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Auction website!



Site of auction wanted:

Admin Panel seller:


1. Project requirements:

- The project has a deadline of December 31, 2023, with penalties for delays! The project should be
fully completed by 31.12.2023!

- If you accept MY PROJECT and we have a deal, you are obliged to offer me minimum 60 days of
FREE FULL maintenance !

- My site should look exactly like this, ! To use the same functions, the
same design! Identical similar, 100 % !


2. Payments on FREELANCER:

- My maximum budget is 5.000 EURO. No further discussions or negotiations!

- For this project I will create a single milestone worth 5.000 EURO, A single payment to the
freelancer in the amount of 5.000 EURO. There are NO staged payments or multiple milestones
created. There is only one rule, it does not change!

- There is NO advance payment or partial payment! Just milestone funded to freelancer and remain
in pending !

- The entire amount of 5.000 EURO is released only after the site and all functions are checked in full!
Only when the site works 100%, without errors!


3. Personal requirements:

- The person who accepts my project is obliged to complete it in FULL, from the beginning till the
end! If the winning bidder only made 80% of the site, the client can CANCEL the payment to the
freelancer! Payment already made in the freelancer account! Reasons such as not having read the
project at the beginning, or not knowing how the demo site works are not accepted! The person who
wins the project has the obligation to complete the entire project from start to finish.
- To understand how this project works, we need to use all the steps and all the fields necessary for a
purchase like a buyer in ! It is mandatory to go through all the steps to see
how a purchase is carried out: BUY IT NOW, BID NOW, MAKE AN OFFER PRICE !

- I offer every detail that helps to create this project, as much as I know !



- We are only interested in the `AUCTION` module:









upon request, I will give you the username and password from the admin to see how it works!


Types of Users

There are three main types of users for your website which are mentioned below:

1. Buyers: These are individuals who are interested in purchasing items on your auction
website. They can browse listings, place bids on auctions, make offers on items, view their
invoices, and complete payments.

2. Sellers/Companies: These are entities or individuals who want to sell their items through
your platform. They can create auctions, list items with detailed descriptions and images, and
manage the sale of their products. They might also handle invoicing and communication with

3. Admin: As the website owner, you will have access to the admin panel. This allows you to
manage the entire platform, oversee auctions, categories, and user activities, and ensure the
smooth operation of the website.


I have provided Front-end and Back-end workflow for your website, which are mentioned below:

Front-end Workflow
1. Home Page: As users land on the home page, they will immediately notice visually appealing
featured listings. These listings are designed to capture their attention and entice
2. Search Functionality: Users can easily search for items using intuitive filters. They can narrow
down their searches based on various criteria, ensuring they find what they're looking for
3. Product/Item Detail Pages: When users click on a specific item, they will be directed to a
detailed page. Here, they will find comprehensive information about the product or service.
They can choose to 'Buy it now,' 'Make an offer,' or 'Bid it now' for quick purchasing
decisions. The 'Share Item' feature allows them to share items with friends and contacts.
4. User Registration and Login: If users decide to participate actively, they can easily register
and log in. The registration process is straightforward and comes with enhanced security
features, including email verification.
5. Customer Dashboard: After logging in, users will have access to a personalized dashboard.
This dashboard serves as a central hub for tracking their activities. Users can monitor live
bids, manage offers, track safe deals, access invoices, and receive real-time notifications.
6. Profile Management: Users can customize their profiles, manage addresses, and set
preferences for a tailored experience. This level of personalization ensures that users have a
seamless and user-centric journey on the platform.
7. Admin Panel Access: As the website owner, you will have exclusive access to the admin
panel. This will be the command center for managing auctions, categories, users, and all
activities on the platform. It ensures complete control and oversight of the entire system.
8. Core Modules: Users can participate in auctions by placing bids, making offers, and engaging
in a dynamic bidding process. The auction module, powered by technologies like PHP, will
handle these functionalities efficiently. Companies' information will be well-organized, and
items listed in auctions will be efficiently managed.
9. Real-time Updates: To keep users engaged and informed in real time, features like 'Bids' and
'Messages/Notifications' will use technologies like Pusher. Users will receive instant updates
and stay connected with the evolving activities on the platform.
10. Secure Transactions: Users can engage in secure transactions using the 'Safe Deals' module,
and invoices will be generated using advanced technologies. Payment gateways will be
integrated for smooth transactions.
11. Settings and Customization: The platform's settings, including 'General Settings,' 'Invoice
Settings + Tax,' and 'Shipping Settings,' will be available for you to customize and brand the
website as desired. 'Email Settings' will ensure efficient communication with users.
12. SEO Optimization: SEO best practices will be employed to optimize the website for search
engines. This will enhance organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Back-end Workflow

