Estimation of Electrical Resistivity of Concrete With Blast Furnace Slag

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Title No. 118-M53

Estimation of Electrical Resistivity of Concrete with

Blast‑Furnace Slag
by S. E. S. Mendes, R. L. N. Oliveira, C. Cremonez, E. Pereira, E. Pereira, P. O. Trentin, and
R. A. Medeiros-Junior

Blast-furnace slag (BFS) has been increasingly used in cement products and electrical resistivity of self-consolidating
production and has shown great influence on the electrical resis- concrete (SCC). The correlation coefficient of the relation-
tivity of concrete. The objective of this paper is to compare the ship between Ca(OH)2 content and electrical resistivity
theoretical values of electrical resistivity obtained through a was 0.96 for SCCs without pozzolans and 0.97 for samples
mathematical model with experimental values for concrete with
containing pozzolans.
BFS. Reference concrete mixtures with ordinary portland cement
Reinforcement corrosion is an electrochemical process
were also studied. Results indicate higher electrical resistivity
and smaller porosity for concretes with CEM III/A. The electrical that involves electric flow and causes the degradation of
resistivity of the CEM III/A concrete does not have a well-defined the concrete structures. Therefore, electrical resistivity is an
correlation with the water-binder ratio (w/b) or with the compres- important tool for evaluating corrosion probability.4,16-18
sive strength, unlike CEM I concretes. The correlation between Regarding the effects of aggregates on the electrical resis-
calculated and experimental resistivity requires a correction factor tivity of concrete, Hou et al.19 observed that the electric
for the CEM III/A concretes. In this study, the correction factor current tends to cross through the coarse aggregates rather
was obtained empirically by reducing the theoretical tortuosity of than through the interface transition zone. Therefore, the
concrete by 15%. Therefore, the model should be used in cements effect of the transition zone can be less intense than other
with BFS with the application of a correction factor. concrete parameters, such as the water-binder ratio (w/b).20
Keywords: durability; electrical resistivity; models; nondestructive testing;
porosimetry. Estimation of electrical resistivity and application
in concrete service life modeling
INTRODUCTION The model based on Archie’s and Powers’ laws can
Electrical resistivity of concrete be used to estimate the concrete electrical resistivity, as
The electrical resistivity of concrete measures the mate- proposed by D’Andrea21 and validated by Mendes et al.22
rial’s ability to conduct electrical charges through its inte- Archie23 proposed the model of Eq. (1) from studies on the
rior. The technique based on Wenner’s fourth electrodes is exploration of oil and gas in sandy oils to estimate the elec-
generally used in reinforced concrete structures, where the trical resistivity (ρʹ, in Ω.m) of sand with its pores fully filled
current is applied by the external electrodes and the voltage by brine.
is measured by the internal electrodes. Concrete electrical
resistivity has a relationship with the material’s microstruc-   0    (1)
ture,1-3 and it is directly related to the durability of cement-
based materials.4-6 where ρ0ʹ is the brine resistivity (Ω.m); εʹ is the sand porosity
Electrical resistivity measurement techniques are (% volume); and τ represents the tortuosity (dimensionless)
becoming popular among researchers for the durability of the void formed by the spaces between the grains of sand.
assessment of concrete due to their practicality and the low Therefore, Eq. (1) was adapted (Eq. (2)) to estimate the
cost involved.3,4 This technique has been used as nondestruc- electrical resistivity of concrete (ρ, Ω.m), where ρ0 (Ω.m)
tive testing to indirectly evaluate the durability of structures is the electrical resistivity of the aqueous phase; ε is the
because it is a simple and fast field methodology that pres- porosity of the concrete (% volume); and m is the tortuosity
ents reliable results and can indicate the risk of corrosion of (dimensionless) of concrete pores.21,23 Although the elec-
steel reinforcement. This test is correlated with some perfor- trical resistivity of the aqueous phase (ρ0) may vary between
mance characteristics of concrete such as chloride diffusion different concrete mixtures, its order of magnitude is much
coefficient and water absorption.2,7-12 lower compared to the total resistivity of the concrete. Thus,
According to Polder,13 a low electrical resistivity is some studies18,21,22,24,25 recommend the use of the fixed
related to the rapid penetration of chloride and a high rate value of 0.5 Ω.m in terms of simplification, without major
of corrosion. Cruz et al.14 used electrical resistivity to eval-
ACI Materials Journal, V. 118, No. 4, July 2021.
uate mortars with pozzolans in the first 28 days of age. The MS No. M-2020-172.R1, doi: 10.14359/51732597, received September 4, 2020, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2021, American Concrete
results showed that electrical resistivity can be used to assess Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
the degree of hydration. Ghoddousi and Saadabadi15 inves- obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
tigated the effect of metakaolin and silica fume on hydration is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Materials Journal/July 2021 27

