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Teacher: Duong Thi Thanh Hoa

Group: 14
Members of group:
Ha Thu Nguyet - 24A7511749 (leader) – K24ATCA
Phan Thi Thanh Van – 24A7512009 – K24ATCA
Luu Thu Thuy – 24A75112000 – K24ATCA
I. Euphemism 3
1, Definition 3
2, Example: 3
II. Metaphor 4
1, Definition 4
2, Example: 4
III.Metonymy 7
1, Definition 7
2, Example7
IV. Synonyms 9
1, Definition 9
2, Example9
VHomophone 10
1, Definition 10
2, Example11
VI. Homograph 11
1, Definition 11
2, Example11
I. Euphemism
1, Definition
Euphemism is a figure of speech commonly used to replace a word or phrase that is related to
a concept that might make others uncomfortable. Euphemism refers to figurative language
designed to replace phrasing that would otherwise be considered harsh, impolite, or unpleasant.
This literary device allows for someone to say what they mean indirectly, without using literal
language, as a way of softening the impact of what is being said. The reason for this would be for
the sake of politeness, discretion, and other means of mitigating communication. Euphemisms
are used for certain abstractions such as death, sex, aging, getting fired, bodily functions, and
2, Example
Text 1: As the twilight of her existence approached, she gracefully bid farewell,
transcending the mortal realm. With her spirit taking flight, she ventured into the embrace of
eternal slumber, where pain and strife dissolve like morning mist. Like a river's current, life's
challenges flowed around her, while she navigated the bustling urban landscape as an agile
gazelle amidst the concrete canyons. The quill, mightier than any sword, became her voice, as
she fearlessly expressed ideas that reverberated through the halls of power. The halls of
government, akin to the White House, erupted in passionate discourse, igniting fires of change
and progress. The Crown, symbolizing sovereignty, commanded attention and reverence,
shaping destinies with a regal touch. Meanwhile, Wall Street's tumultuous waves swayed the
global economy, as cameras and microphones of the press stood as vigilant sentinels, capturing
every twist and turn of the unfolding drama. In this tapestry of euphemisms, metaphors, and
metonymy, the power of words danced harmoniously, painting a vivid portrait of a world in
constant motion.
Explain: In the passage, euphemism is used to describe the act of passing away in a gentle
and soothing manner. Specifically, the phrase "twilight of her existence" is used to refer to the
nearing of death in a delicate and respectful manner. The sentence "transcending the mortal
realm" portrays her crossing over death, creating an image of transcendence and the

Text 2:
"Within the context of finance and banking grappling with market fluctuations, Wall Street
has become the center of attention. As a symbol of wealth and power, Wall Street plays an
indispensable role in shaping the direction of the economy. Businesses and investors, like flames
fueled by ambition and financial aspirations, continue to flock to Wall Street in search of
opportunities and financial goals. However, success is not always attainable. In the world of
finance, time becomes a precious asset, where every minute is counted as money. Therefore,
managing time and finances becomes a pivotal factor for success. Otherwise, risks lurk, and the
possibility of bankruptcy looms as a terrifying consequence. Hence, financial decisions demand
skillfulness and strategy because, in this world, time truly is money."
"market fluctuations" is used as a euphemism to refer to market volatility, instead of using
the word "volatility" directly.
II. Metaphor
1, Definition
Metaphor can also be understood as a type of figurative language in which the author
compares two very different things and, as a result, reveals creative similarities between the two.
2, Example:

