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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001

Enhanced Oil Recovery Project

Design Basis Memorandum

SINCOR Contract NO. 06-01-0019-EC


A 12-Mar-07 Internal DRAFT DD DD
0 30-Apr-07 IFR DD RL DD LN

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1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................9
1.1 ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. 10

2 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION.........................................................14

2.1 Project Location................................................................................................................ 14

2.2 Project Description........................................................................................................... 16

2.3 General............................................................................................................................... 16

2.4 Cluster and gathering system ......................................................................................... 16

2.5 EOR Substation ................................................................................................................ 17

3 SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA...........................................................19

3.1 Wind (Data from El Tigre)................................................................................................. 19

3.2 Air Temperature (Data from Pariaguan) ......................................................................... 19

3.3 Relative Humidity (Data from El Tigre) ........................................................................... 19

3.4 Rainfall (Data from Pariaguan) ........................................................................................ 20

3.5 Evaporation (Data from Pariaguan) ................................................................................ 20

3.6 Atmospheric Pressure ..................................................................................................... 20

3.7 Solar Heat .......................................................................................................................... 20

3.8 Atmosphere ....................................................................................................................... 21

3.9 Miscellaneous Site Data................................................................................................... 21


AUTHORITY REGULATIONS.......................................................................22

5 PROCESS DESIGN ......................................................................................24

5.1 Process Design Basis ...................................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 24
5.1.2 EOR Substation........................................................................................................... 28

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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Oil Treatment ........................................................................................................... 28 Water Treatment ...................................................................................................... 29 Process Uncertainties........................................................................................ 29 Steam Generation.................................................................................................... 37 Extra Heavy Oil Composition................................................................................... 37 Solution Gas composition ........................................................................................ 39 Diluent Supply.......................................................................................................... 39 Make-up Water Supply ............................................................................................ 40 Disposal water system ............................................................................................. 42 Wastewater Routing Requirements................................................................... 43 General Equipment Requirements .................................................................... 43 Produced Water Design Basis Considerations ................................................. 44 Diluted Crude Oil Export .......................................................................................... 47 Natural Gas Supply .............................................................................................. 49 Utilities Conditions................................................................................................ 51
5.1.3 Production Clusters Facilities ...................................................................................... 51 Design Criteria ......................................................................................................... 51 Wells Production and Injection Design Conditions .................................................. 52 Steam Injection Wellhead Piping ............................................................................. 54 Produced Gas .......................................................................................................... 54 Production................................................................................................................ 55 Produced emulsion testing ...................................................................................... 55 Flow Control and Measurement............................................................................... 55 Steam Start Up ........................................................................................................ 56
5.1.4 Process Design Criteria............................................................................................... 56 Hydraulics Calculations............................................................................................ 56 Overcapacity Factors ............................................................................................... 60 Equipment Sizing Criteria ........................................................................................ 60

5.2 EOR Sub Station ............................................................................................................... 72

5.2.1 Process Description..................................................................................................... 72 General .................................................................................................................... 72 Detailed Process Description................................................................................... 73 Emulsion Treating.............................................................................................. 73 Produced Gas.................................................................................................... 74 Produced Water De-oiling.................................................................................. 75 Boiler Feed Water Treating and Steam Generation .......................................... 76 Utilities ............................................................................................................... 78 Process Flow Diagrams ........................................................................................... 81 Heat & Material Balances ........................................................................................ 81 Utilities Summary ..................................................................................................... 81 EOR Sub station Equipment List ............................................................................. 82 EOR Piping & Instrumentation Diagram .................................................................. 82 Design Studies......................................................................................................... 82 Envelope Study.................................................................................................. 82 De-Oiling System Optimization.......................................................................... 84 Pinch Analysis ................................................................................................... 85 Water Treatment Optimization........................................................................... 86

5.3 Pipelines and Clusters ..................................................................................................... 87

5.3.1 General Description..................................................................................................... 87
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6 MECHANICAL DESIGN................................................................................89
6.1 Equipment Design Basis (includes sparing philosophy) ............................................. 90
6.1.1 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers................................................................................ 90
6.1.2 Air Coolers................................................................................................................... 90
6.1.3 Pressure Vessels......................................................................................................... 91
6.1.4 Storage Tanks ............................................................................................................. 91
6.1.5 Rotating Equipment ..................................................................................................... 91
6.1.6 Pumps.......................................................................................................................... 92
6.1.7 Packaged Equipment and Miscellaneous Items ......................................................... 92
6.1.8 Fire Protection ............................................................................................................. 92
6.1.9 Steam Generation ....................................................................................................... 93
6.1.10 Miscellaneous:............................................................................................................. 93

6.2 Material Selection Study (includes corrosion prevention philosophy) ...................... 94

6.2.1 Materials of Construction............................................................................................. 94
6.2.2 Corrosion Prevention Philosophy ................................................................................ 94
6.2.3 Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) ............................................................ 95
6.2.4 Overall Equipment List ................................................................................................ 95

6.3 Preliminary Mechanical Datasheets ............................................................................... 96

6.4 Spare Parts Philosophy ................................................................................................... 97

6.5 Long Lead Items ............................................................................................................... 98

7 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................99

7.1 Environment Philosophy ................................................................................................. 99

7.2 Chemicals Identification ................................................................................................ 102

7.3 Wastewater Treatment Philosophy............................................................................... 103

7.4 Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Philosophy....................................................... 104

7.5 Blowdown and Flaring Philosophy............................................................................... 105

7.6 Hazardous Area Classification...................................................................................... 106

7.7 Flare System Design Concept ....................................................................................... 106

7.8 Health and Safety philosophy ....................................................................................... 107

7.9 HAZID Study.................................................................................................................... 108

8 PIPING DESIGN..........................................................................................109
8.1 General............................................................................................................................. 109
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8.2 Layout Philosophy and Equipment Spacing Criteria.................................................. 109

8.3 EOR Substation .............................................................................................................. 110

8.3.1 EOR Sub Station Location......................................................................................... 110
8.3.2 EOR Substation Plot Plan ......................................................................................... 111
8.3.3 Preliminary Piping Layout.......................................................................................... 112

8.4 Pipelines and Clusters ................................................................................................... 115

8.4.1 Pipelines routing ........................................................................................................ 115 Route and Profile Map ........................................................................................... 116 Crossings ............................................................................................................... 117
8.4.2 Clusters Locations ..................................................................................................... 118
8.4.3 Clusters Plot Plant ..................................................................................................... 119
8.4.4 Preliminary Cluster Piping Layout ............................................................................. 120

8.5 Main Station piping tie-ins ............................................................................................. 121

8.5.1 List of piping tie-ins.................................................................................................... 121
8.5.2 Associated Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams .................................................... 121

8.6 Stress Analysis Considerations.................................................................................... 121

9 CIVIL DESIGN.............................................................................................123
9.1 Civil Design Basis........................................................................................................... 123

9.2 Fireproofing Concept ..................................................................................................... 123

9.3 EOR Substation .............................................................................................................. 123

9.3.1 Foundations............................................................................................................... 123
9.3.2 Structural Steel .......................................................................................................... 124
9.3.3 Site Grading and Drainage........................................................................................ 125
9.3.4 Underground.............................................................................................................. 125
9.3.5 Buildings .................................................................................................................... 125
9.3.6 Plant Infrastructure and Roads.................................................................................. 126
9.3.7 Preliminary Earth Work.............................................................................................. 126

9.4 Pipelines and Clusters ................................................................................................... 127

9.4.1 Foundations............................................................................................................... 127
9.4.2 Structural Steel .......................................................................................................... 128
9.4.3 Site Grading and Drainage........................................................................................ 128
9.4.4 Undergrounds............................................................................................................ 128
9.4.5 Clusters Infrastructure and Roads............................................................................. 129

10 ELECTRICAL DESIGN ...............................................................................130

10.1 General Description........................................................................................................ 130

10.2 Power Generation and Distribution .............................................................................. 131

10.2.1 EOR Sub Station ....................................................................................................... 131

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10.2.2 Pipelines and Clusters............................................................................................... 132

10.2.3 Overall Single Line Diagram (SLD) ........................................................................... 132
10.2.4 EOR Sub Station ....................................................................................................... 133
10.2.5 Clusters and Pipelines............................................................................................... 133

10.3 Emergency Back-Up Power ........................................................................................... 133

10.4 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS) ............................................................ 133

10.5 Load List .......................................................................................................................... 134

10.6 Electrical Equipment List............................................................................................... 134

10.7 Long Lead Items ............................................................................................................. 134

10.8 Lighting, Lightning and Grounding .............................................................................. 134

10.9 Cathodic Protection........................................................................................................ 135

