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V ol. 18 No.

1 CH INES E JO U RN A L O F AER ON A U TICS February 2005

Research on the Reliability Tolerance Analysis Method

of Electromagnetic Relay in Aerospace

L IANG H ui min, REN Wan bin, YE Xue rong, ZHAI Guo f u

( Mi lit ary A pp ar at us Resear ch I nsti tute, Harbin Inst it ute of T echnology , H arbi n 150001 , Chi na)

Abstract: Electromag netic relay in aerospace is one of the main electro nic components in aerospace
electronic systems for information transfer, control and power distr ibut ion, and its reliability w ill influ
ence the reliability of t he w hole aerospace electro nic systems. Reliability desig n is t he key technique of
electromag netic relay reliability engineering. T his paper synthetically analyzes the present reliabilit y de
sign methods, and presents the reliability tolerance analyzing mathematic models of electromag netic force
basing on or thogonal design, mechanical spr ing for ce basing on probability statist ics theory, and match
ing characteristics of electromagnetic fo rce and mechanical spr ing force basing on method of str ess
strength interfer ence. Some instructive conclusions are draw by researching on the reliabilit y toler ance of
some type electromagnetic relay in aerospace.
Key words: reliability; electromagnetic relay in aer ospace; tolerance analysis; ortho gonal desig n; prob
ability statistics
航天电磁继电器可靠性容差分析技术的研究. 梁慧敏 , 任万滨, 叶雪荣, 翟国富. 中国航空 学报( 英
文版) , 2005, 18( 1) : 65- 71.
摘 要: 航天电磁继电器是在航天电子系统中完成信 号传递、
执行 控制、系统配电等 功能的主 要电
子元器件之一, 其可靠性直接影响整个航天电子系统 的可靠性。航天继 电器可靠性 设计技术 是其
产品可靠性工程的 关键技术。本文分析 了当前各 领域可 靠性研 究现状 及航天 电磁继电 器产品 的
可靠性现状与问题, 提出并建立了基 于正交 试验表 的电磁吸 力可靠 性容差 分析数 学模型、基于 概
率统计方 法的机械反力可靠性容差分析 数学模 型及基 于 应力 强度 干涉法! 的吸反力 配合特 性
可靠性容差分析数 学模型。以某型号航 天电磁 继电器 为例, 进行了 可靠性 容差分 析与研 究, 给 出
关键词: 可靠性; 航天继电器; 容差分析; 正交试验设计; 概率统计
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2005) 01 0065 07 中图分类号: T M 581. 3; V 242. 4+ 2 文献标识码: A

Aerospace electromag net ic relay is one of t he can be done from the headst ream of design. T he
main elect rical apparatus used in t he nat ional de reliabilit y desig n of aerospace electromagnetic relay
f ense elect rical system to t ransfer t he signal, ac is mainly f inished by the reliability tolerance de
complish control aim , dist ribute t he pow er, insu sign. T hus, t he research on aerospace electromag
lat e the circuit and so on, and it s reliabilit y w ill in net ic relay∀ s reliabilit y tolerance design has pract i
f luence the system∀ s reliability directly. Reliabilit y cal signif icance f or the reliabilit y of t he w hole na
eng ineering is a series of works correlat ive de t ional def ense electrical system.
sign, experiment, produce, m anagement and so At present , t he reliabilit y forecasting and tol
on [ 1] . It s purpose is to achieve t he requirement of erance design methods for large syst ems are invest i
syst em∀ s reliability. Among t hese works, reliabili g at ed in t he fields of electric circuits design and
t y desig n is the basic part of reliability engineering. mechanism desig n[ 3, 4] , and the reliability test ing
T he reliabilit y of the product s is based on design, and analysis are researched in the field of elect rical
produce and m anagem ent ! [ 2] . T he reliabilit y de apparat us[ 5] . A litt le work for t he reliabilit y design
sign is t he import ant w ork to realize t he reliabilit y and tolerance design of elect rical apparatus product s
R eceived dat e: 2004 06 02; R evision received dat e: 2004 10 28
Foundation it em: Science Research Fund of Harbin Instit ute of Technology ( HIT. 2002. 20)
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
# 66 # L IANG Hui min, REN W an bin, YE Xue rong, ZHAI G uo fu CJA

