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A terrible storm is brewing – you must find shelter from

this accursed weather, and quickly! Veldmark, the nearest

town, is over ten leagues away, so your only choice is the
ruined fort on a nearby hill. As you approach, a faint cry
echoes from deep within the decrepit structure. The hair on
the back of your neck stands up in warning, but perhaps
it was just the wind. Perhaps. Gathering up your courage,
you enter the halls of the Grimhill fort.
A - Main Entrance 3 - Magically Locked Room

• Wooden signpost that says “You are not • The door to this room is locked with a
welcome here!”. seal, can be smashed with DC 17, but will
• A gust of wind knocks a few branches and make a loud noise and alert everyone in the
pebbles from the ruined walls above. fort. Opens with a special key located in
• Sturdy oaken door, slightly ajar, squeaks room 12.
loudly if not opened with caution, DC 9. • Rotten tapestries display knights and
kings jousting. There is a wooden chair and
1 - Empty Hallway a table. If touched, all crumbles to dust.
• Heavy iron chest is pinned underneath
• Wind howls through the cracks in the fallen stone blocks. Can be pulled out with
stone walls. DC 10. Contains a golden statuette of a
• Chandelier is hanging from one of the young woman (50 gp), plated silver gloves,
beams. Pigeons have built a nest on it. and a magic longsword. If the statuette is
• Debris and wooden beams on the ground. taken, a ghost of a sad woman will appear in
• Firewood and broken crates lie stacked the room, somberly looking at the door. The
against the wall. There is a wood-chopping ghost is silent and harmless but will perma-
axe leaning by the door to room 2. nently reduce CON by 1d8 points to anyone
• Voices can be heard from the room 2, DC who breaks the statuette. This is the ghost of
11 to hear two people arguing who’s turn it a skeleton in the room 8.
is feed the hounds downstairs. • Reinforced wooden trapdoor leads to
• Stone stairs lead directly to room 10. Any- room 8. The door was locked once, but now,
one climbing the stairs may alert sentries the mechanism is rusty and broken beyond
above. Loose stones make noise, DC 11 to repair.
pass undetected. The Holy Blade
An ornate blade mounted on a
jeweled iron handle.
Bonus. +1 longsword. +2 if
used against undead.
Benefit. if used by a cleric,
AC+1 against undead.

