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FEDERATION EUROPEENNE DE LA MANUTENTION SECTION I HEAVY LIFTING APPLIANCES. F.E.M. 1.001 31 EDITION REVISED 1998.10.01 RULES FOR THE DESIGN OF HOISTING APPLIANCES BOOKLET 4 CHECKING FOR FATIGUE AND CHOICE OF MECHANISM COMPONENTS (om TAKRAF mM RAF Férdertechnik GmbH Nor 7! Kein Anderungscienst Fer Information only ! Without amendement service ! ‘The total 3rd Edition revised comprises booklots 1 to 8 ana7 tod Copyright by FEM Section | Also available m Franch and German Document prepared by the technical commission of FEM (European Handling Federation) Section | « Heavy lifung and handling equipment » FEM Section | Secretary Cosette DUSSAUGEY 39-41, rue Lous Blane 92400 COURBEVOIE 3 92098 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX Fax 33.147 176260 E-mail Mtps@wanadoo fr Document available near the following National Committees BELGIUM FABRIMETAL Rue des Drapiers, 21 8 - $050 BRUXELLES Fax 32.2510 23 01 (CZECH REPUBLIC Association of Czechoslovak Manufacturers Of Transport and Lifting Equipment SYMAS, Kralovo Pole Cranes, 2 s CZ - 81200 BRNO Fax 42057262251 DANEMARK ‘Confederation of Danish Industries DK- 1787 COPENHAGEN Fax 453377 3410 DEUTSCHLAND VOMA Fachgememnschaft Fordertechnik Postfach 71 08 64 (0 - 60408 FRANKFURTIMAIN Fax 4969 66 03 1498 ENGLAND. FMCEC ‘Ambassador House Brgstock Road GB- THORNTON HEATH CR7 JG Fox 44 181 6656447 ESPANA ‘Agociacion Espanola de Manutencion (AEM) ETSEIB - PABELLON F Bragonal, 647. - 08028 BARCELONA Fox 3493 401 60 58 FRANCE MTPS 39-41, rue Louis Blane F-92400 COURBEVOIE Fex 33147 176260 ITALIA Assocrazione Italiana Sistemi Sollevamento, Elevazione, Movim Via L. Battistot Sassi 11 1-20133 MILANO. Fax 39273973 16 LUXEMBOURG Federation des Industnels Luxembourgeois Groupement des Constructeurs BP 1304 L- 1013 LUXEMBOURG Fax 35243 23 28, NEDERLAND FMEIGKT Posibus 190 NL- 2700 AD ZOETERMEER Fax 3179 353 13 65 NORGE Nonwegian FEM Groups Federation of Norwogian Engineoning indusines ‘Oscars Gate 20 / Box 7072 H N- 0308 OSLO 3 Fax 47 2259 66 69 PORTUGAL FENAME - Federagao Nacional do Metal (ANEMM) Estrade do Pago do Lumar Polo Tecnologico de lisboa - Lote 13, P- 1600 LISBOA Fax 35117150403, ‘SCHWEIZISUISSE/SVIZZERA Verein Schwerzenischer Maschinen industneller (VSM) Kirchenweg 4 CH- 8032 ZURICH Fax 411 384 48.48 ‘SUOMI Federation of Finnish Metal, Engineenng and Electrotechnical Industnes - FIMET Etelaranta 10 P.O BOX 10 FIN - 00131 HELSINKI Fax 358 9 624 462 SVERIGE ‘Swedish Associaton of Suppliers of Mechanical Handling Equipment MHG Storgatan 5 Box 5510 $- 114 85 STOCKHOLM Fax 46 8 66033 78 The third edition of the "Rules for the design of hoisting appliances" dated 1987.10.01 included 8 booklets. An addition to this edition was compiled in 1998. This addition is incorporated in booklet 9, which also replaces booklet 6, This booklet forms part of the "Rules for the design of hoisting appliances” 3rd edition revised, consisting of 8 booklets Booklet 1 - Object and scope Booklet 2 - Classification and loading on structures and mechanisms Booklet 3 - Calculating the stresses in structures Booklet 4 - Checking for fatigue and choice of mechanism components Booklet 5 - Electrical equipment Booklet 6—Stability- and-safoty against movement by the-wind Booklet 7 - Safety rules Booklet 8 - Test loads and tolerances Booklet 9 - Supplements and comments to booklets 1 to 8 NOTE: Booklet 9 must not therefore be used separately. BOOKLET 4 CHECKING FOR FATIGUE AND CHOICE OF MECHANISM COMPONENTS CONTENTS Clause Page CALCULATION PROCEDURE: Ale a3 = Checking for ultinate strength adil a3 « Value of the permissible stress 41a a3 + Values of the coefficient vp ALL. a4 + Relations between the calculated stresses and the permissible stresses ALL. a = Checking for crippling 412. a5 = Checking for fatigue 413. a5 + General pethod ALB a5 Endurance Limit under alternating loading of a polished specimen 41.3.2, 46 + Influence of the shape, size, surface condition and corrosion 413.3, a7 + Endurance limit as a function ofk y Og and Gye (OF Ty) a3, a8 + Winter curve 413.5. a9 + Fatigue strength of a mechanical component. 