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Jechz Jacob M.

Lopez 1st Year BSCE- GE 15 (6992)

Activity 1. In your own reflective ideas, write at least 10 environmental problems we

face nowadays. What do you think would be your greatest contribution/s to help
resolved or limit these problems?

The following are the ten environmental problems we currently face today in my
reflective ideas.
1. Climate Change
2. Global Warming
3. Pollution in all aspects
4. Waste Production
5. Overpopulation
6. Loss of Biodiversity
7. Public Health Issues
8. Deforestation
9. Resource Depletion
10. Overconsumption
As a student, my most significant contributions to help mitigate these problems are:
1. To educate me about the consequences of these environmental problems to
me and others.
2. To practice the concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to minimize
consumption and production of waste that may lead to pollution in every aspect.
3. To throw my trash or/and pick-up trashes to keep our surroundings clean to
avoid public health issues.
4. To raise awareness in social media about these environmental problems for
them to know what they must do to help mitigate the issues.

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