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Wardancer, by Samo94 https://www.deviantart.

com/samo94/art/Wardancer-722903227 accessed August 2021

Below are Homebrew Rules for establishing Outposts since Outposts presently do not have any additional
rules in the official publications at the time of writing.

Name Territory Upgraded?

Everspring (Outpost) Wellspring
The following quests are available in addition to those outlined in official Warhammer Publications.

Pick 1 unit with an Untested Warriors Unit Rank If both you and your opponent are using a Path to Glory ar-
and write that unit's name down on the Quest Reward my, after terrain features have been placed, select a neutral
section of your quest log. In each Path to Glory battle, terrain feature outside of friendly territory to be the Healing
add 1 quest point to the progress section of your quest Font. If both players have this quest, roll off, and the winner
log each time the chosen unit does any of the following: chooses a non-faction terrain feature outside of friendly terri-
-Slays an enemy unit.
-Receives a command issued by a General while At the end of a Path to Glory battle, if a friendly unit is with-
wholly within 6” of that General. in 1” of the chosen terrain feature, you complete this quest
-End the Battle Round Controlling an objective and add a Healing Salve item to your vault.
outside of friendly territory, or Contesting an
objective wholly within enemy territory. Healing Salve: You may use this item after you make an in-
jury roll or a recuperating roll for a unit on your Order of
Once you have gained 3 or more quest points, you Battle. If you use this following an injury roll, discard the roll
complete this quest. When you complete this quest, the and instead treat the result as being a minor injury. If you use
chosen unit gains 3 renown points. this following a recuperating roll, re-roll all failed rolls. Once
used, remove the Healing Salve from your vault.

You have heard of a structure or piece of the land that

offers strategic value.
Pick a mount detailed on a warscroll to Rescue, such as Pick 1 terrain feature with a scenery warscroll that is not
a Juggernaught, Dracoline, Seeker, etc. If both you and a faction terrain feature, and write it down on the Quest
your opponent are using a Path to Glory army and the Reward Section of your quest log.
battle plan you are using instructs you to roll on the
Mysterious Terrain table, then, after you roll on the If both you and your opponent are using Path to Glory
table, you can spend 1 glory point to change the result Rules, you may place the chosen terrain feature outside
to ‘Deadly’ of friendly territory during setup, as close to the center
of the battlefield as possible following normal rules for
At the end of a Path to Glory battle, if a friendly unit is setup.
Wholly within 1” of a terrain feature with the Deadly
scenery rule, you complete this quest. Add a Rescued At the end of a Path to Glory battle, you complete this
Your scouts return with invaluable news… quest if the chosen terrain feature is garrisoned by a
Mount to your Vault.
friendly unit or if you have a friendly unit wholly on
The rules for the Rescued Mount are detailed later in it. When this quest is completed, add the chosen terrain
this section. feature to your Vault to be used as a Faction terrain
feature for your future battles. If your army already has
faction terrain, you may place this instead.
Seek a promising location for a new Outpost

Pick 1 non-hero Monster unit to hunt, and write it down on Pick 1 territory type that is available to you for constructing
the Quest Reward Section of your quest log. If both an Outpost and write it down in the Quest Reward Section
you and your opponent are using a Path to Glory army, of your quest log.
during set up, place the Monster unit you selected outside of
friendly territory as a Monstrous Beast, more than 9’ from At the start of each battle while you have this quest, select
both players’ models and is considered hostile to all players. one terrain feature that is not a faction terrain feature. The
chosen terrain feature is your Vantage Point for the remain-
At the start of each Battle Round, the players roll off to see der of the battle and cannot be changed once the battle has
who will act for the monstrous beast. The moving player started.
must make a run move at the start of the Battle Round for the
monster and it must end its move as far away from enemy At the end of each Battle Round, add 1 quest point for each
units as possible. A monstrous beast will cease moving while unit from your army that is wholly on the terrain feature, and
it is within 3” of enemy models, and will make all available more than 3” from enemy models.
attacks and targeted damaging abilities against the last unit
that attacked. All actions for the beast occur at the Once you have 5 or more quest points, you may establish
start of the battle round, before the Priority Roll is made. your next outpost in the chosen territory without expending
any glory points. If you do not establish an Outpost, you
At the end of the Path to Glory battle, if any model or ability may change the selected territory to one of your choosing
from your army struck the killing blow that slays the chosen and set your quest points to this quest to 1.
Monstrous Beast, gain 20 glory points.