413.6 420 + Permissible stresses and calculations 41.3.7, aon = Checking for wear aa, a3 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PARTICULAR COMPONENTS 4.2 a3 ~ Choice of anti-friction bearings A2ade a3 + Theoretical life A2dede a3 + Mean loading of bearings subjected to type Sy loads 413 Determination of the mean load Sy mean on anti-Friction bearings for conbined mations A121, ald + Nean loading of bearings subjected to type Sp loads A213 alt + Mean loading of bearings sujected to type Sy and type Sp loads 4.21. a = Choice of ropes 4.2.2. ata + Rope dianeter as ++ Connon bases for the tno methods W2211, — Ml6 ++ Method using the mininun practical factor of safety Zp Uel7 ++ Cofactor method 418 = Choice of pulleys and drums and rope attachment means a19 + Miniman winding diaveter ag Values of H A231 419 Note 4231.2, 20 an « Radius of the bottom of the groove + Rope attachment means = Choice of rail wheels + Rall wheel size ++ Determining the mean load 1+ Determining the useful rail width b ++ Determining the Limiting pressure Py Determining the coefficient c ++ Determining the coefficient cz + Notes = Design of gears APPENDICES, DETERMINATION OF PERMISSIBLE STRESSES IN MECHANTSH COMPONENTS SUBJECTED TO FATIGUE COMMENTS ON THE CHOICE OF ROPES AND ON THE PROBLEM OF THE FACTOR OF SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ON THE DETERMINATION OF MINIMUM WINDING DIAMETERS FOR ROPES List of symbols and notations Clause 4.23.24 A2edy Dedede 2D 4241.2. 42413. ALM Lide 4241.5. 4,268.2. 42.5. eb... 6.2.2 04.2.3. See booklet 1 Page, 4-20 4.20 4-20 421 4-21 422 422 4-23 428 28 4.28, 4-26 432 435 CALCULATION PROCEDURE bale Mechanism conponents are designed by checking that they offer adequate safety against failure cue to fracture, crippling, fatigue or excessive wear. Other factors must also be taken into consideration and it is particularly important to avoid overheating or deflection which could interfere with correct functioning of the rechanisn. adele CHECKING FOR ULTIMATE STRENGTH (1) Mechanism components are checked for ultinate stength by verifying that the cal- culated stress does not exceed 2 permissible stress dependent on the breaking strength of the material used. 411. VALUE OF THE PERMISSIBLE STRESS The value of the permissible stress 0, is given by the following formule : oR %R where + oR 4s the ultinate stress for the material \R 48 a safety coefficient corresponding to each case of loading (clause 2.3.) Q Xt might seen logical to check against the elastic limit, in line with the structures booklet, as this Figure is, in principle, the Limit not to be exceeded in the use of a material. The steels normally used for structures have a wide gap between the yield strength and the ultinate strength and this gap affords protection against sudden Failure even when the yield strength is considerably exceeded. On the other hand, the use in mechanisns of certain steels with a very high, elastic Linit as conpared to the ultimate strength would result in fragile parts being pro- duced if the pernissible limit stress were to be based on the elastic Linit, and any accidental overstepping of this limit would lead to immediate failure. This explains why the ultimate strength is chosen as the criterion for verification. a3 411.2. ALL. VALUES OF THE COEFFICIENT Vg The values to be adopted for \p are given in table T. Table Tele Yalues of VR cases of loading 1 and 11 m1 Value of VR 2.2 1.8 In the case of grey cast iron, the values of \p are to be amplified by 25 %. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CALCULATED STRESSES AND THE PERMISSIBLE STRESSES, According to the type of loading considered, the following relations must be veri- fied in which Oy ds the calculated tensile stress 6, fois the calculated conpressive stress Gp is the calculated bending stress Tis the calculated shear stress. 