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V ol. 18 No.

1 CH INES E JO U RN A L O F AER ON A U TICS February 2005

Effects of Deposition Models on Deposition and

Performance Deterioration in Axial Compressor Cascade

JIA H ui x ia, XI Guang, GAO L i min, WEN Shu ping

( School of Energy and Pow er E ngi neeri ng , Xi an J iaotong University , X i an 710049 , Chi na)

Abstract: A new particle deposit ion model, namely par tial deposition model, is dev eloped in order to
improve the accur acy of prediction to particle deposition. Concepts of critical velocity and cr itical ang le
are pr oposed and used to determine whether particles are deposited or not. T he compar ison of numerical
r esults calculated by partial deposition model and existing deposition mo del show s that the deposition dis
tributio n obtained by partial deposition model is more r easonable. Based on the predicted deposition re
sults, the chang e of total pressure loss coefficient w ith operating time and the distribution of pressure co
efficients on blade surface after 500 hours are predicted by using partial deposition mo del.
Key words: ax ial compressors cascade; partial deposition model; performance deter ioration
轴流压缩 机叶栅内粒子沉积及性能下降计算中沉 积模型的影 响. 贾 会霞, 席 光, 高丽 敏, 闻 苏
平. 中国航空学报( 英文版) , 2005, 18( 1) : 20- 24.
摘 要: 针对轴流压缩机叶栅内固 体微粒 沉积的 问题, 采用计 算流体 动力 学( CF D) 软件 对压缩 机
叶栅内的气固两相 流动进行了模拟。文 中首先采 用简单 粘附模 型对轴 流压缩 机叶栅内 粒子的 沉
积进行了计算; 在此基础上, 通过引入临界速度和临界角度的概念, 采用 用户定义子 程序发展 了一
种新的粒子沉积模型, 简称为部分沉积模型。并将采用部分沉 积模型和 简单沉积模 型计算得 到的
粒子沉积 结果进行了对比, 结果表 明部分 沉积模 型得到 的粒子 沉积更 合理。在此 基础上, 采用 部
分沉积模型预测了轴流压缩机叶栅总压 损失系 数随运 行时间 的变化 和 500 小 时后叶片 壁面的 压
关键词: 轴流压缩机叶栅; 部分沉积模型; 性能恶化
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2005) 01 0020 05 中图分类号: V231 3 文献标识码: A

Gas t urbines or compressors operating in sandy 1 Particle Deposit ion M odel

or dust y environment may t ake on a large amount
1. 1 Particle deposition model
of part icle depositions on their blade surf aces and
T here are many papers and materials on t he
this w ill cause performance det erioration of t hese
research of part icle deposit ion, but most of t hem
mechanical devices and af fect t he operating cost,
were concent rat ed on studying dif ferent deposit ion
reliabilit y and securit y. Compressors operat ing in
mechanisms w it h the same assumption t hat all par
the environm ent of elect ric pow er plant s are good
t icles would deposit if only they arrived at w alls.
examples. A high eff iciency f ilt ering syst em, can
For ex am ple, Mengut urk etc [ 1] considered t urbu
only reduce t he quant ity of inlet particles, but can
lence diff usion, Brow n dif fusion and other forces
not complet ely eliminate part icles entering com
and developed a part icle deposit ion model. In their
pressor or ot her mechanical devices. When t here
studies, it w as also assumed t hat all of part icles
exists oil leakage on blade surface, deposition prob
wit h diamet ers less than 3 m would adhere to w alls
lem will become more severe. T hus, it is important
once they collided w ith the w all. H owever, it can
to accurat ely predict the particle deposition in order [ 2] [ 3]
be seen from st udies of T abakof f and Dunn etc
to arrange reasonable cleaning interv als and over
haul t ime. that particles m ay deposit , reflect f rom t he locat ion
of collision, or slide some distance and then de
R eceived dat e: 2004 03 12; R evision received dat e: 2004 09 09
Foundation it em: N at ional N at ural S cience Foundat ion of China ( 50276047)

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February 2005 Eff ect s of D eposit ion M odels on D eposit ion and Performance D eteriorat ion in A xial Compressor Cascade % 21 %

posit , etc w hen t hey collide wit h w all surface.

