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By Nikolaus Lang, Christoph Lechner, Charline Wurzer, and Maximilian Jakob Dexheimer

9 September 2020

T here is something sublime about a

well-played symphony. The woodwinds
and the strings, the brass, and even the
gle section in an orchestra) if it is not inte-
grated into a larger platform-based eco-
system (with other instrument families).
percussion hang so well together, offering In this case, an orchestrator is needed to
a leading tone, a moment of emphasis, or integrate the vacuum with a smart home
complementary counterpoint and harmo- platform that combines disparate house-
ny. It’s easy to get lost in the sweep of hold electronics into a single network.
the composition and simply overlook the
orchestrator who made it possible. This There are numerous well-known orchestra-
leader painstakingly coordinated the mél- tors managing platform-based ecosystems
ange of disparate sounds and timbre from engaged in social media, e-commerce,
each section, arranging them into a coh- transportation, banking, and even mining.
esive whole. In many ways, these orchestra- These include tech leaders Google, Ama-
tors are the difference between coherence zon, Facebook, and Apple, as well as com-
and failure. panies that have been established for a
longer time, such as Maersk and Cisco.
The impact of arranging symphonic ensem- And there are many emerging leaders
bles to produce a rich and desirable out- among new startups, including the credit
come has an apt analogy in today’s digital platform MoneyPark, based in Switzerland,
ecosystems. Consider a vacuum cleaner and GlobalSpec, a US-based information
manufacturer collaborating with companies platform serving the engineering, industri-
that make sensors, cameras, and AI software al, and technical communities.
to produce a fully autonomous smart vacu-
um robot. The small ecosystem of compa- In the realm of digital platforms, orchestra-
nies responsible for this feature-rich vacu- tors are the pivotal players and therefore
um cleaner creates a popular product, but stand to gain significantly as platform-
the ecosystem’s value is limited (like a sin- based ecosystems increase market share
and eat into the profits of traditional ness using network effects. These players
companies. Still, while many companies can broaden their reach by moving into
participate in platform-based ecosystems— adjacent areas.
approximately 40% of the world’s top-30
highest-valued brands and 70% of startup Stimulate network effects. Leveraging
unicorns—few have been able to reap the network effects is the most potent method
benefits. Orchestrators often face challeng- for amplifying the range and influence of
es with scaling the ecosystem, expanding it an existing ecosystem quickly. The theory
beyond its initial use case, or simply with governing network effects is relatively
monetization and value extraction. straightforward: new members are attract-
ed to the ecosystem by a growing user base
There are ways, however, to overcome producing more and better content and by
these challenges. And orchestrators that do a larger variety of product offerings from
this successfully will gain from embracing new complementors seeking to reach these
and leading a digital business model built members. The growth, in turn, is exponen-
upon a platform, while also ensuring that tial. Network effects also function as an
ecosystem partners (call them “comple- entry barrier for potential platform rivals.
mentors”) benefit, enhancing the scope Studies of the competitive dynamics of
and attractiveness of the ecosystem. What platform-based ecosystems suggest that it
follows is a step-by-step strategic guide for is extremely difficult for challengers to
orchestrators, which will help them grow topple established, dominant ecosystems
their platform-based ecosystems, attract that have strong network effects in place.
and retain partners and customers, and
maximize their share of the pie generated There are two ways for an orchestrator to
by the digital ecosystem. (See Exhibit 1.) build up a critical mass of users and com-
plementors in a short span of time. First,
orchestrators can deploy pricing strategies,
Step One: Grow the Platform subsidizing one side of the ecosystem (cus-
The first step is to expand the ecosystem by tomers or complementors) with sharp dis-
increasing the number of complementors counts in the hopes of enticing the other
on the platform and widening the user side to participate. For example, many re-
base. Orchestrators can grow existing busi- cruiting platforms, including the popular

