House of Life Christmas Party 2023 Thank You

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NPO - 124-267
Empowering And Rehabilitating Women Men And
Children Who Are Abused Addicted Exploited And
Assisting The Destitute - Poor And Homeless

Date: 16th January 2024

Dear Treasured Friend


A blessed 2024 to you . I pray this blessing over you from Romans 15:13, that God, the fountain of
hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the
power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with

As I pen this letter, I reflect with deep gratitude, both on the past year and the current 2024. There were times
we thought we would have to close our doors. The number of hungry folk seeking help from us has grown
to over 1000 per week. This is beyond our capacity. Oh, but how God has proved Himself strong on our
behalf . Nothing is too big or too hard for Him. His faithfulness toward us has abounded tremendously.
We stand amazed as we reflect on how much we have achieved this year together with your help. We
continue to see the hand of God on this ministry, enabling us to do above and beyond in daily alleviating the
dire needs of this community. House of Life certainly could not have accomplished this without God
blessing us with likeminded friends and partners like you. We certainly have entered 2024 with fresh hope
for great things to come.

I am thrilled to report that our Christmas Party 2023 was a tremendous success. The joyous satisfaction on
the faces of this community bears ample testimony to this. The people came with great expectation and were
certainly not disappointed. The love of God abounded to all – the good news of Jesus Christ was preached,
a sumptuous meal was served to all, the children were loaded with gifts. My heart is filled with a deep sense
of gratitude, first to God our faithful Father, and next, to you, our kind and compassionate
donor/supporter/helping hand. We could not have done this without your generous hands and heart. Thank
you for faithfully showing up, whether in cash, or kind, or by your precious presence, ensuring that
everything was a success.

I have included some pictures below of House of Life Christmas Party 2023.

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
Kids left with armloads of gifts

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
More donations of gifts….

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
Preaching the good news of the love of Christ

The hearts were hungry to receive God's love

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
The crowds came….

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
The serving team did a splendid job

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
The children had a feast

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
Finger licking good food

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001
To end the day there was ice cream for all. What a treat!

On behalf of the House of Life team, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous role you have
played in the success of House of Life Christmas Party 2023. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for
being a wonderful and vital part of our House of Life family.
We look forward to you joining hands with us once again in our upcoming projects for the new year. In
closing, we send the love of God through His son Christ Jesus, from our hearts to yours.
Many blessings and warmest regards

Petra Luna (Founder and Director)

Petra +27618247178

House of Life Ministries 45 Pickering Street Durban South Africa 4001

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