11 INSTRUMENT AND CONTROLS DESIGN.................................................136

11.1 General Description........................................................................................................ 136
11.1.1 Manufacturers............................................................................................................ 136
11.1.2 Instrument Air ............................................................................................................ 136
11.1.3 Instrument Index........................................................................................................ 137
11.1.4 Instrument Data Sheets............................................................................................. 137
11.1.5 Flow, Level, Pressure and Temperature Measurement ............................................ 137
11.1.6 Intrinsically Safe (IS) Wiring ...................................................................................... 138
11.1.7 Solenoids and Discrete Devices................................................................................ 138
11.1.8 Fire, Gas and Smoke Detection ................................................................................ 138
11.1.9 Control Valves and Actuators.................................................................................... 138
11.1.10 Low emissions packing shall be used for all throttling valves. .............................. 139
11.1.11 Pressure Safety Relief Valves ............................................................................... 139
11.1.12 Process Analyzers ................................................................................................. 139
11.1.13 Metering ................................................................................................................. 139

11.2 Emergency Shutdown Philosophy ............................................................................... 139

11.3 Control Block Diagrams................................................................................................. 140

11.4 Basic Process Control System (BPCS) ........................................................................ 140

11.5 Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) ........................................................................... 141

11.6 Safety Instrumented System (SIS) ................................................................................ 141

11.7 Fire and Gas Detection System..................................................................................... 141

11.8 Control Panels ................................................................................................................ 141

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11.9 Asset Management System ........................................................................................... 142

11.10 Infrastructure and Buildings ...................................................................................... 142

11.10.1 Central Control Room (CCR) and Office Building ................................................. 142

11.11 Fibre Optical Communication Systems .................................................................... 143

Existing and New Fiber Optic Communication ...................................................................... 144

11.12 Communications Tie-in to Main Station ................................................................... 144

11.13 Interface to Telecom ................................................................................................... 145

11.13.1 Wide Area Network (WAN) .................................................................................... 145
11.13.2 Local Area Network (LAN) ..................................................................................... 145
11.13.3 Telephone .............................................................................................................. 145
11.13.4 Radio...................................................................................................................... 146

11.14 Metering System ......................................................................................................... 146

11.15 Steam Generation ....................................................................................................... 146

11.16 LACT Unit..................................................................................................................... 146

11.17 VRU Compressor Package......................................................................................... 146

11.18 Water Treating (Warm Lime Softener, ORF, WAC/SAC Units) ............................... 147

12 OVERALL SCHEDULE...............................................................................148

13 CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY ...............................................................150

13.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 150

13.2 Construction Philosophy ............................................................................................... 150

13.3 Work Breakdown Structure ........................................................................................... 155

13.3.1 Procurement .............................................................................................................. 155
13.3.2 Construction .............................................................................................................. 155

13.4 Special Site Conditions.................................................................................................. 158

13.5 Contracting...................................................................................................................... 159

13.6 Construction Organization ............................................................................................ 159

13.7 Temporary Facilities....................................................................................................... 159

14 COMMISSIONING.......................................................................................160
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14.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 160

14.2 Activities .......................................................................................................................... 162

14.3 Construction Completion Checklists ........................................................................... 163

14.4 Completion and Turnover Packages ............................................................................ 164

14.5 Pre-Commissioning and Function Checks .................................................................. 164

14.6 Commissioning............................................................................................................... 165

14.7 Pre-Startup and Safety Review ..................................................................................... 165

14.8 Start-Up............................................................................................................................ 165

15 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ...........................................................166

15.1 Operation and Maintenance Philosophy ...................................................................... 166

APPENDIX A - Process Drawings and Documents, PFD, P&ID, Studies, Tie-

in List
APPENDIX B - Mechanical Equipment, Piping and Pipe Lines
Specifications, Drawings and Documents.
APPENDIX C - Civil Specifications, Drawings and Documents
APPENDIX D - Electrical Specifications, Drawings and Documents
APPENDIX F - Overall Project Schedule

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This Pre-FEED Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) describes the design

basis of the SINCOR’s Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) Project located in the
Faja de Orinoco region of Venezuela.
The objective of this project is to construct surface facilities, using proven
technologies and to test two new hot production mechanisms: SAGD (Steam
Assisted Gravity Drain) and HASD (Horizontal Alternating Steam Drive).

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ABRAE Áreas Bajo Régimen de Administración Especial

Am3/h Actual cubic meters per hour volumetric flow (at flowing
pressure and temperature)
AF After Filters
AMS Alarm Monitoring System
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Standard Testing Society
BD Blow Down
BMS Burner Management System
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOPD Barrels of Oil Per Day
BOPCD Barrels of Oil Per Calendar Day
BPCS Basic Process Control System
BPD Barrels Per Day
BWPD Barrels of Water Per Day
BFD Block Flow Diagram
BFW Boiler Feed Water
BS&W Basic Sediment & Water
CADAFE Compañía de Administración y Fomento Eléctrico
CAPEX Capital Expenses
CCR Central Control Room
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CFU Compact Floatation Unit
COVENIN Comité Venezolano de Normas Industriales
CPU Central Processing Unit
cP Centipoise
CS Carbon Steel
cSt Centistokes
CWE Cold Water Equivalent
m /d CWE Cubic meters per day Cold Water Equivalent

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1 m3/d CWE steam x 1000 kg/m3 = 1000 kg/d steam (mass

flow) = 1 tonne/d steam (mass flow)
DBM Design Basis Memorandum
DCO Diluted Crude Oil
DCS Distributed Control System
DGF Dissolved Gas Floatation
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
DP Differential Pressure
EDELCA Electrificacion Del Caroni C.A.
EHO Extra Heavy Oil
ESD Emergency Shutdown
EHO Extra Heavy Oil
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FG Fuel Gas
FWKO Free Water Knock Out
GLR Gas Liquid Reactor
GOR Gas – Oil Ratio
GRE Glass Reinforced Epoxy
HMI Human Machine Interface
HASD Horizontal Alternate Steam Drive
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study
HP High Pressure (or horsepower, motors only)
HTRI Heat Transfer Research Institute
IE Ion Exchange
IGF Induced Gas Floatation
IS Intrinsically Safe
ISA Instrument Society of America
ISBL Inside Battery Limits
LACT Lease Automatic Custody Transfer
Local Area Network Local Area Network
LP Low Pressure
LV MCC Low Voltage Control Motor Center

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MBF Micro Bubble Floatation

Magox Magnesium Oxide
MCC Motor Control Center
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MV MCC Medium Voltage Motor Control Center
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
O&M Operation and Maintenance
ORF Oil Removal Filters
OTSG Once Through Steam Generator
HAZID Hazard Identification
MDMT Minimum Design Metal Temperature
MUW Make Up Water
N/A Not Applicable
P&ID Piping and Instrument Diagram
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PEC Prefabricated Electrical Cabinet
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PW Produced Water
SAC Strong-acid cation exchanges
SAGD Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIS Safety Instrumented System
SLD Single Line Diagram
SOR Steam – Oil Ratio
SRU Sulfur Recovery Unit
SS Stainless Steel
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufactures Association

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UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

USD Unit Shut Down
VRU Vapour Recovery System
WAC Weak-acid cation exchange
WAN Wide Area Network
WLS Warm Lime Softener
WOR Water – Oil Ratio

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2.1 Project Location

SINCOR production facilities are located in Venezuela within the Faja de

Orinoco (Orinoco Belt). The production has started in 2001 reaching the
expected plateau at 200,000 BOPD of Extra Heavy Oil, EHO (API 8.5). This
EHO is diluted with Diluent (Naptha) to decrease its viscosity and send to an
Upgrader located in Jose on the shore. There, the EHO is upgraded and
synthetic light crude is produced and exported.

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The current proposal is to locate the new EOR facilities within “EOR
Delineation Area” in the south-western part of SINCOR Main Station Area.
This area covers the existing cold Clusters JA, JB, JC, JD and IC. The
precise location of EOR pads and wells will be defined only after completion
of delineation activities in 2007. Also the exact number of well pair per
Cluster will be defined at the completion of delineation. In this Pre-FEED
phase the preliminary locations of the four Clusters and the number of well-
pair on each Cluster were provided by SINCOR. No alternative locations
were considered..








