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ASSIGNMENT No 2 - Engage in Personal Development

YOUR NAME ……Akib H CHowdhury……………..

YOUR PLACE OF WORK ……………Discovery Home…......

DATE STARTED ………………………10/09/2015………………

DATE COMPLETED ……………………17/09/2015…………

Declaration of Authenticity:

I declare that this is my own work and that I have not presented the work of any other person as my own.

Signed : Akib H Chowdhury Date : 17/09/2015



Please read these instructions carefully before you start to complete the assessment questions


Most of the questions ask you to write a short answer in the space provided. Your answers should be hand written and legible
but will not be assessed for spelling or grammatical accuracy. It is much more important that your answers demonstrate what
you have learnt about your role as a social care worker.


 All questions MUST BE answered

 Make sure you have used black or blue ink

 You MUST NOT use correction fluid. For e.g., Tippex

 If you make a mistake put a line through it and re write your answer. (If you do this you MUST initial the question)

 The answers MUST BE your own work (Nobody can complete answers for you)

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 The answers MUST BE ‘authentic’ this means in your own words and not copied directly from other materials

 The declaration of authenticity on the front of the assessment pack MUST BE signed

Q Do I have to pass this assignment?

A -Yes. You must pass this assignment to achieve the full qualification.

Q What help will I get?

A -Your tutor will help you when completing the assignment and will make sure that
You know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use.

Q What if I don’t understand something?

A -It is your responsibility to read the assignment carefully and make sure you understand what you need to do and what you
should hand in. If you are not sure, check with your tutor.

Q Can I copy other people’s work?

A -No. The work that you produce must be your own work and you may be asked to sign a declaration to say that the work is
your own. You should never copy the work of other
Learners or allow others to copy your work. Any information that you use from other
Sources, e.g. books, newspapers, professional journals, the Internet, must be clearly identified and not presented as your own

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Q Can I work in a group?

A -Yes. However, if you work in a group at any stage you must still produce work that shows your individual contribution.

Q How should I present my work?

A -You can present your work in a variety of ways, e.g. hand-written, word-processed, on video. However, what you choose
should be appropriate to the task(s).
If you are unsure, check with your tutor.

Q How will my work be assessed?

A -Your work will be marked by an assessor in your centre. The assessor will mark the work using the assessment criteria in
the qualification specification.

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ASSIGNMENT No 2 – Engage in Personal Development

2.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of your own work role.


A duty is known as finish a job given by someone adequately executes or created by one's situation which one must
accomplish, and there has a negative collision for failure.
I have some duties as a project worker to my workplace that must need to fulfill to assemble my goal.
Main duties to perform are:
*work to create a safe, helpful, positive and motivating atmosphere for the children; performing as an essential team member.

*Children come to our setting have learning disability like; speech delay, global developmental delay, Autistic Spectrum Disorder
and Down syndrome. We work by concentrate their personal care, giving medication, serving food, engage with sensory activity,
and accompany them into the community.

*To be occupied in the setting up and clear away at the start of each session till end as required and involve with the planning of
activities like; outdoor activities, cooking sessions.

*Work to build up perceptive and professional affiliation with the children and endow with a safe, healthy, and culturally suitable
inspiring surroundings.

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*To understand and act in accordance with work policy.

*Giving guide to children in any needed situation. Like going hospitals, religious places, community centres, shopping, cinema,
bowling etc.


I have some responsibilities to make sure it’s done as I am a project worker towards my organisation and have to put up with
them. My main responsibilities are:

* To pursue company policy and procedures.

* To make certain that all kit is well continued, clean and safely operated.

* Update children’s folder regularly to facilitate all the essential information are recorded.

* To attend all staff meetings for all updates and organize open days for families and carers to allocate information.

* In case of emergency perform duties as: first aid, fire marshal, contacting emergency agencies and to join in all the required
training to increase my skills and knowledge.

*Most necessarily making sure there to keep good atmosphere for team work.

2.2. What are the expectations of your own role, as expressed in relevant standards?

It is major role that I need to work with all procedures and policies plus follow them properly at all times.

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In my work location there are folders for children and it is my responsibility to read, doing updates of those file. This is essential
for knowing what to do when any issue arise.

