KIA Digital Practice Mini SAT #3

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KIA Digital Practice Mini SAT #2

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1 KIA Practice SAT

Reading & Writing
33 Questions | 39 Minutes

The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills. Each question
includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read each passage and question
carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question based on the passage(s). All questions in this
section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each question has a single best answer.

1. Although the world traveler had seen many impressive sights, she could not decide whether the stone
ruins of Machu Picchu were more _______ the colossal Great Pyramid at Giza.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) confounding then
B) confounding than
C) astonishing then
D) astonishing than

2. To _______ the volume of human trafficking across the border, the government implemented new
security measures, but this did not complete eliminate the problem.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) demolish
B) knock down
C) diminish
D) raze

3. The warring tribes competed for land and resources throughout history, but neither tribe was ever able to
completely ________ the small island.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) conquer
B) defeat
C) trounce
D) overcome

2 KIA Practice SAT

4. When restoring a vintage car or motorcycle, it is wise to proceed carefully and slowly to avoid breaking the
original parts that can no longer be ________.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) superseded
B) replaced
C) returned
D) swapped

5) In the 1980s, many musicians and journalists in the English-speaking world began to draw attention to
music from around the globe—such as mbaqanga from South Africa and quan họ from Vietnam—that
can't be easily categorized according to British or North American popular music genres, typically referring
to such music as "world music." While some scholars have welcomed this development for bringing diverse
musical forms to prominence in countries where they'd previously been overlooked, musicologist Su Zheng
claims that the concept of world music homogenizes highly distinct traditions by reducing them all to a
single category.

Which finding about mbaqanga and quan h?, if true, would most directly support Zheng's claim?

A) Mbaqanga is significantly more popular in the English-speaking world than quan h? is.
B) Mbaqanga and quan h? developed independently of each other and have little in common musically.
C) Mbaqanga and quan h? are now performed by a diverse array of musicians with no direct connections to
South Africa or Vietnam.
D) Mbaqanga and quan họ are highly distinct from British and North American popular music genres but
similar to each other.

6) Sense and Sensibility is an 1811 novel by Jane Austen. In the novel, Austen describes Marianne
Dashwood's ability to persuade others of the rightness of her artistic judgments, as is evident when
Marianne visits with John Willoughby, a potential suitor: ______

Which quotation from Sense and Sensibility most effectively illustrates the claim?

A) Above all, when she heard him declare, that of music and dancing he was passionately fond, she gave him
such a look of approbation as secured the largest share of his discourse to herself for the rest of his stay.
B) Their taste was strikingly alike. The same books, the same passages were idolized by each—or if any
difference appeared, any objection arose, it lasted no longer than till the force of her arguments and the
brightness of her eyes could be displayed.
C) It was only necessary to mention any favourite amusement to engage her to talk. She could not be silent
when such points were introduced, and she had neither shyness nor reserve in their discussion.
D) They speedily discovered that their enjoyment of dancing and music was mutual, and that it arose from a
general conformity of judgment in all that related to either. Encouraged by this to a further examination of
his opinions, she proceeded to question him on the subject of books.

3 KIA Practice SAT

7) In the 1970s, a roughly 60,000-year-old piece of hyena bone marked with nine notches was discovered at a
site in western France once inhabited by Neanderthals. Although many believe that only modern humans
developed systems for notating numbers, one archaeologist asserts that this artifact may be a sign that
Neanderthals also recorded numerical information. The notches on the bone are unevenly spaced but
approximately parallel, and microscopic analysis reveals that they were made with a single stone tool;
according to the archaeologist, this suggests that the notches were all made at one time by one individual as a
means of counting something.

Which finding, if true, would most directly weaken the underlined claim?
A) Parallel lines are a common feature in modern humans' early systems for recording numerical
B) More than nine approximately parallel notches made with a different stone tool are present on another
artifact found at a site in western France.
C) It would have taken careful effort to make evenly spaced lines on bone with the stone tools typically used
by Neanderthals.
D) Decorative art discovered at another Neanderthal site in western France primarily features patterns of
unevenly spaced parallel lines.

8) The Milky Way galaxy is composed of millions of stars in a relatively flat structure containing a thin disk
and a thick disk. Based on computer simulations and analysis of data on the brightness, position, and
chemical composition of about 250,000 stars in the thick disk (collected from two telescopes, one in China
and one orbiting in space), astrophysicists Maosheng Xiang and Hans-Walter Rix claim that the thick disk of
the Milky Way formed in two distinct phases rather than a single one.

Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers' claim?
A) There's an age difference of about 2 billion years between certain stars in the thick disk.
B) The stars in the Milky Way tend to have very similar chemical compositions.
C) The thin disk contains about twice as many stars that can be seen from Earth as the thick disk does.
D) The telescopes used by the researchers have detected stars of similar ages in galaxies other than the Milky

4 KIA Practice SAT

9) A researcher conducted an experiment inspired by studies suggesting that people may benefit from feeling
frightened in certain circumstances, such as when watching scary movies or visiting haunted attractions. The
researcher recruited several participants and had them walk through a local haunted house attraction.
Immediately after exiting the attraction, each participant completed a survey about their experience. Based
on the survey responses, the researcher claims that feeling frightened in controlled situations can boost a
person's mood and confidence.

Which quotation from a participant would best illustrate the researcher's claim?

A) My friends kept laughing as we were walking through the haunted house.

B) The haunted house was scary at first, but I knew everyone was just acting, so I felt less scared after a few
C) The sense of relief I felt at the end of the haunted house was similar to the feelings I have when I finish a
scary movie.
D) After I came out of the haunted house, I felt very accomplished and less stressed.

10) Many governments that regularly transfer money to individuals—to provide supplemental incomes for
senior citizens, for example—have long done so electronically, but other countries typically have distributed
physical money and have only recently developed electronic transfer infrastructure. Researchers studied the
introduction of an electronic transfer system in one such location and found that recipients of electronic
transfers consumed a different array of foods than recipients of physical transfers of the same amount diD)
One potential explanation for this result is that individuals conceive of and allocate funds in physical money
differently than they conceive of and allocate funds in electronic form.

Which finding from the study, if true, would most directly weaken the potential explanation?
A) Recipients of electronic transfers typically spent their funds at a slower rate than recipients of physical
transfers did.
B) Some recipients of physical transfers received small amounts of money relatively frequently, while others
received large amounts relatively infrequently.
C) Recipients of physical transfers tended to purchase food about as frequently as recipients of electronic
transfers did.
D) Nearly every recipient of an electronic transfer withdrew the entire amount in physical money shortly
after receiving the transfer.

5 KIA Practice SAT

11) Hip-hop pedagogy is a form of teaching that's gaining popularity across school subjects. It involves
incorporating hip-hop and rap music into lessons as well as using hip-hop elements when teaching other
subject matters. For example, Quan Neloms's students look for college-level vocabulary and historical events
in rap songs. Researchers claim that in addition to developing students' social justice awareness, hip-hop
pedagogy encourages student success by raising students' interest and engagement.

Which finding, if true, would most strongly support the underlined claim?
A) Courses that incorporate hip-hop and rap music are among the courses with the highest enrollment and
attendance rates.
B) Educators report that they enjoy teaching courses that involve hip-hop and rap music more than teaching
courses that don't.
C) Students tend to be more enthusiastic about rap music than they are about hip-hop music.
D) Students who are highly interested in social justice issues typically don't sign up for courses that
incorporate hip-hop and rap music.

12) In a study of new technology adoption, Davit Marikyan et al. examined negative disconfirmation (which
occurs when experiences fall short of one's expectations) to determine whether it could lead to positive
outcomes for users. The team focused on established users of "smart home" technology, which presents
inherent utilization challenges but tends to attract users with high expectations, often leading to feelings of
dissonance. The researchers found that many users employed cognitive mechanisms to mitigate those
feelings, ultimately reversing their initial sense of disappointment.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A) Research suggests that users with high expectations for a new technology can feel content with that
technology even after experiencing negative disconfirmation.
B) Research suggests that most users of smart home technology will not achieve a feeling of satisfaction
given the utilization challenges of such technology.
C) Although most smart home technology is aimed at meeting or exceeding users' high expectations, those
expectations in general remain poorly understood.
D) Although negative disconfirmation has often been studied, little is known about the cognitive
mechanisms shaping users' reactions to it in the context of new technology adoption.