HC MC03_st2

MC Main Station

WB XA04_st1

MC05_st3 RC03
RC06 RA03 WA02_st1
RC05_st1 WA01

MC06 XA0


HC07 HC10 SE09 SE08

WA VD1 XA09_Lateral_st

HC08 HC09_st3 YC07_st1

RA06 XA09_Main_st3
IF07 SC03 SC07_Lateral_st2 YC09

IF02 IF01_st1


RA02 SE10 WC05

SC07_Main VD02

SE05 SC01 YC10_st1



SE1 SC02_st1


VD1 YC11_Later


ID01 SB01 WA04_st1 YB06 YB02_st1
IB02 IB03
LC01 LC02_st1 SE07 LD06_st1 SB07_st1

IF05 YC05_st2 YB07
VC03 VD1 YB04_st1

ID03 LD08
IF06 SC06_st3
SB02 VC08 VD08_st1
IB05 LC03_st1
LC0 LC04 VD20_st1 YA01 YB0 YB08
VB08 VD2 YA03_st1 YB05_st2
ID04_st1 LA0 LA2 SD01 SD0

LA2 SA0 LD09_st1 SD06 VC05

SA01 SD02_st1 VC1 VB09
YA04_st1 VD23_st1
ID05_st2 SA07_st1

IB06 LC11_st2 LA2 LD10_st1 SB03_st3 SB06_st1

ID06 IA02 IA01_st1 LA1
LD04_st1 SB0

VC09_st2 VB10_st1
IB07 SD03
VB02 YB10
IC01 YA1

LD05_st1 YA05

IC06 IA04 IA11LA0 LC12_st1

IA1 YA09
ID07 SD04
LC06 SA04

LB0 VB04 YB12_st2
JB05 LB01
JB01_st1 VB05
ID08_st1 IA05_st1 LA1
JB02 JB06 YA10YB13_st1
LB0 SD05 SD09 VB06

LB07_st1 SA06_st1
ID09 ID10_st2 LA12_st1
IC03_st3 LB0
JB IA06_st1 LB0 LB0

KA02 KA07
KA0 LB11_st3
JA02_st3 IC08_st1
JA01_st2 KA08
JB08_st5 KA04
JA03_st3 KA1
JD01 JA11_st1 KA1

KA0 KA10

JD02_st2 JC02_st1 JA10

JD11 KA05_st1
JD03 JA05

JD06_st1 JD12_st1

JC03_st1 JC06

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2.2 Project Description

The SINCOR Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Project is a thermal heavy oil
production facility. It will be designed to produce extra heavy oil (EHO;
8.5°API) at a rate of 20,000 barrel per calendar day (BOPCD). The project will
consist of four well-pads and a Substation with interconnecting pipelines. All
major processing equipment components are located at the Sub Station with
some production testing and group separation facilities located at the well
Diluent will be blended with the produced fluids to allow conventional oil-water
separation techniques to be utilized. The facilities will consist of numerous
processes that will be integrated to provide a good range of operating
flexibility, efficiency, and reliability.

2.3 General

The aim of the EOR project is to prove the effectiveness of the steam
assisted hot production mechanism and to define a process scheme adapted
to treat the produced Extra Heavy Oil. The surface facilities will be designed
with enough flexibility to test the various EOR mechanisms.

2.4 Cluster and gathering system

The field facilities will initially be comprised of 4 Clusters which will contain
surface facilities necessary for injection of steam and recovery of EHO
production. Oil will be collected in four Clusters that will include the following
Three Clusters with a total of 18 SAGD well pairs
• Steam distribution header
• Lift gas distribution header
• Production header
• Group separator
• Test separator
• Produced gas condenser and separator
• Group emulsion pumps

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One Horizontal Alternating Steam Drive Cluster with 7 HASD wells

• Similar features as SAGD Clusters
• Diluent distribution header
The SAGD and HASD wells are different in production profile. The SAGD
uses one well for steam injection and one well, below the injection well, for
EHO production. The HASD well pairs are at the same depth, with both wells
alternating between steam injection and production.
The number of Clusters and the number of wells per Cluster shall be
reviewed according to the delineation campaign results.
The Clusters will be connected to the Sub Station by the following pipelines:
• Steam to Clusters
• Lift gas to Clusters
• Diluent to HASD Clusters
• Produced emulsion to Substation
• Produced gas to Substation

2.5 EOR Substation

The EOR Sub Station will be designed to treat 20,000 BPD of EHO. The
EHO will be diluted using a naptha diluent. This diluted EHO is called DCO,
Diluted Crude Oil. The Sub Station will treat either Make-up water from the
Main Station, produced water from the production wells or a combination of
the two waters. The treated water will be used in steam generators to
produce high pressure steam for the steam injection wells.
The Substation facilities comprise of the following processes:
• Oil Treatment
• Produced Gas Treatment
• Produced Water De-oiling
• Produced Water Treatment
• Steam Generation
• Tank farm
• Utilities and support facilities

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The Substation and the existing Main Station will be connected by the
following pipelines:
• Makeup water to Substation (de-oiled produced water from cold
• High pressure sweet dry natural gas to Substation
• Diluent to Substation
• Diluted heavy oil product to main station
• Disposal water from Substation to injection well pipeline

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3.1 Wind (Data from El Tigre)

Average velocity 4.9 m/s

Prevailing Direction SW

Wind Loading The basic wind speed

to be used for
structural design shall
be 25 m/s for 100-year

3.2 Air Temperature (Data from Pariaguan)

Maximum recorded 35 °C

Minimum recorded 13.1 °C

Average max. monthly 34.1 °C

Average min monthly 17.8 °C

Design maximum 35 °C

Average 26.7 °C

3.3 Relative Humidity (Data from El Tigre)

Average monthly humidity 78 %

Design maximum 88 %

Design minimum 23.2 %

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3.4 Rainfall (Data from Pariaguan)

Maximum recorded annual 1947.7 mm

Minimum recorded annual 534.6 mm

Average annual 1133.4 mm

Maximum recorded in 1 95 mm

Maximum recorded in 24 111 mm


3.5 Evaporation (Data from Pariaguan)

Maximum recorded 2866.9 mm


Minimum recorded 2260.3 mm


Average annual 2604.5 mm

3.6 Atmospheric Pressure

Design 1.013 bar

3.7 Solar Heat

Mid-day Solar heat flux, average 908 W/m2

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3.8 Atmosphere

Exposure to conductive or N.A.

corrosive dusts (carbon, iron
oxide, ammonium nitrates or
phosphates, etc.).

Exposure to corrosive agents N.A.

(nitric or sulfuric acids, chlorine,
caustic, etc.).

Exposure to other pollutants N.A.

originating from surrounding
industrial plant

3.9 Miscellaneous Site Data

Frost Level N.A.

Thunderstorm N.A.

Sandstorm Frequency N.A.

Temperature Inversion N.A.


Seismic design code UBC-94 for structures supporting

equipment and foundations.
Covenin 1756-87 for Buildings.
Earthquake Seismic Zone shall
be zone 1.

Flood Conditions The site is not subject to possible

flood condition

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A set of COVENIN (Comité Venezolano de Normas Industriales) regulations,

standards and specifications was developed to be used during the FEED
All provided existing SINCOR specifications (all disciplines) were reviewed. A
gap analysis was conducted between those specifications and the set of
COVENIN standard specifications listed below.
As a result of that conducted gap analysis a list of applicable SINCOR,
addenda to SINCOR specifications and new specifications are shown in the
In addition, the recommendations and requirements from CADAFE
(Compañía de Administración y Fomento Eléctrico) norms and practices
should be added to the applicable SINCOR specifications.
The gap analysis comprehended the following COVENIN regulations,
standards and specifications.
• COVENIN 1478 - Tubería para uso general en la Industria Petrolera
• COVENIN 2541 - Tubería de Revestimiento y Producción para Uso
General en la Industria Petrolera
• COVENIN 979 - Medidas de Seguridad en el Proceso de Soldadura al
Arco Para Distintos Riesgos
• COVENIN 1128 - Aceites minerales con inhibidor de oxidación para
uso en transformadores e interruptores.
• COVENIN 200 - Código Eléctrico Nacional
• COVENIN 536 - Transformadores de Potencia Generalidades
• COVENIN 734 (CES) - Código Nacional de Seguridad en Instalaciones
de Suministro de Energía Eléctrica y de Comunicaciones
• COVENIN 548 - Recomendaciones para clasificar las áreas
destinadas a instalaciones eléctricas en Refinerías de Petróleo
• COVENIN 2606 - Postes de Secciones Tubulares de Acero
• COVENIN 552 - Disposiciones sobre puesta a tierra y puentes de
unión en instalaciones de áreas peligrosas (especialmente en la
industria petrolera)
• COVENIN 2453 - Bombas Centrífugas para uso en Sistemas de
Extinción de Incendios
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• COVENIN 801 - Norma de Seguridad para Equipos Industriales de

• COVENIN 758 - Estación Manual de Alarma
• COVENIN 1041 - Tablero Central de Detección y Alarma de Incendio
• COVENIN 1176 - Detectores Generalidades
• COVENIN 2841 - Termómetros Industriales. Tipo Bimetálico
• COVENIN 801 - Norma de Seguridad para Equipos Industriales de
• COVENIN 823/1 - Sistemas de Protección Contra Incendios en
Edificaciones por construir. Parte 1. Oficinas
• COVENIN 823/2 - Sistemas de Protección Contra Incendios en
Edificaciones por construir. Parte 2. Industrial
• COVENIN 1382 - Detectores de Calor Puntual
• COVENIN 1420 - Detectores Óptico de Humo (Fotoeléctrico)
• COVENIN 1443 - Detectores de Humo por Ionización
• COVENIN 823 - Guía Instructiva sobre Sistemas de Detección, Alarma
y Extinción de Incendios (Provisional)

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5.1 Process Design Basis

5.1.1 General

The design factor philosophy shown below has been defined according to the
specificity of the project and the uncertainties of the simulation results.