has been done. View ing the reliabilit y of aerospace technology ) and uncontrollable factors ( such as
elect romagnet ic relays in ex ist ence, t he problem is noise f act ors, including t emperat ure, air pressure,
not the products∀ lives being t oo short, but t he impact and so on, w hich are dist ribut ed too due t o
product s∀ lives not being centralized. T hat is t o factors randomicit y ) . T he qualit y characterist ics
say, the reliabilit y index is low . T he main reason are also dist ributed. T hrough controlling the quali
of t his phenomenon is t hat the tolerance design has t y dist ribut ion of characterist ic paramet ers based on
not been carried out. T here are tw o aims of relia the elect romagnet ic relay∀ s reliabilit y requirement,
bility t olerance design. T he first is t o control t he the paper adopts probabilist ic and ort hogonal meth
consistency of the out put quality by t he reliabilit y ods to research t he tolerance analysis, tolerance
tolerance analysis and dist ribut ion. T he second is cont rol and tolerance dist ribut ion of t he influence
to reduce the cost under t he condit ion of g uarant ee factors in order t o im prove t he quality and reliabili
ing t he reliability requirement [ 6] . F ig . 1 is t he dia t y of relay.
g ram of t he reliability tolerance desig n.
1 T he M odels of Aerospace Electrom agnetic
Relay∀ s Reliability T olerance Analysis
T he key t echnique of aerospace elect rom agnet
ic relay∀ s reliability tolerance desig n is t he opt imum
cooperat ion t echnique of elect romagnetic force and
spring force. T he requirements of the cooperat ion
are: aft er t he parameters design, the electromag
net ic f orce charact eristic must be low er than t he
spring force characterist ic at release volt age and t he
F ig. 1 Diagr am of reliability tolerance design elect romagnet ic force characterist ic must be higher
So, the main problems being solved in t he re than t he spring f orce charact eristic at at tract ive
liability tolerance design are listed as follow s: ( 1) volt age ( F ig . 2) ; af ter the reliability tolerance de
w hich factors ( include cont rollable f actors and un sign, t he cooperat ion of elect romagnet ic force t oler
controllable factors) have obvious inf luence on t he ance band and t he spring force t olerance band
output characterist ic y ; ( 2) how to set the control should be sat isf ied w it h t he requirement of reliabili
lable factor x in order to make the expect at ion y t y index. T he reliabilit y t olerance desig n of aerosp
of y approximate t he requirement value y 0 ; ( 3)
how t o set t he cont rollable fact or x in order to g et
the minimum value of t he v ariance y of y ( t he
consistency of the out put characterist ic is good) ;
( 4) how t o set t he cont rollable factor x in order t o
make the uncontrollable factor z has the minimum
eff ect on y ; ( 5) g iving t he allow ed variance z of
the uncontrollable factor z w hen y is given; ( 6)
how t o dist ribute variance x of the cont rollable 1 Free t ravel of pushing rod; 2 Breaking over t ravel; 3
factor x w hen y is given in order to reduce t he Transf erring gap; 4 Closing over t ravel; F N , F op , Fre , F 0
cost . Elect romagnetic force under rat ing voltage, at tractive volt age,
release voltage, 0V ; F f S pring force
T he qualit y of aerospace electromagnetic relay
can be influenced by controllable factors ( such as Fig. 2 T he principle of electromagnetic force and
spring force char acterist ics∀ cooper at ion
design variables w hose sizes are dist ributed due t o
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
February 2005 Research on t he R eliabilit y Tolerance A nalysis M ethod of Electromagnet ic Relay in A erospace # 67 #

ace electromag net ic relay can be divided into relia !f

where ∀x i = x i - x 0i ; S x i = !x ( i ∋ { 1, n} )
bility t olerance design of spring force charact eris i x = x
i 0i

t ic, reliabilit y t olerance desig n of elect romagnet ic is t he dif ferent ial sensitivity of funct ion f . Gener
force characterist ic, and reliability t olerance design ally, x i are independent random variables, and t he
of electromag net ic force and spring force∀ s coopera expect ed value and variance of ∀F f are

