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(Panel 1)

Character 1: Hey, have you ever thought about how tough it would be to live with visual

Character 2: Yeah, my grandmother is visually impaired and I've seen how hard it can be for her.

(Panel 2)
Character 1: What kind of visual impairment does she have?

Character 2: She has age-related macular degeneration which causes her to lose her central

(Panel 3)
Character 1: That sounds tough. How does she cope with it?

Character 2: She has a magnifying glass and special lighting to help her read and do daily tasks.
She also has a guide dog and a cane for mobility.

(Panel 4)
Character 1: I didn't realize there were so many tools available to help people with visual

Character 2: Yeah, there are many assistive technologies available today that can make life
easier for visually impaired individuals.

(Panel 5)
Character 1: Do you know what causes visual impairment?
Character 2: There are many causes of visual impairment including genetics, age-related
degeneration, trauma, and diseases like diabetes, glaucoma, and cataracts.

(Panel 6)
Character 1: Is there anything we can do to prevent visual impairment?

Character 2: Eating a healthy diet, wearing protective eyewear, and regular eye exams can help
prevent some forms of visual impairment.

(Panel 7)
Character 1: Thanks for helping me understand more about visual impairment.

Character 2: No problem. It's important to be aware of and understand different disabilities so

we can be more inclusive and empathetic towards others.

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