2 - Storage Room

• Barrels and crates are piled up all around 4 - Atrium

the room. They provide some cover. The
crates are mostly empty, the rest are full of • The southern door of this room is un-
stolen goods (200 gp but really heavy). locked, but closed and reinforced with iron
• A pulley system hangs above the large bars.
open trapdoor. Long chain hangs down the • Beautiful frescoes are still visible on the
hatch leading to room 7. walls, displaying a knight and a lady in love,
• Two nasty-looking ruffians are yelling riding a winged horse.
at each other, arguing, while the third one • Shallow fountian full of buzzing flies and
enjoys the show. They can be surprised, but mosquitoes reeks of stale sewage. If searched
will attack the party on sight otherwise. (DC 13), a silver ring (10 gp) can be found at
the bottom.
Grimhill Bandit • Grey stormy skies can be seen from be-
AC 13 (leather+shield), HD 1 (4), low. The first raindrops are already here.
ATK 1 club +1 (1d4), MV near, • The eastern door is missing from the hing-
S +1, D +0, C+0, I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C es, the busy interior of room 5 can be seen
from here.
5 - Sleeping Chambers B - Hidden Cave
• Bright orange flame illuminates the room • Faint stench of wet dogs permiates the air.
as three bandits hudled together next to a Not even the smell of fresh rain can hide it.
fireplace, play card games and rolling dice. • The cave entrance is hidden by branches
Surprisingly, they are quiet, trying their best and tall grass. It can be seen from the road,
not to wake up their sleeping comrades. DC 13.
• Big iron bell is next to the gambling ban- • There are bones littered around the en-
dits. If the bandits notice the characters, they trance. Mostly animal, but some are certainly
will ring the bell and alert all the bandits human.
in the fort. The bell is very old, intricately
engraved, and was stolen months ago, it is 6 - Den of Wolves
worth 10 gp, or 100 gp if sold to the right
buyer. • The ground is muddy and sticky. Move-
• Seven bunkbeds are in this room. Two ment is difficult, DC 10 or get stuck in the
bunkbeds have occupants - four sleeping mud. Spend an action to pull yourself out.
bandits. • Snarls can be heard in the darkness. Two
• Large and empty king-sized bed is next wolves are poised to strike! They will attack
to the ladder leading to room 11. There is a any character carrying a torch.
dagger +1 hidden under its dirty pillows. • Malodorous pond is on the western part
• Two chests are by the large bed. The of the cavern and the way leads to room 8,
smaller one is unlocked and looks empty. It but the stones have caved in and it is im-
has a hidden compartment, DC 15 to notice possible to go through unless the rocks are
it. Inside is a magic scroll “Speak With Dead“ cleared. It takes an hour to clear.
and a strange locket. The locket shows a • There is a corpse of a middle-aged human
portrait of someone you wish to remember. floating in the pond. The corpse is bloated
Currently, it holds an image of a five year and full of leeches and flesh-eating snails. If
old girl. The large chest is locked, DC 13 to inspected, the corpse will reveal an unread-
unlock. It contains a variety of coins and able soaked letter, and a children’s silver
jewelry (150 gp). bracelet (10 gp) in the envelope.
• Trapdoor on the ceiling of this room is • Hidden door on the north wall! Touching
locked, DC 13 to open. The trapdoor leads to the cave walls reveals a faux rock - painted
room 11. surprisingly well, DC 13 to notice. The door
leads to room 7.
Grimhill Bandit
AC 13 (leather+shield), HD 1 (4), Wolf
ATK 1 club +1 (1d4), MV near, AC 12, HD 2 (9),
S +1, D +0, C+0, I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C ATK 1 bite +2 (1d6), MV double near,
S +2, D +2, C+1, I -2, W +1, Ch +0, AL N
Pack Hunter. Deals +1 damage
while next to an ally.
7 - Old Wine Cellar C - Wall Vines
• Smell of mold and vinegar wafts through • Broken wall overgrown in vines is some-
the room. Broken bottles lie all around the what challenging to climb, DC 13. Failure by
corners. There is a 2-in-6 chance that a bot- five or more will loosen some of the stones
tle of old elven vintage worth 15 gp is still which will deal 1d4 damage to the closest
intact. Tastes great! person below, DC 9 for half damage. Once
• Big cluster of mushrooms on the ceiling the loose stones fall, the vines will be much
illuminates the room in vibrant hues of blue easier to climb, DC 9.
and purple. • Some vines have thorns that deal one
• Four thick wooden beams hold the ceil- point of damage to anyone without gloves.
ing in place. They are a new addition to this There are old blood stains on the vines.
room. If at least two of the beams are broken • Oddly beautiful skull shaped white roses
or removed in some way, the ceiling will grow on the vines. They smell of sorrow.
collapse and kill everyone in the room.
• Rusty steel ladder bolted in the wall leads 9 - Crumbling Wall
to room 2.
• The storm is getting closer. The wind be-
8 - Ruined Dungeon gins to rage. It is not safe outside anymore.
• Ground is littered with broken stones
• Damp and slippery. Everything is covered and stone slabs. Movement is noisy, and a
by a layer of slime and hundreds upon hun- bit difficult, but not impossible.
dreds of fat slugs. Step on them, they pop! • Sturdy reinforced door to the east leads to
• Chains and manacles are bolted into dun- room 10. The door is barred from the inside,
geon walls. Moldy skeletons are attached to DC 17 to force open.
some of them. • Broken door to the north leads to room
• Human skeleton lies on the floor, adorned 12. “Do not enter!” is written on one of the
in rotting court dress, with dirty pieces of planks.
jewelry (30 gp) still attached to it. Bones of
the skeleton appear to be broken, as if it was 10 - Sentry Room
thrown from above. This is the skeleton of a
ghost in the room 3. • Two bandits and their sergeant guard the
• Rickety ladder made of wood is swarmed wall section from this small chamber. There
by slugs. The wood is rotten, and climbing is 2-in-6 chance that the bandits are currently
the ladder takes some effort, DC 9. The lad- looking through the door, making it im-
der leads to room 3. possible for anyone to pass through room 9
• Three fat giant rats are living in this room, undetected for 3d10 minutes.
feeding off of slugs. They are well fed and • Three sleeping bags are placed around a
will not attack, unless provoked. bonfire. There is a pouch of gold (10 gp) and
a throwing dagger in one of the bags.
Giant Rat • Stairway on the south leads to room 1.
AC 11 , HD 1 (4),
ATK 1 bite +1 (1d4+disease), MV near, Grimhill Bandit
S -2, D +1, C+1, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N AC 12 (leather), HD 1 (4),
Disease. DC 12 CON or 1d4 CON damage. ATK 1 club +1 (1d4) or 1 crossbow +0 (1d6),
Repeat once a day, ends on success. Die at 0 MV near,
CON. S +1, D +0, C+0, I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C