1. Admin Panel Development: The core of the 'Admin Panel' will be implemented using a
backend framework, Laravel (PHP). These frameworks provide a structured and secure way
to build complex admin systems. The database, likely MySQL or PostgreSQL, will store all
admin-related data.
2. Customer Panel Development: For the 'Customer Panel,' user management, login,
registration, and security will be handled in the backend using the framework Laravel. User
data will be stored in the database. The personalized dashboard will dynamically fetch and
display user-specific data.
3. Public Website Development: The 'Public Website' will be powered by the backend
framework, which will ensure seamless navigation, search functionality, and dynamic loading
of product/item details. The backend will facilitate efficient communication between the
front-end and the database, ensuring that the latest data is always available.
4. Module Development: Each module, such as the 'Auction Module,' 'Companies Module,'
'Items Module,' and others, will be backed by the framework, programming languages PHP,
and a relational database MySQL. The backend will handle data storage, retrieval, and
business logic.
5. Settings Development: 'General Settings,' 'Invoice Settings + Tax,' 'Shipping Settings,' and
others will be controlled by the backend. These settings will be stored in the database and
fetched dynamically to customize the website. The integration with external services, like
payment gateways and shipping APIs, will be managed in the backend.

6. SEO Settings and Pusher Integration: SEO optimization will be implemented in the backend,
ensuring that the website adheres to best practices for search engine visibility. Pusher
integration for real-time notifications will be set up in the backend to push updates to users
in real time.

Key component:

As per my analysis of your requirement, I have provided the modules and features which are
mentioned below:

1. Customer Dashboard Development:

 User-Friendly Interface: Buyers will experience a seamless and user-friendly interface.
They can effortlessly make offers, place bids, and purchase products. Additionally, they
will be able to specify shipping details, ensuring a personalized and convenient shopping
 Instant Notifications: As soon as a buyer takes action, like placing a bid, our system will
work in the background to send an immediate notification. This notification will provide
sellers or administrators with all the necessary details regarding the buyer's intent.
 Seller/Admin Dashboard: Sellers or administrators will have access to a dedicated
dashboard. Here, they can thoroughly review all incoming bids. They'll follow a well-
defined process of assessing and verifying bidders based on the criteria we've
established. This meticulous approach guarantees that only qualified bidders can
proceed with their bids.
 Bid Acceptance Notification: When a bid is accepted, buyers will receive an immediate
and clear notification confirming the success of their bid. This notification will also guide
them through the subsequent steps they need to take for a smooth transaction.
 Providing Shipping Details: To ensure accurate and timely product delivery, buyers will
be prompted to enter essential shipping information. This step is critical for a satisfying
purchasing experience.
 Automatic Invoice Generation: Our system will take care of generating a detailed
invoice, capturing all relevant transaction information. Buyers can conveniently
download this invoice in PDF format, and your company's logo will be seamlessly
integrated into the invoice. This feature helps them maintain organized records of their
purchases while reinforcing your brand identity.
 Secure Payment Gateway: To streamline the payment process, I will seamlessly integrate
a secure payment gateway into the platform. Buyers can confidently complete their
payments, ensuring a hassle-free and secure transaction.
 Contract PDF in Notifications: As an additional feature, buyers will receive contract PDFs
in their notifications. These contract PDFs will provide buyers with the necessary
documentation and legal information related to their transactions. This ensures
transparency and offers a complete record of the contractual agreements made during
the purchasing process, with your company's logo incorporated for a professional and
branded touch.
 Seller/Admin Dashboard: Sellers or administrators will have access to a dedicated
dashboard. Here, they can thoroughly review all incoming bids and manage product
pricing. They'll follow a well-defined process of assessing and verifying bidders based on
the criteria we've established. This meticulous approach guarantees that only qualified
bidders can proceed with their bids.

