN, 2019; World Bank

Dismal science er places, too. Although income is correlat-

ed with happiness when looking across
gest that the paradox is alive and well.
There are important examples of na-
countries—and although economic down- tional income and happiness rising and
turns are reliable sources of temporary falling together. The most significant—in
misery—long-term gdp growth does not terms of population—is China, where gdp
seem to be enough to turn the average per person has doubled over a decade,
frown upside-down. while average happiness has risen by 0.43
An old paradox about growth and
The “Easterlin paradox” has been hotly points. Among rich countries Germany en-
happiness lives on
disputed since, with some economists joys higher incomes and greater cheer than

P hilosophers from Aristotle to the

Beatles have argued that money does
not buy happiness. But it seems to help.
claiming to find a link between growth and
rising happiness by using better quality
data. On March 20th the latest Gallup data
ten years ago. Venezuela, once the fifth-
happiest country in the world, has become
miserable as its economy has collapsed.
Since 2005 Gallup, a pollster, has asked a were presented in the World Happiness Re- Looking across countries, growth is corre-
representative sample of adults from port, an annual un-backed study. The new lated with rising happiness.
countries across the world to rate their life data provide some ammunition for both Yet that correlation is very weak. Of the
satisfaction on a scale from zero to ten. The sides of the debate but, on the whole, sug- 125 countries for which good data exist, 43
headline result is clear: the richer the coun- have seen gdp per person and happiness
try, on average, the higher the level of self- Average happiness score, 10=highest
move in opposite directions. Like China,
reported happiness. The simple correla- India is a populous developing economy
tion suggests that doubling gdp per person 6 that is growing quickly. But happiness is
Rest of the world
lifts life satisfaction by about 0.7 points. down by about 1.2 points in the past decade.
Yet the prediction that as a country gets America, the subject of Easterlin’s initial
richer its mood will improve has a dubious China 5 study, has again seen happiness fall as the
record. In 1974 Richard Easterlin, an econo- economy has grown. In total the world’s
mist, discovered that average life satisfac- population looks roughly equally divided
tion in America had stagnated between India 4 between places where happiness and in-
1946 and 1970 even as gdp per person had comes have moved in the same direction
grown by 65% over the same period. He over the past ten years, and places where
went on to find a similar disconnect in oth- 2006 10 15 18 they have diverged. 7

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