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F.Y.LL.B. (Sem-II) Examination
January - 2021
Property Law (New Course)

Time: 3 Hours ] [ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 F.Y.LL.B. (Sem-II)
Name of the Subject :
 Property Law (New Course)
Subject Code No.: 1905000102030001 Student’s Signature

(2) âñ ¾$dp„L$ bv$gip¡ “lu.

(3) S>dZu bpSy>“p A„L$ âñ“p NyZ v$ip®h¡ R>¡.

â-1. rdgL$s lõsp„sfZ“u ìep¿ep Ap‘p¡. L$C rdgL$sp¡“y„ lõsp„sfZ “ ’C iL¡$? 14

â-1. QQp£: 14
A) ‘k„v$Nu“p¡ rkÙp„s:
b) e’pkprdàe“p¡ rkÙp„s.

â-2. Nufp¡L$sp® s¡dS> Nufp¡N°rlsp“p l¼L$p¡ A“¡ S>hpbv$pfuAp¡ S>Zphp¡. 14

â-2. rdgL$s“p„ D‘cp¡N“¡ A“¡ A„sfZ“¡ Ahfp¡^su ifsp¡ L¡$V$g¡ A„i¡ L$pev$¡kf R>¡? 14

â-3. brnk ‘f rhõs©s “p¢^ gMp¡. 14

â-3. hpv$ep¡Áe v$php¡ iy„ R>¡? s¡“y„ L$C fus¡ lõsp„sf ’C iL¡$? 14

RAN-1905000102030001 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

â-4. cpX$p‘Ë$p“u ìep¿ep Ap‘p¡. cpX$p‘Ë$p“u S>àsu kdÅhp¡. 14
â-4. “p¢^ gMp¡: 14
A) ipðssp„ rhê$Ù“p¡ r“ed.
b) kpnuL©$s A“¡ kpnuL$fZ.

â-5. kyMpr^L$pf“u ìep¿ep Ap‘p¡. kyMpr^L$pf“p¡ A„s kdÅhp¡. 14

â-5. ‘fhp“p¡ Ap‘“pf s’p d¡mh“pf“p„ l¼L$p¡ s’p S>hpbv$pfuAp¡ kdÅhp¡. 14

â-6. kdÅhp¡: (L$p¡C‘Z b¡) 14

A) Arhfs A“¡ ¾$dc„Nu kyMpr^L$pf.
b) âÃR>Þ“ A“¡ AâÃR>Þ“ kyMpr^L$pf.
L$) kyMpr^L$pf“¡ dygshu fpMhy„.
X$) kyMpr^L$pf“y„ ‘y“: A[õsÐhdp„ Aphhy„.

â-7. V|„$L$ “p¢^ : (L$p¡C‘Z b¡) 16

1) ifsu lõsp„sf.
2) Qpgyv$ph¡ lõsp„sf.
3) lõsp„sf L$fhp knd ìe[¼sAp¡.
4) v$i®“ue dprgL$.

(1) As per instruction number 1 on page number 1.
(2) Do not change question number.
(3) Figures to the right indicate marks.

Q-1. Define Transfer of Property. Which properties cannot be transferred? 14

Q-1. Discuss: 14
a) Doctrine of election.
b) Doctrine of cypress.

Q-2. State the rights and liabilities of mortgagor and mortgagee. 14

Q-2. How far conditions restraining right to enjoyment and alienation of 14
property are valid?

RAN-1905000102030001 ] [2] [ Contd.

Q-3. Write a detailed note on gift. 14
Q-3. What is actionable claim? How it can be transferred? 14

Q-4. Define lease. Explain forfeiture of lease. 14

Q-4. Write notes: 14
a) Doctrine of perpetuity.
b) Attested and Attestation.

Q-5. Define Easement. Explain extinction of easement. 14

Q-5. Explain rights and liabilities of licensor and licensee. 14

Q-6. Explain (Any two): 14

a) Continuous & Discontinuous easement.
b) Apparent & Non-Apparent easement.
c) Suspension of easement.
d) Revival of easement.

Q-7. Short notes: (Any two) 16

i) Conditional transfer.
ii) Transfer pending litigation.
iii) Persons competent to transfer property.
iv) Ostensible owner.


RAN-1905000102030001 ] [3] [ 680 ]

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