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AI Exam Paper

Std: 9th Subject: Science & Technology I Time: 1Hr

Date : XX-XX-XX Max Marks: 20

Q.1 (A) Choose the proper alternative and fill in the blanks: 5

(1) Ans. b. longitudinal

(2) Ans. d. frequency

(3) Ans. b. R = 2f

(4) Ans. a. 20 Hz

(5) Ans. c. flat

(B) Attempt the following: 3

(1) Name the following: 1

(2) State 'True' or 'False', if 'False' correct it: 2

(i) Ans. True

(ii) Ans. True

Q.2 (A) Give reasons:(Any ONE) 2

(1) Ans. i. Echo of sound depends upon the temperature of the surrounding and distance between the source
and the reflecting surface.
ii. The condition for echo to be heard is that the reflecting surface should be at minimum distance or
greater than 17.2 meters (assuming room temperature as 22 °C).
iii. In a classroom, the ceiling is not so high and the distance between the opposite walls is usually
less than 17.2 m. Also the furniture of classrooms absorbs some amount of sound. Hence, we cannot
hear echo produced in our classroom.

(2) Ans. i. Solar devices like solar cooker or solar water heater use solar energy to cook food or heat water.
Therefore, they require maximum amount of heat to do these work.
ii. Concave mirror is a converging or focusing mirror because parallel rays get focused after
reflection in this mirror.
iii. Therefore, to concentrate maximum amount of heat and radiation coming from the sun, concave
mirrors are used in solar devices.

(B) Answer the following:(Any ONE) 2

(1) Ans. (i) Velocity of sound is different in different mediums.
(ii) It travels the fastest in solids, a little faster in liquids, and the slowest in gases.
(iii) The higher the density of the medium, the faster will be the velocity of sound and vice versa.
(iv) Therefore, steel being solid (have higher density) and water being liquid (have lower density
than solids); velocity of sound in steel is greater than the velocity of sound in water.

(2) Ans. 1. It is used for personal grooming.

2. It is used in periscopes for seeing over walls or above water surfaces when used in submarines.
3. It is used in kaleidoscope.

Q.3 Answer the following:(Any ONE) 3

(1) Ans. i. The source of light is placed at the focus of the concave mirror in torches to obtain an inverted,
real and very large image as compared to object at infinity.
ii. In projector lamps, the source of light is placed at the centre of curvature of the concave mirror to
obtain an inverted and real image of the same size as the object at the centre of curvature.
iii. In floodlights, the source of light is kept just beyond the centre of curvature of the concave mirror
to obtain a diminished, inverted and real image (as compared to object) between the centre of
curvature and focus.

(2) Ans. i. The two important factors of echo are temperature of the surrounding and distance between the
source and the reflecting surface.
iii. As the temperature of the atmosphere changes (and the speed of sound in air is directly
proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature of air) the velocity of sound in the
surrounding and minimum distance to hear echo also changes.
Distance = velocity x time
= 344 m/s x 0.1 s = 34.4 m
So the total distance covered by sound from the point of generation to the reflecting surface and back
should be at least 34.4 m. Thus, for hearing distinct echoes, the minimum distance between the
source of sound and obstacle must be half the distance i.e. 17.2 m and this distance will be more at
high temperature.
iv. Hence, to hear echo distinctly, the distance from the source of sound to the reflecting surface will
not be same at all temperatures.

Q.4 Answer the following question in brief:(Any ONE) 5

(1) Ans. i. SONAR is the short form of Sound Navigation and Ranging. It is used to determine the direction,
distance and speed of an underwater object with the help of ultrasonic sound waves.
ii. SONAR consists of a transmitter and a receiver. It is installed in a ship or a boat.
iii. The transmitter produces and transmits ultrasonic waves. These waves travel through water. They
get reflected after striking the object on the sea bed. The reflected waves are sensed by the receiver.
iv. The receiver converts the ultrasonic waves into electrical signals which are appropriately
v. The time interval between transmission and reception of the ultrasound is recorded. By knowing
the speed of sound in water and considering the time difference between transmission and reception,
the distance of the object that reflected the sound wave can be calculated.
vi. SONAR technique is used to determine the depth of the sea. It is useful to locate underwater hills,
valleys, submarines etc.
(2) Ans.

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