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CYPOP7 Promote creativity and creative learning in young children

YOU’RE NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NASIF IBNE SHAFIQ


DATE STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/11/2015

DATE COMPLETED . . . . . . . . . . .21/11/2015

Declaration of Authenticity:

I declare that this is my own work and that I have not presented the work of any other
person as my own.

Signed: Date:

ASSESSOR: Signature:

Date Assignment Signed Off :



Level 3 Diploma In Children And Young People Workforce Page 1


1. Analyse the differences between creative learning and creativity

(AC 1.1)

For Assessor

Analyse the differences between creative learning and creativity. In

Educational environments creative learning and creativity can have a variety
of meanings. Creativity consists of traditional creative arts and the
development of imagination and imaginative play, such as role play and
small world play. Where in, creative learning is about helping children
develop imaginative thinking through an exploration of materials/objects and
problem-solving skills, such as construction and ICT. Creativity is about risk
taking and making connections, allowing children to explore and express
themselves through a variety of media or materials including, dance, music,
making things, drawing, painting and make believe and to make new things
emerge as a result. Being creative is strongly linked to play and can occur
through a child being absorbed in their own actions and ideas. Children can
explore their emotions and it is only partly about producing an end product
and is more about children enjoying the process and learning from it.
Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own
learning and ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved
through providing a creative environment allowing exploration through play
and praising.

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2. Explain current theoretical approaches to creativity and creative

learning in early childhood (AC1.2)

For Assessor

Creativity is about problem solving. Creativity is often more about the

process, rather than the actual product. The creative process is useful for
many reasons, developing confidence in ourselves, developing good
relationships, finding out what talents and strengths we have. The creative
process helps us by teaching us about who we are what we love and what
we can give to others. Most theories of child development view young
children as highly creative with a natural tendency to fantasize experiment
and explore their physical and conceptual environment. Understanding of
creative learning differs from those who see creativity as freedom to express
ourselves to those who link it to self-discipline, practise and crafts.Being
involved in creative activities is fun and absorbing for children. It suggests it
helps children to have positive experiences and develop important
characteristics and abilities like;

 Appreciation of different ways of looking at the world and

 Collaboration- being keen to work together.
 Communication and language - developing better communication
through talking, listening writing or pictures.
 Concentration- focusing on what they are doing.
 Developing good relationships – working together and making new
 Discipline – developing self-control through a requirement to practice
(for example such as playing a musical instrument, needs practice)
 Emotional intelligence – being able to express emotions.
 Empathy – understanding what it can feel like being someone else
(like being someone else through role play, drama activities)
 Imagination – bringing ideas to life.
 Independence of thought – discovering things for themselves.
 Interaction – being involved in a group and having peer support.
 Physical activity – participating in activities that encourage movement
 Positive emotion – having fun and enjoying what they are doing.
 Problem solving – being able to explore different solutions.

These characteristics and abilities have shown to lead to a sense of

purpose, achievement, confidence, development of strengths, talents and
interest, self-respect and a sense of belonging.

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3. Critically analyse how creativity and creative learning can support

young children’s emotional, social, intellectual, communication and
physical development (AC.1.3)

For Assessor

The key characteristics in creativity can support young children’s

development in a number of ways. Emotionally they learn how to manage
frustrations .Socially children can build up self-confidence by working
alongside or with others, creating something to share and thereby making
friends. Intellectually they are learning about problem solving, numeracy and
developing their reading and writing skills. Children’s ability to communicate
with peers and adults develops through creative play as well as their overall
speech and listening skills. Physically, creativity can help develop fine motor
skills by children using materials such as crayons, paints and sticking.
Participating in movement activities such as dance or drama (role play) also
enhances the overall physical development of a child. For example, during a
cooking activity children are learning many skills through this creative
process, they may feel happy and excited about cooking their own food.
They are sociable by working with adults to assist them and cooking for their
friends or family members. By following instructions either written or verbal
and measuring quantities they are being allowed to develop intellectually.
Knowing when to ask for help and starting a dialogue around what they are
doing and using can help develop communication skills especially listening
and taking direction. Finally all the mixing, chopping, kneading and picking
up small cut up pieces are physically developing the fine motor skills, hand
eye co-ordination and building hand and arm muscles.