EOR Pilot - Surface Design Overview

• Wells Well Cluster 1

To Main Station Well Cluster 4
→ Tubing sizing on maximum
operating conditions

• Pad Manifolds & Flow lines

(liquid – Steam)
→ 50% of wells @ maximum
operating conditions •Liquid separation
→ 50% of wells @ normal operating •Steam Generation
conditions •Oil Treatment
•Water treatment
• EOR Sub-Station
→Liquid based on all wells @ normal EOR sub-station
operating conditions
→Steam based on all wells @
normal operating conditions
→Oil/water separation Well Cluster 2 Well Cluster 3
• SOR average = 2.7
• SOR upside = 2.0

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The design philosophies for all facilities have been defined by SINCOR and
are summarized in the following table:

Clusters Substation

Capital Moderate CAPEX Moderate CAPEX - trade

Investment – offs for increased
Critical and Many
CAPEX to reduce OPEX.
(Capex) Non-Critical
Equipment Spared The facilities will have a
moderate amount of
Moderate O&M
O&M labour
Labour Requirements
Operations and
maintenance is
centralized to the

Planned Medium Life Long Life

Facility Life The Clusters facilities The Substation facility is
are designed with a designed for a 30 years
10 year life span. operating life span to
The Cluster modules enable the exploitation of
the available reserves in
will be designed for
the surrounding areas.
salvage and reuse on
future Clusters.

Expandability Some Expandability The Substation is design

with some expandability
The field facilities with
for future tie–ins of
1-2 reserve well slots
steam, emulsion.
per Cluster.
There will be some
inherent expansion
possibilities due to the
general layout of the
plant (main
interconnecting pipe rack
with individual pipe racks
into unit areas).

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Clusters Substation

Level of High Level of The Substation is a

Automation Automation highly automated with
central DCS
Field facilities are not
manned continuously Maximum use of
and thus will be Advanced Process
monitored and Automation
controlled from a
Well testing and
monitoring is
performed remotely
from the central DCS.

Equipment Mostly Off - The Shelf Maximum use of off-the-

Selection or Standard shelf equipment,
Equipment with Some standard designs, and
Customized standard scopes of
Customized equipment
to be pursued only when
there is no
alternative for off-the-
shelf standard
Reasonable/suitable will
be determined based on
CAPEX, equipment
delivery, OPEX, and risk
of performance in SAGD

Operating High OPEX associated to SAGD operations.

Expenses Some Focus on Improved Efficiencies and heat

Environmental More than Minimum Controls

Control Intended to Slightly Exceed Near - Term
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Clusters Substation
Environmental Regulations

Capacity The field facilities with Moderate design margin

significant additional (engineering margin)
installed capacity due There are no provisions
to the degree of for a second phase of
deviation of the plant expansion at this
average production location
rates from the
maximum production Design envelope to
rates anticipated from accommodate the future
a well pair and possibilities of pressure,
Cluster. temperature, GOR, SOR,
WOR, lift gas rates, and
The field facilities are flow conditions
subject to a range of
temperature, GOR,
SOR, WOR, and flow

Technology Mostly commercially proven technologies with a

population, and years of operations experience in
the SAGD industry.
All field instrumentation and plant control hardware
to be proven for use in the severe application of

Plant Plant availability Plant availability 88% to

Availability 88% to 96% 96%
The well pairs and Multiple process trains
Clusters to provide Installed
maximum plant Spared equipment
regardless of any Spare capacity to make up
one Cluster being for outages
out of service.
Spare capacity to
make up for
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5.1.2 EOR Substation Oil Treatment

The Oil – Water Separation design shall be based on the following cases:

1. Base SOR 2.7

Liquid rate 74,000 BPD (11,766 m3/d)
EHO Rate 20,000 BOPD (3,180 m3/d)
Steam rate = PW 54,000 BWPD CWE (8,586 m3/d)
2. Low SOR 2.0
SOR Liquid rate 74,000 BPD (11,766 m3/d)
EHO Rate 24,667 BOPD (3,922 m3/d)
Steam rate = PW 49,333 BWPD CWE (7,844m3/d)

The base case design for the produced water treatment plant assumes that
100% of the injected steam will be recovered as produced water. However,
the mass balance study and sizing of equipment was undertaken to
accommodate the start up of the plant, which allows for a lower produced
water recovery rate.
Ample cold produced make up water is available, hence, significant losses of
hot produced water to the reservoir will not adversely impact the long term
performance of the water treatment system. If volumetric flowrates of
produced water increase dramatically, disposal may be limited by the
current/proposed capacity of the system and may need to be investigated at
the detailed design stage.
The plant design parameters for the oil and de-oiling systems are based on
an assumed SOR of 2.7. However, the oil treatment train will be designed to
accommodate higher oil production rates that would be expected if the
operating SOR reaches 2.0. Operators should reduce the steam injection
rates as the SOR drops. They should focus on keeping the total liquid
throughput (oil + water) at about 74,000 BPD.

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Two treating trains will be installed to operate in parallel. Each treating train
will consist of a free water knockout drum (FWKO) followed in series by a
treater. Each train will be sized to accommodate 50% of the plant’s oil
processing capacity. Using two smaller treating trains offers the following
• Smaller loads when shipping the vessels to site;
• Reduced disruption in the event of treater upset;
• Better turndown capacity (reducing throughput to below 40% of design
capacity can lead to fluid channelling and off-spec product);
• Allows alternative chemicals to be tested with one treatment train
without jeopardizing the performance of the other train; and
• Allows sustained production if one of the treatment trains requires
servicing (de-sanding, valve replacement, instrumentation service, grid
replacement, exchanger cleaning, etc.). Water Treatment

The water treatment system will be designed for the removal and control of
several key water scaling components. The removal and/or control of these
parameters are important to avoid process conditions where excessive high
temperature boiler tube scaling occurs that may result in tube failure. These
components are listed below:
• Residual Hardness
• Residual Reactive Silica
• Residual Free Oil
• Residual DOC
• OTSG Blowdown TDS Process Uncertainties

Another parameter that appears to be of significance for the SINCOR Project

is background alkalinity. The background concentrations of alkalinity have
been reported to be higher than observed by other operators, ranging from
1,800 to 2,500 mg/L, reported as CaCO3.
Concerns regarding the potential formation of carbonic acid during the
thermal decomposition of bicarbonate/carbonate at higher temperature have
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been expressed as a longer term corrosion concern. With respect to the

operation of the OTSG, the potential for long term corrosion of the boiler
tubes resulting form the formation of carbonic acid was discussed with TIWW.
The summary of this discussion with TIWW are:
• TIWW has not reported an upper limit for bicarbonate alkalinity,
however, they agreed that the SINCOR Project waters have values
that are higher than normally experienced in the SAGD industry.
• Direct corrosion via CO2 within the main Boiler Tube section of the
OTSG’s is not likely because the complete mix nature of the steam
flow in these sections. The complete mix and highly turbulent flow
within these tubes residual would create a neutralizing effect on the
potential carbonic acid species and its counterpart ions, sodium
• The economizer tube section may need to be evaluated more closely
during detailed design stages of the Project because of the slightly
lower tube velocities which makes these sections more susceptible to
fouling, scaling and potentially corrosion. More exotic metallurgy, and
boiler maintenance may be required for this section of boiler tubes to
better manage potential velocity/mixing limitations.
• Another concern was identified downstream of the OTSG’s, after the
low pressure steam separation process. At this location, the potential
for the release and separation of carbonic acid into the steam phase
exists and may result in an accelerated rate of corrosion for the steam
In an attempt to better understand the role of higher concentrations of
background alkalinity in BFW design, other information sources were
reviewed and the water chemistry was further contemplated.
• An alternate manufacturer of OTSG’s and their water quality standards
were reviewed. Their BFW requirements cited a maximum alkalinity
concentration of 2000 mg/L, confirming that very high concentrations of
residual alkalinity can be tolerated in the OTSG system but some
upward limitation may exist.
• Reference material was collected citing the role that alkalinity plays in
controlling scale formation for both Silica and potentially Organics. It
appears that maintaining residual concentrations of background
alkalinity in the BFW can assist in sequestering the potential for silica
fouling of boiler tubes. Working knowledge of the behaviour of soluble
organics suggests that high background concentrations of alkalinity
can have a similar impact on organics.
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• Maintaining an appropriate residual background concentration of