Note: in AoS 3.0, at the time of writing, no official rules exist permitting the use of the AoS 2.0 Healing mysterious terrain effect. If
you are optionally using the Healing mysterious terrain effect or if future publications allow for this or a similar ability, a player who
takes the ACQUIRE RESTORATIVE MEDICINE quest can fulfill the quest requirements by having a unit within 1” of a terrain feature
with the Healing mysterious terrain effect instead of the rules outlined above, using rules similar to that that designate mysterious
terrain features. i.e. like the wording of the official SEEK A DEIFIC BLESSING or the unofficial RESCUE FROM DEATH quest in this text,
but instead of ‘Mystical’ or ‘Deadly’ you use ‘Healing’.
Pick 1 unit that is a Mighty Hero or a Veteran Unit to start the Path of Ascension to become a more powerful
unit, and write down the units name, Ascension and the Unit it’s aspiring to become in the Quest Reward section of your
quest log. The unit you are aspiring towards must be thematically and narratively appropriate for them to upgrade to. I.E.
“Bloodreavers Ascension to Blood Warriors” or “Ardboyz Ascension to Brutes”.

In each Path to Glory battle, add 1 quest point to the progress of this section of your quest log for each time the chosen
unit does one of the following:
1. Slays an enemy Hero that has an enhancement
2. Slays an enemy Monster
3. Slays the last model of a reinforced unit
4. Slays the enemy Warlord
5. Rolls a 6 on a Prayer or Invocation, or a 12 for a Spell or Endless Spell
6. Ends the Battle wholly within Enemy Territory with less than half, rounded down, wounds remaining or fewer than
half models in its unit from the battle start, rounded down.

Note: if multiple completions for this quest are fulfilled, you earn completion for each that would apply. For example,
slaying an enhanced Hero that is also a Monster would count as 2 quest points.

The number of quest points required to complete this quest depends on the difference between the unit’s pitched battle
points and the pitched battle points of the unit it is aspiring to become. The required quest points will be equal to each 25
points, rounded up, between the unit and the aspired unit. I.E. Crypt Ghast Courtier (70 points) Ascending to Crypt
Haunter Courtier (115) is 45, and therefore requires 2 quest point to complete. A Lord of Chaos (120 Points) ascending to
Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210 points ) has a difference of 90 points, and therefore requires 4 quest points to
complete. There are no limits on units in your Order of Battle that can ascend, and an original unit can be ascended
multiple times so long as the quest is completed.

Immediately fulfill this quest if the slain unit is a named, God-Tier model, such as Nagash, Morathi, Alarielle, etc.

When a unit has successfully ascended, the original unit is replaced by the new unit. All applicable enhancements,
experience, injuries, etc. are now applied to the new unit. Any enhancements that could not normally be applied to the
new unit are lost or returned to your vault as applicable. If the unit previously had a command trait or other enhancement
that is lost and cannot be returned to your vault, you may select new ones to replace them.

Note: Path of Ascension and Rescue from Death are intended to be a lore-friendly way of upgrading
heroes and units that makes sense within Warhammer lore, including but not limited to Chaos mortals
ascending to Daemonhood, Stormcast ranking up from Knight to Lord, or Ardboys growing into Brutes from
fightin’. What is “thematically appropriate” is ultimately up the player embarking on this quest… so go off
and have fun :) and if someone is intentionally trying to abuse this somehow, then you should probably avoid
playing games with that person. Since 3.0 PtG is mostly a personal challenge, players should be able to
reasonably determine what is a fair ascension and what isn’t, and stock rules to simplify this aren’t built into
AoS. Keep in mind that unless you’re playing an organized, Official Path to Glory event with meticulous
tracking of every battle aftermath, a player could merely say they obtained a unit and underwent X number
battles to achieve whatever unit and enhancements they want, untruthfully. These quests are intended to allow
Players a means to have a lore-friendly way of narratively “ascending” their models.
A dedicated building to conduct diplomacy with your allies

Adequate facilities for foreign mercenaries, who will aid you for the right price.

Facilities to train your troops.

Note: Consulate and Mercenary Lodge special territories are intended to offer means to have more freedom
in your army building during Path to Glory campaigns, and pay credence to the lore of official factions that
act as mercenaries. As there are no traits for Grand Alliance armies in 3.0, and the official Path to Glory rules
require the designation of a faction, these two special territories will hopefully allow players more creative
freedom when playing your campaigns using these homebrew rules without losing faction bonuses.

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