impacts on the final value of the resistivity of the concrete. useful whether for application in the Andrade28 service
Using this constant value represents a great saving of time life model (Eq. (6)) or for other durability models that use
and resources because the extraction of the solution from electrical resistivity as an input parameter,22,30 mainly for
the pores of the concrete to determine the resistivity is an new buildings.
expensive process.
Effect of blast-furnace slag on resistivity
  0    m (2) Tibbetts et al.31 compared three standardized electrical
test methods (AASHTO T 358, AASHTO TP 119, and
The porosity of concrete can be calculated from Eq. (3), ASTM C1202) to evaluate the physical water permeability
with the conversion of the porosity of the paste εp (% volume) of concrete. Surface and bulk resistivities were measured at
into the porosity of the concrete ε (% volume).21,23 Volpaste 7, 28, 56, 91, 182, and up to 365 days. The electrical resis-
(m3) and Volconcrete (m3) are the volumes of the cement paste tivity increased with the use of blast-furnace slag (BFS)
and concrete, respectively. in the mixture. The authors observed that the use of alter-
native supplementary cementitious materials including
Vol paste fly ash, silica fume, slag, and metakaolin had similar
  p  (3) behavior, where the increase in resistivity is related to the
decreasing permeability.
In this case, the classic model of Powers et al.26 can be Shubbar et al.32 developed a cement with a mixture of ordi-
used to estimate the porosity of the cement paste (Eq. (4))21,26 nary portland cement (35%), BFS (35%), and high-calcium
fly ash (30%). The incorporation of supplementary materials
 w / c   0.36   also increased the electrical resistivity of the samples. The
p  100% (4)
 w / c   0.32 increase in electrical resistivity occurred in parallel with the
increment of the resistance to the diffusivity of chloride ions
where εp is the porosity of the cement paste (% volume); w/c and the densification of the microstructure.
is the water-cement ratio; and α is the degree of hydration He et al.33 used wet milling and dry separation to prepare
of cement. ultrafine BFS and improve its early reactivity in the cements.
According to D’Andrea,21 the simplified model proposed The electrical resistivity of wet-milling specimens develops
by Mills27 can be used to estimate α in the case of portland at faster rates than that of dry-separation specimens.
cements (Eq. (5)). According to the authors, electrical resistivity is driven by
the number of mobile ions in the solution. The amount of
1.031   w / c  ion decreases with the increment of BFS dosage due to its
  1.0 (5)
0.194   w / c  low dissolution rate compared with that of ordinary portland
cement. Therefore, the specimens with more BFS content
Therefore, estimating the electrical resistivity of concrete
have higher electrical resistivity values.
from Eq. (2) to (5) can be a powerful tool for interacting with
Rovnaník et al.34 compared the electrical properties
other service life models available in the literature. Andrade28
(resistance and capacitance) of portland cement and alkali-
used electrical resistivity as an indicator of durability for
activated slag mortars. The authors verified that the electrical
application in service life prediction (Eq. (6)), considering
resistance decreases as the compressive stress increases.
corrosion initiated by chlorides or carbonation. This may be
Also, the resistivity of portland cement was 10 times higher
possible because a very important factor regarding the rate
than that of alkali-activated slag mortars in the frequency
of corrosion is the electrical resistivity of the concrete. The
range of 40 Hz to 1 MHz. This effect was attributed to two
high resistivity of the concrete can restrict the flow of ions
factors: the increased concentration of conductive electro-
between the anodic and cathodic regions29
lyte in alkali-activated slags pore solution and the presence
of iron particles in BFS.
x 2  es  rCl, CO2 Px  ef
t  ti  t p   (6) Thus, the literature shows that the effect of BFS on the
kCl, CO2 kCorr electrical resistivity of concrete is significant. Therefore, this
paper aims to assess whether Eq. (2) to (5) are also valid for
where t is the service life considering reinforcement corro-
the case of concretes with high BFS content. That is the main
sion (years); ti is the initiation period (years); tp is the propa-
motivation of this paper.
gation period (years); x is the penetration depth of the aggres-
This model (Eq. (2) to (5)) was detailed by D’Andrea21
sive agent; ρes is the electrical resistivity of water-saturated
and validated by Mendes et al.22 for 33 concrete mixtures.
concrete; rCl,CO is the reaction or binding factor (parameter
Therefore, electrical resistivity can be determined by mathe-
depending on the type of cement); kCl,CO is the factor of 2
matical models or from experimental tests.
aggressive penetration (environmental parameter); Px is the
Mendes et al.22 proposed the use of electrical resistivity to
limit corrosion attack depth (loss in reinforcing bar diameter
define the proportion of concrete materials (cement, water,
or pit depth); ρes is the electrical resistivity of concrete at its
and aggregates). The electrical resistivity estimated by
actual degree of saturation; and kCorr is the constant with a
Eq. (2) to (5) was compared with laboratory measure values
value of 30,000 μA/cm2·kΩ·cm.
for concretes with four types of portland cement available in
Thus, the possibility of mathematically estimating
the Brazilian market: CPIIF (up to 10% of limestone filler),
electrical resistivity by a simplified method can be very

