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CHN-2.1, semester 5th KMU Paper.

Final term MCQs KMU

Q: 1 Among the following diseases, which is airborne?

A Viral conjunctivitis

B Acute poliomyelitis

C Diphtheria

D Measles

Q:2 The pathognomonic sign of measles is Koplik’s spot. You may see
Koplik’s spot by inspecting the:

A Nasal Mucosa

B Buccal mucosa

C Skin on the abdomen

D Skin on the antecubital surface

Q:3 Which biological used in EPI should not be stored in the freezer?



C Measles vaccine


Q:4 Which immunization produces a permanent scar?


C Measles vaccination

D Hepatitis B vaccination

Q:5 Unused BCG should be discarded how many hours after


A 2

B 4

C 1

D After 2 days

Q:6 Which biological used in EPI is stored in the freezer?


B. Tetanus toxoid

C. Measles vaccine

D. Hepatitis B vaccine

Q:7 Inadequate intake by the pregnant woman of which vitamin may

cause neural tube defects?

A Niacin

B Riboflavin

C Folic Acid

D Thiamine

Q:8 what is common complication of mumps?

A Orchitis
B encephalitis
C arthritis
D conjunctivitis

Q9: which of the following are Millennium Development Goals?

A Promote gender equality & empower women

B Reduce child mortality
C Improve maternal health
D all of above

Q:10 which of the following is not Global Indicators of Reproductive Health

A family planning
B Low birth weight
C Maternal Mortality
D Perinatal

Q:11 which one of the following is not true about the role of community
health nurse

A Health promotion
B Illness prevention
C Provide support & counseling
D none of above

Q:12 the absence of discrimination is

A Gender
B equality
C equity
D justice

Q:13 Fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits

A Gender
B equality
C equity
D justice

Q:14 A 6 week old baby was brought to the health center for
his immunization. Which can be given to him?

B DPT1,HBV1, Hib1, OPV2
C DPT2,HBV2, Hib2, OPV3
D Measles

Q: 15 A 9 month old baby was brought to the health center for his
immunization. Which can be given to him?

B DPT1,HBV1, Hib1, OPV2
C DPT2,HBV2, Hib2, OPV3
D Measles

Q:16 which of the following disease is caused by nematode?

A Measles

B Chicken Pox

C rubella

D Filariasis

Q:17 which of the following is transmitted through faeco –oral route?

A Measles
B Chicken Pox

C small pox

D Poliomyelitis

Q: 18_________ cause acute encephalitis?

A Measles

B Chicken Pox

C rabies

D rubella

Q:19 Forschheimer is sign of ------------?

A Measles

B Chicken Pox

C rabies

D rubella

Q:20 In Patriarchal Family _________ will be head of family

A mother

B Father

C sister

D brother

Q:21 When a married couple lives with or near the husband’s family is


A Neo-Local

B Patrilocal

C Matrilocal

D Monogamous Family

Q:22 A vaccine vial monitor is

A For temperature monitoring

B for quantity of vaccine

C both A and B

D none of above

Q: 23 who is in and who is out of the system is called?

A Cohesion

B Enmeshed

C Boundary Ambiguity

D Emotional Bonding

Q:24 _______ is free from side effects and the level of immunity is high?

A Polio Vaccine
B Measles Vaccine

C Whooping cough vaccine

D Tetanus Toxoid

Q:25____________may undergo spontaneous mutation causing paralysis?

A Polio Vaccine

B Measles Vaccine

C Whooping cough vaccine

D Tetanus Toxoid

Q: 26__________ disease cause muscle spasms, breathing problems

A Diphtheria

B Mumps

C Tetanus

D Rubella

Q:27 Actions implemented in collaborative manner by nurse with other health

care professionals is ?

A Interdependent

B Independent

C dependent

D none of above

Q:28 A special kind of contradiction, where the incompatible statements

exist is ?
A Paradoxical communication

B Ambiguous communication

C Switchboard communication

D Indirect communication

Q: 29 The families in which there is extreme sensitivity among the

individual members to each other is called ?

A Cohesion

B Enmeshed

C Boundary Ambiguity

D Emotional Bonding

Q;30 . All the given vaccines are attenuated or inactive whole pathogen

a) Salk

b) Sabin

c) Hepatitis A

d) Tetanus contraindicated in patient with severe heart and lung problems

a) Implants
b) Progestin injection
c) Skin patch
d) Tubal ligation

QNo32. Permanent method of birth control is ___

a) Tubal ligation
b) Vaginal ring
c) IUDs
d) Vasectomy

QNo33. Vasectomy is ____ percent effective

a) 25%

b) 90%

c) 100%

d) 5%

QNo34. ___ is the body’s ability to fight of harmful microorganism that invade

a) Immunization

b) Immunity

c) Vaccination

d) None of them

QNo35. There are ___ types of immunity

a) 2

b) 5
c) 3

d) 8

QNo36. Which immunity is short term?