Text 1:
As the twilight of her existence approached, she gracefully bid farewell, transcending the
mortal realm. With her spirit taking flight, she ventured into the embrace of eternal slumber,
where pain and strife dissolve like morning mist. Like a river's current, life's challenges
flowed around her, while she navigated the bustling urban landscape as an agile gazelle
amidst the concrete canyons. The quill, mightier than any sword, became her voice, as she
fearlessly expressed ideas that reverberated through the halls of power. The halls of government,
akin to the White House, erupted in passionate discourse, igniting fires of change and progress.
The Crown, symbolizing sovereignty, commanded attention and reverence, shaping destinies
with a regal touch. Meanwhile, Wall Street's tumultuous waves swayed the global economy, as
cameras and microphones of the press stood as vigilant sentinels, capturing every twist and turn
of the unfolding drama. In this tapestry of euphemisms, metaphors, and metonymy, the power of
words danced harmoniously, painting a vivid portrait of a world in constant motion.
In the passage, we can see several metaphors used to describe life and the city. For example,
the sentence "Like a river's current, life's challenges flowed around her" uses metaphor to
compare the ebb and flow of life's challenges to a river's current. Her movement within the city
is also likened to an agile gazelle amidst concrete canyons in the sentence "navigated the
bustling urban landscape as an agile gazelle amidst the concrete canyons."

Text 2
"Within the context of finance and banking grappling with market fluctuations, Wall Street
has become the center of attention. As a symbol of wealth and power, Wall Street plays an
indispensable role in shaping the direction of the economy. Businesses and investors, like flames
fueled by ambition and financial aspirations, continue to flock to Wall Street in search of
opportunities and financial goals. However, success is not always attainable. In the world of
finance, time becomes a precious asset, where every minute is counted as money. Therefore,
managing time and finances becomes a pivotal factor for success. Otherwise, risks lurk, and the
possibility of bankruptcy looms as a terrifying consequence. Hence, financial decisions demand
skillfulness and strategy because, in this world, time truly is money."
Finance and banking, the lifeblood of economic systems, are complex and dynamic realms
that drive global economies. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of finance and banking,
using the power of rhetorical devices to illuminate their multifaceted nature. Through metonymy,
metaphor, euphemism, homonyms, polysemy, and synonyms, we will paint a vivid picture of this
ever-evolving domain.
Here is an analysis of the rhetorical devices used:
"flames fueled by ambition and financial aspirations" is a metaphor used to describe
ambition and financial goals.

Text 3:
"In the context of volatile financial markets, banks have become promising gateways to
financial success. Like a sturdy bridge connecting assets and customers, banks shine like
guiding beacons, leading us through financial obstacles and towards shores of prosperity.
One crucial factor in achieving financial success is the ability to navigate and seize
opportunities. Banks, like smart maps, guide us to logical destinations on our financial journey.
Through analysis and evaluation, banks provide suitable financial advice and solutions, acting as
compasses on the vast sea of the financial market.
Furthermore, discipline and patience are essential in the financial journey. Like a patient
hunter waiting for its prey, banks carefully consider financial factors and develop strategies
based on observation and analysis. This serves as a firm and intelligent step on the path of
finance, ensuring stability and success.
With the goal of creating value and contributing to economic development, banks act as
building blocks. They provide capital and funding for projects and businesses, serving as an
energy source to drive economic growth. As an open door to the financial world, banks create
connections and expand opportunities for those with financial ambitions.
Lastly, in the complex financial world, seeking professional support is crucial. Banks, as
reliable advisors, help us understand the intricate aspects of finance and offer intelligent and
effective solutions. Like guiding mentors, banks lead us through financial challenges towards
sustainable success."
"banks shine like guiding beacons" - This metaphor compares banks to guiding beacons,
emphasizing their role in providing direction and guidance in the financial journey.
" banks act as building blocks " - This metaphor portrays banks as essential components
that contribute to the construction and growth of the economy.

