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V ol. 18 No.

1 CH INES E JO U RN A L O F AER ON A U TICS February 2005

Gridless Solution Method for Two Dimensional Unsteady Flow

WANG Gang , SUN Ying dan, YE Zheng yin

( College of A er onautics , Nor thw ester n Poly technic University , X i an 710072 , Chi na)

Abstract: T he main purpose of this paper is to develop a g ridless method for unsteady flow simulat ion.
A quadr antal point infilling strategy is developed to g enerate point and combine clouds of po ints automati
cally. A point moving algor ithm is introduced to ensure the clouds of points follow ing the movements of
bodyboundaries. A dual time method for solving the tw o dimensional Euler equations in Arbitrary La
gr angian Euler ian ( A LE) formulation is presented. Dual time method allows the real time step to be
chosen on t he basis of accuracy rather t han stability. It also permits the acceleration techniques, w hich
are co mmonly used to speed up steady flo w calculations, to be used w hen marching the equations in pseu
do time. T he spatial derivatives, w hich ar e used to estimat ing the inviscid flux, are dir ectly appr oximat
ed by using local least squares cur ve method. A n ex plicit multistage Rung e K utta algorithm is used to ad
vance the flow equations in pseudo time. In order to accelerate the solution to convergence, local time
stepping technique and residual averaging are employed. T he r esults of N ACA 0012 airfoil in transonic
steady flow are pr esented to verify the accur acy of the present spatial discretizat ion met hod. Finally, tw o
A GARD standard test cases in which NACA0012 airfoil and NA CA64A010 airfoil oscillate in transonic
flow are simulated. T he computational results ar e compared wit h the ex perimental data to demonstrate
t he validity and practicality of the presented method.
Key words: computational fluid dynamics; gr idless method; dual time method; unsteady flow ; Euler
equat ion
一种计算 非定常二维流动的无网格算法. 王 刚, 孙 迎丹, 叶正寅. 中国航 空学报 ( 英 文版) , 2005,
18( 1) : 8- 14.
摘 要: 主要目的是发展一套求解 非定常 流动的 无网格 算法。计算 区域的 离散方 面, 提 出了一 种
按区域进 行填充布点的点云自动生成方法; 发展了一种点云的 运动技术 来实现离散 点云对物 面边
界的随体运动; 在点云离散的基础上, 采用最小二乘法求解矛盾方 程的方法 来求取空间 导数, 进而
获得数值通量; 采用双时间方法进行时间离散推进, 其中物理时间 迭代采用 二阶隐式格 式, 伪 时间
迭代采用 四步龙格- 库塔显式格式, 为了加 速收敛, 在伪 时间迭 代中采 用了当 地时间步 长和隐 式
残值光顺 等加速收敛措施。最后, 利用 本文 算法模 拟了 NA CA0012 翼型 和 N ACA 64A 010 翼型 的
跨音速非定常流动, 并将计算结果与 实验测 量结果 进行了对 比分析, 验 证了上 述方法的 正确性 和
关键词: 计算流体力学; 无网格方法; 双时间方法; 非定常流; Euler 方程
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2005) 01 0008 07 中图分类号: V211. 3 文献标识码: A

According to t he discret izat ion manners of local least squares curve f it s over each cloud of
comput at ional region, numerical algorithms in points. Gridless met hods have much geomet rical
comput at ional f luid dynamics ( CF D) can be divid flex ibility for computing wit h complex configura
ed into t w o rough sorts: t he classical g rid methods t ions because they throw of f t he grid cell t houg ht
[ 1 5]
and the burgeoning gridless methods in recent and break aw ay from t he restrict ions of t he grid
years. In gridless methods, clouds of points w hich quality and topolog ical st ruct ure.
are composed of the point itself and its neighbor During using g rid algorit hm to calculate t he
points, are adopt ed to subst itut e f or g rid cells. T he unst eady f low , t he body fit ted dynam ic grid tech
[ 6 8]
spat ial derivatives are direct ly det ermined by using nique must be used to simulat e unsteady mo
R eceived dat e: 2004 04 21; R evision received dat e: 2004 07 31
Foundation it em: The D oct orat e Creat ion Foundat ion of N orthw est ern Polytechnic U niversit y
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
February 2005 G ridless Solution M et hod for T wo Dimensional U nst eady Flow 9