& S x ( E ( ∀x i ) )
t ion. Generally, the mathemat ic model of spring E ( ∀F f ) = ( 4)
force charact erist ic and design variables can be ex i= 1

D( ∀F f ) = & ( Sx ) D ( ∀x i )
pressed by analyt ical expression, so probabilist ic 2
( 5)
i= 1
met hod can be used for t he reliabilit y t olerance de
T he st andard deviation is
sign of spring force charact eristic. How ever, be
∀F f = D ( ∀F f ) ( 6)
cause of the elect romagnet ic syst em ∀ s non linear
and flux leakag e, t he model of elect romagnet ic F or t he consistency of out put characterist ic in
force characterist ic and design variables can not ex pract ical applicat ion, hope ∀F f as low as possible.
pressed by analy tical expression, and t he orthogo T he principle of select ing paramet ers in t he
nal design met hod is adopted f or t he reliabilit y tol mat hemat ic model of spring f orce∀ s reliability t oler
erance design. And the st ress st rength interference ance analysis is: select the sizes and performance
model can realize the reliabilit y tolerance design of paramet ers which can influence t he spring force
elect romagnet ic force and spring force charact eris characterist ic obviously, and t heir tolerance should
t ics∀ cooperat ion. be as small as possible based on t he factory∀ s manu
Suppose x= [ x 1 x2 ∃ xn] T
as t he de f acturing abilit y and decreasing t he producing cost.
sign v ariable ( spring force charact eristic: t he size 1. 2 Foundation of the mathematic model of elec
and performance paramet ers of spring , cont act and tromagneti c force∀ s reliability tolerance an
so on; elect rom agnet ic force charact erist ic: t he size alysis
and performance paramet ers of coil, armat ure, po T o satisfy the restrict of the national def ense
lar, perm anent m agnet and so on) , t he ex pression elect rical syst em∀ s environment, aerospace elect ro
of spring f orce characterist ic or elect romagnet ic magnet ic relay should be sm all volume, lig ht
force characterist ic is weig ht, low pow er w ast e, high sensitivity , f ast
F = f ( x) ( 1) operat e speed and so on, so its elect rom agnet ic sys
1. 1 The mathematic model of spring force∀ s re t em usually has permanent magnet ( forming polar

liability tolerance analysis ized m agnet ic system) . Because of flux leakage and

Let x be t he parameter desig ned vector ( ran the non linear of polarized mag net ic syst em, t he
relat ionship betw een t he output charact erist ic of
dom ) of t he spring system of relay . T he center v al
polarized mag net ic syst em and the paramet ers of
ue x 0 = [ x 01 x 02 ∃ x 0n ] T can be got by t he
magnet ic syst em is non linear. T hus, t he orthogo
paramet ers design of spring syst em . T hen x w ill
nal design met hod is used for the reliabilit y t oler
v ary slight ly w ithin a small region around t he cen
ance desig n of elect romagnetic force here.
t er value x 0 . F rom T ay lor polynom ials, it can be
1. 2. 1 The mathematic model of polarized mag
obtained that
netic system∀ s electromagnetic force char
F f = f ( x ) % f ( x 0) +
i= 1 !x i x i = x 0i
∀x i ( 2) F ig. 3 show s t he polarized magnet ic syst em∀ s
conf igurat ion sket ch of a relay w it h permanent
∀F f = f ( x) - f ( x 0 ) = magnet and its equivalent mag net ism circuit .
n n
i= 1 !x i xi = x 0i
∀x i = & S x ∀x i
( 3) T he equivalent mat h model of t he polarized
i= 1
magnet ic syst em show n in F ig. 3 is
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
# 68 # L IANG Hui min, REN W an bin, YE Xue rong, ZHAI G uo fu CJA

