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Gary, Cato and Tribore are looking for the other dimensional keys on an extremely cold

planet, when Melanie's family shows up in front of them seeking revenge because Gary
had used her skin to impersonate one of them. The family starts shooting at them,
so they run away until they reach a cliff; the father of the family tells Gary he´s
going to kill his mother as he did. Gary puzzlingly says he doesn't know where her
mother is, but the father tells him he found her; she is a prisoner on the planet
Sorbo. Back in the sapceship, Gary discovers that his mother, who had abandoned him
for no reason when he was young, is soon to be executed; he decides to go see her
before her death. Already in Sorbo, they enter the prison where Gary gets to see her
mother after so long time, when she is about to be prepared for her execution. A few
seconds later, she manages to escape from the guards and her son realizes he doesn´t
want her to die, so he helps her get out from prison. In the spaceship, Gary's mother
says she must go to recover an important family heirloom which is in the Polyhedron
Fortress, so the spaceship heads to a new destination. Gary, his mother and Clarence
get into the fortress and manage the gem that Gary's mother was looking for; the
gem is one of the dimensional keys, but Gary doesn´t know yet. Finally, Gary realizes
his mother hadn't changed and she would leave him again as she had in the past.

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