t ions of body boundaries. But w ith the restrict ions process, spat ial derivatives of point i are evaluated
of the grid qualit y and the grid topological struc by a least squares f it algorithm in t he point cloud of
t ure, it is very dif ficult to use moving grids method point i . T he f ollowing is t he basic idea of t he tech
in t he condit ions of body boundaries moving in nique for generat ing clouds of discrete points aut o
large ex tent . As ment ioned above, gridless met h mat ically .
ods have no rest rictions of grid skew ness and
st ret ching dist ortions, thus, they have distinct ad
vant ages for unst eady flow calculat ion. How ever,
previous researches on gridless solut ion methods
w ere m ainly concerned w it h steady f low .
T he main purpose of this paper is t o develop a
g ridless method f or unsteady flow simulat ion. A
Fig. 1 Sketch map for the fr amewor k
quadrant point inf illing st rat egy is developed t o
of the cloud of point i
g enerat e point and combine clouds of points aut o
mat ically . A point moving algorit hm is int roduced F irst , all kinds of t he boundaries ( body

to ensure t he clouds of po ints follow ing the move boundaries and far field, etc) in t he f low computa
t ional f ield are compart ment alized int o the form of
ment s of body boundaries. T he spat ial derivat ives,
discrete po ints . For an arbitrary discrete point i ,
w hich are used to est im at ing the inviscid flux , are
direct ly approx im ated by using local least squares according to t he given background informat ion, t he
searching radius r of discret e point i in t he f low
curve m et hod. A dual t ime met hod[ 7] for solving
comput at ional field can be ascertained. T hen, t he
the t wo dimensional Euler equat ions in Arbitrary
Lagrang ian Eulerian ( ALE) f ormulat ion is present searching region for t he cloud of t he point i can be

ed. In t his approach, an implicit second ordert ime def ined as a circle w it hin t he radius of r from t he
point i . Especially , t he searching region is a fan
discret isation is used in the physical t ime marching
shaped region if point i is on t he boundary. T he
procedure, the pseudo t ime integ rat ion is carried
out by an explicit four step Runge Kut ta scheme searching region of point i can be com part mental
ized int o several sub regions on t he principle of
and is accelerat ed by local t ime stepping and im plic
keeping the f an shaped angles equivalent ( show n in
it residual smoot hing. T he results of NACA0012
Fig. 2) . Generally , if the point is in the flow com
airfoil in transonic st eady flow are presented to ver
ify t he accuracy of t he present spat ial discret izat ion putat ional f ield, the searching reg ion is recom
mended to be divided int o six sub regions, and if
met hod. F inally , tw o AGARD st andard test cas
[ 9, 10] the po int is on t he boundary, f our sub regions are
es in w hich NACA0012 airfoil and
NACA64A010 airfoil oscillat e in transonic flow are enoug h.

simulated. T he comput at ional result s are com pared

w it h t he ex perimental dat a t o demonstrat e the va
lidity and pract icality of the presented met hod.

1 Generation and M oving T echnique

for Clouds of Points
Fig . 2 Sketch map for generating the cloud of point i
In gridless met hod, each discrete po int in t he
by using quadrant po int infilling strategy
comput at ional f ield has it s ow n cloud of point s. As
shown in Fig. 1, t he point cloud of point i is com T hen, search t he point in each sub reg ion, if
posed of t he point i it self and it s neighbor point s there have been already one or more discrete point s
( the points in the circle) . During t he flow solving in a sub reg ion, t he point having t he short est dis
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
10 WA NG Gang, SU N Ying dan, YE Zheng yin CJA