28 ACI Materials Journal/July 2021

Table 1—Composition of concrete mixtures with CEM I
Code Cement, kg/m3 Fine aggregate, kg/m3 Coarse aggregate, kg/m3 w/b PA, % SPA, % Slump, mm ER, Ω.m
CI.1 656 454 1027 0.32 — 1.01 10.0 57.7
CI.2 572 551 1034 0.35 — 0.80 10.5 55.0
CI.3 497 624 1039 0.40 — 0.70 9.0 49.4
CI.4 444 681 1037 0.44 — 0.70 11.0 49.4
CI.5 395 721 1030 0.50 — 0.61 10.0 42.4
CI.6 352 761 1039 0.55 — 0.71 11.0 40.0
CI.7 328 785 1029 0.60 — 0.70 9.0 33.2
CI.8 297 820 1034 0.65 — 0.71 10.5 33.2
CI.9 281 828 1025 0.70 — 0.71 10.0 29.8
Note: PA is plasticizer additive; SPA is superplasticizer additive; ER is electrical resistivity at 28 days.

CPIIZ (up to 14% of fly ash), CPIV (up to 50% of fly ash), EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
and CPV (up to 5% of limestone filler). The authors verified Materials
good correlations between the data. This is very useful to In this study, 40 concrete mixtures (Tables 1 and 2) were
make it possible to include durability in engineering projects produced. Sulfate-resistant portland cement Type III avail-
from the design stage. able in the Brazilian market was used in 31 mixtures. This
However, BFS is widely used in civil constructions to cement is equivalent to CEM III/A (BFS content of approx-
produce cement or concrete. Portland cement Type III is one imately 60%). The sulfate resistance property is a conse-
example of this kind of cement from Brazil. This cement quence of the high slag content found in this cement. For
uses up to 75% of BFS in their composition. In this case, this comparison of results, ordinary portland cement (CEM I)
study aimed to verify the possibility of applying Eq. (2) to was used in nine mixtures. This cement is equivalent to
(5) to cements with high slag content. This is a gap that was portland cement CEM I 52.5R (portland cement with high
not filled in the study of Mendes et al.22 early strength).35 The chemical composition of the binders
Therefore, the objective of this paper was to compare the obtained by X-ray fluorescence is shown in Table 3.
theoretical values of electrical resistivity obtained through Some parameters were fixed for the 40 concrete mixtures’
a mathematical model (Eq. (2) to (5)) with experimental designs: coarse aggregate with a maximum dimension of
values for concrete with BFS. Forty concrete mixtures were 12.5 mm and modulus of fineness of 5.61; fine aggregate
analyzed in the present study. Then, the electrical resistivity with a maximum dimension of 4.8 mm and modulus of fine-
estimated for these concretes was compared with the values ness of 2.62; and mortar content of 52% and consistency
obtained experimentally at 28 days. In addition, the resis- of 100 ± 20 mm. The maximum size of the aggregates and
tivity of the concretes was also assessed at 91 days because their modulus of fineness were fixed because they can influ-
the reactions of the slag are known to be slower than the ence the results of electrical resistivity, as reported by some
hydration of the clinker. This is also an innovation compared studies.19,36 The mortar content and consistency were fixed
to the study by Mendes et al.,22 where the authors only eval- to facilitate the comparison of concretes with similar appli-
uated resistivity at 28 days. The relationship between elec- cability. Two naphthalene-based additives (plasticizer and
trical resistivity and compressive strength tests were also superplasticizer) were used to control concrete consistency.
investigated at these two ages. Thus, this research covers a wide variety of mixtures (all
with the same consistency) with w/c from 0.32 to 0.72 and
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE cement content from 259 to 663 kg/m3. This facilitates the
This study aims to encourage the practical application of possibility of extrapolating the results to a larger number of
the tested equations (Eq. (2) to (5)). This would be the best practical applications.
use of this research. The main advantage of these equations Cylindrical specimens of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm
is that they are easy to apply. This encourages their use in height were cast. The cure was performed by immersion in
everyday civil engineering decision-making. Although other water. Some specimens were tested after 28 days of curing,
models exist in the literature, their complexity inhibits real and others after 91 days of curing.
application in practice. Therefore, the model studied in this
paper aims to be as applicable as possible. Electrical resistivity and compressive strength tests
Also, estimating the resistivity mathematically means The electrical resistivity test was performed according
being able to use this parameter in modeling the concrete to Wenner’s method (four points), based on the standard
service life28 and/or in defining concrete mixture design.22 established by UNE 83988-2:2014.37 The test consisted of
This step is very important to allow including durability the use of four electrodes spaced by 0.05 m. An electrical
parameters from the design stage of civil constructions. charge applied between the two external electrodes results
in a difference of potential, which is measured by the two
internal electrodes of the equipment.