( R 2+ R 3+ R 5 ) #0- R 3 #1- R 2 #2 = I W
( R 1+ R 3+ R m+ R 7 ) #1 - R 3 #0- R m #2 = - P m
( R 2+ R 4+ R m+ R 6 ) #2 - R 2 #0- R m #1 = - P m
( 7)
01 + 1 02 + 2
w here R 1 = ; R2 = ; R3 =
0 ab 0 ab

03 + 3 04 + 4
; R4= ; a is t he lengt h of polar;
0 ah 0 ah
R5 M agnetic resist ance of iron core; R 6 , R 7 M agnet ic resis
b is the w idt h of big polar; h is the w idt h of small
t ances of yok es; ∃ 0 , ∃ 1 , ∃ 2 Fluxes of circuit s; R 1 , R 2 , R 3,
polar; 01 , 02 , 03 and 04 are t he distance f rom R4 M agnet ic resist ances of working gaps; P m, Rm
corresponding spacers to armat ure; 1 , 2 , 3 and Equivalent magnet ic pot ent ial and magnetic resist ance of perma
4 are the thicknesses of spacers. nent magnet
F rom Eq. ( 7) , obt ain t he values of 01 , 02 , ( b) Equivalent magnet ic circuits

and Fig . 3 T he co nfiguration sketch of the polarized mag

03 04 , t hen g et t he magnet ic flux of every
netic system and its equivalent mag netic circuit
w orking gap∀ s magnetic resist ance, substitute
them in Maxw ell equation f or elect romagnet ic force on ort hogonal design method.
torque of every w orking g ap, f inally achieve the t o ( 1) Det ermining t he t olerance level
t al elect romagnet ic force. T here are six main fact ors that influence t he
1. 2. 2 The reliability tolerance analyzing mathe elect romagnet ic force charact eristic ( called control
matic model of electromagnetic force lable factor below ) . T hey are spacers 1 , 2 , 3
based on orthogonal design and 4 , w orking gap ∀, and w idth of small polar
In this paper, the polarized mag netic system h. Suppose t he center values are 1, 0 , 2, 0 , ∀0 ,
of t he relay show n in Fig. 3 is t aken as an ex ample 3, 0 , 4, 0 and h 0 . T able 1 shows t heir tolerance
to carry out t he reliabilit y tolerance analyzing levels on t he foundat ion of technology requirement.
mat hemat ic model of elect romagnet ic f orce based ( 2) Det ermining orthogonal table
According to T able 1, t he ort hogonal t able
L 18 ( 2 1 ( 37 ) ( T able 2) is chosen t o carry out t he
tolerance design of electromag net ic force. In T able
2, A , B, C, D , E and F represent t he tolerance
levels of paramet ers 1 , 2 , ∀, 3, 4 and h.
( 3) T olerance analysis
T he tolerance ( st andard variance) of elect ro
magnet ic force at at tractive voltage in node i ( i =
1 Y oke and big polar; 2 N on magnet ic conduct ion spacer;
0, 2, 4) is F
3 Armat ure; 4 Small polar and yoke; 5 Coil ; 6 Iron core;
T hickness of spacer; ∀ Working gap
& F op, ij
1, 2, 3, 4
= 1 2
( 8)
( a) Elevation and side view of polarized magnetic system∀ s op 17 j= 1

Table 1 Tolerance level talble

Level 1 / mm 2/ mm 3/ mm 4 / mm ∀/ mm h / mm

1 1, 0 - 0. 003 2, 0 - 0. 003 3, 0 - 0. 003 4, 0 - 0. 003 ∀0 - 0. 1 h0 - 0. 1

2 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0 4, 0 ∀0 h0

3 1, 0 + 0. 003 2, 0 + 0. 003 3, 0 + 0. 003 4, 0 + 0. 003 ∀0 + 0. 1 h0 + 0. 1

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February 2005 Research on t he R eliabilit y Tolerance A nalysis M ethod of Electromagnet ic Relay in A erospace # 69 #