tance to point i should be added t o the cloud of !v ( v - v P ) + p e 0( v - v P ) + p v } T

point i , just like the solid point s show n in F ig . 2. T he equat ions are non dimensionalized wit h a
If there is no point in a sub reg ion, a new point reference densit y !! and a speed of sound a ! .
should be locat ed at t he site t hat is on f an shaped Here !, u , v , p and e0 represent the g as density,
ang le bisect or of t his sub region and is 0 5 r aw ay velocit y component s in x and y direct ions, pres
from t he point i . And then the new points ( hollow sure and tot al energy per unit volume. On t he per
points show n in Fig 2 ) should be added t o t he f ect gas assumpt ion, the pressure p can be calculat
cloud of point i . Repeat t he above process unt il t he ed from the equation of state p = ( ∀- 1 )
cloud of every point in t he comput at ional f ield has ! 2
been f ormed. e0 - ( u + v 2 ) , w here ∀ is the rat io of spe
In unst eady f low com put at ion, in order t o cif ic heat s of the f luid and typically t aken as 1 4 for
simulate the relative movement of body boundaries, air, u P and v P represent velocity com ponents in x
it is request ed t hat clouds of discrete points have and y direct ions of t he discrete point s.
the ability of moving wit h t he body boundaries. 2. 2 Numerical discretization
Hence, a point moving algorit hm is developed in When gridless met hod is applied for t he spat ial
the f ollowing descript ion. T ake point i in compu discret izat ion of t he governing equat ions, w here
t at ional field as an example, it s displacement ri in the shoe pinches is to determ ine the spatial deriva
one time step is det ermined by t ive of t he conserved variable Q. T he numerical
d ij E F
ri = rj sin D ( 1) flux + can be obt ained by t he derivat ive
j x y
w here the subscript j is t he index of boundary calculating principle of compound f unction.
point which is t he nearest point aw ay from point i , Suppose t he value of !has been known on ev
d ij is t he distance f rom point i t o point j , Dj is t he ery point , considering the cloud of a point show n in
shortest distance f rom point j to the ot her closed ! !
Fig. 1, t he spat ial derivat ives
and can be
x y
boundary curve and r j is the displacement of point
comput ed by t he following method. If n is t he
j . It is easy t o determine rj during the course of
number of discrete points in t he cloud of po int i ,
comput at ion because point j is on t he boundary. In
then a syst em of n - 1 linear equations w it h t he
the sam e way, t he displacement of an arbitrary
! !
point in the f low field also can be determ ined as unknow n variables and can be obt ained by a
x y
Eq. ( 1) . first order accuracy T aylor series ex pansion about
point i
2 Unsteady Flow Numerical Sim ulation
! !
M ethod !j = !i + ( x - xi ) + ( y - yi )
x i j y i j
2. 1 Governing equations ( j = 1, 2 ∀, n - 1) ( 3)
T he Euler equat ion in Arbitrary L ag rang ian where t he subscript j is the index number of t he
Eulerian ( AL E) diff erent ial form for t he Cart esian discrete point s except for point i in the cloud of
coordinat e syst em can be described as f ollows: point i . According to the const ruct ion manner of
Q E F the cloud of points, the t otal number of discrete
t + x + y = 0 ( 2)
points in t he cloud should be more than three,
w here
hence the above equat ions are inconsist ent in fact.
Q = ( ! !u !v e 0) ,
In order to obt ain t he approximate solut ion of t he
E = { !( u - u P) !u( u - u P ) + p inconsistent Eq. ( 3) , a linear least squares method
!v ( u - u P) e 0 ( u - u P) + p u} T , is used. It can be proved that t he algorithm of cal
F = { !( v - v P ) !u( v - v P) culat ing spat ial derivat ive in this paper is equiva