bicarbonate alkalinity can have beneficial effects, particularly for the
produced water case, due to the presence of elevated levels of both
silica and background organics in the treated water.
• It was also hypothesized that the background bicarbonate alkalinity
concentrations expected from the Hot Produced Water will not be so
high in concentration. This inference is based upon the difference
between the cold and hot produced operations; and the obvious
dilution effect that the SAGD process impacts on the reservoir water
• During cold production operations, oil is extracted without the addition
of either steam or water. Hence, the cold produced water phase
generated is expected to more closely resemble the interstitial pore
water within the reservoir. Without the dilution effect of adding either
steam or water, the concentration of background ions is expected to be
higher than the hot produced water. The concentration profile of the
cold produced water seems to support this trend since the background
alkalinity values are abnormally elevated in comparison to typical hot
produced water. Cold produced water data in Alberta has not been
easy to source, but some limited evidence indicates a similar upward in
background alkalinity concentrations.
• Alternatively, the hot steam injection into the reservoir is expected to
cause an eventual dilution effect on the water phase of the reservoir
because of the addition of large volumes of steam/water into the
reservoir to promote enhanced oil production. The injected water
fraction is co-produced back with the oil and is expected to impart a
dilution effect on the interstitial pore water from the reservoir. The
initial assumption used to formulate the hypothetical produced water
chemistry does not provide/allot for any dilution effect for background
ion or constituents.
• Another characteristic impact of the SAGD process is dissolution of a
Reactive Silica fraction into the hot produced water phase in the
reservoir. This phenomenon has been observed throughout the SAGD
process and is also expected to occur on the SINCOR Project. Silica
levels as 400 mg/L have been reported by the Heavy Oil Industry, with
the most typical reported to be in the range of 250 mg/L.
• In an effort to advance the design process forward, three phases of
operation were identified for chemistry modelling: start up operations,
transitional operations and steady state operations. Reasonable
expected water quality parameters were proposed in support of these
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expected operating scenarios and detailed chemistry modelling of the

proposed WLS flowsheet was initiated in parallel with the development
of P&ID’s.
• Careful evaluation and overall assessment of the potential impact of
residual carbonic acid on both the plant facility and the reservoir must
be undertaken. The final process design must be selected to ensure
that the proposed treatment configuration is capable of mitigating or
minimizing the adversity of these potential impacts. Currently, three
areas of additional investigation are necessary:
o Access the potential impact of high concentrations of residual
carbonic acid in the steam pipeline and develop
design/operational alternative to manage this variation.
o The need to lower bicarbonate alkalinity levels in the BFW using
the WLS may skew the lime/magox ratios generating concerns
about the silica removal performance of the reactor.
Conversely, some uncertainty exists about the impact the high
background alkalinity has on Silica adsorption reaction. The
WLS chemistry needs to be investigated and the results
o The higher rate of lime solids production may indicate that the
adoption of solid bowl centrifuges may be more cost effective
that the proposed sludge pond system proposed. A direct
comparative study needs to be undertaken and the results
• The following action items have been initiated to accommodate these
needs, many which are currently complete and awaiting final review:
o Variations in the base case process design were identified, both
minor and major, to accommodate the potential need to
reduce/manage alkalinity levels. One such option, the ability to
add caustic soda to the WLS as well as lime and magox, was
adopted for the Pre-Feed P&ID’s.
o A detailed field sampling and testing program was undertaken of
the cold produced water to better understand the chemistry and
allow for a more accurate assessment of the expected
performance implications.
o The chemistry computer modelling capability was increased and
then cross calibrated against the field testing programs to
advance and validate the understanding of water chemistry
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o Model the three cases below for expected performance.

o Initiate and expand the computer modelling efforts to examine
and better understand the impact that alkalinity variations in
both the cold and hot produced water may have on process
performance and operation.
o Initiate an investigation to better quantify the thermal
decomposition products of bicarbonate alkalinity at high
temperature and pressure.
o Solicit water treatment and conditioning vendors to provide
proposals in support of the long term corrosion protection
program associated with expected water chemistries.
o Initiate an engineering study to provide a comparison between
the WLS and Evaporator technologies. Evaluate the results of
this study and identify key performance and operational
Based upon a field sampling campaign for cold produced water and the
preliminary chemistry modelling investigations, the following treatment
scenarios were investigated: Plant Start-Up Conditions, Plant Transition
Operation, and Steady State Operation. The expected WLS inlet water
quality variations for these three operating scenarios were provided and listed
below in the table.

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Table of WLS Water Chemistry Variations

Key Parameters (need to confirm with

Case Description final modelling efforts and peer review
of results and methods)1,2

Start-up TDS = 7,482 mg/L?

Make-up water from Main pH= 8.1 ?
Station is used during plant
Hardness ~ 51mg/L as CaCO3?
start up. It is expected that
100% of the required water Alkalinity ~ 2070 mg/L as CaCO3
for SAGD operation will Si < 10 ppm
consist of make up water.
Based upon detailed DOC = 469 mg/L?
chemistry modelling, the Oil & Grease = 40 mg/L?
most important parameters
are listed below for Free Oil = 1.0 mg/L?

Transition TDS = 5,122 mg/L?

Produced water and Make- pH= 8.1?
up water
Hardness ~ 33 mg/L as CaCO3?
Alkalinity ~ 800 mg/L as CaCO3
Si ~ 202 mg/L
DOC = 356 mg/L?
Oil & Grease = 69 mg/L?
Free Oil = 1.0 mg/L?

Steady State TDS = 4,112 mg/L?

Produced water plus make- pH= 8.1?
up as required.
Hardness ~ 26 mg/L as CaCO3?
Alkalinity ~ 300 mg/L as CaCO3
(model estimates mass balance effect of
1057 mg/L as CaCO3)?
Si ~ 289 mg/L
DOC = 307 mg/L?
Oil & Grease = 83 mg/L?
Free Oil = 1.0 mg/L?

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Note 1: Key parameter values are as a result of preliminary chemistry

modelling studies.
Note 2: The most recent make-up water results from April 2007 indicate
significantly higher total hardness values in the cold make-up water (average
@ 178 mg/L as CaCO3). These results will need to be considered in the final
modelling studies.

De-oiling Plant Performance Expectations

The base case configuration for the water de-oiling plant is composed of three
main unit processes: the Skim Tank, the Induced Gas Flotation System and
the Oil Removal Filters.
• Each of these respective de-oiling stages is expected to provide a 90%
removal efficiency for free oil fractions.
• The de-oiling train will be designed to handle up to 2000 ppm of
dispersed oil in the produced water entering the skim tank, with a peak
of 2 ppm in the water leaving the ORFs.
• During normal operation, the feed to the skim tank is expected to
contain 1000 ppm oil by volume. The de-oiling train will reduce it to
less than 1 ppm of dispersed oil.

Water Treatment Plant Expected Performance

The base case configuration for the Produced Water Treatment plant is
comprised of three main unit processes: the WLS, the After Filters (AF) and
the Ion Exchange (IE) systems.
• The primary function of the WLS is to remove temporary hardness,
silica, free oil, iron and manganese, and suspended solids. The WLS
also provides further protection for the OTSG’s against de-oiling plant
free oil upsets.
o Elevated silica levels are typical in thermal heavy oil production
operations with concentrations observed from 200 up to 400
ppm. Manufacturers recommend that the Silica content should
be reduced below 50 mg/L before the water can be used for
boiler feed water into the OTSG’s. Conventional WLS can be
used in this application to reduce the reactive silica to levels
below 50 ppm.
o De-oiling plant sometimes experience plant upsets due to
variations in Cluster production flows which can cause
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temporary free oil excursions in the 50 to 100 ppm range.

