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MAPEH Reviewer

A. Maracatu
- denotes any of several performance genres found in Pernambuco, Northeastern
Brazil (mainly in the cities of Recife and Olinda)
- also known as maracatu de baque virado: "maracatu of the turned-around beat"
- often shortened simply to nação ("nation", pl. nações)
- refers not only to the performance but to the performing groups themselves.

- a form of African music that is monophonic in nature and in acapella
which is the origin of the blues
- is a kind of music that combines the basics of rhythm and blues music
which was popularized by the African Americans
- is a light, simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed of short stanzas
and adapted for singing.
- It is the ceremony of the Coronation of the Black Kings in 1674 in Recife.
- is a Jamaican form of music and dance with string accented and
supplementary beats.

B. Form of African Music

1. Blues
- a gloomy folk music of African American origin
- naturally in a twelve bar order
- developed in rural areas in the United States by the end of the 19th century
- became popular upon the migration of the African Americans in the cities
in the 1940s.
- urban blues gave birth to rock and roll, and rhythm and blues.
- Example is Bobby McFerrin's music

2. Soul
- a kind of music that combines the basics of rhythm and blues music
- popularized by African Americans
- characterized by vocal emphasis and an emotional and improvised
- Examples are Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding, and James

3. Spiritual
- a monophonic in nature and in a cappella which is the origin of the blues
- a spiritual song provides comfort and eases the boredom from one's daily
- an expression of spiritual devotion and a desire for freedom from bondage

4. Call and Response

- a sequence of two different phrases
- usually played by two or more musicians
- a direct response from the first phrase or a commentary response

C. Different types of popular Music

Pop music
- originated in the West during the 1950s and 1960s
- is eclectic
- often borrowing elements from urban, dance, rock, Latin, country, and
other style
- are typically short to medium-length with repeated choruses, melodic
tunes, and hooks.

Hip hop music

- Hip hop or rap music formed in the United States in the 1970s
- consists of stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rhythmic
and rhyming speech ("rapping").

Rock music
- originated as "rock and roll" in the United States in the 1950s
- developed into a range of different styles in the 1960s and late
- rock places a higher degree of emphasis on musicianship, live
performance, and an ideology of authenticity.

Rhythm and blues

- originated in the 1940s as urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy,
insistent bea
- lyrics focus heavily on the themes of triumphs and failures in terms of
relationships, freedom, economics, aspirations, and sex.

Soul music
- A popular music genre that combines elements of African-American
gospel music, rhythm and blues and jazz.

- originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s
- strongly influenced by traditional mento as well as American jazz and
rhythm and blues
- instantly recognizable from the counterpoint between the bass and drum
downbeat, and the offbeat rhythm section

- origins in folk, Blues and Western music
- often consisting of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms
and harmonies
- accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and
acoustic guitars, dobros, and fiddles as well as harmonicas

- originated in the 1960s when African American musicians created a
rhythmic, danceable new form of music that de-emphasized melody and
chord progressions to bring a strong rhythmic groove of a bass line and
drum part to the foreground

Folk music
- evolved from traditional music during the 20th century folk revival
- old songs with no known composers
- music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of oral
transmission or performed by custom over a long period of time

- originated from African American communities of New Orleans during
the late 19th and early 20th centuries
- the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles
- all linked by the common bonds of African American and European
American musical parentage with a performance orientation

- A genre of dance music containing elements of funk, soul, pop, and salsa
- achieved popularity during the mid-1970s to the early 1980s.
Classical music
- Art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music, including
both liturgical and secular music,
- from roughly the 11th century to the present day

Electronic music
- A large set of predominantly popular and dance genres in which
synthesizers and other electronic instruments are the primary sources of

Music of Latin America

- Music originating from Latin America which encompasses a wide variety
of styles, including son, rumba, salsa, merengue, tango, samba, and bossa

- a gloomy folk music of African American origin
- naturally in a twelve bar order
- developed in rural areas in the United States by the end of the 19th century
- became popular upon the migration of the African Americans in the cities
in the 1940s.
- urban blues gave birth to rock and roll, and rhythm and blues.

D. Vocal and dance form of Latin American music

- Latin American music encompasses a wide variety of styles, including
influential genres such as cumbia, bachata, bossa nova, merengue,
rumba, salsa, samba, son, and tango.

A. Elements of photography
- The greatest worldwide transformation in the realm of art started around the 20th
century into the 21st century. These were the years wherein many artists put their
faith in the new technology, hoping it to be the way of positively moving forward
from one century to the next.
- Technologies of the modern age have transformed our world. Most were not
developed with art in mind; yet because artists chose to work with them, they
have yielded not just new art forms but also a new way of experiencing life for us.