ACI Materials Journal/July 2021 29

Table 2—Composition of concrete mixtures with CEM III/A
Code Cement, kg/m3 Fine aggregate, kg/m3 Coarse aggregate, kg/m3 w/b PA, % SPA, % Slump, mm ER, Ω.m
CIII.1 586 527 1020 0.35 1.01 — 9.5 237.9
CIII.2 493 663 1069 0.35 — 0.39 11.0 303.1
CIII.3 663 418 992 0.37 — — 8.0 155.3
CIII.4 503 692 1005 0.37 — 0.60 10.0 238.6
CIII.5 595 502 980 0.40 — — 9.0 199.3
CIII.6 596 478 987 0.40 — — 9.0 161.7
CIII.7 506 601 1026 0.40 0.91 — 10.5 190.8
CIII.8 433 717 1062 0.40 — 0.39 11.0 291.4
CIII.9 557 540 995 0.42 — — 9.0 179.5
CIII.10 567 507 997 0.42 — — 9.5 154.2
CIII.11 474 647 1032 0.42 0.91 — 9.5 212.6
CIII.12 444 746 1008 0.42 — 0.68 9.5 257.5
CIII.13 436 658 1004 0.50 — — 9.0 177.2
CIII.14 464 621 999 0.50 — — 10.0 190.3
CIII.15 380 749 1033 0.50 0.71 — 9.0 218.3
CIII.16 360 787 1045 0.50 — 0.39 9.0 293.3
CIII.17 371 763 1051 0.50 — 0.59 8.5 276.7
CIII.18 439 650 1003 0.52 — — 10.5 186.2
CIII.19 358 822 1005 0.52 — 0.70 8.5 237.5
CIII.20 361 729 1006 0.60 — — 9.0 179.1
CIII.21 377 713 996 0.60 — — 9.5 207.8
CIII.22 334 769 1029 0.60 0.69 — 11.0 208.1
CIII.23 306 840 1032 0.60 — 0.46 9.0 298.2
CIII.24 361 734 1009 0.61 — — 10.5 203.6
CIII.25 300 873 1005 0.62 — 0.80 10.0 245.8
CIII.26 310 777 999 0.70 — — 9.0 205.5
CIII.27 318 767 1002 0.70 — — 9.5 199.6
CIII.28 279 829 1027 0.70 1.00 — 8.5 216.8
CIII.29 266 864 1032 0.70 — 0.45 8.5 274.1
CIII.30 303 791 1005 0.72 — — 10.0 193.8
CIII.31 259 906 1004 0.72 — 1.08 8.0 250.7
Note: PA is plasticizer additive; SPA is superplasticizer additive; ER is electrical resistivity at 28 days.

Table 3—Chemical composition of cements

Cement SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 CaO MgO K2O TiO2
CEM I 17.46 7.34 3.11 2.61 64.83 3.19 0.93 0.54
CEM III/A 12.26 3.63 2.79 2.57 74.64 2.15 1.71 0.26

The test was carried out with the specimens in a satu- was executed according to the ABNT NBR 5739:200738
rated surface-dry state. Three specimens were used for each standard, using equipment for the rupture with 1000 kN of
concrete mixture, and three measurements were made in capacity and speed of load application of 0.45 ± 0.15 MPa/s.
each of them, always spaced by angles of 120 degrees. The
electrical resistivity values obtained in the test needs to be Estimation of electrical resistivity
corrected according to the size of the specimen used. In the The electrical resistivity was calculated according to
case of the specimens used in this study, the correction factor the law of Archie,23 Powers,26 and Mills27 (Eq. (2) to (5)).
was 0.377, according to the UNE 83988-2:2014 standard.37 According to D’Andrea,21 the m values used in Eq. (2)
The compressive strength test was realized on the same were 2.7 and 1.7 for the CEM III/A and CEM I cements,
specimens used in the electrical resistivity test. The test

