CYP 24 Promote Child and Young Person Development

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ASSIGNMENT: CYP 24 Promote Child and Young Person




DATE STARTED …………………17/11/2015

DATE COMPLETED ………………30/11/2015

Declaration of Authenticity:

I declare that this is my own work and that I have not presented the work of any other person
as my own.

Signed: Date:


ASSESSOR: Signature:

Date Assignment Signed Off


Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People Workforce

Page 2


Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People Workforce

Page 3

Q1. AC -1.1) Explain the ways in which adults can effectively support
and extend the speech, language and communication development
for each of the following age groups
– 0–5
– 5–11
– 11–16
– 16–25

There are many ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language
and communication development of children and young people. As a project worker it is our duty
to help all those young people in their development process. There are many stages of the age
we can offer help to the children.
0 to 5 years:
At this stage of the age most of the children they need encouragement from us to learn things.
At this stage they have no understanding of communication. How to express their needs. Our
duty is to teach them everything they will need in their next stage of life. Children will develop
their early vocalization; learn to say word even sentences from the age of 6 months to two years.
All we have to teach them the correct words and at the same time we have to be very careful that
they don’t learn anything negative. From the age of two to five children develop their early
effective communication. From the age of three they will be attending nursery where they will be
learning about early communication skills. They will recognize other children and will be able to
recognize family members. Children will start making friends. They will develop the social
5 to 11 years:
At this stage children will start their first stage of formal education. They will be more mature than
the the selection
earlier stage. of the assessment
They will develop the sense ofmethods used? They will start making their own
like and dislikes.
friends. Same with the children with special needs this stage is very curtail. They also will start
their formal education. As a project worker it is our duty to help them into the right path way and
take the necessary steps towards his/her development. We have to encourage them a lot
towards the activity. We have to motivate them to learn new things.
11 to 16 years:
This is a very important stage for children and young people. And we as a project workers have
big responsibilities towards the children’s development. This is the age when they move towards
adulthood. They need a lots of motivation and encouragement. At this stage we have to build
their confidence and keep them motivated towards the changing phase of their life. We also have
to work for their physical development and other development needs.
16 to 25 Years:
A young person will become an adult between this age .we as a project worker have to help them
in their transition. We have to support them all the way to make the transition smoother as
possible .At this stage we have to work as a friend. Boost their confidence to come up to come
out of the stress of transition. Our help reflects on their development. We have to work hard to
make sure our children lives have a better and full life.

Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People Workforce

Page 4

Q2. 3.1 explain the importance of the environment in supporting

speech, language and communication development (AC-3.1)

We should be very flexible when developing communication friendly spaces, these spaces
should be made available to the children inside and outside. We should try and make it with a
child’s perspective in mind. We should reduce noise and distractions to a minimum otherwise
the children cannot concentrate. The area should have sufficient sunlight for us to maximize
the use of light and enable children or young people to see our face and how we use facial
expressions this is particularly important if we have a child with an hearing impairment,. A
communicating area should not be over stimulating or cluttered, IN our setting we have a fully
equipped sensory room with different sets of sensory toys. This sensory room helps our
children to develop their communication skills. Our whole setting is a children’s friendly
environment where we have different kinds of toys and activities designed for children with
special needs. Our staffs are highly trained and know how to engage young people in activities.
We always do group activities which enable children to interact with each other and develop
communication skills. It also helps them to develop their social skills. Our buses are equipped
with children user friendly equipment. We have designated play areas, family room, and
sensory room. We have a purpose built kitchen where our child enjoys their cooking activities.
All this facilities helps our children to develop speech and communication. We at discovery
home always give importance to the environment and plan all our activities appropriate to our
children and the age group. Children love coming to our setting. And from parents feedback I
can confirm many of our children are developing their communication and social interaction

Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People Workforce

Page 5

Q3. Explain the processes and procedures to follow in order to raise

any concerns and access additional, specialist support (AC-4.3)

As a project worker it is my duty to raise concern about the child and also to shout for
additional support. At Discovery home we go through a lot of assessment process to
identify any additional needs. We work closely with family, carere’s schools and other
partners in order to identify any additional need of our children and we support our
children to get those support. We always ask family if they need any extra help from us.
If we have any concern regarding the child we always inform our manager and the senior
staff. We are very strict about safeguarding policy and it’s a zero tolerance policy. We
always fix a strategy to deal with the situation. We try to identify the source of the concern.
We inform the families .we always try to come up with a solution. If the matter is too
serious than we contact social services, local authorities and other relevant body’s. We
always contact with social services for any additional or specialist support for our young
people. And most of the time they come with a solution

Level 3 Diploma in Children & Young People Workforce

Page 6
LEARNER EXTRA EVIDENCE SHEET - Promote child and young person development

This sheet can be used for Oral Questioning and Professional Discussion

Question/Discussion Learner’s Response

Assignment No ___ Promote child and young person development

LEARNER FEEDBACK (to be done by Assessor)

Assessor Name : Signature : Date:


PLEASE SIGN to confirm you have read your feedback sheet.

Learner Signature………………………………………… Date……………………..

(Learner needs to provide feedback about the assignment namely; what have they learnt from this unit/assignment, what could have
been done better)

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