The Night of 1993

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Narrator1-Once upon a time, on a scary halloween night in 1993.

Three friends
were watching channel NO.666 at 3:00 AM even though everyone said not to and
something terrible happened to them.

Anaaya-Guys let’s watch some scary movies on the 666

channel. There is an exclusive movie today!

Pari-But people say it is cursed!!!

Krithika-Yeah i don't think we should watch it guys.

Anaaya-But it’s fun guys! We’re not babies anymore, we should watch it

Narrator2-The Three Friends Try To Watch The 666 Channel, While Navigating To
The Channel, They Stumble Across The News And It's About The 666 Channel’s
Haunted Cursed House*

News Reporter-Breaking News!!! We have news about a new haunted house. It is

sponsored by the 666 channel as the owner of the house Mr. Voldemort is rumored
to be dead, and we have found actual evidence that there are some ghosts and
paranormal things… It will become public and you can visit it at 3:00 AM.

Anaaya-Okay guys who cares about this 666 channel it’s boring, lets go to the
haunted house right now because it is almost 3:00 AM

Pari-Guys I don't think we should go

Narrator1-The three friends go to the haunted house but they see no one even
though the news reporter said it will be public and a lot of people will be there.
After they go in, the doors immediately close even though no one closed it. Then
some sound comes from the side like BLARGHHH and Krithika gets scared

Krithika-Aghhhhhhhh someone help me!! There is a monster!!!!!!

Pari-Krithika, It’s halloween people might have been going trick or treating and
making those sounds for their characters.

Narrator2-Then, the owner of the house, Mr Voldemort came to greet them.

Voldemort-Why are you guys on my property? I am the very famous toilet

antagonist and I need my privacy
Pari-Because the 666 channel sponsored this house as a haunted house. It also
said public at 3 am.

Voldemort-Ugh arrogant kids!!! I don’t like them. I didn’t sponsor any channel,
now go back to your little homes or face the consequences. Go check my twitter
post, you see the replies on it? You see how scared they are?

Anaaya-Ugh, who are you to tell us to get out? We paid for this now shoo shoo

Voldemort-RAghhgyehwghgfehrdjsghcbxuyj bisdvh dsj *disappears*

Narrator2-Then a mummy comes out of nowhere and scares the people, they run
and they eventually lose the mummy and continue their journey.

Pari-Who is that toilet papered guy? He looks kinda weird

Anaaya-It’s a mummy, the mommy. This place is really haunted

Krithika-Phew at least we escaped that Volde guy. We told you that this is not

Voldemort’s Voice-I give you two options, 1) Get out of my house politely 2) Be
ready to face the consequences that will happen to you. It's a Do-Or-Die situation.
By the way, I have a joke for you… What is a ghost’s favorite makeup to wear?

Narrator1-There is only dead silence that can be heard all around the haunted
house as the 3 friends decide on what to decide and if Voldemort’s words are true
and they will be stuck for mostly eternity and then Voldemort breaks the silence
by becoming impatient and locking them up in the haunted house

Voldemort-Ugh you brain dead kids took too long and I just don’t like you guys so
you are trapped in the haunted house until someone saves you.

Anaaya-Who cares I was going to choose option 2 anyway.

Pari-Why would you choose the second option.

Krithika-Come on Anaaya you are risking our lives

Voldemort-Enough chit-chat, I am gonna send my minions to lock you up in a jail
cell until the curse of this haunted house breaks and it turns into a normal house

Narrator2-The 3 friends’ tale is still told to this day and everyone say that they will
be locked up in the haunted house house forever but some
believe that they have successfully escaped and are still out there finding more
haunted houses like this *chokes and dies*

Narrator1-*Continues* to continue their journey. Oh and don’t worry about the

other guy, he is just temporarily dead…


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