With the purpose of following health & safety policy, I am obliged to record all information, make reports and inform to authority
and families about it. I ought to follow the confidentiality policy and share information unless there is a proper reason to do so.
Well check up in the reception area of the coming and going visitors. Here we all team member are well trained to take action to
the needs of any children. We have good healthy award so we must require functioning to healthy eating by maintaining high
standard of food.

2.3 The term “reflective practice” is used to describe the way in which professionals continually evaluate their own
work and consider ways for improving what they are doing. Why is it important to reflect on your own practice and
continuously improve the quality of the services provided?

Reflective practice can enable professionals to learn from experience about themselves; their work; the way they relate to home
and work, significant others and wider society and culture; the way social and cultural structures (e.g. institutions) are formed
and control us. At my work situation I have management, team meetings, assessment to look back and finding problems and
suggestive solutions.

In order to put up on these and serve good role model it facilitates the recognition of good practice area. It helps worker updated
to care along new approaches and I follow the rules and regulations of the organization and try to update all database.

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By taking feedback it helps to find out the way to provide care that children needs. So I always try to get feedback from staff,
service users and seniors. Share information with children family and take feedback from them as well. I can do some
mandatory training as safeguarding, Autism awareness etc for further improvement.

2.4 Write a short reflective account of an activity that you have carried out with children, using the questions below:
I escorted 4 children from our respite home to Ilford exchange shopping mall in Ilford. There were 3 Staff members and we
travelled by Bus to the Outdoor Activity.

 Did most of the children appear to be engaged and interested in the activity?
The children were quite interested in the activity especially the ones who chose the activity and encouraged their friends to
join and have fun. They were so happy being transported on the bus and did not seem to have any fears by setting on the
upper deck of the bus.

 What it was that helped children to be interested?

They were happy in the adventurous playing activity that taken places a festival inside the mall that helped them to explore the
environment especially with the other normal children and lots of people surrounding that area.
 How much input from you was needed?
By a Senior Project worker who acted as a shift leader and took decisions on behalf of the members of staff and the children in
our care I helped them to reach there safely and ensured they were well protected through the activity.
 How did you encourage children to be active in their play/learning?
I helped to give explanation the activity to the children and actively got involved in the whole session with them.
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 Was this activity planned or spontaneous?

We planned this activity by Staff’s during meeting
 What did the individual children gain from the activity?
They gained confidence from the activity and enhance their self-worth as they come out to enjoy that they were doing.
 What further resources could have been used?
The activity was well safe and sound while us familiar with each other and they were given as much resources as possible.

2.5 Can you explain how your own value, belief system and experience may affect working practice?
Every person has different values, beliefs and preferences. For eternity I try to fulfil my duties by being honest and
clear concept to all. I always try to be loyal towards the organisation and follow the policies and procedures. As a
person, I always respect others and their values. I like to maintain the cleaning duties and follow the punctuality. In my
work place I always meet with people from different backgrounds so that to make the place to show respect and
values towards other culture.

I have understanding towards my learning disabled children’s and have real interest in their little fair, learning and
development. Experience and knowledge in work makes work easy and gives self-assurance of chance of sharing information
and experience. It is a duty and for successful teamwork to respect colleagues and managers at work and track orders and
directives to get the objective of the organisation to offer quality care to weak service users.

2.6 Can you evaluate your own knowledge and performance? Explain how the use and responding to feedback can
inform your practice?

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Patient feedback allows Families and service users to post comments about their experience about the services and helps
them make informed decisions about their healthcare. Service user’s comments also help providers assess their level of
service and make changes where necessary.

This section explains how best to respond to patient feedback.

It is my duty to respond to all comments, good or bad. It shows the commenter we listen, and that their comment has been
read and acknowledged. Every organisation receives critical comments at some point and we try to respond constructively. I
take anonymous comments as seriously as named ones.

A good way of approaching anonymous comments is to suggest the user visits the practice to talk in person about the issues
they've raised. I always remembers that my response will be seen by everyone who reads my practice's comments, not just the
original commenter. My reply is a good opportunity to market my practice.

In my work place I also do appraisal with my manager who gives me feedback on my work performance. and can recommend
training for me. My colleagues advise me about the work. My assessor also gives me feedback on my work progress.

