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Drunk Driving
Underage drinking is a serious issue that can have harmful consequences. It's important
for young adults and children to understand the risks associated with alcohol consumption at a
young age. Engaging in underage drinking can lead to impaired judgment, risky behaviors, and
even health problems. Additionally, underage drinking can negatively impact brain development
and hinder academic performance. It is important for parents, educators, and communities to
work together to educate the youth about the dangers of underage drinking and help promote
healthier alternatives. Some parents may have different perspectives on underage drinking, but
everyone needs to consider the potential risks. Allowing underage drinking can send mixed
messages about responsible behavior and may contribute to unsafe situations. It's crucial for
parents to prioritize their child's health and well-being by having healthy conversations, setting
clear boundaries, and educating them about the risks associated with alcohol. These topics are
very important and beneficial to my film because they all have their own way of showing the risk
factors of underage drinking.

If a person is caught drinking and driving, they can be fined through legal consequences
by law enforcement as well as physical consequences that may not be reversed. This involves
being pulled over by the police, who may conduct a breathalyzer test or other sobriety tests to
determine the level of impairment. In Rhode Island the legal limit of alcohol concentration for a
penalty is 0.15. If the person's blood alcohol concentration is above the legal limit, they can face
fines, license suspension, and even criminal charges. These fines serve as a way “to deter
individuals from engaging in this dangerous behavior and to promote safer roads for everyone”
(Wyland Law Group ). Additionally, drinking and driving can end in tragedy. It's a significant
risk to the driver, passengers, and innocent people on the road. Impaired judgment, decreased
reaction time, and lack of coordination due to alcohol consumption can lead to accidents and
injuries. This is mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting to both the driver and victims
involved in the issue. Discussing this topic is very important because it's an informative way to
remind people of the consequences of drinking and the trouble it can cause legally and

Parents of minors are not always aware of fake IDs that are used for drinking which
raises plenty of concern and contributes to this pandemic of under the influence driving. Teens
don’t have enough experience driving anyways, let alone driving with alcohol in their system.
This is an underlying issue due to the fact that fake IDs allow underage teens to access alcohol,
which can have serious effects on them and everyone around them. It's important to note that
using a fake ID to purchase alcohol is illegal. While it's possible that some stores may not always
catch fake IDs, it's not something that should be encouraged. Supported ways to catch minors
with fake IDs can be comparing images with the live image, looking for the ghost image, looking
for holograms, using challenging questions such as “when is your birthday”, etc. Stores have a

responsibility to verify the age of customers and prevent underage drinking. Teens may try to
obtain fake IDs through various ways, such as online sources or connections with others who
specialize in creating fraudulent identification documents. “Possession of alcohol by a minor in
Rhode Island is a misdemeanor criminal offense and can result in a criminal conviction on your
permanent criminal record” (Rhode Island Minor In Possession Of Alcohol). Penalties for selling
or supplying to minors can result in defendants facing jail time for up to a year as well as having
their liquor license revoked. Parents play a big role in educating their children about the risks
associated with underage drinking and the legal and health risks that come with it, and when
teens go behind their parents backs– it is important for parents to really be aware and take
cautious steps to maintain the safety of their children regardless of age.

People can cope by not drinking and driving, using other options to get to their location
such as family and friends, uber rides, or rideshare services. It's a responsible and smart choice to
always have a designated driver when going out because it shows care for your friends and
family. They play a big role ensuring everyone gets home safely by staying sober to help prevent
accidents caused by drunk driving. It's important to prioritize safety and make responsible
choices. Drinking and driving can impair judgment, and reaction time, making it difficult to
drive. It can be difficult to find other options of transportation when you're impaired which is
why you should plan to have a coordinated ride arranged before and after you go out, to ensure
your safety and others on the road.

Drinking and driving is a serious issue that needs awareness. There are many ways and
solutions to stop drinking and driving, suchs as helplines, programs, therapy, etc. If you or
someone you know are having a hard time continuously drinking, reach out to a helpline or
program to receive help. I had a time in my life, where I almost lost my life due to being in a car
with someone who was impaired and driving. My life flashed before my eyes, and everything
went pitch black, ringing in my right ear from hitting my head on the passenger door window,
holding my stomach from all the pain, crying for help. Minutes later as the ambulance showed
up, I began to pass out, from all the anxiety and panic attacks. The paramedics removed me from
the car, onto the stretcher, and into the ambulance where I was still unconscious. When I arrived
at the hospital, I woke up asking ’’Where am I?’’, ’’What happened’?’ only to find out we got hit
by another car, whose passengers were also impaired. Since then I have learned to be more
careful and cautious when it comes to entering a vehicle with anyone who is impaired, because
you never know what the outcome will ever be. Be mindful of those innocent lives you may take
if you risk the chance of drinking and driving. Be safe, and choose responsibility.
National Helpline : 1-800-662-4357
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