Exhibit 1 | An Orchestrator’s Guide to Digital Platform-Based Ecosystems

Minimize multihoming
Own the value chain

1 3 Maximize ecosystem
value creation
Grow Control

2 4
Improve Monetize
Stimulate network effects
Expand into adjacent markets

Provide best-in-class functionality and services

Decide on an open or closed structure
Create tailored experiences

Source: BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 2

German site Monster, charge hiring firms wasn’t the tech giant’s forte, but Facebook
to place ads, but they are free for job seek- had a huge number of engaged subscribers,
ers because these platforms benefit from a robust engineering team, a global web-
a large talent pool. When e-commerce based infrastructure, and a strong financial
giant Alibaba launched in China in 1999, it backbone, all of which could support Insta-
faced intense competition from incumbent gram’s growth trajectory. Indeed, its user
players like eBay. To attract businesses to base has ballooned to more than 1 billion
its platform, Alibaba did not charge mem- today from 30 million at the time of the
bership fees to Chinese merchants, and its acquisition.
marketplace, Taobao (a C2C e-commerce
platform), still doesn’t. Instead, Taobao
makes money by taking a percentage from Step Two: Improve the Platform
sales, advertising, display marketing, and In a competitive environment, a platform
storefront services. can only prosper if it is maintained at the
highest level of quality. This means that
Second, an orchestrator can use “smart” a platform must be technologically sound
marketing, through which specifically and persistently innovative—using technol-
designed algorithms are used to drive ogy to respond to the needs and preferenc-
relevant buyers or sellers to the platform. es of its users and complementors.
SkinVision, a Dutch skin cancer detection
platform, is a good example. To use it, a Provide best-in-class functionality and
person takes a photo of a potentially services. From a technical standpoint,
cancerous spot on their skin, which the platform quality depends on reiterative
app then analyzes and (within 30 seconds) innovation targeted at achieving the
suggests a level of cancer risk based on a highest standards for speed, information-
comparison with millions of other skin processing capacity, and frictionless
images in the company’s database. On the interfaces with other relevant platforms.
strength of its algorithm, SkinVision has These benchmarks can serve as a founda-
been able to expand its platform’s reach tion for an orchestrator to add advanced
to more than 1 million users globally. features and functions to improve the
platform’s overall experience.
Expand into adjacent markets. Another
option for expansion is to offer adjacent As an example, tech-savvy Alibaba de-
(usually complementary) offerings to new scribes its mission as, “make it easy to
and existing users. do business anywhere.” The company has
accordingly added multiple services over
Some companies choose to develop adja- time to support its merchants and to make
cent products or services organically. online shopping seamless for merchants
Meituan, a Chinese firm that debuted as a and consumers alike. For one thing, Aliba-
Groupon company in 2010, leveraged its ba has moved into logistics services with
existing user base to move into food deliv- its Cainiao Network to improve delivery
ery and hotel reservations in 2013, and proficiency, especially during high-volume
into ride-hailing in 2017. Alipay, which periods like the “11.11 Global Shopping
began as an online payment service, has Festival” that takes place in China during
since offered its customers wealth manage- November.
ment services, insurance, consumer lend-
ing, and credit score reviews. Alibaba has also expanded its cloud-com-
puting offerings to ensure consistently high
Orchestrators may instead decide to ac- site-service levels at a relatively low cost.
quire an adjacent ecosystem. Facebook’s Additionally, the platform is offering a full
purchase of Instagram in 2012 was a natu- suite of technologies and tools, such as
ral step into a new social network sector. livestreaming, short videos, and interactive
Sharing photos (and the stories behind games, to help merchants reach Chinese
them) on a smartphone-driven platform consumers in an appealing way.