30 ACI Materials Journal/July 2021

Fig. 1—Electrical resistivity at: (a) 28 days; and (b) 91 days of curing time.
respectively. The ρ0 value used was 0.5 Ω.m, according to analyzed. The increase in the w/b reduces the electrical resis-
the literature recommendation.18,21,22,24,25 tivity. However, the correlation between electrical resistivity
and w/b for CEM III/A is nonexistent because the w/b has
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) a nonsignificant influence on the electrical resistivity for
The technique of MIP was used in this study to compare this type of cement. The variability of the data is greater
the theoretical (Eq. (3) to (5)) and experimental values of in CEM III/A, especially at 91 days. This type of behavior
porosity and tortuosity. As this is an expensive test, only makes the analysis of electrical resistivity more complex for
concretes with a w/c equal to 0.50 were tested (CI.5 and concretes with BFS. Tables 1 and 2 show the electrical resis-
CIII.17, Tables 1 and 2). In concrete with CEM III/A, tivity values for all samples.
only CIII.17 sample was tested because this is the sample According to Fig. 1, the resistivity is greater at 91 days
most similar to CEM I concrete (CI.5), in terms of material than at 28 days in both types of cements due to cement
proportion and superplasticizer content additive. This test hydration and the progressive hardening of concrete. The
was executed at the age of 28 days using a porosimeter. effect of age is greater for CEM III/A due to the slower
reaction of BFS compared to clinker. Despite being slower,
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS this reaction is more progressive and therefore continues
Electrical resistivity and compressive strength increasing the electrical resistivity of concretes with BFS
Figure 1 shows the electrical resistivity for different types even at advanced ages.
of cement and w/b obtained experimentally in concretes at The electrical resistivity of BFS concretes is greater than
28 and 91 days. According to Fig. 1, a very well-defined concretes without slag (Fig. 1). Concerning the relationship
correlation (R2 > 0.9) for CEM I was found in both ages between the electrical resistivity of concrete and the risk of

ACI Materials Journal/July 2021 31

Table 4—Results of porosimetry test
Parameters CIII.17 CI.5
Median pore diameter (volume), µm 258.1 568.7
Median pore diameter (area), µm 35.2 199.6
Porosity, % 10.230 10.632
Tortuosity factor 0.082 0.080
Tortuosity 1.553 1.527

corrosion of the reinforcement, a lower probability of corro-

sion was observed with the use of BFS. In this case, an insig-
nificant risk was pointed out at 28 and 91 days. However,
with the use of CEM I, a moderate to high probability of
corrosion was identified. This analysis was performed based
on the limits presented by Elkey and Sellevold17 and Song
and Saraswathy.39 Medeiros-Junior and Lima9 observed
similar behavior for portland cement with BFS. The authors
pointed out that a large amount of BFS in CEM III/A compo-
sition (approximately 60%) increased the concrete resistivity
compared with the other samples, for the same w/b. The BFS
contributes to refine the pores of the concrete microstruc-
ture and substantially reduce the permeability, increasing the
resistivity. Table 4 shows the results of the porosimetry test
performed on concretes CIII.17 and CI.5. Figure 2 shows the
variation in pore size.
According to Table 4, the median pore diameter (both Fig. 2—Pore size distribution: (a) CIII.17; and (b) CI.5.
