Propeerty Law Sem 2 2023

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F.Y.LL.B. (Sem. II) Examination April - 2023
Property Law

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
(1) “uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 F.Y.LL.B. (Sem. II)
Name of the Subject :
 Property Law
Subject Code No.: 1905000102030001 Student’s Signature

â. 1 lõsp„sf ‘f r“e„ÓZ d|L$su ifsp¡ A“¡ rdgL$s“p dy¼s h‘fpi ‘f r“e„ÓZ“¡

krhõspf kdÅhp¡. 14
â. 1 V|$„L$ “p¢^ gMp¡.
1. kprnL$fZ
2. fQ“pÐdL$ Ar^k|Q“p

â. 2 v$i®“ue dprgL$ hX¡$ lõsp„sf“p¡ rkÝ^p„s kdÅhp¡. s¡ rdgL$sdp„ fk ^fphsu

ìe[¼sAp¡ dpV$¡ L¡$V$gy„ b„^“L$sp® R>¡? 14
â. 2 ""Qpgy dyL$Ød¡ L$B ‘Z “hy„ v$pMg L$fhy„ Å¡CA¡ “rl '' Ap rkÙp„s“p Ap^pf“u
rhh¡Q“pÐdL$ QQp® L$fp¡.

â. 3 A„is: ‘pg“ iy„ R>¡? lõsp„sfN°lusp ‘p¡sp“p L$bÅ“p¡ bQph A’hp fnZ L$fhp
dpN¡ R>¡ sp¡ s¡Z¡ L$C ifsp¡ ‘|fu L$fhu Å¡CA¡? A„is:‘pg“ rkÙp„s“¡ gpNy ‘pX$$u
iL$pe s¡ ‘l¡gp„ L$C ifsp¡“¡ k„sp¡jphu Å¡CA¡? 14
â. 3 rdgL$s lõsp„sf“p„ L$pev$p l¡W$m ¾$$çbÙuL$fZ A“¡ apmhZu“p rkÝ^p„s“u
Å¡NhpCAp¡“u QQp® L$fp¡.

RAN-1905000102030001 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

â. 4 cpX$p‘Ë$p“u ìep¿ep Ap‘u s¡“p AphíeL$ sÐhp¡ L¡$k gp¡ kp’¡ kdÅhp¡. 14
â. 4 ""brnk'' “¡ ìep¿epres L$fp¡ A“¡ kdÅhp¡. õ’phf rdgL$s“u c¡V$ L¡$hu fus¡
Akf L$f¡ R>¡? c¡V$ ¼epf¡ fv$ L$fu iL$pe R>¡?

â. 5 kyMpr^L$pf“u ìep¿ep Ap‘u, kyMpr^L$pf d¡mhhp“u rhrh^ fusp¡“u QQp® L$fp¡. 14

â. 5 kyMpr^L$pf Ar^r“ed 1882 “p L$gd 37 ’u 48 rhge ’hp“p k„v$c®dp„ iy„
Å¡NhpCAp¡ R>¡?

â. 6 ‘fhp“p“u ìep¿ep Ap‘u,‘fhp“p A“¡ kyMpr^L$pf“p¡ saphs kdÅhp¡. 14

â. 6 V|$„L$ “p¢^ gMp¡.
1. AphíL$esp A“¡ A^® AphíL$esp“p kyMpr^L$pfp¡
2. Arhfs A“¡ ¾$dc„Nu kyMpr^L$pf

â. 7 V|$„L$ “p¢^ gMp¡.(L$p¡C ‘Z b¡) 16

1. Nufp¡L$fpf“p Nrc®s L$fpfp¡
2. h¡QpZ“p AphíeL$ sÐhp¡
3. bp¡ÅAp¡
4. lõsp„sf L$fhp knd ìe[¼sAp¡


Q.l Explain Condition restraining alienation and Restriction on free

enjoyment of Property in detail. 14
Q.l Write short notes.
1. Attestation
2. Constructive Notice

RAN-1905000102030001 ] [2] [ Contd.

Q.2 Elaborate the doctrine of “Ostensible Ownership” 14
How far is it binding on the persons interested in the property?
Q.2 “During Litigation nothing new should be introduced”.
Discuss critically the basis of this doctrine.

Q.3 What is Part Performance? What are the conditions to be fulfilled by

transferee who wants to defend or protect his possession? What conditions
must be satisfied before the doctrine of Part Performance can be applied? 14
Q.3 Discuss the Doctrine of marshalling and contribution under the
provisions of the Transfer of Property Act?

Q.4 Define Lease and Explain its essentials with Case Law. 14
Q.4 Define and explain a "gift". How is a gift of immovable property affected?
When is a gift revocable?

Q.5 Define Easement and discuss the modes of acquisition of easement. 14

Q.5 What are the provisions with reference to extinction of easement U/S 37
to 48 of the Easement Act, 1882?

Q.6 Define license, explain the difference between license and easement. 14
Q.6 Write Short Note.
1. Easement of Necessity and Quasi -necessity
2. Continuous and Non-Continuous Easement

Q.7 Short Notes. (any two) 16

1. Implied Contracts by Mortgagor
2. Essential elements of Sale
3. Charges
4. Persons competent to transfer

RAN-1905000102030001 ] [3] [ 2160 ]

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