6 KIA Practice SAT

13) The first passage is excerpted from Out or Doors—California and Oregon. by J. A) Graves; the second
At the Earth's Core, a work of fiction by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Passage 1

In the pasture were swales of damp lanD) literally overgrown with wild blackberry bushes. They bore
prolific crops of long, black, juicy berries, far superior to the tame berries, and they were almost entirely free
from seeds. Many a time have I temporarily bankrupted my stomach on hot blackberry roll, with good, rich
sauce. The country fairly teemed with game. Quail and rabbit were with us all the time. Doves came by the
thousands in the early summer and departed in the fall. In winter the wild ducks and geese were more than
abundant. In the spring wild pigeons visited us in great numbers. There was one old oak tree which was a
favourite resting-place with them. Sheltered by some live oak bushes. I was always enabled to sneak up and
kill many of them out of this tree.

Passage 2

We must have travelled several miles through the dark and dismal wood when we came suddenly upon a
dense village built high among the branches of the trees. As we approached it my escort broke into wild
shouting which was immediately answered from within, and a moment later a swarm of creatures of the
same strange race as those who had captured me poured out to meet us. Again I was the centre of a wildly
chattering horde. I was pulled this way and that. Pinched, pounded, and thumped until I was black and
blue. yet I do not think that their treatment was dictated by either cruelty or malice—I was a curiosity. a
freak. a new plaything. and their childish minds required the added evidence of all their senses to back up the
testimony of their eyes.

Which most accurately describes the sentiments that the Passage 1 author has toward the words "old oak
tree" and "oak bushes" with respect to the sentiments that the Passage 2 author has toward the word "wood"?

A) Passage 1 author feels a sense of ownership and affectation; Passage 2 author, of self-protection.
B) Passage 1 author feels a sense of nostalgia and whimsy; Passage 2 author, of scathing hostility.
C) Passage 1 author feels a sense of comfort and cover; Passage 2 author, of fore-boding and gloom.
D) Neither author feels a personal connection to these natural

7 KIA Practice SAT

14) This paragraph, taken from a letter the author writes to her sister, is from Mary Shelley's science fiction
novel, Frankenstein.

Will you smile at the enthusiasm I express concerning this divine wanderer? You would not if you saw him.
You have been tutored and refined by books and retirement from the world, and you are therefore somewhat
fastidious; but this only renders you the more fit to appreciate the extraordinary merits of this wonderful
man. Sometimes I have endeavored to discover what quality it is which he possesses that elevates him so
immeasurably above any other person I ever knew. I believe it to be an intuitive discernment, a quick but
never-failing power of judgment, a penetration into the causes of things, unequaled for clearness and
precision; add to this a facility of expression and a voice whose varied intonations are soul-subduing music.

The sentences underlined suggest that which of the following pairs of qualities are most admired about the
word "divine wanderer" first mentioned?
A) adventurous and intrepid spirit
B) magnanimity and overall kindness
C) perspicacity and eloquence
D) strength and innocence

15) In 2022, researchers rediscovered ancient indigenous glyphs, or drawings, on the walls of a cave in
Alabama. The cave's ceiling was only a few feet high, affording no position from which the glyphs, being as
wide as ten feet, could be viewed or photographed in their entirety. However, the researchers used a
technique called photogrammetry to assemble numerous photos of the walls into a 3D model. They then
worked with representatives of tribes originally from the region, including the Chickasaw Nation, to
understand the significance of the animal and humanoid figures adorning the cave.

According to the text, what challenge did the researchers have to overcome to examine the glyphs?
A) The cave was so remote that the researchers couldn't easily reach it.
B) Some of the glyphs were so faint that they couldn't be photographed.
C.) The cave's dimensions prevented the researchers from fully viewing the glyphs.
D) The researchers were unable to create a 3D model of the cave.

8 KIA Practice SAT

16) The text is from Anatole France's 1912 novel The Gods Will Have Blood.

Those who make a trade out of foretelling the future rarely grow rich. Their attempts to deceive are too
easily found out and arouse detestation. And yet it would be necessary to detest them much, much more if
they foretold the future correctly. For a man's life would become intolerable, if he knew what was going to
happen to him. He would be made aware of future evils, and would suffer their agonies in advance, while he
would get no joy of present blessings since he would know how they would enD) Ignorance is the necessary
condition of human happiness, and it must be admitted that on the whole mankind observes that condition
well. We are almost entirely ignorant of ourselves, absolutely of others. In ignorance, we find our bliss, in
illusions, our happiness.