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
February 2005 G ridless Solution M et hod for T wo Dimensional U nst eady Flow 11

lence to the met hod int roduced in Ref . [ 1, 3] . d Qn+ 1 / d#+ R *i ( Q n+ 1

i ) = 0 ( 7)
According to t he above met hod, the numerical An ex plicit four stag e Runge Kut ta algorit hm
E F is used to advance the flow equat ions in pseudo
flux Ri = + in Eq. ( 2) can be derived
x i y i
time, in which t he solution is advanced f rom pseu
from t he derivative calculat ing principle of com
do t ime level n # t o level( n + 1) #, and can be
pound f unction by using the spatial derivative of t he
writt en as
conserved variables !, !u, !v and e 0 on t he cloud of
Q(0) = Qni
points. So t he semi discret ization f orm of Eq. ( 2)
on point i can be ex pressed as Q( m ) = Q (0) - ∃m #i R*i ( Q( m- 1) ) for m = 1 to 4 ( 8)
n+ 1 ( 4)
d Qi Qi = Q
+ Ri = 0 ( 4)
dt where t he coef ficients
Since the method of t he present w ork is essen ∃1 = 1/ 4, ∃2 = 1/ 3, ∃3 = 1/ 2, ∃4 = 1.
t ially non dissipat ive, addit ional art if icial dissipa T he major disadvant age of explicit schemes is
t ion t erms are required to prevent the t endency for that t he t ime st ep #i is restricted by the Courant
spurious even and odd point oscillat ions and t o en Friedrichs Lew y ( CF L) st ability condit ion. In or
sure numerical stabilit y in t he course of spat ial dis der t o accelerat e t he solut ion to convergence, local
cret ization. Follow ing the m et hod of Ref . [ 3] , ar time stepping t echnique and implicit residual aver
t ificial dissipat ion terms are added t o Eq. ( 4) for aging t echnique are employed in the pseudo t ime
point i , then it becomes integrat ion.
d Qi T he local t ime step #i of discrete point i is
+ Ri= 0 ( 5)
given by the follow ing equat ion
w here R i = Ri - D i , Di are t he art ificial dissipa
2 t
t ion t erms. #i = min #i , ( 9)
F or inviscid f low , the flow t ang ent condit ions where
at t he solid boundary points are imposed by set ting C CF L
n- 1

the slip velocit ies on t he boundary faces and elimi #i = n - 1 # 1/ [ | u i / ( x i - x k ) | + | v i / ( y i -

k= 1

nat ing t he normal velocit y com ponent. In the far y k) | + ai 1/ ( x i - x k ) 2 + 1/ ( y i - y k ) 2 ] , C CFL

field, one dim ensional charact erist ic analysis based
denot es the coeff icient of CFL , a i is t he local sound
on Riemann invariants is used t o det ermine the val
speed at point i , t he subscript k is the index num
ues of the f low variables on t he out boundary of t he
ber of discret e point s w hich belong t o the cloud of
comput at ional dom ain.
point i .
2. 3 Time integration
Residual averaging is anot her t echnique to ac
In a full implicit t ime concept , t ime deriva
celerat e the solut ion t o convergence. T his tech
t ives in Eq. ( 5 ) are discret ized by second order
nique ext ends the reg ion of stabilization, and then
backw ard difference method, t hen Eq. ( 5) be
increase the maximum value of t ime st epping per
comes as
1 1 n+ 1
m it ted in t he pseudo time int egration. In gridless
3 Qn+
i - 4Q ni + Qn-
i / 2 t + R i ( Qi )= 0
met hod, let R i represent the residual of point i , a
( 6) new residual can be g iven by
A dual t ime met hod is introduced to advance N

the Eq. ( 6) in real t ime layer, t he derivative terms R i = Ri+ % # ( R k-

k= 1
R i) ( 10)
of conserved variables w it h respect to pseudo time, where %is the coefficient of residual averaging, and
# is added to t he lef t side of Eq. ( 6) . By using t he it s recommended value is a number bet w een 0 2 t o
* n+ 1 n+ 1 n n- 1
denot at ion of R i ( Q i ) = (3 Q i - 4Qi + Q i )/ 0 5. T his t echnique of implicit residual averag ing
2 t+ R i ( Q n+
i ) , Eq. ( 6) can be w ritt en as allow s t he CF L number to be increased about tw o
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
12 WA NG Gang, SU N Ying dan, YE Zheng yin CJA

times larger than t he unsmoot hed value.