During an upset condition, the WLS/AF’s has been shown to be
capable of maintaining free oil removal to levels below 1ppm.
However, for upset conditions that extend over long periods
greater than 12 hours, free oil excursions into the BFW can be
anticipated. The presence of free oil in the BFW will cause
serious tube fouling and even failure.
• The primary function of the AF is the removal of suspended solids
carry over from the WLS; and capture of any residual free oil
contaminants which migrate past the WLS. This unit can be
considered to be the final barrier against a free oil intrusion into the
boiler system.
o The use of filter systems that provide a complete mixed filter
bed profile (homogeneous bed) as opposed to a graded bed
profile are considered to be significantly superior. The
advantages associated with this type of design are higher solids
holding capacity and much lower probability of material
• The IE system consists of a series of primary Strong-Acid Cation
exchangers (SAC); followed by a series of Weak-Acid Cation
exchangers (WAC). These exchange resins function to ensure
residual hardness levels remain below 0.5 ppm as CaCO3.
o One area requiring additional investigation is the adoption of the
SAC polish IE using brine regeneration cycle as opposed to the
WAC configuration using acid/caustic regeneration cycle. This
would serve to reduce the overall capital and operating cost of the
process and reduce the operational complexity of the plant.
o This is a recent trend that has been observed in the SAGD industry
in Alberta with a high level of success. The adoption of this
process is based upon the use of the Purolite Solid Core IE resins.
The solid core of the resin reduces the leakage levels from the SAC
level to ranges observed by industry to be acceptable. Most plants
are converting or have converted already.
o Past limitations for this type of resin technology were related to
background TDS levels and high operating temperature. The
manufacturer appears to have resolved these operating concerns
by allowing TDS levels to climb as high as 8000 mg/L and
operating temperatures to increase +95oC. Their resins have been
in service in other facilities under these conditions for extended

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periods (3 to 5 years) without any reported problems. Such a

design change is worthy of further investigation.
The proposed plant design has provisions to divert all the De-oiled Produced
Water for deep well disposal. In this event, the makeup water system will
supply 100% of the boiler feed water demand. The sizing of the disposal
system to accommodate this volume of flow is particularly important during
plant start up and transitional operation as it will help mitigate the risk of WLS
upsets and allow for a more gradual/effective transition from cold produced
make up water to hot produced make up water.
Heat integration is required to ensure proper heat up of water and oil streams
for proper functioning of water treatment and de–oiling Steam Generation

No over-design factor will be built into the boiler feed water treatment train or
steam generators. The system must be designed to produce a total of 8,507
tonnes per day of dry saturated steam at 9,900 kPag for distribution to the
Clusters (53,500 BWPD cold water equivalent). Extra Heavy Oil Composition

The following assay data should be used for the simulation and for the
process design basis:
Cut Point (mass %) TBP (degC)
0 128.3
2 215.58
5 268.16
10 313.18
15 346.88
20 378.06
30 439.88
40 490.34
50 543.56
60 607.78
70 704.22
80 811.37
90 866.24
Density at Std. Cond. = 1011 kg/m3
Viscosity at 47.6 degC = 9960 cSt
Viscosity at 150 degC = 36.26 cSt

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Reference density data was obtained from the LB-07 PVT Analysis Summary
in section 4.1 of the SINCOR EOR Project General Technical Description
Pre-Qualification Dossier – Annex 1.
Reference viscosity data was obtained from section 3.6 of the TOTAL Hot
Production Phase 1 (HPP1) Process Report Conceptual Study

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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Solution Gas composition

The table below gives the associated gas composition.

Component Mole Fraction

H2O 0.0000
H2S (*) 0.01
CO2 7.0946
METHANE 92.1484
ETHANE 0.3290
PROPANE 0.1970
IC4 0.1970
NC4 0.0150
IC5 0.0070
NC5 0.0070
Total 100.0

H2S levels in the produced gas are expected to start out at about 0.01% (100
ppm), and could ramp up to 1.2% due to the aquathermolysis phenomenon.
Lift gas will significantly dilute the produced gas. Diluent Supply

Diluent is needed to reduce the density and viscosity of the EHO. This will
allow the water to be removed from the oil using conventional gravity
separation processes.
The diluent is a naptha mix of effluent mainly from Hydro-treatment and Mild
Hydro-cracker coming from the downstream upgrader.
The diluent mixture is expected to correspond with the following average
assay data

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Distillation (ASTM D-86-96)

Recovered Distillate Distillation Temperature
(volume %) (oC)
0 97.7
5 117.5
10 123.4
20 128.9
30 135.9
40 142.3
50 151.0
60 160.2
70 172.0
80 187.0
90 208.9
95 228.6
Density at stand. conditions = 790.1 kg/m3
Viscosity data not provided.

The diluent supply for the Substation will be obtained from the Diluent Trunk
line next to derivation to Cluster IC. The operating conditions at this tie-in
point are listed below.

Min Norm Max

Pressure (kPag) 3,200 3,300 3,400
Temperature (°C) 20 25 30 Make-up Water Supply

A supply pipeline to the EOR Substation will be tied into the water re-injection
pipeline leaving the SINCOR New Water Disposal Tank (Main Station
Upgrade Project). The water is expected to be de-oiled water from cold
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production. An extensive water sampling and testing program was

undertaken to help characterize the expected chemistry of the cold produced
make up water. These results are summary and presented under separate
The table bellow provides a summary of the data collected on the Make-up
Water Chemical Composition (we need to alter this data to best reflect our

Component Concentration
Na 2,440 mg/L
K 79 mg/L
Ca 5.1 mg/L
Mg++ 9.2 mg/L
SiO2= 9 mg/L
CO3= 25 mg/L
HCO3- 2473 mg/L
SO4= 1.8 mg/L
Cl- 2,436 mg/L
Total Hardness 50.5 mg/L
pH 8.1
Salinity mg/L
Oil and Grease 40 mg/l
Total Alkalinity 2,069.6 mg/l

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The anticipated operating conditions at the tie-in point are listed below.

Minimum Normal Maximum

Pressure (kPag) 10,000 3,440 2,880
Temperature (°C) 80 70 60 Disposal water system

A pipeline and disposal well system will be designed provide for the final
disposal of all wastewaters generated by the process. This water may
originate from any of the sources listed below.
Flow Stream 1:
• OTSG Blow Down Wastewater
Flow Stream 2:
• SAC regeneration waste.
• WAC regeneration waste.
• Spent WLS sludge liquids (supernatant from a settling pond or centrate
from a centrifuge).
• Excess Produced water from thermal heavy oil production.
The flow rates from each source will vary throughout any given operating day.
For the preliminary design these wastewater flows have been separated into
two streams. The first stream designated for direct deep well injection is the
OTSG blow down wastewaters. All other wastewater flows from the plant are
combined in this pond for subsequent disposal. This combined flow from the
pond represents the second stream for disposal.
The preliminary design combined these Flow Streams into a single deep well
disposal system. This design assumption was based upon the thought that
the pond settling system will provide sufficient time for Flow Stream 2 to
stabilize and reach chemical equilibrium.
However, before the final design can be confirmed, a detailed chemical
compatibility evaluation of these wastewater streams will need to be
undertaken to confirm long term performance and assess potential deep well
operational limitations associated with the potential for chemical compatibility
problems. It may be likely that two separate deep well disposal systems will
be required to ensure a high reliability of the system. Logical pre-treatment
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and chemical conditions will need to be thoroughly investigated and designs

provided. These may include in line filtering systems, pH control and
monitoring, the use of anti-scale and corrosion inhibitors and possible
dispersants, dependant upon the chemical compatibility investigation. Wastewater Routing Requirements

The proposed wastewater disposal routing indicates that water from the
Substation should be routed after pre-treatment and conditioning directly into
the existing Water Disposal Tank T-3920. The existing Water Disposal Pump
P-3920 A/B will be used to re-inject the water to disposal wells. These
disposal routes will need to be further confirmed after the chemical
compatibility investigations. General Equipment Requirements

Our current design philosophy is to size the deep well disposal equipment to
accommodate the flow rate that will occur when none of the produced water
was recycled into the boiler feed water system. Listed below are the main
equipment component expected for this system design.
• Disposal water tank at the Substation
• Disposal water pumps
• Disposal water filters
• Disposal water pipeline
• Produced water chemistry
Produced Water Characteristics and Observed Trends
The produced water composition from thermal production is largely
dependent upon the reservoir characteristics. It will predominantly consist of
condensed steam that has interacted with the rock formation and in-situ water
in the steam chamber. Experience from other thermal heavy oil operations
indicates that the silica level will be significantly higher than expected with
cold production and the concentrations of other background ions will be lower
due to the effects of dilution.
Total Dissolved Solids are generally found to be lower in the 1,000 to 1,500
mg/L range, consisting primarily of background sodium, potassium, chloride,
sulphate and carbonate alkalinity. Sodium is generally the most prevalent
cation with values in the range of 300 to 1,200 mg/L being observed.
Hardness components have been generally observed to be very low, typically
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less than 20 mg/L as combined ion and similarly the potassium levels are also
generally observed to be low however, values as high as 50 mg/L have been
observed. However, occasionally produced water can demonstrate higher
hardness levels, particularly during the first few years after initial start-up.
Chloride is the most prevalent anion, with ranges observed from 500 up to
1,500 mg/L being observed. Another prevalent anion species is the
bicarbonate and carbonate ion which generally ranges form 250 up to 450
mg/L. Sulphate anions are typically the lowest in concentration and have
been observed as high as 160 mg/L.
Facilities in Canada typically experience Silica levels in the range of 150 to
250 mg/L of Reactive Silica with the higher reported values in the 400 mg/L
range. Produced Water Design Basis Considerations

