European Union Budget

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The EU budget helps to deliver on the things that matter to Europeans. By

pooling resources at EU level, Member States can achieve more than they could
by acting alone.

The EU budget supports a wide range of policies implemented within the European Union and has helped the EU to consolidate its
strong role in the international arena, as a leader in the fight against climate change and as the largest donor of humanitarian and
development aid in the world.

During the economic and financial crisis, the EU budget proved to be a powerful instrument to support investment. With national bud-
gets in many Member States under severe strain, the EU budget, and the Structural Funds in particular, emerged from the 2008 crisis
as a stabilisation factor investing in growth and jobs. Most recently, the budget has also underpinned the management of the EU’s
external borders and the European response to the refugee crisis and to the threat of organised crime and terrorism.

What the EU does

The EU agrees long-term budget plans of the year. Some 94% of the budget is terms, but only about 1% of the wealth
that provide a stable basis for implemen- spent in the Member States, mainly on generated by EU economies every year.
ting the budget over a period of at least fostering jobs and growth in Europe, as About 80% of the EU budget is financed
5 years. The current EU long-term budget well as outside the EU on development from national contributions based on gross
covers 2014-2020 and allows the EU to and humanitarian assistance, while only national income and value added tax.
invest around €1 trillion over that period. 6% is spent on EU administration.
In May 2018 the European Commission Following an annual recommendation by
presented its proposal for the EU’s long- The annual EU budget in 2019 was around the Council, the European Parliament de-
term budget from 2021 to 2027. €165.8 billion – a large sum in absolute cides whether to give its final approval, or
‘discharge’, on the way the Com-
The annual budget is decided mission has implemented the EU
democratically. First the Euro- budget. This procedure ensures
pean Commission proposes a full accountability and transpa-
draft budget. Then the national rency, and when granted, the
governments (acting through the discharge leads to the formal clo-
Council of the European Union) sure of the accounts for a given
and the directly elected European year.
Parliament approve the EU bud-
get, usually before the beginning

Find out more:

European Commission reflection paper on the future of EU finances

Getting in touch
with the EU
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Manuscript completed in January 2020
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,2020

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What it is and what it does’.
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in PDF and HTML format at: Print ISBN 978-92-79-95478-8 doi:10.2775/598218 NA-04-18-780-EN-C
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