F rom t his point of view , considering the reflecting
behavior of part icle is reasonable and necessary.
Early in t he 1970 s, t he research group of
T abakof f had already begun on the research of par
t icle ref lect ing phenomenon and they had obtained
a series of ex pressions of part icle reflecting rest itu
t ion coefficients bet ween different particle m at erials
and diff erent t arget materials t hroug h ex periments. F ig. 1 Fo rces on a particle

But T abakoff etc only concentrated on the expres where F L is t he lift force; F D is t he drag force;
sions of particle reflect ing restitution coeff icient be F att is the st icking force and k f is the frict ion coeff i
f ore and after rebound and did not investigate in cient. Solt ani and Ahmadi
[ 5]
researched the t hree
w hat kind of condit ion the part icle would not re mechanisms of part icle detachment and f ound that
f lect f rom t he w all surface. In 1992, Brach and spherical part icles leave w all surfaces by rolling.
Dunn proposed t he concept of critical velocity. Part icles calculated in t he paper are regularly spher
T hey demonst rat ed that w hen part icle incidence ical part icles. T hus only t he rolling m echanism is
velocit y is less t han t he crit ical velocit y, t he part i discussed.
cle w ill adhere t o the w all surface and will not re T he drag f orce on particle is as follow ing
[ 4]
f lect. In t heir another paper , they point ed out 1
FD = C u2 A ( 4)
that part icle is most easily captured by w all surf ace 2 D ∃
w hen the part icle impacts the w all surf ace at 90! T he relat ions of t he radius a of contact area and
w hich is def ined as t he angle betw een the part icle sticking f orce F att can be obt ained in t he Ref. [ 5]
impact velocity direction and t he tangent ial direc 3 W A D 2p 1/ 3
a= 2K C ( 5)
t ion of t he impact surface. In t he paper, it is just
on t he basis of the research of Brach and Dunn t hat F att = 3 W A D p ( 6)
the concept of crit ical angle is int roduced and a new
T hus t he relat ion of crit ical velocity can be obtained
part icle deposit ion model, ∀ partial deposit ion mod
by combining the three relat ions above,
el#, using bot h the crit ical velocit y and the crit ical 1/ 3
ang le t o determ ine w het her particles deposit or not u 2c = ( 7)
2K c D p Dp
on t he w all surf ace, is developed to predict part icle
where W A is t he adhesion constant , w hich depends
deposition. T hen the change of tot al pressure loss
on t he material propert ies of part icle and blade sur
coeff icient w ith operat ing t ime and t he distribut ion f ace. K C is t he composite Young s modulus. T he
of pressure coef ficient s on blade surface af ter 500h tw o parameters must be measured by exqeriments.
in an ax ial compressor cascade are predict ed by us W A of f ly ash w as not provided in previous papers.
ing partial deposit ion model.
T hus t he measured value of other mat erial is used.
Forces of part icle on w all surf ace are show n in
T he phenomenon of particle deposit ion is very
F ig. 1. T here are t hree modes when the part icle
complex. Ot her paramet ers such as the roug hness
leaves wall surface, respectively: direct lif t off, of wall surface, t he impact bet ween particles or
sliding and rolling. T hese modes can be ex pressed turbulent burst have also ef fects on part icle deposi
as f ollow ing t ion. But the above t hree paramet ers are not con
F L > F att ( 1) sidered in t he paper. T hus, the results obt ained in
F D > k f( F att - F L ) ( 2) the paper are only a simple predict ion f or t he phe
F D ( R p - a) + F L a > F att a ( 3) nomenon of part icle deposition af ter many simpli

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
% 22 % JIA Hui x ia, XI Guang , GA O Li min, WEN Shu ping CJA

f ied assumpt ions. coupled w it h t he cont inuous phase. For t he simula

1. 2 Particle motion equation t ion of turbulence dif fusion, discrete random w alk
T he method used t o st udy solid phase is La model[ 6] is used.
g range method, w hich is based on the research of T hree att ack ang les ( - 4 3!, 0 0! and 6 7!)
mot ion charact eristics of part icles. In t he L agrange are researched. T he ex ist ing deposit ion model is
met hod, t he particle motion equation is firstly used to calculate the part icle deposition. T he
dv p ex ist ing deposit ion model means t hat part icles w ill
= G D ( v - v p ) + Fadd ( 8)
dt adhere t o w all when they collide to wall. T he cal
w here G D ( v - v p ) is t he drag force per mass, Fadd culat ion results using this model are show n in
is the addit ional forces w hich include in the paper Fig 2. And t hen, t he part ial deposition model is
the turbulence dif fusion force and Saffm an force. introduced by using U DF. T he model uses part icle
T he used ref lect ing restitution coef ficient ex inlet impact velocity and impact ang le to cont rol t he
pressions bet w een f ly ash and aluminum are part icle behavior near the w all surface: to reflect or
eT = V T 2 / V T1 = 1. 07915 - 2. 64204 !1 + to deposit . In the model, it is assumed t hat t he
8. 38479!21 - 10. 80932 !31 + 4. 62071 !41 ( 9) part icle w ill deposit on the w all w hen t he impact
e N = V N2 / V N1 = 1. 03047 - 1. 08969!1 - velocit y is less t han 10m / s or t he impact angle is
40079!1 + 3.
65638!1 - 1.
75401!1 ( 10) great er t han 45!. T he calculat ion results using par