3 Results
T he spatial discretizat ion accuracy of t he pre
sent gridless method is evaluat ed by performing t he
st eady flow calculat ion about transonic flow around
the NACA 0012 airfoil. In order to furt her under
st and t he charact eristics of t he current gridless
met hod in t he case of unsteady f low , t he unsteady Fig . 4 Pressur e coefficient distr ibut ions for tr ansonic
flow simulat ions for NACA0012 airf oil and flow around N ACA0012 air foil
NACA64A010 airfoil oscillations in pit ch about 3. 2 Unsteady transonic flow around oscillating
quart er chord in t ransonic f low are conducted. For NACA0012 airfoil
each test case, t he criterion of convergence for t he One of t he st andard test cases for t he
pseudo t ime int eg rat ion process is the m ax imum NACA0012 airfo il is considered. T he com puted re
v alue of residual decrease to the order of 10- 6 . sult s are compared wit h the classical AGARD ex
3. 1 Transonic steady flow around NACA0012 [ 9]
periment dat a . In t his test case, t he NACA0012
airfoil airfoil oscillat es in pitch about it s quarter chord and
T o give an evaluat ion for numerical accuracy the instant aneous angle of at tack ∃( t ) is given by
of t he present gridless method, a t ransonic steady ∃( t ) = ∃0 + ∃m sin ( &t ) ( 11)
flow at Ma = 0 80 and ∃ = 1 25∃ around where ∃0 is the mean incidence, ∃m is the amplitude of
NACA0012 airfoil is comput ed. T he close up view pitching angle, t he angular frequency & is related to
of t he f ield point s is displayed in F ig . 3. T here are the reduced frequency k by the relationship k = &c/
( 2 V ! ) , where c is the airfoil chord lengt h and V ! is
the free stream speed. T he test case is simulated wit h
the following conditions: Ma= 0 755, ∃0 = 0 016∃,
∃m = 2 51∃, k= 0 0814.
T he dist ribut ion of cloud of points in t he f or
mer t est case is taken as the init ial point dist ribu
t ion of current case. T he com put at ion is carried out
using 72 real time steps in one oscillation cycle.
T he average run time per oscillat ing period is nearly
Fig. 3 P ar tial view of po ints distr ibut ion around
0 3 h, and the number of pseudo time st eps for
N ACA 0012 airfo il
each real time st ep is approximate to 300. Com
200 point s distribut ed on the boundary of airfoil pared w ith t he ex perimental data, t he calculated
and 6145 points distribut ed on the w hole computa instant aneous pressure coeff icient dist ribut ions at
t ional field. As show n in Fig. 4, the calculat ed sur four point s in t im e during the f ort h circle of mot ion
f ace pressure coeff icient distribut ions compare w ell are show n in F igs 5( a) 5( d) . In these f ig ures, ∋
w it h the experimental dat a. In t his t est case, both ( t ) denotes the phasic angle of oscillat ion at that
the st rong shock on the upper surf ace and t he weak moment . Instant aneous lift coef ficients C l and in
shock on the lower surface are well capt ured. st antaneous moment coef ficients C m vs the inst an
T herefore, t he gridless m et hod presented in t his t aneous angles of att ack are plot ted in Fig 6 and
paper has nicer capability to resolve f low discont i Fig 7. In t hese tw o figures, t he calculated result s
nuity. of t he present approach agree w ell w it h the experi
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
February 2005 G ridless Solution M et hod for T wo Dimensional U nst eady Flow 13

ment al dat a and t he related numerical result s[ 6] . present gridless met hod for unsteady f low simula
t ion, the transonic f low around NACA64A010 air
f oil oscillat ion in pit ch about its quart er chord is
simulated. T he instant aneous angle of at tack can
dist ribut ion of point s around t he NACA64A010
airfoil is also given by Eq. ( 11) and w it h the fol
low ing conditions: Ma= 0 796, ∃0 = 0 0∃, ∃m =
1 01∃, k= 0 202.