2.7 What are the sources of support for planning and reviewing your own development?

There are many sources of support in my work setting such as the manager, supervisors, mentors, and training providers.

In my work place I relied on my manager for induction, appraisal and training needs, where I discuss issues, training needs,
opportunities. I share my ideas and views. These all help me for my personal development.

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I normally follow my seniors as my mentor, as I always approach them for any of my training and development needs. I closely
follow their work; always try to learn from them,
I have tutors coming in from the training provider who assess and evaluate my work and share knowledge to guide me in the
right career path. And make me competent for the industry and help me to translate my knowledge into competent practical

In my setting i have access to a, lots of approved training providers. By using their training facilities I easily can develop my
skills and knowledge toward s the industry...
We do arrange open days for carers, parents, where I can share my views, ideas and experiences. Which enables me to fulfil
the children needs?

2.8 Review your learning skills, needs and development. How working with others can help you to review and develop
your skills? Fill in the table below.

Skills analysis
Rating: 1=low, 5=high

Competency (skills, Self Evidence Using the How can I

knowledge, experience) rating competence develop this?
Providing By completing
Knowledge /experience of 4 holistic care to my CYP Level -
working with children children with 3 and drawing

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(consider different age, different needs care plans for

needs, settings) service users

4 Review meetings To be By listening to

Building positive with parents, attend respectful and their
relationships with parents meetings with as a team opinions ,be
colleagues player and polite to them,
recognize the share
importance of information,
work of every follow care
member of plans, listen to
staff service users

4 Children’s Acts 1989 I strictly follow By following the

Knowledge of legislation and 2004, the laws of the directive of the
affecting the sector Safeguarding country – by laws, e.g., for
Policies,, recognizing not sharing

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Confidentiality Act, that children , personal

Health and Safety with learning information of
Laws, Equality Act disabilities or disabled
2010, Disability not are children.
Discrimination Act paramount in
2005 UK society

2.9 Complete the table below. Record four things that you do well and four that you need to work on.

What I do well What I need to work on

1. Communicate effectively 1.I have to learn my BSL in full

2. Follow legislation 2.Read about them on internet

3.Follow company policies 3.How to operate the evacuation chair

4.Engage in group work 4.Efeectively work with multi agencies and

families of children

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Now consider how to prioritise your learning needs and find sources of support to enable
you to develop
What I need to work on (in Timescale Source of support Approximate cost
order of priority)

Training providers 550 pounds

Within a
Develop my computing skills year
especially word processing

Within a Manager
Appointed First Aider

Within a Manager
Epilepsy Medication year

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Within a Training schools 1050 Pounds

Driving year

2.10 When making a Personal Development Plan, it is important to consider the steps you need to achieve your goals.
You can do this by making an action plan, like the one below.
Use this to record area of improvement identified for yourself and the steps you will take towards achieving this

Action Plan
Learning Complete my Level 3 CYPW Diploma

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Step Action needed What Who will help How will I know
Resources/Support me? when this is
will I need? achieved?
1 Se time for Assessor support Assessor, When I am
Complete my studies and manager certificated
Mandatory units research

2 Choose units Arrange with Assessors, When there is

Optional units from skills assessors for my Manager feedback after
scans observation observation of

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2.11 As the name suggests ‘lifelong learning’ is a continuous process. It is not circular and you should not end up
back where you started but in a different place. Fill in the diagram below to discover where your learning has taken

The Way Ahead

What further development did I identify?

What action did I take?

To complete my level -3 Diploma and enter Higher Education

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What did my review of my progress tell me?

I have to work hard in order to complete my work within the time frame


What action did I take?

Went to the training provider, search on internet

What areas of development did I Identify?

BSL, Computing Skills; Also
Communicating with service users

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Pag Question Extra Evidence required Learner answer


Extra evidence is required for the following questions: Date


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Page Question Extra Evidence required Learner answer

Assessor Comments:-


Assessors Signature:………………………………….… Date……………….…….

PLEASE SIGN to confirm you have read your feedback sheet.

Learner Signature………………………………………… Date……………………..


ASSESSOR Signature

Date Marked


ASSESSMENT STAGE (Please indicate which)

First assessment (No extra evidence required)

Re-assessment (With Extra Evidence)

Final Assessment (Second Attempt)

Referred to Internal Verifier Joe Lake




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