1) Pure tension + 1,25 Of & 0 2) Pure compression : % € 3) Pure bending : SF % 4) Conbined bending and tension : 1,25 Of + Op Og 5) Conbined bending and compression : Ge + OFS Oa 6) Pure shear : Brim a 41.2, aL. ABs 7) Combined tension, bending and shear : VU,25 Of + Of)? #3 FS Og 8) Combined compression, bending ard shear : Ho, +07)? +3 PE om CHECKING FOR CRIPPLING Parts subject to crippling are designed in compliance with clause 3.3. for booklet 3, checking that the calculated stress does not exceed a limit stress determined as a function of the critical stress above which there is a risk of crippling occurring. For this check, the coefficient Yq is taken into account, its value depending on the group in which the mechsnism is classified (see table 7.2.6.) Sone general considerations relating to the checking of parts for crippling are given in appendix A-3.3. CHECKING FOR FATIGUE GENERAL METHOD ‘The fatigue strength of a given component is mainly determined by : ~ the material fron which the component is constructed ; ‘the shape, surface condition, state of corrosion, size (scale effect) and other factors producing stress concentration ; the zatiok between the minimum and maximun stresses which occur during the various stress cycles ; = the stress spectra ; the nunber of stress cycles. The fatigue strength of a mechanical component is known only in exceptional cases. Generally speaking, it is to be derived fron the cheracteristics of the material ‘and of the component and from accepted laws concerning their behaviour. The starting point is provided by the endurance limit under alternating tensile fatigue loading (=~ 1) of a polished specimen, made fron the material under consideration. The diminution of this fatigue strength as a result of the geonetric shape of the piece, its surface condition, its state of corrosion and its size is allowed for by introducing appropriate factors. 4,1,3.2. From the endurance Limit under alternating loading the corresponding limit with respect to other ratios x between extrene stresses is obtained with the aid of a SMITH Giagran, in which certain hypotheses are made as to the shape of the strength curve. ‘he endurance linit thus determined for the actual component, and with respect to a given ratio « between extrene stresses, is taken as the basis for the plotting of ‘the WOHLER curve, concerning which certain hypotheses are also made. From this WHER curve (fatigue strength under the effect solely of stress cycles, all having the sane ratlo x between extreme stresses), the PALWGRENMINER hypothesis on fatigue damage accumulation can be used to determine the fatigue strength of @ component according to 8 group in which the conponent is classified. The method described in 4.1.3. for determining the fatigue strength is applicable only to components in which the structure of the material is homogenous aver the entire section being considered. Tt cannot, therefore, be used in the case of como~ rents which have undergone @ surface treatnent (e.g. hardening, nitriding, case~ hardening). In such cases the fatigue strength can be derived from the KOKLER curve only if the latter has itself been determined with respect to conponents uhich have been made from the sane material, have @ comparable shape and size and have undergone exactly the sane surface treatnent. Checking for fatigue strength only needs to be performed for case of loading I. lihere the nutber of stress cycles is less than 8 000, such checking is not necessary. ENDURANCE LIMIT UNDER ALTERNATING LOADING OF A POLISHED SPECIMEN ‘The specialized works on the subject (see also appendix A-4.1.3.) provide the en~ Gurance limit value O,, under elternating rotational bending of a polished specimen in the case of materials used regularly in construction of mechanisms. By approximation, the sane values of yy may be accepted for the endurance Limit under alternating rotary bending. To obtain the endurance limit under alternating axial tension and compression, the values of Oy have to be cecreased by 20 % (1). a An element of material, when subjected to the sane stress as an adjacent elenent, supports the latter less effectively than if it were subjected to a loner stress, as is the case with bending. A stress gradient, i.e, : difference in stress between two edjacent elenentary parts distance between these tro elenentary parts which is higher, produces a strengthening effect. 