ASCP Boards DEC 2018

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How to prepare plasma before giving to a patient

2. Panel
3. 3 cell panel (gave reactions) what would you use on cells to help ID the AB? LISS, ECT
4. Patient is hemorrhaging they were typed 5 years ago as B Neg. What would you do? Give AB
Plasma, Give O Neg RBC’s, Give washed B Neg Rbc’s, or retype the patient.
5. Patient was typed in AM. 2 units were then ordered that night using AM blood patient had a 4+
on IS. What would you do? Give units, Retype patient, workup AB
6. Unit of blood checked out at 1115am returned to BB at 1140 temp of the unit was 11 0C. What
would you do? Accept units, discard units, quarantine units
7. Patient had an anaphylaxis reaction would it be from? IgG, IgM, IgE, IgA
8. Which blood group is destroyed by Enzymes
9. Principle of Kleihauer-Betke
10. Patient had a transfusion reaction to a few 0.5ml of platelets how much RHIG would be given?
11. CDE genotyping question what is causing a positive DAT
12. Questions that was similar to BOC 4th edition. #332, #69, #92, #166, #183
13. Mother type O neg, no antibody to D ag Child typ O pos what would you do? Transplacental
transfusion, RhIg administration, do nothing, DAT
14. A patient’s record show a previous anti Jkb but the current antibody screen is negative. What
further testing should be done before transfusion?
15. Showed a graph of cardiac markers and you had to ID B: CK, Troponin, Myoglobin,
16. Micro Question about M. Kansassii why it didn’t change pigments? Not exposed to light.
17. Routine rotavirus detection can be done with? EIA, Electron microscope, Shell Vial Culture
18. HIV patient has p24 antigen what would you use to confirm testing? I guessed Western Blot
other options didn’t have anything to do with HIV
19. Effect of Cronns disease on Sodium and Potassium
20. Patient had a transfusion reaction what would you do? All the answers were correct but I
choose the very first step I would do.
21. A question about Mom/baby/ DAT?
22. Serial dilution
23. C1V1x C2V2
24. Acid/Base
25. What would cause an increase potassium
26. Enzyme for Bone? Alk Phos
27. ID creatinine clearance formula
28. ID Promyelocyte
29. Smudge cells are seen in what cell line?
30. ID Heinz Body
31. Rouleaux question
32. TdT question-ALL
33. Specimen drawn for Lactic acid and not on ice and had sat for 30 minutes what would you do
with specimen? I choose reject
34. RDW measures? Aniso
35. Blood gas specimen is collected in why type of Syringe?
36. Blue top tube collected for Coag is not filled completely full what would the results be for PT if
the specimen was ran
37. Calculate WBC and then calculate the corrected WBC
38. Philadelphia Chromosome present in which leukemia?
39. ANA picture what disease
40. Delta Check question
41. Multiple myeloma question about oligoclonal bands. IgG or IgM
42. Coag-Protien C question
43. Plasma glucose was 100 what would the WBG?
44. What causes a urine to be red? Myoglobin, hemoglobin, porphyria
45. A picture of a RBC histogram what would the RBC results be? Microcytic, Macrocytic,
46. What causes a dark urine? Porphyria, Bilirubinenmia, Cola intake, Antibiotics
47. Case Study for UA: Nephrotic syndrome, pyelonephritits, tubular necrosis, glomerulorphirits
48. Specimen for Adenovirus?
49. Swab was cultured onto media no growth after 48hrs. What would you do next? Wrong media,
Incubation problem, report out no growth
50. A question about RPR and TP-PA relationship
51. A description of Chediak-Higashi
52. When adding 2% acetic acid it will lyse? RBC, WBC, yeast, oil

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