The concentration of cations and anions can be expected to be lower when

compared to the cold produced water; but cannot be confirmed until the plant
start up begins and return produced waters are observed. However,
experience with produced water suggests that a common dilution ratio may
be applied to all cations and anions prior to final chemical balancing for
overall charge neutrality to estimate the produced water composition. As an
example for consideration for this design, a dilution factor of 3.0 was applied
to the cold produced water quality results to help estimate the produced water
quality behaviour. These predicted produced water quality seem to follow
similar trends observed in the Alberta SAGD industries.
For the purposes of designing the EOR facilities, it will be assumed that the
silica concentration in the produced water will be the higher value of 400
Component Produced Water Produced Water
Concentration Estimated Based
Based on Makeup on Dilution factor
Water of 3.0 of Makeup
Characteristics Water 1

Na+ 2440 mg/L 820 mg/L

K+ 79 mg/L 26.3 mg/L
Ca++ 5.1 mg/L 1.7 mg/L
Mg++ 9.2 mg/L 3.1 mg/L
SiO2= 400 mg/L 400 mg/L 2
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CO3= 25 mg/L 8.3 mg/L

HCO3- 2473 mg/L 824.3 mg/L
SO4= 1.8 mg/L 0.6 mg/L
Cl- 2436 mg/L 812 mg/L
Total Hardness 50.5 mg/L 16.8 mg/L
pH 8.1 8.1
Salinity mg/L
Oil and Grease 40 mg/l 40 mg/L
DOC 469 mg/L 156 mg/L
Total Alkalinity 2069.6 mg/l 689.6 mg/L
Note 1: Sodium and Chloride ions adjusted for charge balance neutrality
Note 2: Reactive Silica set remains set @ 400 mg/L

Disposal Water Limits and Considerations

The following table shows for the main physical parameters and the
chemicals component the Maximum/minimum value authorised for water
disposal. One additional area that will require additional investigation is the
deep well disposal limits associated with TDS and dissolved chloride as the
OTSG blow down waste water will most likely exceed the limits specified.

Physical and Ranges or

Chemicals Parameters Maximum Limits

Hydrocarbons & mineral 20 mg/l

Oils & Vegetal and 20 mg/l
animal greases
Mercury alkyl Non detectable
Aldheydes 2.0 mg/l
Total Aluminum 5.0 mg/l
Total Arsenic 0.5 mg/l

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Physical and Ranges or

Chemicals Parameters Maximum Limits

Total Barium 5.0 mg/l

Bore 5.0 mg/l
Total Cadmium 0.2 mg/l
Total Cyanides 0.2 mg/l
Chlorides 1000 mg/l
Total Cobalt 0.5 mg/l
Total Copper 1.0 mg/l
Total Chromium 2.0 mg/l
Real color 500 units of Pt-Co
Biochemical oxygen 60 mg/l
demand (DBO5,20)
Chemical oxygen 350 mg/l
demand (DQO)

Detergent agents 2.0 mg/l

Dispersent agents 2.0 mg/l

Foam No foam
Stain 5.0 mg/l
Phenols 0.5 mg/l
Fluorides 5.0 mg/l
Total Phosphor 10 mg/l
Total Iron 20 mg/l
Total Manganese 2.0 mg/l
Total Mercury 0.01 mg/l
Total Nitrogen 40 mg/l
(expressed as nitrogen)
Nitrites + Nitrates 10 mg/l
(expressed as nitrogen)
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Physical and Ranges or

Chemicals Parameters Maximum Limits

pH 6-9
Total Silver 0.1 mg/l
Total Lead 0.5 mg/l
Selenium 0.05 mg/l
Floating solids No
Suspended solids 80 mg/l
Sedimentable solids 1.0 mg/l
Sulfates 1000 mg/l
Sulfites 2.0 mg/l
Sulphur 0.5 mg/l
Zinc 5.0 mg/l
Carbonates and 0.25 mg/l
phosphorous organics
Chlorides organics 0.05 mg/l
α Activity Maximum 0.1 Bq/l
β Activity Maximum 1.0 Bq/l Diluted Crude Oil Export

A pipeline will be installed to carry diluted crude oil (DCO) from the Substation
to the SINCOR Main Station. The tie-in point will be in the Oil Export pipeline
leaving the Main Station (Discharge of export Pump P-3002).

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The anticipated operating conditions at the tie-in point are listed below:

Minimum Normal Maximum

Pressure 2100 2560


Temperature 89 95

The diluted crude oil (DCO) leaving the EOR Substation will be metered.
Pressure, temperature, base settlement and water-cut (BS&W), density, and
viscosity will be measured on line. Sample ports will be provided to allow
verification of the data, and to check other properties such as Reid vapour
pressure. Losses of diluent in the field due to evaporation shall not exceed
2% of the imported diluent quantity

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The DCO shall comply with the following specifications:

DCO Specification Value

Oil BSW (1) < 2%

Specific Gravity (2) 0.953 (17° API)

RVP (psia) (3) < 11

Associated water salt content < 10


(1) The maximum water-cut of 2% (normally 1%) volume in exported diluted
crude oil shall not be exceeded.
(2) Average specific gravity of final product shall be 0.953 (17 °API).
(3) RVP (Reid vapor pressure) of the final product shall be less than 0.76
bara (11 psia) for storage in floating roof tanks at Downstream Facilities. Natural Gas Supply

High-pressure natural gas will be obtained from a pipeline that feeds a

regional gas-fired electric power plant.

The following table shows the natural gas composition.

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Component % mol
CO2 7.3900
H2O 0.0116
H2S 0.0012
N2 0.1500
C1 92.1101
C2 0.1400
C3 0.0400
i-C4 0.0300
n-C4 0.0200
i-C5 0.0200
n-C5 0.0080
C6 0.0500
C7 0.0200
C8 0.0080
C9 0.0010
C10+ 0.0001
Total 100.0000

The operating conditions at the tie-in point are listed below:

Minimum Normal Maximum

Pressure 7000 8000


Temperature 46

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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Utilities Conditions

Temperature ( C) Pressure (KPag)

Min Max Design Min Max Design

Instrument Air 20 35 65 700 900 1035

Utility Air 20 35 65 700 900 1035

Potable Water 20 35 35 340 410 410

Utility Water 20 35 35 360 440 440

Fire Water 20 35 35 860 950 950

Lift Gas 20 35 65 7000 7600 8350

MP Fuel Gas 30 50 75 1200 1440 1800

LP Fuel Gas 30 50 75 200 350 690

Utility Steam 150 160 175 304 383 440

All utility conditions to be confirmed during FEED phase.

5.1.3 Production Clusters Facilities Design Criteria

The SINCOR EOR Project will have four Clusters each having the following
number of wells.

True Vertical Depth Horizontal

Number Type of
of Production Wells Drainage Length of
of wells wells
(below well-head) Production Wells
533.4 m 457.2 m
1 5 well pairs SAGD
(1750 ft) (1500 ft)
341.4 m 914.4 m
2 7 wells HASD
(1120 ft) (3000 ft)
417.6 m 914.4 m
3 8 well pairs SAGD
(1370 ft) (3000 ft)
451.1 m 457.2 m
4 5 well pairs SAGD
(1480 ft) (1500 ft)
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The piping and equipment at the Clusters must be designed to allow a good
margin of flexibility.
The piping and instrumentation tied into every well must be sized to
accommodate the peak anticipated flow rates. The test separator must also
be designed for these peak rates.
During normal operation, all of the production wells at each Cluster will flow
into a designated group separator. Not all of the wells will be expected to flow
simultaneously at their peak rates. The following items will be sized to
accommodate 50% of the wells operating at peak rates plus 50% of the wells
operating at normal rates.
• Steam injection pipeline and distribution header
• Lift gas pipeline and distribution header
• Group separator
• Group pumps
• Produced gas condenser
• PG condensate separator
• PG condensate pumps
• Produced liquids Wells Production and Injection Design Conditions

The following conditions shall be used for the Clusters and pipelines design,
as described here below.
SAGD Clusters Test

Well Design (Tubing Sizing) Design QO SOR Qliq Qs BHT BHP BHP GOR
Cluster Spacing Aquifer Length Tick Cond. bopd v/v bpd bpd C Bars Bars Scf/bbl