413.3. ‘The endurance strength Ty under alternating shear (pure shear or torsion) is derived from yy by the relation : ty = oe os The values given for Gyy are generally those corresponding statistically to a 90 % survival probability. In the case of carbon steels in common use in mechanisms, it is pernissible to adopt + by = 2,5 08 og being the minimum ultinate strength. INFLUENCE OF THE SHAPE, SIZE, SURFACE CONDITION AND CORROSION Tne shape, size, surface condition (nachining) and state of corrosion of the conpo- ent under consideration entail a decrease in the endurance limit under alternating loading in relation to the ideal case of a polished specimen, This Influence 1s allowed for by Introducing factors kg, kys Ky and Ke respectively, concerning the determination of mhich, directions will be found in appendix A-d.1.3. The endurance Limit under alternating loading Oy, OF Ty of the component under consideration is given for tension, conpression, bending and torsional shear by the relation : or Tak ERG Ke In the case of pure shear we take : Te = Ww 413. ENDURANCE LIMIT AS A FUNCTION OF Ky Gp AND Oy, (Or Tyx) Fig. expresses, in the form of a SMITH diagran, the hypotheses made concer- ning the relations between the endurance limit og (or Tg), the ratiok between extrene stresses, the tensile strength Og and the endurance Limit under alternating Loading Oy (OF Tyx)+ This gives the following relations : slg K 210%, the so-called region of endurance limit, the function is represented, in the sane reference systen as above, by the straight line ON, bisector of the angle formed by the extension of TD and 2 line parallel to the axis of the n values, Passing through D, ‘The slope of the WHER curve for n> 2-10° is characterized by the factor : ste gsc+¥etel a9 ole) ow(28) GyslTe? 41.3.6. Figure v0} 2106 Utes) The spectrun factor key of the component is determined by means of the above mentioned value of c. In the case of certain components in group £8 (see, the calcule~ tion must also be performed in exactly the sane way, but after replacing c by c'. To distinguish between the two spectrun factors thus found, the second will be designated k¥epe Ac value below 2.5 is an indication of faulty design of the component concerned. Such ‘a component must not be put into service. FATIGUE STRENGTH OF A MECHANICAL COMPONENT The fatigue strength o, or Ty of a given mechanical component is determined by the following expressions respectively : 8-5 m= Fay or ae eH ST) where j is the component's group runber. In the case of group E8 conponents, of which the total duration of use n and the spectrum factor k's (see satisfy the Inequality : Aktsy > 2-108 &10 ALT. Oj OF T, must, however, be determined by the expression : or ‘The group classification of components, on the basis of their total duration of Use n and their spectrum factor kg,, as well as the critical fatigue stresses asso- elated with each group, are illustrated in figure where Oy, represents the stress applying to group Ej. For the critical shear stresses, the letter g must be replaced by T. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES AND CALCULATIONS ‘The pernissible stresses Oar and Tap are obtained by dividing the stresses oj and ys Gefined in,, respectively dy a safety factor ye ‘ne takes : 7 y= Re or a yw = R2e for group EB components satisfying the Anequality in the penultimate paragraph of gp and Tgp will therefore be obtained by the relations : ©, ss at = a XK ter = Xk and one verifies that : OS Oar TS Ter with + © naximan calculated normal stress 5 T maximum calculated shear stress. al Figure ote) (oy Br (Wad (834 (Bed (Es) (BE) (Er) (BHI (Bd — ow tele Hee a8 gs: In the case