The main idea conveyed in the above monologue can best be summarized as
A) let bygones be bygones.
B) the truth will set you free.
C) focus on the moment.
D) do unto others as you would have them do unto you

17) Astronomers are confident that the star Betelgeuse will eventually consume all the helium in its core and
explode in a supernovA) They are much less confident, however, about when this will happen, since that
depends on internal characteristics of Betelgeuse that are largely unknown. Astrophysicist Sarafina El- Badry
Nance and colleagues recently investigated whether acoustic waves in the star could be used to determine
internal stellar states but concluded that this method could not sufficiently reveal Betelgeuse's internal
characteristics to allow its evolutionary state to be firmly fixed.

Which choice best describes the function of the second sentence in the overall structure of the text?
A) It explains how the work of Nance and colleagues was received by others in the field.
B) It presents the central finding reported by Nance and colleagues.
C) It identifies the problem that Nance and colleagues attempted to solve but did not.
D) It describes a serious limitation of the method used by Nance and colleagues.

9 KIA Practice SAT

18) NASA's Cassini probe has detected an unusual wobble in the rotation of Mimas, Saturn's smallest
moon. Using a computer model to study Mimas's gravitational interactions with Saturn and tidal forces,
geophysicist Alyssa Rhoden and colleagues have proposed that this wobble could be due to a liquid ocean
moving beneath the moon's icy surface. The researchers believe other moons should be examined to see if
they too might have oceans hidden beneath their surfaces.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A) Rhoden and colleagues were the first to confirm that several of Saturn's moons contain hidden oceans.
B) Research has failed to identify signs that there is an ocean hidden beneath the surface of Mimas.
C) Rhoden and colleagues created a new computer model that identifies moons with hidden oceans without
needing to analyze the moons' rotation.
D) Research has revealed that an oddity in the rotation of Mimas could be explained by an ocean hidden
beneath its surface.

19) The people of Qalif frequently follow their family _____ mainly in fishing, oil, and education.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the convention of standard English?
A) trade, they work
B) trade;
C) trade working
D) trade, working

20) The Trenton Thunder is a Minor League _____ Trenton, New Jersey.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) baseball team, it is from
B) baseball team, they are
C) baseball team
D) baseball team; they are

21) _________unfortunately, the spans occasionally suffer abrupt structural failure and collapse.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) The safety of bridges, keeping them from becoming dangerous, is overseen by government departments,
B) Government departments oversee bridge safety, but
C) Bridge safety, being overseen by government departments, is crucial, but
D) The safety of bridges is being overseen by government departments, but

10 KIA Practice SAT

22) A Neapolitan pizza made with San Marzano tomatoes ______ considered more traditional than one
made with any other type of tomatoes.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) are
B) have been
C) is
D) were

23) There are a wide variety of modern dance forms and styles to _____ one reason my hometown has many
different dance studios.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) enjoy. That's
B) enjoy that's
C) enjoy, that's
D) enjoy: that's

24) A professional long-distance ____life revolves around his or her workout schedule, sleep routine, and
dietary needs.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) runners
B) runner
C) runner's
D) runners'

25) Called embouchure, the shape of a skilled trumpet player's lips ______ for playing a wide range of notes
with clear tone and without muscle strain.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) allows
B) are allowing
C) allow
D) have allowed

11 KIA Practice SAT

26) Alvin is struggling in math class ______many topics in Precalculus that he finds both challenging and

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) this year; and there are
B) this year, so there are
C) this year, there are
D) this year; there are

27) Before a jury trial begins, lawyers for each side interview potential jurors closely, ______ questions
intended to reveal any biases.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) asking him or her
B) asking them
C) asking it
D) to ask him or

28) It has long been thought that humans first crossed a land bridge into the Americas approximately 13,000
years ago. ______ based on radiocarbon dating of samples uncovered in Mexico, a research team recently
suggested that humans may have arrived more than 30,000 years ago—much earlier than previously

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) As a result,
B) Similarly,
C) However,
D) In conclusion,

29) A 2017 study of sign language learners tested the role of iconicity—the similarity of a sign to the thing it
represents—in language acquisition. The study found that the greater the iconicity of a sign, the more likely
it was to have been learneD) ______ the correlation between acquisition and iconicity was lower than that
between acquisition and another factor studied: sign frequency.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) In fact,
B) In other words,
C) Granted,
D) As a result,

12 KIA Practice SAT

30) The following text is adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's 1849 story "Landor's Cottage."