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4. Explain why young children require extended and unhurried periods

of time to develop their creativity (AC.2.2)

For Assessor

An unhurried period of creativity gives children time to explore and

experiment with materials and use them in their own way. It also allows
children to do their best work by moving from popular to more original ideas
and being able to come back to it at a later date to finish. It always allows
children to explore and learn new things. Generally children with special
needs take longer time than a normal child to do an activity. But it doesn’t
mean they have they have no ability. They have the ability to do the activity
all we need to do as a project worker is to give them more time to explore
and learn things in their own pace. We should always support them with their
Additional needs. Allowing time to children always boost children’s
confidence and self-esteem. Once they start doing things on their own they
will start believing in them.

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5. Explain the features of an environment that supports creativity and

creative learning (AC.3.1)

For Assessor

A creative environment needs to allow children easy access to different

materials and be able to move these from one place to another. It is not just
about putting out paints and paper and encouraging artistic skills, but
allowing the freedom to explore the space and materials around them. If
children are allowed to place furniture where they want to or move things
from outdoors, indoors or vice versa they will start to make connections
between things more easily. Providing opportunities by making the
environment stimulating, safe and rewarding will encourage the children to
learn through play. The environment should always offer opportunities to
children and young people to explore the world of activities. The setting
should equiped with children focused activities, and most importantly the
environment should be safe for the children to do activities.

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6. Evaluate and reflect on own practice in promoting creativity and

creative thinking (AC.4.1)

For Assessor

The focus of the After School club session was discovering sounds and
music. The age range was from 8 to 12

I placed different musical instruments in the space for the children to

explore. Some of these were bells, maracas drums, tambourine, triangles as
well as more unusual things such as dream catchers, foil blankets and bags
filled with beans, rice and other materials that rattle. For the small babies I
had wooden rattles and toys that had bells in them and crinkly materials.
In another area I placed pasta in a tray for the children to discover a play
with. Making sounds by crunching it, mixing it, scooping it and dropping it
with their hands.

I feel the group ran well and the children really enjoyed exploring the
different sounds. I took great satisfaction from watching how they made
accidental sounds with things they hadn’t seem before and how their natural
curiosity allowed them to work out how that sound was made and develop
them into bigger, louder or longer noises sometimes with two instruments at

In the future if I will use natural materials for sound making I would use more
than just pasta, maybe rice or couscous as well. I would also provide
different containers and tools such as buckets, bottles, spoons and jugs so
the children could drop the pasta in, hear the sound it makes as it drops,
pick up the container and shake it, pour it back out. Use the spoon to scoop
and stir and listen to the sounds this makes. Not only would this extend the

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sound making play but also improve their hand-eye co-ordination . I really
enjoyed running this session and learnt that even older children can get a lot
out of playing and exploring instruments. I also learnt that just putting out
materials such as pasta, isn’t always enough to engage children in playing
with it and that you sometimes need to provide extra tools for them to be
able to be more creative.

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LEARNER EXTRA EVIDENCE SHEET - [Please write the Name of the Assignment Here]

This sheet can be used for Oral Questioning and Professional Discussion
Question/Discussion Learner’s Response

Level 3 Diploma In Children And Young People Workforce Page 9

Assignment No ___ – [Please write the Name of the Assignment Here]

LEARNER FEEDBACK (to be done by Assessor)

Assessor Name : Signature : Date:


PLEASE SIGN to confirm you have read your feedback sheet.

Learner Signature………………………………………… Date……………………..

(Learner needs to provide feedback about the assignment namely; what have they
learnt from this unit/assignment, what could have been done better)

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