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Upper Intermediate AK

Unit 1b

1 is currently being run
2 was completed
3 wasn’t reached
4 were announced
5 was built
6 are still being added

7 has become
8 can even be seen
9 carry out
10 are regularly tested
11 has been continuously staffed
12 is being used
13 will affect

1 Your situation is currently being discussed
2 Every question had been answered by the class
4 Some medicine should be prescribed by the doctor
5 All those dresses might have been sold
6 The final decision will be made by the council at the next meeting

Unit 2a

1 have won
2 has made
3 has travelled
4 circled
5 did
6 has visited
7 has also been
8 has ever visited
9 developed
10 drove

1 Has / ever won
2 did / follow
3 has / visited
4 has – visited
5 did / develop
1 have ever done
2 ’ve done
3 climbed
4 ’ve climbed
5 reached
6 wanted
7 was
8 caught
9 have never felt
10 haven’t visited
11 never been
12 never seen

1 Has John arrived yet?
2 Have you ever been on a cruise?
3 No, I’ve already cooked dinner.
4 I haven’t read it yet.
5 I’ve seen this film twice already./I’ve already seen this film twice!

Unit 2b


1 was climbing
2 happened
3 was coming
4 fell
5 broke
6 were
7 had finished
8 got
9 had stopped
10 were getting
11 explained
12 had broken
13 had already put
14 invited
15 heard
16 ran
17 was happening
18 had knocked
19 was eating
20 had fallen

1 did / hear
2 happened
3 was having
4 was playing
5 broke
6 didn’t find out
7 had already / left
8 did / take

Spread 2

1 had been working
2 hadn’t been listening
3 had been crying
4 hadn’t been living

1 had she been working
2 Had he been listening
3 had he been doing
4 had she been living

1 fallen
2 been going
3 started
4 met
5 been seeing
6 realised
7 seen
8 found

1 ’d been working
2 ’d seen
3 ’d noticed
4 ’d never spoken
5 ’d been doing
6 ’d been having
7 had all been talking
8 hadn’t noticed
9 had never felt
10 ’d just bought
11 ’d been spending

Unit 3a

1H 2B 3D 4E 5G 6A 7F 8C
1 We’re going
2 are you going to
3 We’re going to
4 There’ll be
5 It’ll be
6 I’m going to buy
7 is staying
8 I’ll do
9 I’ll pay

1 What are you doing tomorrow?
2 Who do you think is going to win the competition?
3 It will not rain tomorrow.
4 I’m taking the day off.
5 The flight leaves …
6 Are you going to sell …
7 It will be really difficult …
8 The exam starts ….

Unit 3b

1 will be taking off
2 will be flying
3 will be landing
4 will be serving
5 will be starting
6 will be selling
1 will have crossed
2 will have driven
3 will have slept
4 will have seen
5 will have visited
6 will have arrived
1 will have been working
2 won’t have been getting
3 won’t have been eating

1 B: I’ll be travelling
2 A: have finished / B: have been working
3 B: have been living
4 A: be seeing / B: be going

Students’ own answers
Unit 4a

1 baggage
3 snow
4 need
5 times
7 drinks
8 gossip
9 any
10 ✓

1 a slice of lemon
2 a tin of soup
3 a loaf of bread
4 a piece of cake
5 a pack of cards
6 a type of insect

1 are
2 helps
3 is
4 do
5 cut
6 isn’t/aren’t
7 haven’t

1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B

Unit 4b

1 Every
2 Each/Every
3 Each of the
4 Both
5 Either
6 either

2 are → is
3 were → was
5 need → needs

1 All
2 Every
3 Each
4 Neither
5 Every
6 either
7 each
8 every
9 Neither

Students’ own answers

Unit 5a

1 enjoys playing
2 start working
3 apologize for being
4 worry about cooking
5 prevent burglars breaking
6 mind you staying
7 can’t help thinking

1 taking
2 doing
3 to be
4 studying
5 to answer
6 making
7 to try
8 asking
9 to show

1 reading / to read
2 taking
3 to like
4 collecting / to collect
5 asking / to ask
6 to see
7 to tidy
8 breaking / to break
9 waiting
10 studying / to study

Students’ own answers

Unit 5b

1 A: leaving / B: to do
2 A: to take / B: falling
3 A: to win / B: to tell
4 A: giving up / B: to be
5 A: hitting / B: to inform
6 A: to think / B: bothering
7 A: pressing / B: to learn

Conversation 1
1 remember to buy
2 forgot to bring
3 stop to get
Conversation 2
4 meant to leave
5 regretted leaving
6 went on to say
7 tried to be nice

1 went on to become
2 Stop worrying about
3 try opening
4 regret lying
5 remembered checking
6 meant having

Unit 6b

1 Hasn’t he done a good job
2 Can’t I come with you
3 Won’t they take a break soon
4 Don’t they know how expensive this is
5 Can you tell me where Phillip is
6 Do you think Marilyn will like our idea
7 I don’t know how I made so many mistakes
8 Do you have any idea how many people are coming

