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"Amidst the dimly lit ruins, I stumbled upon a creature unlike any I had ever
seen. It was a Scrollwalker, a construct woven from the remnants of arcane
artifacts. Its form was a patchwork of scrolls, trinkets, and battered armor,
pulsating with a faint magical aura. Pinpoints of red light glared from within its
hooded visage, as if peering into the depths of one's soul. I soon realized that
beneath the layers of enchanted parchment and worn relics, nestled deep within
the construct, lay an object of immense power—an arcane core that fueled its
being. The Scrollwalker moved with an otherworldly grace, casting spells from
the very scrolls that adorned its form. It was a mesmerizing display of ancient
magic, as the creature's very existence seemed to blur the line between the
mundane and the extraordinary. I dared not disturb the enigmatic being, for its
purpose and origins remained shrouded in mystery, forever entwined with the
forgotten secrets of ages past."

Living Hordes
The Scrollwalkers are an enigmatic and ancient race that originated from the realm
where magic and artifice intertwine. There are many rumors and legends surround
their origins. Some say they were created through a unique fusion of arcane
knowledge and mechanical craftsmanship. They are constructs brought to life by a
powerful spellcaster who has harnessed the essence of a spirit.

Legend has it that the Scrollwalkers were first devised by a group of master
artisans and mages who sought to create the ultimate magical constructs. They
infused broken and worn-out magic items with the spirit essence, binding them
together with strips of scroll parchment, pages from ancient tomes, and fragments
of enchanted armor and weapons.

From a distance, a Scrollwalker appears to be a mummy, even moving with a

similar stiff gait. When it walks, one can hear the tinkling of glass touching glass,
the sloshing of half-filled vials and bottles, the squeaking of leather, the rubbing of
wood and bone against each other, and, most prominently, the shuffling of paper as
if pages of a tome were caught in a slight breeze. Thin tendrils of black smoke
escape from cracks in its body

Mistaken Identity
Regardless of their origins, the Scrollwalkers are often viewed with suspicion and
fear by other races. Their mummified appearance and apparent lack of emotion
make them seem cold and calculating, and their abilities to wield magic with great
skill only add to their air of mystery.

The Scrollwalkers are steeped in mystery, often hiding their true intentions and
motives behind their enigmatic countenance. They are known to be solitary beings,
rarely seen in the realms of mortals, and their presence is often associated with
significant magical events or the pursuit of forgotten knowledge.
Their unique composition grants them an inherent affinity for magic and artifice.
The scrolls, tomes, and enchanted items that make up their being provide them
with a deep reservoir of arcane power, and their internal storage compartments
house various potions, unguents, and oils, granting them additional versatility in
their abilities.

Despite their enigmatic nature, the Scrollwalker are known to be expert craftsmen
and skilled in the art of enchantment. They are often sought out by other wizards
and magic-users for their knowledge and abilities, but few ever truly understand
the workings of their arcane constructs.

A Magic Heart
Nestled within the complex interior of a Scrollwalker, among the myriad pieces of
magical detritus, lies a crucial object known as the "core." This core serves as the
animating force that brings the construct to life, allowing it to move, think, and
interact with the world. To an outsider or an untrained eye, the core may appear as
just another piece of mundane or expended magical trash. It is cleverly disguised
among the jumble of items that make up the Scrollwalker's being, intended to keep
its true nature hidden from prying eyes.

The core itself is a highly potent and intricate magical artifact. It is infused with an
essence that binds together the various components of the construct and provides
the vital spark of life. The nature of the core can vary, ranging from enchanted
gemstones to ancient relics, miniature enchanted mechanisms, or even tiny magical

The core acts as a conduit for the construct's power, allowing it to tap into the
magical energies contained within the scrolls, tomes, and items that compose its
body. It serves as the focal point for the Scrollwalker's magical abilities, allowing
them to channel spells, manipulate arcane forces, and unleash devastating attacks.

The core is of utmost importance to the Scrollwalkers themselves. It is not only the
source of their existence but also a deeply personal and significant artifact. The
Scrollwalker will go to great lengths to protect and preserve their core, as its loss
could mean their own destruction or permanent deactivation.