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 3

Decide on an open or closed structure. Create tailored experiences. Orchestrators
Orchestrators may choose one of two can use technology to provide a distinc-
technical approaches to attract the right tive experience for users and improve
type, number, and quality of complemen- the platform’s performance by leveraging
tors: open or closed interfaces, with the “learning effects,” which stem from using
level of openness measured by access to advanced analytics to examine user act-
the ecosystem and its relevant resources. ivities and customizing content and rec-
ommendations based on people’s specific
In certain platform-based ecosystems, qual- interests. In turn, this move will increase
ity depends on having uniquely reliable user activity and provide the orchestrator
complementors on the platform. When with additional forward-looking insight
that’s the case, a relatively closed structure into consumer behavior and preferences.
is the right choice. This is true, for instance, Orchestrators that have benefited from
in Cisco’s smart city and smart mining plat- network effects to build an enormous
forms, on which a network glitch or mishap customer base can gain particularly from
could have disastrous consequences. Thus, such learning programs.
to ensure the safety and security of its plat-
form services, Cisco uses a stringent vetting An excellent example is Netflix, which
process for complementors and limits the among subscription-based streaming ser-
number of companies able to participate vices has the highest number of paying
on the platform. users in the world and, therefore, the most
voluminous and detailed data on user
By contrast, platforms that decide on a activities. By making specific product rec-
more open approach are often interested ommendations based on this data, as well
in encouraging many partners to join to as demographics and other statistics, and
boost customer variety and service. Such then observing how people react to their
is the case with Grab, a Singapore-based recommendations, Netflix can deliver even
ride-hailing and food delivery platform, more precise evaluations. The company
which relies on having many drivers and can generate better decisions about pro-
restaurants in the network to provide an gramming, content development, and sub-
appealing and wide-ranging consumer ex- scriber preferences. The combination of
perience. Grab has adopted an automated network and learning effects enables Net-
system to simplify the sign-up process for flix to invest more in new productions than
new complementors and offers an always- its rivals, such as Hulu and HBO, while
available support hotline to deal with cus- effectively paying less per hour and per
tomer issues, freeing up drivers and food user.
outlets to focus on their jobs.

Another reason for having an open-plat- Step Three: Control the

form architecture could be to encourage Platform
innovation that would benefit the entire Users and ecosystem partners can be fickle.
ecosystem. In many cases, they are seeking high plat-
form quality at the lowest cost, based on
For instance, in Baidu’s Apollo autono- such factors as convenience, variety, reli-
mous vehicle ecosystem, programming and ability, and beyond. Orchestrators must be
application-development architectures are proactive about managing relationships
left virtually unsealed to make it easy for with their customers and complementors
high-caliber partners (including BMW, In- to ensure they don’t stray.
tel, and Softbank) to join and accelerate
the design of new components, parts, and Minimize multihoming. The phenomenon
products for self-driving cars. While the of multihoming entails complementors
development platform itself is open, the participating on several platforms simulta-
final product, the autonomous vehicle, is neously to provide the best profit potential
heavily protected against cyber attacks. and largest customer base. Complementors

