Business Activities

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Business Activities:

 Software Designing, Development, Customization, Implementation, Maintenance,

Testing, and Benchmarking.

 Import, Export, Sale, Purchase, Distribution, Hosting (in data centers or over the
web) of Computer Software and Solutions.

 Internet/Web-Based Applications, Services, and Solutions Provision.

 IT-Enabled Services: Call Centre Management, Medical and Legal Transcription, Data
Processing, Back Office Processing, Accounting, HR and Payroll Processing, Insurance
Claims Processing, Credit Card Processing, Loans and Letters of Credit Processing,
Cheque Processing, Data Warehousing, and Database Management.

 Recruitment and HR Related Services.

2. IT Infrastructure Services:

 Design, Development, and Dealing in Computer Hardware.

 Manufacturing, Dealing, and Maintenance of Computer Hardware.

 Systems and Application Software for Microprocessor-Based Information Systems.

 Networking and Network Management Solutions.

 Data Centre Management Services.

3. Education Sector Services:

 Establishing, Running, and Managing Institutions, Schools, and Academics for

Imparting Education in Computer Technology.

 Offering Equipment, Solutions, and Services for Networking and Network

Management in Educational Institutions.

4. Tender Filing:

 Capability to File Tenders for IT Related Projects.

5. Hardware Services:

 Hardware Solutions Provision.

 Assembling Data Processors.

 Buying, Selling, or Otherwise Dealing in All Kinds of Hardware.

6. Government and Institutional Collaboration:

 Working with IT Infrastructure for Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Other


 Undertaking IT Enabled Services for Government and Private Organizations and


7. Global Operations:
 Developing, Providing, Designing, Importing, Exporting, Distributing, and Dealing in
Systems and Application Software for Microprocessor-Based Information Systems.

 Offshore Software Development Projects.

 Internet Service Provider Solutions.

8. Specialized Services:

 Specialized Solutions in Emerging Niche Segments like Internet and Intranet Website
Applications, Software Enterprise, Resource Planning, E-commerce, Value-Added
Products, and Other Business Applications.

9. Consultancy Services:

 Providing Consultancy Services in all Mentioned Areas.

10. Innovation in AI Domains:

 Staying Abreast of AI Innovations Across Various Domains.
 Contributing to Research and Development in AI Technologies.

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