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Root Words In English List PDF: Prefix And

Suffix With Meaning And Examples

1. Root Words In English: "Cent"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "one hundred"

List Of Prefixes Suffixes Root Words And Their Meanings With Examples

Word Meaning Root Words In English


century any period of 100 years It took more than a century

to complete the cathedral.

percent one part in every hundred. If a goalie saves 96 out of

100 shots, his save
percentage is 96 percent.

centenarian a person who is a hundred One centenarian continues

or more years old. to march for peace.

moving away from a centre Centrifugal machines are

centrifugal point connected to the motor drive
directly instead of through a

centimeters a measure of length He is 1 meter 80

centimeters tall.

centroids the centre of mass of a The entire census tract

geometric object of uniform population will be included
density only if the centroid is
included in the cylinder.

2. Root Words In English: "Mal"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "bad or evil"

Most Common Root Words In English Language - Prefix Words In English List -
Suffix Words In English List

Word Meaning Example of root word in

english grammar
Malfunction working badly According to some sources,
the crash was due to a
technical malfunction.

Malignment defame something badly He has been much

maligned by those who
have not bothered to find out
his antecedents.

Malice evil intention Actions done with malice

have no good intention.

Dismal A gloomy situation The last six or seven weeks

have been truly dismal.

Maltreat Treat someone/something He said that he was not

badly tortured or maltreated
during his detention.

Maleficent Someone who deliberately He denied any maleficent

try causing harm to intent.

3. Root Words In English: "Phobia"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "Fear or dislike"

Words With Prefix Suffix And Root - Root Words And Their Prefixes

Word Meaning Root Words In English


acrophobia fear of heights Because I have acrophobia,

I never ride anything other
than the Ferris wheel at the
amusement park.

aerophobia fear of flying He has not toured since his

rebirth in popularity,
apparently due to his dislike
of traveling and aerophobia.

aquaphobia fear of water He went snorkelling and was

jubilant at overcoming his
astraphobia fear of storms In 2007 scientists found
astraphobia is the third
most prevalent phobia in the

claustrophobia fear of closed spaces In the claustrophobia of her

parents' house she had no
stimulus for creativity.

enochlophobia fear of crowds Depending on the length of

the original exposure to the
painting, subjects may suffer
from this condition until
death, resulting in severe
paranoia and

4. Root Words In English: "fort"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "strength"

Root Words In English Grammar - Root Word Meaning In English Grammar

Word Meaning Example of root word in

english grammar

fortress “strong” building. He lamented that even this

fortress was no longer safe
from the epidemic.

effort a putting of “strong” work He put a lot of effort into

forth finishing the project on time.

fortify to make “strong” They hurriedly fortified the

village with barricades of

fortuity a chance occurrence It all rested on the fortuity of

her getting five minutes
alone with him.

pieforts any coin struck on an He saw pieforts in the

unusually thick planchet as presentation piece.
a trial piece or essay

fortune luck She inherited a fortune from

her grandmother.
5. Root Words In English: "Anti"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "Opposite or against"

Prefix Words In English List - Suffix Words In English List

Word Meaning Root Words In English


Antiseptic a liquid or cream that She bathed the cut with

prevents a cut, etc. from antiseptic.
becoming infected

Antidote a medical substance that is There is no antidote to this

used to prevent a poison or poison.
a disease from having an

Antisocial harmful or annoying to other My neighbor is antisocial.


Antioxidants man-made or natural C is an important

substances that may antioxidant and good for
prevent or delay some types all-round health.
of cell damage

Antipathy dislike Declarations of racial

antipathy against ethnic
minorities will not be

Anticipating expect something to happen We don't anticipate any

snags with the negotiations.

Antibiotic a medicine which is used for I'm taking antibiotics for a

destroying bacteria and throat infection.
curing infections

6. Root Words In English: "Dict/Dic"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "Say"

List Of Prefixes Suffixes Root Words - Root Words In English With Meaning And

Word Meaning Example of root word in

english grammar
Prediction say something beforehand. Weather prediction has
never been a perfect

Dictated say something to someone Circumstances dictated that

they played a defensive
rather than attacking game.

Verdict speaking or saying the truth The verdict was not guilty.

Indicate make known about Our records indicate a

something by saying depth of 3,000 feet here.

Contradict say something against He contradicted the charges

of his critics.

Dictionary a book that tells us how to He bought me a new

say a certain word correctly. dictionary.

Addicted when we want to say or After about three months, I

declare that we are in love was no longer addicted to
with certain things. using my mobile.

7. Root Words In English: "Logy"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "to study something"

Root Words In English Grammar And Their Meanings With Examples

Word Meaning Root Words In English


Analogy the study of comparison of He submitted his analogy of

two or more things the science experiment.