B. Digital photography and Digital painting

- Digital art is any work that utilizes a computer. It is a crucial step in the
presentation or creative process. In digital art, the computer even more so than the
majority of art media puts the emphasis on the process rather than the finished
- With the aid of computers, artists can preserve different iterations of a piece and
produce a limitless number of permutations. The capacity to "seriate," or create a
series of images from a single image, is exhilarating for artists.
- Pixel size can also be changed, resulting in effects similar to weaving and

What are point-and-shoot and digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera

- Just point the camera and shoot.
- Point-and-shoot cameras (also referred to as "compacts") are designed for
very simple operation. These cameras include autofocus and other
automatic functions and settings, and a built-in flash.
What are Computer-Generated Images?
- A computer-generated image or CGI is defined as any image that is
created with the use of a computer-based processor or program.
Characteristics of computer-generated images?
- It is generally understood that mere incorporation, alternation, and
enhancement of images and basic properties like brightness, contrast, and
colors are not necessarily computer generated.
What is mobile phone art (photos and videos)?
- Digital cameras capable of taking videos are everywhere these days. They
are built into tablets, laptops, and even mobile phones. These cameras are
a boon to many ordinary photographers. They are pocket-sized, light, and
compact. They are ready when and where you need them the most. The
best camera is the one that is with you-you "take anywhere your phone
- Mobile phones have built-in digital screens that offer instant playback,
adjustment, and review of captured images and videos.

A. Flexibility
- Yoga isn't the only type of stretch that can nurture flexibility.
- Static: This type of stretching involves the movement of a joint in a full
- of motion in a slow and steady position. The safest form of stretching.
- Dynamic: It is mostly appropriate in sport, moving quickly or slowly in a
full range of motion.
- Ballistic: Quick and brief bouncing and rebounding of joints in a range of
motion and it is common to sport's mimic movement. A careful execution
is needed.
- PNF - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: This type of stretching
allows the body's reflexes to relax a Neuromuscular Facilitation muscle
before stretching so it can be stretched farther.

B. Yoga
- is a fitness activity that promotes body and mental health well-being through a system of
physical postures, breathing techniques, and mediation.
- helps to maintain and develop well-being
- boosts one’s energy
- improves the flexibility of the body

YOGA: Asana
- It is a body position that literally means "posture" which is "seat, usually related
to the practice of yoga where the purpose is to establish and promote wellbeing
and develop flexibility. It is more than just stretching because it is about purifying
and strengthening the body, and having control and focus of the mind.
- Some of the positions of asana have various effects not only in the body but also
in mind and emotion.
- Standing Poses: Promote emotional stability and strength.
- Inverted Poses: Help intensify energy, calmness, and sense of well-being.
- Forward Bend: Promotes calmness and have a cooling effect.
- Backbend: Serves as anti- depressive and helps in elevating the mood.

A. Parenthood
- It is a Philippine law that provides universal access to methods on contraception, fertility
control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines.

What are the responsibilities of parents?

- Set aside a quantity of time as well as a quality time to spend with children
- Learn about age appropriate development to have realistic expectations
- Teach rules to ensure health and safety of children
- Give love and affection
- Teach with a positive attitude
- Teach moral and ethical values
- Teach self discipline and self-control with effective discipline
- Provide economic security
- Recognize that children have rights and respect those rights
- Raise children in a stable, secure family that is free from abuse

Reproductive Health
- refers to the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease relating to the reproductive system and to its
functions and processes.

Importance of Family Planning

- To mothers: Waiting two to three years between pregnancies aids in a mother's
recovery and return to health. Family planning also gives mothers time and
opportunity to give sufficient attention to themselves, their families, and their
communities. Additionally, it might give them ample time to treat chronic
illnesses, as well as
- To children: Family planning practices help healthy mothers raise healthy
children. Children benefit from their parents' quality time and attention; they also
have more possibilities to enjoy life and feel secure knowing that their basic
needs, like food, clothing, and a great education, are being met.
- To fathers: Since there are fewer family members to support, family planning
lessens the stress and obligation of the father in providing for his family. It keeps
his family happy and comfortable by providing them with a nicer home, an
excellent education, and a bright future. This also gives him time to spend with
his wife, kids, and himself. Additionally, it gives him a sense of accomplishment.
Due to his time and resources, he can contribute significantly to the community.
- To the family: There are more opportunities for family members to spend time
together. It enables individuals to save money for unexpected expenses and to
improve their living standards.
- To the community: Family planning improves the economic and social status of
the community. There will be better job opportunities and extra resources like
skills, money, time, and materials to share in the community. The community will
be a healthful place to live in with more land, open spaces between houses,
playground, sanitation, and less pollution. More time will be available to socialize
among community members and participate in school, community, and other
socio-civic activities.
- To the country and the world: With the exponential growth of population in the
country and the world, resources are being used more rapidly. Health problems
also worsen, as modern medicine is not able to keep pace with the health crisis.
Population growth has been a source of numerous economic problems. By
observing family planning in a community, the use of resources like land, food,
and fuel can be reduced and sanitation control would be more effective.

Birth Control
- To prevent pregnancy, couples would have to decide on a particular procedure,
device, or medication that would prevent the chances of pregnancy.

B. Dangerous Drug Act

What are these public spaces where smoking is prohibited?
- Centers of youth activities such as schools, hostels, and recreational facilities
- Elevators and stairwells, places considered as fire hazards
- Public and private hospitals, clinics, health centers,nursing homes,dispensaries,
and laboratories
- Public conveyances and facilities including airports, ship terminals, train and bus
stations, restaurants, and conference halls
- Shopping Malls, movie houses, hotels, restaurants, and food preparation areas

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