1c 2a 3f 4e 5d 6b

1 haven’t you talked to your boss
2 I take the rest
3 today’s lesson
4 how much potatoes are
5 aren’t coming
6 help me move
7 how long Gabriel has been playing
8 spell his name C-H-U-I, don’t you

Spread 2

1 haven’t we
2 weren’t you
3 wasn’t it
4 are you
5 isn’t it
6 didn’t you
7 do you
8 shouldn’t I
9 won’t you
10 shall we
11 will you

1 aren’t you
2 isn’t it
3 do they
4 doesn’t she
5 wasn’t there
6 haven’t they
7 aren’t I
8 could I
9 hadn’t he
10 isn’t she
11 will you
12 mustn’t you
13 shall we
14 hasn’t it

Students’ own answers

Unit 7b

1 knew
2 could
3 were coming
4 ’d stayed
5 could have
6 wouldn’t say

1 could read
2 had brought
3 wasn’t
4 wouldn’t bite
5 wasn’t going
6 had

3 Students’ own answers

Unit 8a

1 suggested
2 warned
3 apologized
4 admitted
5 refused
6 recommended
7 accused
8 encouraged


1 introducing
2 English lessons would be
3 that staff needed help
4 that he was
5 offering
6 to consider
7 to find out
8 they would choose

Unit 8b

1 to be put
2 to be proved/ being proved
3 to be asked
4 being left
5 to be shocked
6 being seen
7 not being chosen
8 to be delayed/ being delayed
9 to be cheered

1C 2B 3E 4D 5F 6A

1 the robbery happened at three in the morning
2 thought that the robbers dug a tunnel underneath the road
3 claimed that it goes right into the bank vault
4 been seen
5 rumoured to have stolen up to a million pounds

1 it was criticised
2 It was claimed
3 known to have convinced
4 were expected to reward
5 avoided being killed
6 is believed to be

Unit 9a


2 the
3 the

6 the

10 ø
11 the
12 the
13 ø
14 the
15 the

1 the
3 the
4 the (New York)
5 the (bus)
8 the
10 the
11 ✓

Students’ own answers

Unit 9b

1 who broke into an office block D
2 who had taken two laptop computers N-D
3 which was only five minutes from the office block N-D
4 that came from the inside of the fridge D
5 which was only a meter high N-D
6 who had been in the fridge for over two hours N-D
7 which had been stolen D

1 Burj Kalifa, which was completed in 2010, is the tallest building in the world.
2 Coca Cola, which is also called Coke, is sold in over 200 countries.
3 Barack Obama, who was born in Hawaii, is the 44th President of the USA.
4 The moon, which has water under its surface, might be a future home for humans.

1 who → that
3 which → that
4 who → that
1 which
4 who
6 that

Spread 2

1 driving
2 working
3 waiting
4 sent
5 left
6 put
7 living
8 bought
9 returned
10 providing

1 stolen had
2 demanding
3 needing
4 delivered
5 specialising
6 born

1 who are travelling → travelling
which departs from → departing from
2 who are waiting → waiting
3 that enters → entering
which is carried → carried
4 who is caught → caught
5 which are switched on → switched on

Unit 10b

1 Did you use to live
2 did
3 used to have
4 Did you use to eat
5 used to have to
6 used to take
7 used not to like
8 used to be

1 I used to go to belly dancing classes when I was at school.
2 I started my first classes when I was eight.
3 We used to take part in competitions.
4 I used to love performing in front of an audience.
5 I continued dancing for almost six years.
6 Then I lost interest and I took up basketball instead.
7 I used to play in the school team and we used to train every day of the week.
8 We used to be pretty good and we won three local championships.

2 would
3 wouldn’t
5 would
6 would
9 would
10 wouldn’t

Students’ own answers

Spread 2

1 I’m
2 get
3 I’m slowly getting
4 got
5 get

1 was
2 got
3 ’ll get
4 wasn’t
5 was
6 aren’t

1 did / use to
2 used to
3 used to
4 was used to
5 get used to
6 was used to
7 get used to
8 was not used to
9 getting used to
10 got used to
11 used to

4 Students’ own answers

Unit 11a

1 could
2 be able to
3 is able to
4 hasn’t been able to
5 can’t
6 be able to
7 could
8 be able to
1 weren’t able to come
2 managed to find
3 will be able to buy
4 didn’t succeed in visiting
5 wasn’t able to finish
6 managed to catch

1 Can
2 could
3 couldn’t
4 was able to
5 couldn’t
6 can’t

4 Students’ own answers

Unit 11b

1 bound
2 unlikely
3 about
4 unlikely
5 bound

1 ’s likely to rain
2 was bound to
3 was about to
4 was unlikely to
5 ’s about to
6 ’s unlikely to


Students’ own answers

Unit 12a

1 only
2 too
3 just
4 also
5 even
6 only
1 I also bought …
2 Even Jeremy …
3 it’s just Richard …
4 My father thinks it is interesting as well.
5 to come too, but …
6 I’m only asking …
7 Sue alone finished …
8 I just have to …

1 meet the rest of the band, too
2 alone passed the exam
3 also like Bollywood movies
4 only listen to classical music
5 just want to be left in peace
6 does most of the housework, even the cooking

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