During a pedestrian trip last summer, through one or two of the river counties of New York, I found myself,
as the day declined, somewhat embarrassed about the road I was pursuing. The land undulated very
remarkably; and my path, for the last hour, had wound about and about so confusedly, in its effort to keep
in the valleys, that I no longer knew in what direction lay the sweet village of B——, where I had determined
to stop for the night.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A) The narrator explains the difficulties he encountered on a trip and how he overcame them.
B) The narrator describes what he saw during a long trip through a frequently visited location.
C) The narrator recalls fond memories of a journey that he took through some beautiful river counties.
D) The narrator remembers a trip he took and admits to getting lost.

31) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

● Marine biologist Camille Jazmin Gaynus studies coral reefs.

● Coral reefs are vital underwater ecosystems that provide habitats to 25% of all marine species.
● Reefs can include up to 8,000 species of fish, such as toadfish, seahorses, and clown triggerfish.
● The Amazon Reef is a coral reef in Brazil.
● It is one of the largest known reefs in the world.

The student wants to introduce the scientist and her field of study to a new audience. Which choice most
effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A) Located in Brazil, the Amazon Reef is one of the largest known coral reefs in the world.
B) Marine biologist Camille Jazmin Gaynus studies coral reefs, vital underwater ecosystems that provide
homes to 25% of all marine species.
C) Providing homes to 25% of all marine species, including up to 8,000 species of fish, coral reefs are vital
underwater ecosystems and thus of great interest to marine biologists.
D) As Camille Jazmin Gaynus knows well, coral reefs are vital underwater ecosystems, providing homes to
thousands of species of fish.

13 KIA Practice SAT

32) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
● A thermal inversion is a phenomenon where a layer of atmosphere is warmer than the layer beneath
● In 2022, a team of researchers studied the presence of thermal inversions in twenty-five gas giants.
● Gas giants are planets largely composed of helium and hydrogen.
● The team found that gas giants featuring a thermal inversion were also likely to contain
heat-absorbing metals.
● One explanation for this relationship is that these metals may reside in a planet's upper atmosphere,
where their absorbed heat causes an increase in temperature.

The student wants to present the study's findings to an audience already familiar with thermal inversions.
Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) Gas giants were likely to contain heat-absorbing metals when they featured a layer of atmosphere warmer
than the layer beneath it, researchers found; this phenomenon is known as a thermal inversion.
B) The team studied thermal inversions in twenty-five gas giants, which are largely composed of helium and
C) Researchers found that gas giants featuring a thermal inversion were likely to contain heat-absorbing
metals, which may reside in the planets' upper atmospheres.
D) Heat-absorbing metals may reside in a planet's upper atmosphere.

33) While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

● Muslins are woven cotton fabrics with a variety of uses.

● Dhaka muslin is a handmade fabric produced in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
● It has an extremely fine weave and is primarily used to make luxury clothing.
● Sheeting muslin is a machine-made fabric produced in factories.
● It has a coarse weave and is primarily used to upholster furniture and create backdrops for theater

The student wants to emphasize a difference between the two muslins. Which choice most effectively uses
relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A) Muslins can be used in a variety of ways, from making luxury clothing to upholstering furniture and
creating backdrops for theater sets.
B) Sheeting muslin is machine made, has a coarse weave, and is used for furniture and theater sets.
C) Dhaka muslin is a handmade fabric with an extremely fine weave, while sheeting muslin is machine made
with a coarse weave.
D) Dhaka muslin and sheeting muslin are two different types of woven cotton fabrics.

14 KIA Practice SAT

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Do not turn to any other module in the test.

15 KIA Practice SAT

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16 KIA Practice SAT

27 Questions | 43 Minutes

The questions in this section address a number of important math skills.
Use of a calculator is permitted for all questions.

Unless otherwise indicated:
• All variables and expressions represent real numbers.
• Figures provided are drawn to scale.
• All figures lie in a plane.
• The domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x) is a real number.


17 KIA Practice SAT

For multiple-choice questions, solve each problem, choose the correct answer from the choices provided,
and then select your answer in your answer sheet. For student-produced responses, follow the instructions
● Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to 6 characters (including the
negative sign) for a negative answer, but no more.
● If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over 5 characters for positive, 6 characters for negative),
write the decimal equivalent.
● If your answer is a decimal that is too long (over 5 characters for positive, 6 characters for negative),
truncate it or round at the fourth digit.
● If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3½), write it as an improper fraction (7/2) or its decimal
equivalent (3.5).
● Don't include symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in your answer.

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Problems 8 and 9 refer to the following figure.



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Do not turn to any other module in the test.

30 KIA Practice SAT

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