a) Passive immunity
b) Active immunity
c) Innate immunity
d) All of them

QNo37. Vaccine preventable disease include__

a) Poliomyelitis

b) Measles

c) Pertussis

d) All of above
QNo38. A ___ is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a
particular disease

a) Immunization
b) Vaccine
c) Immunity
d) None of them

QNo39. There are ___ basic types of vaccine

a) 2

b) 4

c) 8

d) 3

QNo40. ___ is a common disease caused by varicella zoster virus.

a) AIDs
b) Measles
c) Tetanus
d) Chicken pox

QNo41. HIV is the virus that causes ___

a) Tetanus

b) Malaria

c) Measles


QNo42. Which one is sexually transmitted disease?

a) Malaria

b) TB

c) Measles

d) Gonorrhea

QNo43. In cold boxes the vaccine storage capacity is ___ litres.

a) 20 litres

b) 15 litres

c) 25 litres

d) 5 litres

QNo44. Softening of the lower uterine segment is called ___

a) Goodells sign

b) Braxton hicks contraction

c) Hegar’s sign

d) All of them

QNo45. Fetal movement felt by the examiner after about ___ week’s gestation

a) 30 Weeks
b) 10 weeks
c) 20 weeks
d) 9 weeks

QNo46. Normal fetal heart rate is ___ beats /min

a) 90 - 100

b) 60 - 80

c) 90 - 120

d) 120 – 160

QNo47.height of the ___ which determine the period of gestation

a) Bladder

b) Abdomen

c) Uterine wall

d) Fundus

QNo48. The uterus may be lower than expected

a) Small fetus

b) Large fetus
c) Multiple pregnancy

d) None of them

QNo49. The pregnant woman reports at least ____ movements in 12 houses

a) 15

b) 20

c) 10

d) 30

QNo50.daily requirement pregnancy about ___ calories

a) 1000

b) 500

c) 2000

d) 2500

QNo51. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can occur b/w __- week’s

a) 10-15

b) 5-6

c) 4-6

d) 15-20

QNo52. Pregnancy occurring outside the normal uterine cavity is called__

a) Ectopic pregnancy
b) Hydatidiform mole
c) Both a and b
d) None of them

QNo53. ___ is best if placed by 10-14 weeks and remove at 37 weeks.

a) Vaginal ring

b) Implant

c) Skin patch

d) Cerclage

QNo54. Placenta is partly or totally implantal over the lower uterine segment
is called

a) Placenta previa

b) Abruption placenta

c) Extra placental bleeding

d) All of them

QNo55. Regular contraction and cervical changes is a ___ labor

a) True labour
b) False labour
c) Mild labour
d) Sever labour

QNo56.fetal heart rate is less than 110 are called

a) Tachycardia

b) Apnea

c) Bradycardia

d) Dyspnea
QNo57. A ___ is also known as traditional midwifes community midwife, is a
pregnancy and childbirth care provider

a) Nurse

b) Doctor

c) Traditional birth attendant

d) None of them

QNo58. World health organization’s ___ principles of cleanliness for birth

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 6

QNo59. ___ is composed of erythrocytes, mucus, fragments of deciduas

a) Lochia

b) Perineum

c) Fundus

d) All of them

QNo60.the 500ml blood loss in vaginal birth and ___ ml blood loss in cesarean

a) 300 ml

b) 1000 ml

c) 1500 ml

d) 2000 ml

QNo61. __ most commonly occurs after the placenta is delivered

a) Hemorrhage

b) Septa deformities

c) Varicosities

d) None of them

QNo62. Past partum hemorrhage can be divided into __ types

a) 3

b) 5

c) 2

d) 10

QNo63. ___ is occur within 24 hours of delivery

a) Primary PPH

b) Secondary PPH

c) Both a and b

d) None of them

QNo64. Which are the natural methods of family planning?

a) Abstinence

b) Cervical mucus

c) Calendar method
d) All of above

QNO65. ___ creates complex social bonds

a) Nurse

b) Doctor

c) Kinship

d) Workers structure compromised of parents and children is known as ___

a) Extended family

b) Nuclear family

c) Blended family

d) Single parent family

QNo67. Family structures in which the married couple choose to or cannot

have children are known as ____

a) Same sex family

b) Childless family

c) Nuclear family

d) Extended family

QNo68. In ___ type of family the father is considered the head

a) Matriarchal family

b) Patriarchal family

c) Both a and b
d) None of them

QNo69. Following are the basic forms of marriage

a) Monogamy
b) Polygamy
c) Both a and b
d) None of them

QNo70. Recommended site of administration of DPT in infants is

a) Gluteal

b) Deltoid

c) Lateral aspect of thigh

d) Forearm

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