1.9 1960s Ireland Key Events

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Key events of the 1960s

Classify these key events from the 1960s under the correct heading below.

Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space The Cuban Missile Crisis The Cold War Decolonization in Africa Youth Revolution
JFK was assassinated Vietnam War Arab-Israeli War First human kidney transplant First human-to-human heart transplant
MLK was assassinated Berlin Wall was built Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon March on Washington
Muhammed Ali refused to serve in Vietnam MLK made his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech Freedom Rides began Lunch counter protests
Civil Rights Act Voting Rights Act The Feminine Mystique was published National Organisation for Women was set up
Rock ‘n roll revolution Teddy boys, mods, hippies rejected the traditional values of adults Mass said in language of country
Pope Paul VI condemned artificial birth control Cultural Revolution began in China Donagh O’Malley introduced free second level education
First Programme for Economic Policy transformed the Irish economy RTE was set up JFK visited Ireland in 1963
Terence O’Neill became PM of NI RTE was set up JFK visited Ireland in 1963

Political Social Economic Religious Cultural Scientific

Miss Stout
Follow up question:
Select one event from each column and explain why that event was historically significant.

Event Why is this event historically significant? (why does it matter)







Miss Stout

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