Video 1:
Cavalry Training
The U.S. cavalry rode through the jungle, headed for battle. Their horses made of steel,
their riders sweltering in flak jackets. The infantrymen inside check their weapons just like
they've been trained. They repeat their briefing in their head, just like they've been trained. The
pilot comes in for a landing, hovering above the swirling greenery, just like he's been trained.
But once the bullets start flying and the first sap is struck down by a hail of rounds, these
soldiers begin to panic as reality sweeps their training aside. This is the central highlands of
Vietnam, and the first major battle for American forces has begun. But the GIs will find no
stand-up fight here, no easy conquest born on the back of their technological supremacy. They
will find only paro.
Over from the militia, the Vietcong themselves began receiving heavy reinforcements from
the Pavin. Both sides saw the necessity of securing the highlands, but it was the communist
forces who would commit to the first large-scale offensive. In July, Major General Chu Huiman
assumed command over three regiments from the Pavin first division and began planning an
ambitious assault on the American military camp at Playmat, southwest of Pleiku city. Initially
operating as three separate groups, one regiment would attack Playmay and pin the defenders
down, while a second lurked in ambush for any reinforcements. Once these had been dealt with,
the third regiment would arrive, and all three would unite for a final assault on Plaku city.
However, just as General Man's audacious plans began to take shape, the Americans threw a
wrench into the works by deploying the First Cavalry Division to the central highlands. This
was the first complete US division to enter Vietnam, and Mon immediately realized that if they
were allowed to reach play camp, his offensive would be doomed before it even began.
Concluding that only decisive action could prevent a swift American victory.

threw a wrench into the works: To disrupt, foil, or cause problems to a plan, activity

Video 2:
Morpheus: Do you want to know what the Matrix is, Neo?
Neo: Yes.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room.
You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can
feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world
that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born
into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.
Morpheus: "The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room."
In this line, the Matrix is compared to something pervasive and ever-present. It is not
explicitly stated what the Matrix is, but the metaphor portrays it as an intangible entity that
surrounds and envelops individuals, much like an invisible force or atmosphere. The metaphor
emphasizes the all-encompassing nature of the Matrix, suggesting that it permeates every aspect
of life, including the physical environment ("in this very room").
This metaphorical language helps convey the idea that the Matrix is not simply a physical
construct or confined to a specific location but is a pervasive and all-pervading system that
affects every aspect of existence. It adds depth and imagery to the dialogue, allowing the
audience to grasp the concept of the Matrix as an intangible yet powerful presence.

III. Metonymy
1, Definition
A figure of speech based on contiguity (proximity) or close relation between two objects or
2, Example
Text 1:
As the twilight of her existence approached, she gracefully bid farewell, transcending the
mortal realm. With her spirit taking flight, she ventured into the embrace of eternal slumber,
where pain and strife dissolve like morning mist. Like a river's current, life's challenges flowed
around her, while she navigated the bustling urban landscape as an agile gazelle amidst the
concrete canyons. The quill, mightier than any sword, became her voice, as she fearlessly
expressed ideas that reverberated through the halls of power. The halls of government, akin to
the White House, erupted in passionate discourse, igniting fires of change and progress. The
Crown, symbolizing sovereignty, commanded attention and reverence, shaping destinies with a
regal touch. Meanwhile, Wall Street's tumultuous waves swayed the global economy, as
cameras and microphones of the press stood as vigilant sentinels, capturing every twist and turn
of the unfolding drama. In this tapestry of euphemisms, metaphors, and metonymy, the power of
words danced harmoniously, painting a vivid portrait of a world in constant motion.
In the passage, metonymy is used to represent larger and significant concepts. For instance, "
The quill, mightier than any sword, became her voice" uses the word " quill " to represent the
power and impact of language. The term " Crown " is used to represent the power and authority
of a kingdom or nation. Similarly, " Wall Street " symbolizes the financial hub and its influence,
while " the press " with their cameras and microphones stand as representatives capturing the
unfolding events.