of conponents acted upon simultaneously by normal stresses and shear stresses with different ratios c between extrene stresses, the following condition must be satisfied : Ge? + GE? - GD + Cat 000000 4900000 ek in which = Gg: Gy = maxinun normal stresses in the directions x and y respectively ; 7 = maximum shear stress ; Sox Sey = fatigue strength for normal stresses, in the directions x and y respectively ; ke shear fatigue strength. Ef At 1s not possible to determine the most unfavourable case of the foregoing relation from the corresponding stresses O,, dy and T, calculations must be per~ formed separately for the loads O, max» Oy max ad Tax and the most unfavourable corresponding stresses. 412 Aled 42. AQ. 4.21. It should be noted that the checks descrihed above do not guarantee safety against brittle fracture. Such safety can be ensured only by a suitable choice of material quality. CHECKING FOR WEAR In the case of parts subjected to wear, the specific physical quantities which affect this, such as the surface pressure or the circunferential velocity aust be determined. The figures must be such that, on the basis of present experience, they will not lead to excessive wear. DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PARTICULAR COMPONENTS CHOICE OF ANTI-FRICTION BEARINGS To select anti-friction bearings, it is first necessary to check that the bearing is capable of withstanding : = the static load to which it can be subjected under whichever of loading cases I, IT or III is the most unfavourable, and = the maximm dynanic load in the nore anfavoureble of loading cases I or II. THEORETICAL LIFE In addition, anti-friction bearings must be selected to give an acceptable theoreti- cal life in hours (see table T. as a function of the class of operation of the mechanisn under 2 constant mean load as defined in clauses and below. MEAN LOADING OF BEARINGS SUBJECTED TO TYPE Sy LOADS In order to allow for variations in the loads of type Sy during the cycles of ope- ration, an equivalent mean loading Sy qean 18 determined which is supposed to be applied constantly during the theoretical life determined by clause Sw mean $s obtained by multiplying Sy max 11 (1), defined by clause end 2,644.2., by the cube Toot of the spectrum factor ky defined in SM mean = Kn Somax tr (1) a ©F Sy max 1 fOr components not subjected to wind. 413 4,, Determination of the mean load Sy mean on anti-friction bearings for combined motions In the case of mations which conbine an elevation of the centre of gravity of the noving masses with a horizontal displacerent (e.g. unbalanced luffing), the mean load Sy ean 18 determined by conbining : = the mean load due to the accelerations and the effect of the wind, as determined by applying clause, with, = the mean load due to the vertical displacenent of the centre of gravity of the moving masses, es determined fron the expression : 2 Sy max * Sw min Sean = "8 ain where Sy pax and Sy pin @F@ the maxinun and minimum values of the corresponding loads., MEAN LOADING OF BEARINGS SUBJECTED 10 TYPE Sg LOADS The extrene 10acs Sp max 24 Se mip developed in loading case 1 for appliances not subjected to wind or loading case 11 for appliances subjected to wind (see clause 2.6.) are considered and the bearing is designed for a constant nesn load given by the expression : 2 SR max + 5 min 5 R mean 7 and applied for the theoretical life in accordance with clause, MEAN LOADING OF BEARINGS SIMULTANEOUSLY SUBJECTED TO TYPE Sy AND TYPE Sq LOADS On the basis indicated above the equivalent mean loads are determined for each of the type Sy and Sq loads, assuned to be acting aloe and the bearing is selected for an equivalent mean load resulting fran conbination of the two mean loads Sy and Sas 4.2.2, CHOICE OF ROPES The following rules aim at defining reasonable minimum requirenents for the choice of ropes used on hoisting appliances covered by these esign Rules. ‘They do not purport to resolve ali the problens nor to serve as a substitute for the dialogue which is essential