w here e∀ and e # are the tangent ial velocity rest itu t ial deposition model are show n in F ig . 3. T he Y
t ion coefficient and normal velocit y rest it ut ion coef coordinat e is the particle deposit ion mass per area,

f icient , respectively. Subscripts 1 and 2 denote be per t ime on the blade surf ace. T he part icle inlet

f ore and af ter of the rebound, respectively, and !1 mass f low rate is 3mg/ s.
It can be seen f rom F ig . 2 t hat the part icle de
is t he angle betw een t he particle impact velocity di
rect ion and t he t angent ial direct ion of the impact posits appear m ainly at t he leading edge and in oth

surface. er positions the part icle deposit ions are very slight.
In F ig . 3, it can be not iced t hat t he deposition ap
2 Numerical Calculat ion of Deposit ion pears m ainly at t he middle and rear location of t he
and Results Analysis concave surf ace. T he deposit ion positions ( Fig. 3)

T he geometric and aerody namic param et ers of on the concave surf ace move f orw ard w hen t he at

the axial compressor cascade can be obtained in t ack ang le chang es from - 4 3! to 6 7!. Except
the deposition is severe at t he leading edge on t he
Ref . [ 6] . T he calculat ion of single phase f low f ield
adopt s 2D steady segregated implicit solver. T he convex surf ace for - 4 3!, t here is no deposit ion at

turbulence model and w all t reatment method are the leading edge for ot her tw o att ack angles.
F rom t he com parison of t he F ig. 2 and 3, it
RNG k ∃ model and t wo layer zonal model
can be seen t hat t he particle deposition models have
met hod. Based on the calculat ion results of single
phase f low field, part icles t raject ories are calculat ed obvious effect on t he part icle deposit ion. Because

F ig. 2 Distribution of deposition masses on blade sur face using ex isting deposition model
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February 2005 Eff ect s of D eposit ion M odels on D eposit ion and Performance D eteriorat ion in A xial Compressor Cascade % 23 %

Fig . 3 Distributio n of deposition masses on blade surface using partial deposition model

the deposit ion rat e at the leading edge in F ig . 2 is where P *tin , P *tout are mass averaged inlet and out let
about one order higher on t han those at ot her posi tot al pressure, respectively, P is t he local st at ic
t ions, t his w ill result in a large amount of part icle pressure, and P in , in and V in are inlet st at ic pres
depositions at local position aft er very short period. sure, inlet densit y and inlet velocit y, respect ively.
In fact, t he phenom enon can hardly be observed in T he chang es of tot al pressure loss coeff icient
pract ice. When using t he im proved deposit ion wit h the operat ing t ime calculated by the part ial
model, t he particle deposit ions on t he blade surf ace deposit ion model for different at tack angles are
take on relat ively uniform dist ribution. shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen t hat for 0 0! and
6 7! t he changes of t otal pressure loss coeff icient
3 Numerical Calculation of Performance
are slight during a relatively long period. For
Deterioration and Results Analysis
- 4 3!, t he increase of tot al pressure loss coeff i
T he ef fect of part icle deposition on compressor cient is rapid and t his may be caused by a lot of de
performance is mainly represented in t w o aspects: posit ions at the leading edge on t he convex surface.
one is the change of the blade geometry w hich can T his problem may be resolved by select ing a more
be measured by the deposition thickness; and t he appropriate crit ical ang le. Due to t he complex mo
ot her is t he change of flow f ield which can be ob t ion behavior of part icle near t he w all surface,
served by the chang e of total pressure loss coeff i there is no corresponding reference in w hich t he
cient and pressure coef ficient. suggest ed critical angle is given. It can be seen that
T he particle deposit ion thickness can be calcu the selection of crit ical angle in the part ial deposi
lat ed by t he follow ing ex pression t ion model is more reasonable for positive at tack
Nw ang le t han f or negative att ack angle. As t o the se
%= t ( 11)
lect ion of crit ical angle, t he researches t hrough
w here N w is the part icle m ass f low rate per area at
the calculat ed point ( F ig. 3) ; p is the part icle den
sity and t is the operat ing t ime. T he result s of de
posit ion t hickness are here omitt ed because of t he
lengt h of the paper.
T he t otal pressure loss coef ficient of cascade
and t he pressure coeff icient of the blade surface are
def ined respect ively as
P *tin - P *tout
W= ( 12)
P *tin - P in
P - P in Fig. 4 Relationships between total pressur e loss co efficient
Cp = ( 13)
0 5 in V 2in and oper at ing time