Text 2:
"Within the context of finance and banking grappling with market fluctuations, Wall Street
has become the center of attention. As a symbol of wealth and power, Wall Street plays an
indispensable role in shaping the direction of the economy. Businesses and investors, like flames
fueled by ambition and financial aspirations, continue to flock to Wall Street in search of
opportunities and financial goals. However, success is not always attainable. In the world of
finance, time becomes a precious asset, where every minute is counted as money. Therefore,
managing time and finances becomes a pivotal factor for success. Otherwise, risks lurk and the
possibility of bankruptcy looms as a terrifying consequence. Hence, financial decisions demand
skillfulness and strategy because in this world, time truly is money."
Metaphor: "flames fueled by ambition and financial aspirations" is a metaphor used to
describe ambition and financial goals.
Explain: "Wall Street" is used as a metonymy which is the relation between the notion and

Video 1:
Cavalry Training
The U.S. cavalry rode through the jungle, headed for battle. Their horses made of steel,
their riders sweltering in flak jackets. The infantrymen inside check their weapons just like
they've been trained. They repeat their briefing in their head, just like they've been trained. The
pilot comes in for a landing, hovering above the swirling greenery, just like he's been trained.
But once the bullets start flying and the first sap is struck down by a hail of rounds, these
soldiers begin to panic as reality sweeps their training aside. This is the central highlands of
Vietnam, and the first major battle for American forces has begun. But the GIs will find no
stand-up fight here, no easy conquest born on the back of their technological supremacy. They
will find only paro.
Over from the militia, the Vietcong themselves began receiving heavy reinforcements from
the Pavin. Both sides saw the necessity of securing the highlands, but it was the communist
forces who would commit to the first large-scale offensive. In July, Major General Chu Huiman
assumed command over three regiments from the Pavin first division and began planning an
ambitious assault on the American military camp at Playmat, southwest of Pleiku city. Initially
operating as three separate groups, one regiment would attack Playmay and pin the defenders
down, while a second lurked in ambush for any reinforcements. Once these had been dealt with,
the third regiment would arrive, and all three would unite for a final assault on Plaku city.
However, just as General Man's audacious plans began to take shape, the Americans threw a
wrench into the works by deploying the First Cavalry Division to the central highlands. This was
the first complete US division to enter Vietnam, and Mon immediately realized that if they were
allowed to reach play camp, his offensive would be doomed before it even began. Concluding
that only decisive action could prevent a swift American victory.
Explain: ”Their horses made of steel”, which refers to an airplane. Their riders sweltering
in flak jackets: they are the pilots, or specifically the soldiers
IV. Synonyms
1, Definition
Synomyms are words (two or more)of the same part of speech, similar in their denotational
meaning, but different in their phonetic and graphic form, connotational meaning and
2, Example
Text 2:
"Within the context of finance and banking grappling with market fluctuations, Wall Street
has become the center of attention. As a symbol of wealth and power, Wall Street plays an
indispensable role in shaping the direction of the economy. Businesses and investors, like flames
fueled by ambition and financial aspirations, continue to flock to Wall Street in search of
opportunities and financial goals. However, success is not always attainable. In the world of
finance, time becomes a precious asset, where every minute is counted as money. Therefore,
managing time and finances becomes a pivotal factor for success. Otherwise, risks lurk and the
possibility of bankruptcy looms as a terrifying consequence. Hence, financial decisions demand
skillfulness and strategy because in this world, time truly is money."
Finance and banking, the lifeblood of economic systems, are complex and dynamic realms
that drive global economies. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of finance and banking,
using the power of rhetorical devices to illuminate their multifaceted nature. Through metonymy,
metaphor, euphemism, homonyms, polysemy, and synonyms, we will paint a vivid picture of this
ever-evolving domain.
Here is an analysis of the rhetorical devices used:
"Wealth and power " are used as synonymous terms to describe prosperity and authority.
Overall, the paragraph employs rhetorical devices such as metonymy, metaphor, euphemism,
and synonyms to create vivid imagery and convey meaning in a creative and engaging manner.
These devices make the text more captivating and interesting while effectively delivering the
message and impacting the readers.