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 4

jump between platforms as conditions interactions, allowing users and comple-
change. Likewise, users are not shy about mentors to develop a relationship outside
switching between platforms that offer the of the platform and make alternative
best service or deal. In either case, multi- contact and payment arrangements.
homing is a big problem for orchestrators.
It’s commonplace when barriers to ecosys- Protecting against this practice isn’t easy.
tem entry are relatively low, such as in One method would be for an orchestrator
the ride-hailing sector, where passengers to provide services that add value to the
generally opt for the provider that offers transaction, which users or complementors
the best deal and shortest waiting time for will find appealing. Another approach in-
a given trip. Drivers are partial to services volves using technology to make it impossi-
with the most active customers in the ble for buyers and sellers to communicate
region, and they may actively drive for directly. Airbnb does both. It offers insur-
more than one provider. ance and other protections to hosts that
would be forfeited if they dealt directly
Multihoming can result in severe and dam- with customers. Airbnb routes all contact
aging price wars among platforms, and between the two parties exclusively
orchestrators must take steps to avoid this through the platform until a transaction
issue. The most effective approach is an fee has been paid.
exclusivity arrangement, which is common
in the video game industry. For instance,
Nintendo uses strict exclusivity clauses to Step Four: Maximize Ecosystem
ensure that certain top game developers Monetization
only offer their best sellers on Nintendo’s Although an ecosystem is made up of part-
gaming consoles. This of course strength- nerships (albeit a loose set), of all its partic-
ens the Nintendo platform by increasing ipants, orchestrators have the most to gain
the size and loyalty of its user base, whose or lose. They make the most substantial fi-
members cannot get these popular games nancial investment and allocate significant
elsewhere. It also lessens the need for de- resources to ensure the platform’s survival
velopers to adapt their games for multiple and growth. Naturally, they would be seek-
platforms. ing ways to enhance their share of the prof-
its generated by the platform. Four actions
Another way to reduce the effect of multi- for improving platform monetization stand
homing is to incentivize complementors to out as the most effective (see Exhibit 2):
remain highly active on the platform. For
instance, orchestrators can offer gift certifi- •• Increase fees. Generally, such increases
cates or additional services to ecosystem are only effective when linked to new
participants that achieve certain sales tar- ecosystem features or when comple-
gets. A similar program can also be set up mentors are bound to the platform
for users. because there aren’t any others on
which they could market their offers
Own the value chain. An additional threat successfully. Orchestrators should raise
to ecosystem loyalty is disintermediation— fees when complementors would incur
that is, complementors and users connect- switching costs (from the technology
ing directly after their first interaction, by- adjustments needed to go elsewhere)
passing the platform and thus depriving it or the services provided by a compet-
of income from future transactions. Plat- itor platform are significantly inferior.
forms that provide handyman referrals, Apple has been able to charge develop-
physical services (such as cleaning, garden- ers both an annual fee to access the iOS
ing, and the like), and the exchange of ecosystem and a commission on every
used goods are among the most likely to app sold—while raising its rates more
be affected by disintermediation. They are frequently than its rival Android—
particularly vulnerable because the lion’s thanks to its loyal, higher-spending
share of their transactions involves offline users.

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 5

Exhibit 2 | Ecosystem Monetization Strategies

Encourage competition Compete with

Increase fees Drive cross-selling
among complementors complementors

How to do it Link increase in fees to an Provide technical support Move into the product space Leverage user data to drive
offering that is upgraded and incentives for the with a competing offering cross-selling
or otherwise superior to development of comple-
competitive alternatives mentary services or products

What you need Complementors that are Complementors that have An orchestrator that has the An orchestrator that has
to be successful bound to the platform somewhat-similar offerings necessary capabilities access to a significant
to move into the amount of user data
product space

Example Apple leverages its loyal Apple and Android support Twitter acquired and Amazon leverages its user
and higher-spending promising app developers integrated Periscope (live data and powerful
developer base to raise with free advertisements, video broadcasting) into its algorithms to provide
platform-related fees early rollout of new services, pushing out third- relevant product
features, and stronger party offerings with similar recommendations and
technical support, functionalities and thereby drive cross-selling
increasing competition reaping the full benefits of
among the developer base the acquisition

Source: BCG analysis.