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
% 24 % JIA Hui x ia, XI Guang , GA O Li min, WEN Shu ping CJA

Fig. 5 Compar ison of pressure coefficients befor e and after deposition

some experiment s and a lot of numerical simula ment, t he att ack ang le should be selected reason
t ions w ill be cont inued by the aut hors. But for any ably. T he t otal pressure loss coeff icient changes
incidence angle, it is correct t hat the change of t o slow ly at the beginning of operating t ime and then
t al pressure loss coeff icient during the beginning of changesrapidly aft er some period of time.
operat ing period is slow and af ter some time the t o
t al pressure loss coeff icient increases rapidly . References
T he comparison betw een the orig inal pressure
[ 1] M engut urk M , Sverdrup E F. A th eory for fine part icle de
coeff icient and t he changed pressure coeff icient af posit ion in tw o dimensional boundary layer f low s and applica
t er 500h is show n in Fig. 5. It can be seen that t he t ion to GT [ J] . A SM E J of Eng for Power, 1982, 104( 1 ) :
pressure coef ficient changes in a sm all way for 0 0! 69- 76.
[ 2] Beacher B, Tabakoff W, H amed A . Improved part icle tra
and 6 7!, and decreases very largely for - 4 3!. jectory calculat ions through t urbomachinery af fect ed by coal
T he reason is t he same as the above. T he calcula ash part icles[ J] . A SM E J of Eng for Pow er, 1982, 104( 1) :
64- 68.
t ion results using t he part ial deposit ion model for
[ 3] Li X, D unn P F, Brach R M . Experiment al and numerical
three incidence ang les indicate, on t he one hand, st udies of microsphere oblique impact w it h planar surf aces
that t he int roduct ion of critical velocity and crit ical [ J] . J Aerosol Sci, 2000, 31( 5) : 583- 594.
ang le can eff ect ively improve the predict ion accura [ 4] Li X, D unn P F, Brach R M . Experiment al and numerical
st udies on th e normal impact of microsph eres wit h surf aces
cy of deposition; and on t he ot her hand, that t he [ J] . Journal of A erosol S cience, 1999, 30( 4) : 439- 449.
select ions of crit ical velocity and crit ical angle in t he [ 5] Solt ani M , A hmadi G. On part icle adhesion and removal
model need to be studied in the fut ure in order t o mechanisms in t urbulent flow s[ J] . J A dhesion Science T ech
nology, 1994, 8( 7) : 763- 785.
adapt t he prediction of w ider flow condit ions.
[ 6] 席光, 贾会霞. 轴 流压缩机 叶栅内固 体微粒沉 积的数值 研
究[ J] . 工程热物理学报, 2003, 24( 1) : 55- 58.
4 Conclusions X i G , J ia H X. N umerical st udy of solid part icles deposit ion
in axial compressor blade cascades[ J] . Journal of Chinese En
A new deposition model using crit ical velocit y
gineering Thermodynamics, 2003, 24( 1) : 55- 58. ( in Ch i
and crit ical angle is developed t o simulate t he part i nese)
cle deposit ion in ax ial compressor cascade. T he re Biography:
sult comparison show s t hat t he deposit ion result s JIA Hui xia Born in 1977, received M . S. from X i an Jiao
using part ial deposit ion model are more reasonable. tong U niv . in 2002, expected Ph. D in 2005. T he current
T he results indicate t hat t he gas att ack angle has research field is mult iphase and optimal design in T ur bo
eff ect on t he part icle deposit ion. T hus, f or com machinary. T el: 029 82663775 8311, E mail: anniejia @

pressors operating in heavy part icle laden environ mailst. x jtu. edu. cn

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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