Ultimately, the core represents the heart and soul of a Scrollwalker, a hidden gem
amidst the sea of magic and mechanical fragments that compose their being. It
serves as a reminder that even within the seemingly chaotic exterior of these
constructs, there lies a vital center, holding the key to their existence and purpose.

Magic by birth
Scrollwalkers are essentially a living repository of magic spells and items, making
them extremely powerful and versatile. Each Scrollwalker is unique, as the spells
and magic items used to construct them can vary widely. They can be designed and
programmed to perform specific tasks, making them highly sought after by wizards
and other spellcasters.

The spells that a Scrollwalker can cast are determined by the type and quantity of
the spell scrolls that make up its body. Some Scrollwalkers may be created with a
wide variety of spells, while others may be specialized in a particular school of
magic. They are capable of using these spells in combat, or to aid in other tasks as
directed by their creators.

However, the Scrollwalker's power source - the magical object at its core - is a
closely guarded secret. Without this object, a Scrollwalker is just a pile of random
magical items and scrolls. It is believed that only the most powerful wizards or
sorcerers have the knowledge and ability to create a Scrollwalker, and even then,
they would need access to a vast array of magical items and knowledge to do so.

Scrollwalker Names
When it comes to naming themselves, Scrollwalkers follow a unique tradition that
reflects their nature as beings composed of enchanted scraps and magical
remnants. The process of naming a Scrollwalker involves identifying a prominent
piece of magical trash or a significant item within their construct that serves as
their "core" and incorporating it into their chosen name. This naming practice not
only gives them an individual identity but also honors the item that animates them,
acknowledging its importance in their existence.

Scrollwalkers derive great meaning from their names, as they believe it symbolizes
their purpose and connection to the magical world. The names they choose often
reflect the nature of the item or the magic contained within it, serving as a
testament to their unique composition.

Names: Chainheart, Tomebound, Ringfire, Vialshaper

Alternatively, the lesser Scrollwalkers are given names based on the items used to
construct them, such as "Swordspark," "Leatherhide," or "Potionbrew." Others may
be named after the creator's favorite spell, such as "Fireball" or "Lightning Bolt."


Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your
Intelligence score increases by 1.

Type. You are a construct.

Age. Scrollwalkers are constructs and do not age.

Alignment. Scrollwalkers are typically neutral, as they lack complex emotions, but
some may have an alignment based on the spirit animating them.

Size. Scrollwalkers vary in size but typically stand between 5 and 7 feet tall. Your
size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Constructed Body. Your body is made up of various magic items and scrolls. You
have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Additionally, you are resistant to poison damage and immune to disease.

Junk Armor. You have an armor class of 12 + your Constitution modifier. Once
per short rest, you can use your bonus action to try and repair any worn out or
damaged magic items on your body. You spend one hit dice to heal yourself.

Scrollcasting. You have a limited ability to cast spells using the magic stored in
the scrolls that adorn your body. You can choose two cantrips from the wizard spell
list. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast one 1st-level spell from the wizard
spell list once per long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast one 2nd-level
spell from the wizard spell list once per long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability for these spells.

Magical Reservoir. The magical items that make up your body serve as a reservoir
of arcane energy. Once per short rest, you can tap into this reservoir to regain a
spell slot of your highest level expended. The level of the spell slot regained cannot
exceed half your character level (rounded down).

Spell Scroll Empowerment. You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Additionally, you have advantage on checks to use spell scrolls, and you can use
spell scrolls that are of a level higher than you would normally be able to use, as
long as you can cast spells of that level. Additionally, you can cast the spell from a
spell scroll without providing the material components, as long as the material
components are insignificant.

Magic Core. You possess a magical object that serves as your core. If your core is
destroyed, you are destroyed along with it.

Construct Nature: Since Scrollwalkers are animated by a powerful spellcaster,

they are vulnerable to the dispel magic spell. If a dispel magic spell successfully
targets a Scrollwalker, they must make a Constitution saving throw DC 10 or be
incapacitated for one round.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of
your choice.

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