Grimhill Bandit Sergeant

AC 14 (chainmail+shield), HD 2 (9),
ATK 1 mace +1 (1d6), MV near,
S +1, D +0, C+0, I -1, W +0, Ch -1, AL C
Battle Hardened. Attacks twice.
11 - Old Armory 12 - Grimhill Tower

• Half of the roof is missing. Beams are • The tower has collapsed from the inside,
broken and most shingles are gone. Pigeons only the moss-covered walls still stand.
nest here now. • A sudden flash of lightning illuminates
• Weapon racks and armor stands lay emp- the place, revealing four stirges hanging
ty, piled up against the north wall. from the support beams. They attack!
• Heavy iron door to the west is busted • Armored knight lies dead in the rubble.
open and bent, unable to close again, leading The knight wears rusty platemail and a
to room 12. The weight of stones and beams shield with a crest lost to time. Next to the
appears to be the culprit. knight is a locked chest, DC 17. Inside it are
• Fresh corpse of a man dressed in green a golden statuette of a young man (50 gp), a
robes lies next to two dead stirges, both long emerald necklace (70 gp), and a jeweled
cut in half. His body is full of stirge punc- crown (150 gp). If the characters attempt to
tures, not a single drop of blood left in it. open the chest or interfere with it in some
He clutches a silver dagger +1 and a journal. way, the knight will rise as a wight and
The robed man also wears an old ruby ring attack. The wight has a special key to room 3
(15 gp) and a silk pouch with gems (30 gp). attached to its belt.
In his pocket is a pair of keys, one opens the • Iron door to the east laed to room 11.
large chest in room 5, the other is for the • Broken door to the south laed to room 9.
trapdoor in this room.
• Trapdoor on the south-eastern corner of Stirge
this room is locked, DC 13 to open. The trap- AC 12, HD 1 (4),
door leads to room 5. ATK 1 beak +2 (1d4 + blood drain),
MV near (fly),
S -2, D +2, C +1 I -2, W +0, Ch -2, AL N
Osgarl’s Journal Blood Drain. Attach to a bitten target and
automatically hit the next round.
If the characters decide to take some time
to read the journal, they will find boring Wight
notes about stolen goods and how the AC 15 (rusty platemail+shield), HD 3 (13),
spoils were being divided. ATK 1 mace +3 (1d6) and 1 life drain +3,
They will also learn about the gang’s hi- MV near,
erarchy. Osgarl the magician is the bandit S +3, D +1, C +2, I +1, W +0, Ch +1, AL C
leader, while Bert the sergeant is his sec- Greater Undead. Immune to morale checks.
ond in command. Only damaged by silvered weapons or
In his journal, Osgarl also mentions that Life Drain. 1d4 CON damage. Death if re-
he has chosen Grimhill Fort as the base of duced to 0 CON.
his operations because the place has quite
the unique history. He mentions undying
love and tragic and unfortunate imprison- Reuniting the Tragic Lovers
ment of a noblewoman, and murderous
rivalry between two knights - two broth- If the characters discover both golden
ers. statuettes (from room 3 and room 12),
they will notice that the statues fit togeth-
In his research, Osgarl has discovered er perfectly. If the statuettes are reunited,
that the unexplored stirge-infested tow- the ghost in room 3 will vanish, and the
er hides intriguing treasures. He also ad- wight in room 12 will turn to dust, and
dresses their value and his unwillingness the words “Glad to see you again, my love...“
to share with Bert and his crew. This is will echo in the wind. All of a sudden, the
why Osgarl wanted to delve in all by him- storm will subside, the rain stop, and the
self, until his sudden and untimely death. sky will turn blue once more.
Written and designed by:
Aleksandar Kostić aka Art of Caustic
Editing and proofreading by:
Alex Bates

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The Tragic Curse of Grimhill Fort is an independent product published under

the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane
Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.

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