Fig . 5 I nstantaneous surface pressure coefficient distr i

Fig . 8 P ar tial view of po ints distr ibution around
butions for NACA 0012 airfoil in the fort h circle the NACA64A010 airfo il
of motion
Distribut ion of point s around t he NACA64
A010 airf oil is show n in Fig. 8. T here are 270
points dist ributed around t he airfoil and 5681
points distribut ed in the w hole comput at ional f ield.
In this case, 120 t ime st eps are g iven for one oscil
lation circle during t he computation because t he an
g le f requency in here is higher.
Inst ant aneous lift coef ficient s C l vs t he instan
taneous angle of att ack are plott ed in Fig 9. T he

Fig 6 Lift coefficients vs the instantaneous

angle of attack

Fig. 9 Lift coefficients vs the instantaneous

angle of attack

present results compare w ell wit h the ex periment al

Fig . 7 Mo ment coefficients vs the instantaneous dat a[ 10] . T he in phase and in quadrature com po
angle of attack nents of t he 1st harmonic of unst eady surf ace pres
3. 3 Unsteady flow around osci llating NACA64 sure coefficients in t he f orth circle of oscillat ion are
A010 airfoil shown in Fig 10 and com pared w it h the experi
T o furt her underst and t he propert ies of t he ment al results there.
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
14 WA NG Gang, SU N Ying dan, YE Zheng yin CJA

met hod to simulat e unsteady flow. T he present

met hod can also be directly ex tended to t wo dimen
sional unsteady v iscous f low and three dimensional
unst eady f low .
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Fig . 10 T he in phase and in quadrature co mponents o f st eady Euler equat ions [ J] . A eronautical Journal, 1994, 98
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[ 9] Landon R H. N ACA 0012 oscillat ory and transient pit ching
In t his paper, a gridless algorithm has been [ R ] . A GA RD R eport 702, AG AR D, 1982. Dataset 3.
developed t o simulat e unsteady f low . A quadrantal [ 10] D avis S S. N ACA 64A 010 ( NA SA A mes model) oscillatory
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point infilling st rat eg y is employed t o g enerat e t he
cloud of points. A point moving algorithm is int ro
duced t o ensure the clouds of points follow ing w ith WANG Gang Born in 1977 in Hubei
the movement of body boundaries. T he spat ial province, a g raduate student for the doc
derivat ives are directly det ermined by using local toral deg ree in Nor thw ester n Polytechnic
least squares curve f its in each cloud of point s, and U niversity. He is resear ching in compu
tational fluid dynamics.
then numerical flux can be obt ained. A dual t ime
T el: 029 88491342, E mail: wang gang
met hod is used to advance t he flow equations in @ nwpu. edu. cn
time. T he computat ion of NACA0012 airfoil in
SUN Ying dan Bor n in 1979 in L iaon
transonic st eady flow proves t he accuracy of spat ial
ing pro vince, a post g raduate student in
discret ization in t he present gridless method. T he College of Aeronautics of Northwestern
unst eady flow of NACA0012 airfoil and P olytechnic U niv ersity. She is w orking
NACA64A010 airfoil oscillat ion in pitch about their on the g ridless method in CFD.
quart er chord are simulat ed and the results are in T el: 029 88493955, E mail: sunying
dan2002@ tom. co m
g ood agreement w it h t he ex perimental data. T hese
YE Zheng yin Born in 1963 in Hubei prov ince, professor of
test cases demonst rat e the validit y and pract icalit y Northwestern Polytechnic U niv ersity. He is r esearching in
of t he present method. T he present research has CFD and aero elastic dynamics.
made prim ary f oundat ion for applying the gridless T el: 029 88491374, E mail: yezy @ nwpu. edu. cn

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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