 Price and VAT Calculation: In case a client registers as a company, the system will
calculate the invoice with a net price. As you've noticed in the demo website, the admin
panel can accurately calculate the price when generating the default invoice. However,
for private individuals, the panel admin will ensure that the displayed price includes a
21% VAT, as required for private transactions. This flexible approach caters to different
customer types and ensures compliance with the appropriate tax regulations.

Addressing your Concern:

In the current version of the demo website, there is an issue when entering as a company. The
page only accepts JPG images, but the requirement is to receive PDFs for verification. We will
make the necessary changes to rectify this issue. The verification process for companies will now
include PDF documents alongside image signatures, ensuring thorough and reliable verification.
2. Admin Dashboard Development:
 Comprehensive View: Sellers and administrators will have access to a comprehensive
dashboard, offering a centralized view of all bids submitted by buyers. This feature ensures
that they have a complete overview of the auction activities.
 In-Depth Bid Details: Within the dashboard, they will be able to access in-depth details of
each bid, including all the information provided by the buyers. This transparency aids in
informed decision-making.
 Verification and Permitting: Sellers and administrators play a crucial role in the transaction
process. They have the authority to verify and permit bids from buyers who meet the
predefined criteria that we've discussed. This step is essential in maintaining the security and
authenticity of the transactions taking place on the platform.
 Active Monitoring: Our system empowers sellers and administrators to closely monitor the
entire bidding process. They can keep a watchful eye on each bid, ensuring a smooth and
efficient auction process. Informed decisions can be made promptly regarding which bids to
 Manage Purchase Options: Within the Admin Dashboard, you will have the capability to
manage purchase options. This includes defining fixed prices for delivery and pickup from the
office. Admins can set specific costs for different delivery options to ensure precise price
 Calculate Total Price: When a customer selects the "Buy Now" option, the system will
automatically calculate the total price based on the purchase option chosen by the customer.
For example, if delivery is selected, the system will add the fixed delivery cost to the product
price. Similarly, if the customer opts for office pickup, a small fee, such as the 99 euros as
seen on the demo website, will be added to the product's price.

3.Public Website Development: The 'Public Website' is the first impression for new visitors, and
I'll make it captivating and functional. Here's what it will include:
 Engaging Homepage: The homepage of your public website will be carefully designed to
make a strong first impression on new visitors. It will feature eye-catching listings that
capture users' attention immediately.
 Efficient Search with Filters: Users will have a user-friendly search feature at their disposal,
allowing them to search for items based on various criteria. The search functionality will be
designed for seamless navigation, ensuring an efficient and satisfying user experience.
 Detailed Product/Item Pages: Each product/item will have a dedicated page providing
comprehensive information. To enhance the user experience, we will include options like
'Buy it now,' 'Make an offer,' and 'Bid it now' for quick purchasing decisions. Additionally, a
'Share Item' feature will be seamlessly integrated to encourage word-of-mouth marketing
and social sharing.

4.Module Development:

 Auction Module: The 'Auction Module' is the heart of your website, managing auctions,
starting bids, and reserve prices. I'll use technologies like PHP, coupled with databases, to
ensure smooth operation. I have a proven track record of implementing similar modules in
past projects, ensuring a reliable and efficient auction system.
 Companies Module: The 'Companies' module handles seller or company information and
integrates seamlessly with the user database. This ensures that seller data is well-organized
and easily accessible.
 Items Module: 'Items' are crucial for managing the products or services listed in auctions. To
keep things organized, I'll utilize databases for efficient item organization and retrieval.
 Buyers Module: The 'Buyers' module is all about tracking user activities and enhancing user
satisfaction. I'll use databases for secure data storage, ensuring a seamless experience for
buyers. I've incorporated similar buyer tracking modules in previous projects, resulting in
improved user satisfaction and engagement.
 Bids Module: 'Bids' allow users to place bids on items. To provide real-time updates, I'll
implement technologies like Pusher for instant notifications.
 Offers Module: 'Offers' enable users to make direct purchase offers, enhancing the overall
user experience. This feature will simplify the buying process.
 Safe Deals Module: The 'Safe Deals' module is all about secure transactions and invoicing,
including the integration of payment gateways for a smooth payment process.
 Invoices Module: 'Invoices' are generated using advanced technologies for efficient invoicing
and storage of buyer information. I've successfully developed and integrated invoice modules
in previous projects, streamlining the invoicing process.
 Messages/Notifications Module: 'Messages/Notifications' are powered by Pusher, offering
real-time communication and updates for an enhanced user experience.
5.Settings Development:

1. General Settings: 'General settings' involve website-wide customization and branding. This
often requires a robust Content Management System (CMS) that empowers you to manage
content, imagery, and the overall look and feel of the website. This ensures a customized and
visually appealing platform.
2. Invoice Settings + Tax and Shipping Settings: 'Invoice Settings + Tax' and 'Shipping Settings'
involve configuring payment and shipping options. To achieve this, I'll integrate payment
gateways for seamless transactions and utilize shipping APIs to provide various shipping
choices for buyers. This ensures a smooth purchasing process with multiple payment and
delivery options.
3. Email Settings: 'Email Settings' manage email notifications and require integration with email
service providers. I'll set up automated email notifications, ensuring efficient communication
with users and stakeholders.
4. Auctions Settings: 'Auctions Settings' fine-tune the auction process. This involves configuring
the database to handle auction-specific details, ensuring that auctions run smoothly and
5. SEO Settings: 'SEO Settings' are crucial for optimizing the website for search engines. I'll
implement SEO best practices to enhance the website's search engine visibility, resulting in
higher organic traffic and better search engine rankings.
6. Pusher Settings: 'Pusher Settings' are vital for real-time notifications. I'll integrate the Pusher
API to provide users with instant updates and notifications, enhancing their overall
experience on the platform. This ensures that users stay informed and engaged in real time.

6. Design SELL category on site will have:








1. At the moment the demo site we are referring to,

! it is only for construction machinery ! We will add or delete already existing categories
because I am not interested! In the future, the site must have the function of creating NEW
categories upon request. From the admin panel you must configure new categories !
7. In each posted ad, you have on the website you will have feature:

- Delivery: Worldwide - Check delivery price and time!

1. When the customer clicks to check how much the delivery cost is, the final page
should appear where the price of delivery or personal pickup is calculated. To see exactly
what it is about, enter any auction, press BUY IT NOW, and you will be redirected to that
page! You will arrive at a page where you select delivery or personal pickup from our
headquarters! At this moment this option does not work, it is not ready on the demo site.
You have to do it yourself.

8. About Invoice and Contract of sale:

1. Finally, I want to inform you about the proforma invoice and the sales contract! As
you can see on the demo site, the proforma invoice and the contract of sale are by default.
The admin knows how to create a proforma invoice and contract for each buyer who want
to buy!

2. At this moment when we are discussing at the end of the action, the proforma
invoice cannot be seen. You can only see the sales contract as it is created! For the
proforma invoice I use a PDF that we can set as default. Or if possible, I will tell you on
which site the invoice program works, maybe it has an API or an application that can be
linked to my account!

3. The Invoice program site is: !

4. You have to make this connection exactly like on the demo site. The invoice should
appear at SAFE DEAL, for each individual customer!

CHECK AUCTION MODULE named: Safe-Deals !

Testing and QA Module
 Testing of the site by the Developers and yourself

 Removal of the bugs from the site

 Migration of the site on your server

 Testing it again

 Release of the site

 Integration of the site on live server

 Retesting the site and bug removal

 Database clear and project completion

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