Anthropology the study of human beings She has a year until her final
as ‘anthrop’ means human. exams and hopes to study
anthropology at university.

Theology ‘theo’ means God/religion He has an interest in

so theology is the study of theology and pastoral work.

Morphology the study of structures is Of particular interest is the

morphology. Morph means finding that motile cells
structures. switch surface
morphologies reversibly
between ruffles and blebs.
8. Root Words In English: "Phil"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "to Love"

Root Words In English Vocabulary And Their Meanings With Examples

Word Meaning Example of root word in

english grammar

Bibliophile the one who loves books As a child, he was an

intense bibliophile and avid
collector of old books.

Philologist word lover who is a scholar He is a philologist,

of language specialising in American

Philanthropist is a person who loves He has been the most

mankind. extraordinarily generous

Philosopher A person who will love This wise old philosopher

wisdom was counselor to Bishop

Philodendron A tree that curls up while A greenhouse was built to

growing and are called love house the philodendron and
trees. other plants during
renovation and afterwards
used for expansion and
keeping more exotic plants.

9. Root Words In English: "port"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "to carry"

Root Words In English Prefix And Suffix And Their Meanings With Examples

Word Meaning Root Words In English


portable that can be moved or carried There was a little portable

easily television switched on
behind the bar.

transportation intentional movement The company will provide

deport 'carry' from. The refugees were
deported back to their
country of origin.

important 'carried' in. In his editorial, he made

several important points.

reporter one who 'carries' back. He leaked the story to a

news reporter.

10. Root Words In English: "spect"

Root Words In English With Meaning: "to look"

Prefix And Suffix Words In English List And Their Meanings With Examples

Word Meaning Example of root word in

english grammar

inspection the act of looking at Close inspection of the

something carefully candles revealed some
small defects.

spectator one who “sees” an event. The spectators lining the

road cheered the racers on.

spectacular impressive enough to be He has just walked out into

worthy of “seeing” a spectacular summer

spectacles glasses which allow wearers He always wore tinted

to “see” better. spectacles, as you can see
in photographs.

spectacle something which is “seen,” It was a strange spectacle

such as a public event or to see the two former
show. enemies shaking hands and
slapping each other on the

Most Common Root Words In English Language

Here we have added the words with prefix suffix and root for your reference. Aspirants in
search of greek origin words in English list, Latin origin words in English language, french
origin words in English language.

Latin Origin Words In English Language

English Root Words From the Latin Language - English Root Words List

Latin Root Meaning Examples

ambi both ambiguous, ambidextrous

aqua water aquarium, aquamarine

aud to hear audience, audition

bene good benefactor, benevolent

cent one hundred century, percent

circum around circumference, circumstance

contra/counter against contradict, encounter

dict to say dictation, dictator

duc/duct to lead conduct, induce

fac to do; to make factory, manufacture

form shape conform, reform

fort strength fortitude, fortress

fract to break fracture, fraction

ject throw projection, rejection

jud judge judicial, prejudice

mal bad malevolent, malefactor

mater mother material, maternity

mit to send transmit, admit

mort death mortal, mortician

multi many multimedia, multiple

pater father paternal, paternity

port to carry portable, transportation

rupt to break bankrupt, disruption

scrib/scribe to write inscription, prescribe

sect/sec to cut bisect, section

sent to feel; to send consent, resent

spect to look inspection, spectator

struct to build destruction, restructure

vid/vis to see video, televise

voc voice; to call vocalize, advocate

Greek Origin Words In English List

Greek Origin Words In English List - English Root Words List

Root Words from the Meaning Examples

Greek Language

anthropo man; human; humanity anthropologist, philanthropy

auto self autobiography, automobile

bio life biology, biography

chron time chronological, chronic

dyna power dynamic, dynamite

dys bad; hard; unlucky dysfunctional, dyslexic

gram thing written epigram, telegram

graph writing graphic, phonograph

hetero different heteronym, heterogeneous

homo same homonym, homogenous

hydr water hydration, dehydrate

hypo below; beneath hypothermia, hypothetical

logy study of biology, psychology

meter/metr measure thermometer, perimeter

micro small microbe, microscope

mis/miso hate misanthrope, misogyny

mono one monologue, monotonous

morph form; shape morphology, morphing

nym name antonym, synonym

phil love philanthropist, philosophy

phobia fear claustrophobia, phobic

phon sound phone, symphony

photo/phos light photograph, phosphorous

pseudo false pseudonym, pseudoscience

psycho soul; spirit psychology, psychic

scope viewing instrument microscope, telescope

techno art; science; skill technique, technological

tele far off television, telephone

therm heat thermal, thermometer

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