Table 2 Orthogonal table

Elect romagnet ic f orce
Elect romagnetic force F op at R elease f orce F re at release
No. A B C D E F
att ractive volt age volt age
Node 0 N ode 2 N ode 4 N ode 1 Node 3 N ode 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F op, 01 F op, 21 F o p, 41 F re, 11 F re, 31 F re, 41
2 1 2 2 2 2 2 F op, 02 F op, 22 F o p, 42 F re, 12 F re, 32 F re, 42
3 1 3 3 3 3 3 F op, 03 F op, 23 F o p, 43 F re, 13 F re, 33 F re, 43
4 2 1 1 2 2 3 F op, 04 F op, 24 F o p, 44 F re, 14 F re, 34 F re, 44
5 2 2 2 3 3 1 F op, 05 F op, 25 F o p, 45 F re, 15 F re, 35 F re, 45
6 2 3 3 1 1 2 F op, 06 F op, 26 F o p, 46 F re, 16 F re, 36 F re, 46
7 3 1 2 1 3 2 F op, 07 F op, 27 F o p, 47 F re, 17 F re, 37 F re, 47
8 3 2 3 2 1 3 F op, 08 F op, 28 F o p, 48 F re, 18 F re, 38 F re, 48
9 3 3 1 3 2 1 F op, 09 F op, 29 F o p, 49 F re, 19 F re, 39 F re, 49
10 1 1 3 3 2 2 F o p, 010 F op, 210 F op, 410 F re, 110 F re, 310 F re , 410
11 1 2 1 1 3 3 F o p, 011 F op, 211 F op, 411 F re, 111 F re, 311 F re , 411
12 1 3 2 2 1 1 F o p, 012 F op, 212 F op, 412 F re, 112 F re, 312 F re , 412
13 2 1 2 3 1 3 F o p, 013 F op, 213 F op, 413 F re, 113 F re, 313 F re , 413
14 2 2 3 1 2 1 F o p, 014 F op, 214 F op, 414 F re, 114 F re, 314 F re , 414
15 2 3 1 2 3 2 F o p, 015 F op, 215 F op, 415 F re, 115 F re, 315 F re , 415
16 3 1 3 2 3 1 F o p, 016 F op, 216 F op, 416 F re, 116 F re, 316 F re , 416
17 3 2 1 3 1 2 F o p, 017 F op, 217 F op, 417 F re, 117 F re, 317 F re , 417
18 3 3 2 1 2 3 F o p, 018 F op, 218 F op, 418 F re, 118 F re, 318 F re , 418

T he tolerance ( st andard variance) of elect ro According to the st ress st reng th interference

magnet ic force at release volt ag e in node i ( i = 1, model, if the values of %op and %re are g iven ( some
3, 4) is Fre t imes %op = %re = %) , w here %op and %re represent
18 the reliabilit ies of att raction and release respect ive
F re =
17 &
j= 1
F 2re, ij ( 9) ly, the relat ionship of statistic values bet ween elec
1. 3 The reliability tolerance analysis model of t romagnet ic force and spring force can be deter
electromagnetic force and spring force m ined as follows

Z op
characteristics∀ cooperation 1 - %op = P ( F op < F f ) = 1 ex p - y dy
- ∗ 2& 2
T he inf luence of t he controllable and uncon
t rollable f act ors result s in t he distribut ions of elec ( 10)
t romagnet ic force charact erist ic and spring force F op - F f
Z op +- 2 2
( 11)
charact erist ic of relay ( belong ing t o normal dist ri Ff + F op

Z re
bution) , which are t he tolerance bands of elect ro 1 exp - y dy
1- %re = P ( F f < F re) =
magnet ic force characterist ic and spring force char - ∗ 2& 2
act erist ic ( Fig. 4) . ( 12)
F f - F re
Z re +- 2 2
( 13)
Ff + F re

where F op , F re and F f represent t he mean values of

F op , F re and F f , respectively; Fo p , F re and F f
represent the standard deviations of F op , F re and
F f, respect ively .

