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Maribel B.


11 ABM - 3rd John


Are all father and son close? yes everyone should, has everyone experienced the feeling
of love from father? yes we all must be experiencing it, maybe we all need a good father? yes
all children need a good father. I want to experience them to because i’m one of those thirsty
for a father’s attention.

I experienced with my father that he really come to the point where he wanted to hurt
me, he throw dangerous equipment at me that could harm me, for me that was painful as a
child. I did nothing but cry that day and I repeatedly telling myself, how he did that to me?
but I let it go and told myself that it might not happen again, the pain I felt was too much, I
did nothing but cry and cry again. And until it got to the point where be was throwing my
clothes because I didn’t sleep at home, I slept at my brother’s house because I was afraid of
what he might do to me. The worst thing of all is that he made me stop studying, that’s why I
came here with my sister because i want to finish my studies and she is the one who stands up
to dad’s responsibility. And because of the habit of drinking alcohol, we were always looked
down upon by our relatives and teased us. And another difficult thing is hiding under the bed
every onetime I heard my dad’s voice when he was drunk.

And despite those events, I prayed that I would forget those events and open my heart
again to accept and love him because no matter what happens, he is still my parent and he is
my father, if not because of him I am not in this world. And for those like me who have many
experiences, let’s learn to forgive and forget all that, start again, just use those as inspiration
for learning. No matter what happens or how messed up our life and relationship with our
parents is, don’t give up and don’t lose hope, let’s learn to forgive.

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