between the rope manufacturer and the manufacturer Of hoisting appliances. a4 42.2014 ‘They apply to preferred ropes conforming to ISD Recommendation 2408 : "Steel ropes for general use - Characteristics". They do not exclude, however, ropes which are not specified in 1S0 Recommendation 2408. For such ropes, it is incunbent upon the rope manufacturer to validate for the User the mininun values of paraneters detailed in the ISO Recommendation. The terminology of the rope paraneters conplies with thet used in ISO Recommendation 2408, The nethods stated hereafter essune that the ropes are greased correctly, that the winding dianeters of the pulleys and the druns are suitably selected in conpliance with 4.2.3, and that, when in service, the ropes are properly maintained, inspected tend periodically replaced in conformity with 1S0 Recommendation 4309 "Rope inspection". The selection of rope dianeter (and winding diameters in 4.2.3.) is based on the group of the hoisting mechanism. However, for appliances which require frequent Gisnantling (such as builders tower cranes), in which ropes have to be changed more frequently, it is permissible to select a hoist rope from the group inmediately below that of the hoisting mechanism but not inferior to group M 3. Whenever hoisting appliances are used for dangerous handling operations (e.g. molten metal, highly radioactive or corrosive products, etc.) the choice of the ropes and pulleys must take account of the mechanisn group next above that resulting fron the normal classification of the hoisting appliances. Group M5 is the minimum group to be used for the handling of dangerous loads for the choice of rope and pulley dieneters, CHOICE OF ROPE DIAMETER Two methods can be used at the choice of the manufacturer : = the nethod using the mininum practical factor of safety Zp (see which 4s valid for running ropes and static ropes (guy ropes, stays, etc.). ~ the € factor method ( applicable to running ropes only. 415 AL2.2elede 42.211. 2.211.2. 42.2.461.3. Common bases for the two methods Definition of the maximum tensile force S in the hoist rope (grab ropes excepted) This is obtained by taking account of the follosing factors : = weight of the pulley block and the hoist accessories, the dead weights of which are added to the load effect so as to increase the rope tension, = mechanical denultiplication ae to the rope reeving, = efficiency of the rope reeving, = loads cue ta accelerations if they exceed 10% of the vertical loads, = rope ineLination at the upper extrene position if the angle of the rope with the hoist axis exceeds 22.5°. Definition of the maximum tensile force $ in ropes other than hoist ropes ‘The determination of the aaxinua tensile force S in the various ropes which are not exclusively used for the vertical hoisting of loads is based on the loads determined in load cases I or II taking sccount of the most unfavourable case which can occur repeatedly in normal use. For ropes which produce horizontal movement of loads, account must be taken of the Loading resulting fron rolling motion and friction, together with the meximun in- clination that the support, on which the load Ss moved, can assume locally under the influence of the normal losding. Determination of the maximum tensile force S in the ropes of multi- rope grabs (holding and closing) In the case of appliances with grabs, where the weight of the load is not always equally distributed between the closing ropes and the holding ropes during the hole of a cycle, the value of S to be applied should be determined as follows : 1) If the systen used autonetically ensures an equal distribution of the hoisted oad between the closing and holding ropes, or any difference between the loads carried by the ropes is limited to a short period at the end of closing or at the beginning of opening, S should be determined as follows = 66 % of the weight of the loaded grab, divided by the runber of closing ropes. 8) closing ropes : 5

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