2 W orkflow of the Reliability

T olerance Design
Fig . 4 Distributions of electromagnetic force and spring
force char acterist ics T he reliability t olerance desig n of relay is

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
# 70 # L IANG Hui min, REN W an bin, YE Xue rong, ZHAI G uo fu CJA

based on configuration design and paramet er de T he result is shown in T able 3.

sign. T he w orkflow of aerospace elect romagnet ic
4 Conclusions
relay∀ s reliabilit y t olerance design is shown as
F ig 5. In the process of design, controllabilit y and
consistency of the product∀ s out put characterist ic
are tw o important concepts, which greatly inf lu
ence the product∀ s reliabilit y. T he method of relia
bility tolerance design for aerospace elect romagnet ic
relay presented here is t o make t he cooperat ion be
t w een t he t olerance of electromagnetic force charac
t erist ic and that of spring f orce characterist ic be op
t imized by adjust ing the design variable and its tol
erance based on the opt imum designs of system
conf igurat ion and parameter and t he conditions of
at tract ion and release reliabilities being given. In
this way, the qualit y of products can be cont rolled
from t he period of design. T his met hod also can be
used in t he ot her reliabilit y designs of aerospace
elect rical apparat us.

Fig . 5 T he flow chart of reliability tolerance desig n

Table 3 The calculation values of reliability
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[ 4] 翟国富, 梁慧敏, 许峰, 等. 电磁继 电器可 靠性容 差设计 方
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release voltage/ N Tolerance F 0. 0092
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operat ions, the reliabilit y of at tract ion and release LIANG Hui min Born in 1972. She received t he Ph. D.
are all 0 9987. According t o t he workflow of t he degree from Harbin Institute of T echnology , Harbin, China,
in 1999. She is currently an associate professor of the De
reliabilit y t olerance design show n in Fig 4, t he re
par tment of Electr ical Engineer ing at Harbin Institute of
liability t olerance analysis of electromagnetic force T echnolog y. She researches on the Electrical Contacts and
and spring f orce characterist ics∀ cooperation at t he the reliability design of aerospace electrical apparatus. T el:
g ap corresponding t o node 2 ( Fig 2) is carried out. 0451 86413964, E mail: hitra@ hit. edu. cn

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February 2005 Research on t he R eliabilit y Tolerance A nalysis M ethod of Electromagnet ic Relay in A erospace # 71 #

REN Wan bin Bor n in 1977. He received the M . S. degree ZHAI Guo fu Born in 1964. He r eceived t he P h. D. degree
from Harbin Institute of T echnolog y, Harbin, China, in fro m Harbin I nsititute o f T echnology, Harbin, China, in
2003. He is currently an assistant of the Department o f Elec 1998. He is cur rently a pro fessor of the Department of Elec
tr ical Eng ineering at Harbin Institute of T echnology. He re tr ical Engineering at Harbin Institute of T echno logy. His
searches on the anti v ibration design o f electromagnetic re main research interests include Electr ical Contacts and the re
lay . T el: 0451 86412976, E mail: renwanbin @ yahoo. liability and testing technique of aerospace electrical appara
com. cn tus. T el: 0451 86412976, 86413623, E mail: gfzhai @
YE Xue rong Born in 1981. He received the B. S. degree hope. hit. edu. cn
from Harbin Institute of T echnolog y, Harbin, China, in
2003. Since 2003, he has studied for M . S. degr ee in Harbin
Institute of T echnology . He resear ches on the reliabilit y de
sign of electrical apparatus. T el: 0451 86413964,
86413623, E mail: xuelai1981@ hotmail. com

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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