volume and area) is larger for CEM I concrete. This caused compressive strength of all concrete specimens increased
a greater number of pores larger than 50 nm (Fig. 2) and with the time of curing. According to Fig. 1 and Fig. 3, the
greater porosity (Table 4) for this cement. However, the compressive strength of CEM III/A concretes has a good
tortuosity obtained from MIP testing was very similar relationship with the w/b, different from the electrical resis-
between cements CEM I and CEM III/A. Therefore, the tivity. This is explained because the compressive strength is
higher resistivity values obtained for cement with BFS were less dependent on the chemical composition of the concrete
also justified by the chemical composition of the concrete pore solution, and the mechanical properties of concrete
pore solution. are most strongly influenced by the w/b, as reported in
Electrical conductivity depends on the amount of free other studies.11,40,41
water and the presence of conductive ions. As demonstrated Figure 4 shows the relationship between compressive
in several studies,9,11 the amount of OH– ions is reduced strength and electrical resistivity for concretes with different
in concretes that contain mineral additions, such as BFS. w/b at 28 and 91 days of curing time. According to Fig. 4,
This is a consequence of the lower amount of clinker in concrete with CEM I have high correlations between the
these concretes as well as pozzolanic reactions (in the case tests. However, the correlation between these two tests
of pozzolanic additions). Therefore, the pore solution of is nonexistent for concrete with BFS (CEM III/A). This
CEM III/A concretes tend to have a lower content of OH– happens because the compressive strength of CEM III/A
ions,9 which reduces the conductivity of the material and, concretes is much more sensitive to the w/b than the elec-
consequently, increases the electrical resistivity. Also, the trical resistivity, as seen in Fig. 1 and 3. Also, data dispersion
increment of BFS reduces the amount of ion due to the was much higher for CEM III/A. The results showed so far
low dissolution rate of BFS compared with the clinker, as reinforce the greater complexity in the properties of hard-
confirmed by He et al.33 This low dissolution is reflected ened CEM III/A concrete. This reinforces the importance
in the results of compressive strength. Figure 3 shows the of this study because the analysis of the electrical resis-
compressive strength for concretes with different w/b at 28 tivity of concretes with this type of cement must be done
and 91 days of curing time. more cautiously.
The use of BFS in the mixture decreased the compressive According to Fig. 5, CEM III/A concretes have higher
strength for w/b less than 0.50. This is a consequence of the electrical resistivity values per unit of compressive strength
lower amount of clinker in the composition of the concrete (MPa). This means that the electrical resistivity is superior
with BFS. Thus, slag hydration is slower and takes longer for concretes with BFS even when comparing concretes
to produce a compressive strength similar to concrete with with the same compressive strength. The “electrical resis-
CEM I. tivity/compressive strength” ratio of BFS concretes is
A good relationship between the increase in the w/b and strongly influenced by the w/b, unlike concrete without slag.
the reduction in compressive strength was found. Also, the This is explained because the increase in the w/b reduces

