Practical Class 11th

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M fo|ky;h f'k{kk ifj"kn~] jkeuxj

iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk 2023&24

vad foHkktu
b.VjehfM,V ¼d{kk 11½ iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk
Ø0 fo’k; fo’k; dk vf/kdre U;wure fu/kkZfjr Ikz;ksxkRed dk;Z vad
Fundamentals of Maps 10
Topographic Maps 5
Viva 5

Practical record and Model Chart 5

1 111 Hkwxksy 30 10 3 ?k.Vs

Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5

Total 30

Observe development Norms (Physical,

Motor, Language and social emotional)
birth to three years. OR List and Discuss 4-
5 agreements and dsagreements with a)
Mother b)Father c)Siblings/Friends d)

Preparation of healthy snacks for an

2 113 Xk`g foKku 30 10 3 ?k.Vs
Plan a Budget for given situation/purpose. 3

Preapare a time plan for yourself. 3

Relationship of fibre properties to their
usage: a) Thermal property and
File 3
Viva 2

Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5

Total 30
1.(a) One Drut, Khayal with simple
elaborations in the following Ragas :
(b) One Dhurupad and one Lakshan Geet
in any of the prescribed Ragas.

(c) One Thumri style Composition.
fgUnqLrkuh 20 ls 30 (d) Swarmalika in each Raga.
2. The recitation of the Thekas of Ektala
3 114 laxhr 70 23 feuV çfr
and Chautala with Dugan keeping Tal 15
¼xk;u½ ijh{kkFkhZ
with hand beats.
3. Ability to sing Aaroha, Avaroha, Pakar 10
4. simpletoSvaravistar withprescribed
recognise the Alap and
Ragas from the passages of svaras

5. New trends in Music (Basic

6.Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
1. (a) One Razakhani Gat with simple
elaborations in Alhalya- Bilawal,
Jaunpuri, Malkauns, kafi and Yaman with
Sthayee and Antara.
(b) One Dhun 5
(c ) One Masti Khani Gat and one
composition in a Tala other than Teen 5
(d) Basic knowledge of tuning of
20 ls 30 2. Ability to play, Aroha, Avaroha,
4 115
¼eSyksfMd 70 23 feuV çfr Pakad, simple Svara-Vistars with Alap 10
oknu½ and Todas in the prescribed ragas.
3. Ability to recognise the prescribed
ragas from the passages of Svaras sung or 10
played by the examiner.
4. The recitation of Thekas of Ektala and 10
5. Ask to sing composition in Raga 10
6. New trends in music (Basic
7. Continuous Assessment (Uni Test) 5
Total 70
1. Playing of the Thekas of Teentala, 25
fgUnqLrkuh 2. Playing Thekas of the following talas 25
20 ls 30
20 ls 30
laxhr 3. Simple Peshkar Quayads and a few 10
5 116
¼idZlu 70 23 feuV çfr 4. New trends in music. 5
ijh{kkFkhZ 5. Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
1- Ragas Prescribed
Pantuvarli, Todi, Nata, Gowla, Varali, Sri
Saveri Mukhari, Kedaragowla,
Purvikalyani. 15
2- Two Varnam in Atatala in two degrees
of speed. 10

dukZVd 30 ls 45
6 117 laxhr feuV çfr
3-Alapana of the ragas prescribed. 10
¼xk;u½ ijh{kkFkh
4- Compositions in authentic tradition 10
5- Niraval and Kalpana Svaras in Adi, 10
6- Chapu and Desadi Talas.
Talas prescribed
Suladi Sapta Talas with their Jaati and
Gati and Bhedas : Chappu talas and their
7. Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
1- Ragas Prescribed : 15
2- Varnams (atleast four) in Adi tala in
two degree of speed. 10
3- At least one authentic compositions
traditionally rendered in each of the
dukZVd prescribed ragas, covering the man Talas
30 ls 45
7 118 70 23 feuV çfr Adi, Rupakam and Chapu. 10
ijh{kkFkh 4- Brief alapana of the ragas prescribed
¼eSyksfMd 10
oknu½ 5- Kalpana svaras in Adi, and Rupaka 10
6-The candidate should be able to produce
all the gamakas pertaining to instrumental
music. 10
7- Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
1. Ability to play the following talas with
elaboration Adi and Rupkam Talas
30 ls 45 powering atleast two nadais
2. Thekas and Moharas in different talas
laxhr 20
8 119
¼idZlu 70 23 feuV çfr
with Timanams and Korvais
ijh{kkFkh 3. Tuning of the instrument 15
oknu½ 10
4. Ability to render orally the sollukattus
7- Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
Nature and Object Study 25
Painting Composition 25
Mªkbax ,oa
Mªkbax ,oa
9 120 70 23 6 ?k.Vs Sessional Work 15
isafVx Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 70
Practical (Experiments) file 4
Project File 4
Viva Voce (Project and experiments) 5
10 122 euksfoKku 30 10 3 ?k.Vs One experiment (04 marks for conduct of
experiment and 08 marks for reporting)
Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 30
fjdkMZ Qkby 4
Ekkufp= dk v/;;u 2
Ekkufp= ds izdkj 3
Lkadsfrd fpUg 5
11 126 lSU; foKku 30 10 3 ?k.Vs
Ekkid iznf”kZr djus dh fof/k;ka 6
ekSf[kd ijh{kk 5
Lkrr ewY;kadu ¼ bdkbZ ijh{kk ½ 5
;ksx 30
fn, x;s [kfut dk vkisf{kd /kuRo Kkr djuk 8
fn, x;s [kfutksa ds HkkSfrd xq.k rFkk jklk;fud
la/kVu Kkr djuk 8
ekSf[kd 5
12 127 HkwxHkZ foKku 30 10 3 ?k.Vs l=h; dk;Z 4

lrr ewY;kadu ¼bdkbZ ijh{kk½ 5

;ksx 30
Two Experiments ( one from each section

One Activity ( from any section ) 3

13 129 30 10 4 ?k.Vs Practical record ( experiments and
foKku 4
activities )
Investigatory Project 3
Viva based on experiments and activities, 5
Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 30
Volumetric Analysis 6
Salt Analysis 6
Content Based Experiment 5
14 130
foKku 30 10 4 ?k.Vs Project Work 4
Record and Viva 4
Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 30
One Major Experiment 4
One Minor Experiment 3
Slide Preparation 4
Spotting 5
15 131 tho fOkKku 30 10 4 ?k.Vs Practical Record+Viva 4

Project Record+Viva 5

Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5

Total 30
Python program(60% logic+ 20%
documentation + 20% code quality)
Report File: Minimum 20 Python
16 144 30 10 3 ?k.Vs Viva Voice 3
Project (That uses most of the concepts
have been learnt)
Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5
Total 30

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