•• Encourage competition among revenue by replacing a complementor

complementors. Give technical or complementors without diminishing
support and incentives to ecosystem the breadth and attractiveness of the
partners or would-be partners for the platform to users and other members
development of highly competitive of the ecosystem.
applications on the platform. This step
would result in more and higher quality •• Drive cross-selling. Orchestrators can
offerings, which in turn render the drive additional platform sales through
platform more attractive to consumers, cross-selling and upselling to existing
driving greater hardware and software users. To do this effectively, orchestra-
sales and allowing the orchestrator to tors must understand the needs of users
enjoy an ever-expanding revenue pool. in near real-time and make relevant
Both Apple and Android have adopted recommendations based upon this
this approach, providing promising app understanding. Amazon has been using
developers with free advertising (for powerful and complex algorithms for
instance, a listing in their top-ten over two decades to provide its custom-
charts), an early rollout of new features, ers with helpful and relevant product
and greater technical assistance. recommendations based on previously
purchased and rated products. This
•• Compete with complementors. By system has historically generated
moving into the product space of its approximately 35% of Amazon sales.
complementors, orchestrators can In a similar fashion, Toutiao, the news
squeeze the complementors out and and information content platform from
take their share of revenue. One exam- ByteDance, has employed algorithms
ple is Twitter’s acquisition of Periscope, to analyze users’ content preferences
an app that enabled Twitter users to to produce customized lists of addition-
broadcast live video streaming to their al material that they might want to
followers. After Twitter integrated explore. With this service, ByteDance is
Periscope into its services, all other now second only to Alibaba in China in
third-party offerings with similar user time and advertisement revenues.
functions were pushed off the Twitter
platform. This tactic is only advisable Overall, the relative interdependency be-
when the orchestrator can increase tween an orchestrator and its complemen-

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 6

tors generally determines the distribution digital roof. But despite knowing the poten-
of profits. If an individual complementor is tial of platform-based ecosystems, orches-
central to the success of a platform, it will trators often struggle to scale, cultivate, ful-
accordingly demand and receive a higher- ly monetize, and expand them so that all
than-average share of added value. Howev- participants can benefit. And in the end,
er, if the platform is not dependent on many platforms fail to reach their poten-
“star” complementors, but instead is able tial, especially as the competition among
to support a broadly diversified offer, or- ecosystems heats up.
chestrators can retain most of the profits
while the complementors receive less—but Solving this problem is not easy, but it is es-
still enough to stay engaged. sential for executives. The strategies shared
here outline a pathway to begin to turn
struggling platforms into profitable busi-
The Way Ahead nesses. The role of the orchestrator, howev-
Virtually every industry has been digitized er, is crucial. The quality of the orchestra-
due to the emergence of a wide variety of tor’s leadership, ability to forge successful
digital platform-based ecosystems. By now, collaborations, and creativity will ultimate-
companies see the value of these partner- ly determine whether an ecosystem is har-
ships, which provide users a broader pal- monious and successful, or otherwise out
ette of services and products under one of tune.

About the Authors

Nikolaus Lang is a managing director and senior partner in the Munich office of Boston Consulting
Group. He leads BCG’s Global Advantage practice and was a fellow at the BCG Henderson Institute, where
he conducted research on the emergence of digital ecosystems. You may contact him by email at

Christoph Lechner is a chaired Professor of Strategic Management at the University of St. Gallen and Di-
rector of its Institute of Management & Strategy (IoMS). You may contact him by email at christoph.lech-

Charline Wurzer is a project leader in BCG’s Munich office. She is a core member of BCG’s Health Care,
Global Advantage, and Corporate Finance practices. You may contact her by email at wurzer.charline@bcg.

Maximilian Jakob Dexheimer is a PhD candidate at the University of St. Gallen and a research associ-
ate at the Institute of Management & Strategy (IoMS). You may contact him by email at

For Further Reading

Dexheimer, M., Lechner, C., “Ökosystem-basierte Wettbewerbsstrategien” (Die Unternehmung, 2019).

Eisenmann, T., Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M., “Platform Envelopment” (Strategic Management Journal, 2011).

Jacobides, M., Lang, N., Louw, N., von Szczepanski, K., “What Does a Successful Digital Ecosystem Look
Like?” (BCG, 2019).

Lang, N., von Szczepanski, K., Wurzer, C., “The Emerging Art of Ecosystem Management” (BCG, 2019).

Ozalp, H., Cennamo, C., Gawer, A., “Disruption in Platform-Based Ecosystems” (Journal of Management
Studies, 2018).

Zhu, F., Iansiti, M., “Why Some Platforms Thrive and Others Don’t” (Harvard Business Review, 2019).

Boston Consulting Group X Institute of Management & Strategy, University of St.Gallen 7

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