32 ACI Materials Journal/July 2021

Fig. 3—Compressive strength at 28 and 91 days.

Fig. 4—Relationship between compressive strength and electrical resistivity.

the compressive strength (Fig. 3) but has little impact on the need to ascertain the validity of Eq. (2) to (5) for cement
concrete resistivity (Fig. 1). Consequently, this ratio tends with BFS.
to grow with the increase in the w/b for the BFS concretes.
Also, this ratio is influenced by age only in concrete with Correlation between calculated and experimental
BFS. This is a consequence of the tendency to stabilize both resistivity
parameters (electrical resistivity and compressive strength) Figure 6 shows the calculated electrical resistivity. Equa-
at 28 days of the concrete with initial high-strength cement tions (2) to (5) were used for the calculation. The m values
(CEM I). These differences in behavioral trends reinforce were 1.7 for CEM I and 2.7 for CEM III/A, and ρ0 was
considered equal to 0.5 Ω.m, according to Mendes et al.,22

ACI Materials Journal/July 2021 33

Fig. 5—Electrical resistivity/compressive strength ratio (resistivity per MPa).

Fig. 6—Electrical resistivity estimated by model.

Buenfeld et al.,24 and Goñi and Andrade.25 The electrical
resistivity calculated for CEM III/A is greater than that for
CEM I in any w/b used. This behavior agrees with the exper-
imental resistivity shown in Fig. 1. This is a consequence of
the higher theoretical tortuosity value for this type of cement
(2.7) compared to ordinary portland cement (1.7). Figure 7
presents the correlation between the resistivity estimated by
the model and the resistivity measured in the laboratory at 28
and 91 days of curing time.
The correlation between calculated and experimental
resistivity is very close for CEM I concretes, both at 28
and 91 days. The effect of age has little intensity on elec-
trical resistivity measures because this cement has high
initial strength. This is in accordance with Fig. 5 and proves
that the model (Eq. (2) to (5)) can also be applied for the
estimation of electrical resistivity at 91 days for this type
of cement. However, the correlation between calculated
and experimental resistivity requires a correction factor
for the CEM III/A concretes. The values obtained by the
model overestimated the electrical resistivity for concrete
Fig. 7—Correlation between estimated and experimental with BFS. This is not advisable in terms of engineering
(laboratory) electrical resistivity. decisions, as it is contrary to safety. The direct use of the
resistivity values of the model, without the inclusion of a
correction factor, can compromise the safety of the struc-
ture and lead to inadequate service life predictions because