Text 3:
"In the context of volatile financial markets, banks have become promising gateways to
financial success. Like a sturdy bridge connecting assets and customers, banks shine like guiding
beacons, leading us through financial obstacles and towards shores of prosperity.
One crucial factor in achieving financial success is the ability to navigate and seize
opportunities. Banks, like smart maps, guide us to logical destinations on our financial journey.
Through analysis and evaluation, banks provide suitable financial advice and solutions, acting as
compasses on the vast sea of the financial market.
Furthermore, discipline and patience are essential in the financial journey. Like a patient
hunter waiting for its prey, banks carefully consider financial factors and develop strategies
based on observation and analysis. This serves as a firm and intelligent step on the path of
finance, ensuring stability and success.
With the goal of creating value and contributing to economic development, banks act as
building blocks. They provide capital and funding for projects and businesses, serving as an
energy source to drive economic growth. As an open door to the financial world, banks create
connections and expand opportunities for those with financial ambitions.
Lastly, in the complex financial world, seeking professional support is crucial. banks, as
reliable advisors, help us understand the intricate aspects of finance and offer intelligent and
effective solutions. Like guiding mentors, banks lead us through financial challenges towards
sustainable success."
"Financial success" and "prosperity" - These synonyms are used interchangeably to convey
the idea of achieving favorable financial outcomes.

Video 2:
Morpheus: Do you want to know what the Matrix is, Neo?
Neo: Yes.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, even now in this very room. You
can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it
when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has
been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born
into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.
In this passage, the word "bondage" is used as a synonym for slavery. Morpheus conveys to
Neo that they, along with everyone else, are essentially slaves, trapped in a prison they cannot
perceive through their physical senses. The use of the synonym "bondage" adds variety to the
language and intensifies the emotional impact of the statement, emphasizing the oppressive
nature of their existence within the Matrix.
By employing synonyms, the dialogue becomes more evocative and engaging, allowing for a
richer portrayal of the characters' circumstances and the dire situation they find themselves in.

V. Homophone
1, Definition
Words identical in pronunciation, but different or coincidental in spelling
2, Example
Text 4:
I saw a great sight at the construction site. The workers were busy building a new bridge
over the river. The heavy machinery was lifting massive steel beams into place. It was a feat of
engineering. As I watched, a crane lowers a load of bricks onto the ground. The bricklayers
skillfully arranged the bricks in neat rows, creating a sturdy wall. The site supervisor inspected
the load, making sure everything was up to standard.

: "Sight" and "Site" - The word "sight" appears in the sentence "I saw a great sight at the
construction site." "Sight" refers to what is seen or a view. The word "site" appears in the
sentence "The workers were busy building a new bridge over the river." "Site" refers to a
location or a place of construction.

VI. Homograph
1, Definition
Word of the same spelling, but of different pronunciation
2, Example
Text 4:
I saw a great sight at the construction site. The workers were busy building a new bridge over
the river. The heavy machinery was lifting massive steel beams into place. It was a feat of
engineering. As I watched, a crane lowered a load of bricks onto the ground. The bricklayers
skillfully arranged the bricks in neat rows, creating a sturdy wall. The site supervisor inspected
the load, making sure everything was up to standard.
: "Load" - The word "load" appears in the sentence "As I watched, a crane lowered a load
of bricks onto the ground." Here, "load" means a quantity of goods being transported. The
word "load" appears again in the sentence "The site supervisor inspected the load, making
sure everything was up to standard." Here, "load" refers to the amount of work or progress to
be completed.

In summary, the utilization of literary devices enhances the richness and impact of language.
Through techniques such as metaphors, homonymy, polysemy,…writers can create engaging and
meaningful expressions. These tools breathe life into words, evoke emotions, and convey ideas
with depth and resonance. By employing these devices, writing becomes more captivating,
leaving a lasting impression on readers and allowing for a deeper connection and understanding
of the text.

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