34 ACI Materials Journal/July 2021

Fig. 8—Calculated and experimental porosity for concrete
with w/b of 0.50.
higher resistivity values will be expected than what the
material will actually present experimentally. Therefore, in
terms of engineering decisions, the adjustment (in this case,
reduction) of the calculated resistivity to values close to the
experimental measures is fundamental for a correct applica-
tion in service life simulation using the Andrade28 model or
Fig. 9—Correlation between calculated and experimental
for use as a parameter of concrete design using the Mendes
resistivity for CEM III/A with correction factor.
et al.22 model.
Figure 8 presents the calculated and experimental values CONCLUSIONS
of porosity for concretes with a w/b of 0.50 (CI.5 and The use of blast-furnace slag (BFS) (CEM III/A) results in
CIII.17). Theoretical porosity calculations were developed higher electrical resistivity and smaller porosity of concretes.
using Eq. (3). According to Fig. 8, the model can underes- CEM I concrete has a greater number of pores larger than
timate the porosity of concretes. This helps to explain the 50 nm and, consequently, the median pore diameter is larger.
variability in the correlations between the experimental and Concretes with CEM I have high correlations between
calculated resistivity values. compressive strength and electrical resistivity. However,
In a simplified way, the correction factor to adjust the because the compressive strength of CEM III/A concretes
CEM III/A data in Fig. 7 can be obtained by reducing is much more sensitive to the w/b than the electrical resis-
15% of the theoretical tortuosity value applied (m = 0.85 × tivity, there is no correlation between these two properties
2.7 = 2.3). This correction factor was obtained empirically for CEM III/A concretes.
by this study and needs validation for other mixtures with Concretes with BFS have higher electrical resis-
properties different from the 31 mixtures selected in this tivity values per unit of compressive strength. This ratio
paper (Table 2). Figure 9 shows the correlation between (Ω.m/MPa) is strongly influenced by the w/b and the age in
experimental and calculated resistivities after applying the BFS concretes, unlike concrete without slag. This is explained
correction factor. because the increase in w/b reduces the compressive strength
According to Fig. 9, despite the dispersion of data, the but has little influence on the electrical resistivity.
experimental and calculated resistivities were approximated CEM I concretes show good correlations between elec-
after reducing the theoretical tortuosity value by 15%. In trical resistivity estimated by the model and the resistivity
fact, the tortuosity found by the porosimetry test (1.527, obtained in the laboratory, both at 28 and 91 days. The effect
Table 4) was very close to the theoretical value (m = 1.7) of age on electrical resistivity is small because this cement
for CEM I cement. However, the value was very distant for has high initial strength. However, CEM III/A requires a
CEM III/A cement (experimental m = 1.553 and theoretical correction factor to correlate experimental and calculated
m = 2.7). This is a consequence of the greater complexity of resistivities. This correction factor was obtained empiri-
the pore tortuosity for concrete with BFS, which makes it cally in this study by reducing the theoretical tortuosity of
difficult to standardize a tortuosity value for this case. concrete by 15%. Therefore, the use of the model is recom-
Therefore, although the electrical resistivity of CEM III/A mended for concretes with BFS only with the application of
does not have a definite correlation with the w/b, nor with a correction factor.
the compressive strength, it is possible to estimate its value Finally, the proposed correction by reducing the theoret-
by adjusting the tortuosity value on the model. The approxi- ical tortuosity by 15% was an example found by this paper
mation was greater for the experimental resistivity obtained that served to adjust the data. The idea is that further research
at 28 days. This is a consequence of the high influence of is encouraged to verify whether this same adjustment applies
the age factor on the electrical resistivity measurements of to other concrete mixtures. However, the main contribution
concrete with BFS (Fig. 1 and 5). of the paper is to demonstrate that an adjustment is necessary,

ACI Materials Journal/July 2021 35

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