SAGD1 150 Yes 500 25 Maximum 1100 3 4400 3300 45-230 40-45 45 15-30
Normal 600 3 2400 1800 45-230 40-45 45 15-30
SAGD3 150 No 1000 25 Maximum 2200 2.5 7700 5500 45-230 40-45 45 15-30
Normal 1200 2.5 4200 3000 45-230 40-45 45 15-30
SAGD4 150 Yes 500 25 Maximum 1100 3 5133 3667 45-230 40-45 45 15-30
Normal 800 2.5 2800 2000 45-230 40-45 45 15-30

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HASD Cluster Test

Well Design (Tubing Sizing) Design QO SOR Water Qliq Qsteam GOR
Mech Spacing Aquifer Length Tick Conditions bopd v/v bpd bpd Scf/bbl
HASD2 Peak 1833 3 100% 7333 5500 200-400
ALT. HASD 150 No 1000 10
WELL Normal 875 4.2 100% 4375 3500 200-400

HASD3 Maximum 1833 3 100% 4583 5500 200-400

ALT HASD 150 No 1000 10
WELL Normal 875 4.2 100% 2625 3500 200-400

HASD3 Maximum 1833 NA 100% 4583 0 200-400

FIXED HASD 150 No 1000 10
WELL Normal 875 NA 100% 2625 0 200-400

Design flow for manifolds and flowlines

The Wells and Test separators design shall be based on maximum operating
conditions. The group separators and pipeline design shall be based on 50%
of the wells producing at maximum flow and 50% at normal flow as shown

Cluster # 1 2 3 4
Number of well pairs 5 8 5
Number of wells 10 7 16 10
Qoil Design (bopd) 4250 5417 13600 5667
Qliq design (bpd) 17000 18916 47600 19833
Qsteam design (bpd) 12750 13500 34000 14167

Design rate from clusters to Sub Station

The design criteria for Sub-Station and connections with Main Station is based on
the sum of normal operating conditions for each cluster

Cluster # 1 2 3 4 TOTAL
Number of well pairs 5 8 5 18
Number of wells 10 7 16 10 43
Qoil Design (bopd) 3000 3500 9600 4000 20100
Qliq design (bpd) 12000 14000 33600 14000 73600
Qsteam design (bpd) 9000 10500 24000 10000 53500

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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Steam Injection Wellhead Piping

Water is expected in the steam pipeline to the Clusters during start-up. The
steam line will be provided with drains at low points that could drains into
holding tanks.
The piping will be designed so that the wellhead wing valves are the low
points so as to ensure that liquids will drain to the well from the module and
reduce the chance of slugging and water hammer.
The piping will be designed with swivel connectors to allow for 600 mm of
well-head growth without exceeding allowable stress limits. Produced Gas

There is no need to install produced gas compressors at the Clusters. These

compressors would be expensive, low efficiency, high maintenance items.
The following operating conditions would make conventional produced gas
compressor packages unsuitable for thermal production.
• The vapours from the production wells are very hot
• The vapours are predominantly steam (about 73%)
• High H2S and CO2 levels (sour service) can be expected in the re-
circulating lift gas
• Asphaltene and wax fouling can be expected in the cooling and
recompression equipment.
The steam generator fuel consumption will normally exceed the combined
flow of produced gas and lift gas returns from all of the wells. All of the gas
flowing from the Clusters will be consumed by the steam generators.
Consequently, a natural gas booster compressor will be installed at the
Substation to deliver lift gas to the Clusters at 7,600 kPag. The gas will be
used to provide artificial lift. Then it is sent to be burned by the steam
generators. This eliminates the need to recompress “dirty” produced gas at
the Clusters. The economy of scale should result in lower overall operating
and capital costs. One large sweet gas compressor should be more cost
effective than installing smaller sour service compressors operating at
elevated temperatures at each Cluster.

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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Production

The piping will be designed so that the wing valves are the low-points so that
liquids will drain back to the wellhead from the well-pair module.
The piping will be designed with swivel connectors to allow for 600 mm of
well-head growth without exceeding allowable stress limits.
The piping will be designed to withstand possible steam communication from
the injector well to the producer well.
Break flanges will be provided 3 metres from the production wellhead to
permit removal of the production piping spools for service rig access. These
spools shall have calcium silicate insulation instead of mineral wool for better
durability. They will also have lifting lugs protruding from the insulation for
crane hook attachment. Produced emulsion testing

The produced emulsion piping shall include automated switching valves to

allow any one of the production wells to be diverted to the test separator. The
test header shall run to the test module where a coriolis meter shall measure
density and a water cut meter shall measure the water percentage. The test
module shall also include a manual sampling panel which shall allow for
drawing, collecting and cooling emulsion samples in jars for manually
checking the water cut. The emulsion in the test header shall join the main
emulsion header prior to leaving the Cluster. Flow Control and Measurement

Steam flow to each injector shall be measured using flow nozzles. Steam
flow to each injector shall be controlled using a steam flow control valve.
Produced emulsion flow from each producer well shall be measured using the
test module. An automated choke valve shall control the pressure.
Fuel gas flow to each well head shall be measured. An automated flow
control valve shall control the flow.
Downhole measurements provided by SINCOR are as follow:
Injector Wells
• Temperature measurement – fiber optic, sensor every 2 (two) meters,
which will give some 250 measurement points (for each 500 long

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meter well) and some 500 measurement points (for each 1000 meter
long wells).
• Pressure – 2 sensors, at heel and toe.

Production wells
• Pressure – 2 sensors, at heel and toe. Steam Start Up

Once commissioning is complete the first stage of operation on the Cluster is

the steam start-up. This could involve circulating steam down the injectors
and producers to heat the reservoir.
Temporary piping spools will be used to connect the injector piping to the
producer wellhead piping for the purpose of steam start-up.

5.1.4 Process Design Criteria Hydraulics Calculations

Design criteria listed below, expressed as recommended flow velocities and

maximum pressure drops, to avoid corrosion, vibration and noise problems.
These guidelines are “overall experience factors” and they are not intended to
represent a truly quantitative analysis of all variables involved. These criteria
apply only to CS pipes. For exotic materials such as SS or alloy, economic
consideration may overrule this criteria and lead to higher velocities or smaller
pipes sizes than normally allowed for CS.

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Pump Suction Lines

Recommended velocities and differential pressure are:

Pipe Diameters 8” and less Pipe Diameters greater

than 8”

Approx. Maximum Approx. Maximum

Velocity, Allowable ∆P, Velocity Allowable ∆P,
m/sec kPa/100 m m/sec kPa/100 m

Sub- 1 to 1.5 35 4 max 35


Boiling 0.3 to 1 12 2 max 12


Use maximum normal flows for calculations. For viscous liquids, the velocity
criteria could lead to excessive pressure drops: in those cases, the pressure
drop criteria rules.

Pump Discharge Lines

Recommended Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop
70 kPa/100 m for short lines and leads from headers
23 kPa/100 m for long headers (240 equivalent meter or greater)

Recommended approximate velocities

Pipe Diameter Approximate Velocity, m/sec

Long Header Short Lead

2” and less 1 max. 2.7 max.

3” to 10” 1.5 max. 3.7 max.

12” or greater 2.2 max 4.3 max

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Gravity Transfer Lines

Gravity transfer lines shall have pressure drop in the range of 2.3 to 9.6
kPa/100 m depending upon available head.

HC Vapour Lines
In the case of vapours, two approaches may be followed, depending on the
magnitude of the compressibility effect. For vapours with low pressure drop
or low velocity (pressure drop equal to or less than 10% of the upstream
pressure, or the velocity equal to or less than 60 m/sec) the following ranges
for velocity and pressure drops can be used for vapour line sizing. Should
pressure drop be exceeded by 10% of the upstream initial absolute pressure,
the calculation should be split into a number of segments with corresponding
physical properties.
Recommended Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop

Pressure Level Pressure Drop, kPa/100 m

Vacuum (7 kPaa) 1.4

Vacuum (48 kPaa) 3.4

0 to 350 kPag 5.6 to 11.3*

350 to 1050 kPag 11.3 to 33.9*

1050 to 3500 kPag 33.9 to 67.8*

Over 3500 kPag (0.5% of pressure level)

Allowable Velocities
Maximum for gas = 122/SQRT(Dg), m/sec,
where Dg is the gas density in kg/m3.

Compressor Suctions

Pressure Drop 0.1

(% of inlet kPa(a))
Velocity m/s 6 to 15

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Operating Range
Maximum Limit 7% sonic
Screw type

Two-Phase Process Lines (Vapour - Liquid Mixtures)

The primary concern in designing a pipe for two phase flow is the various flow
patterns that can occur. Particular attention must be paid to the flow regime
to avoid slug flow where possible. For preliminary sizing, line velocities shall
be limited by:
Maximum mixture velocity for two-phase flow =122 / SQRT(Dmix),
Minimum mixture velocity for two-phase flow = 73.2 / SQRT(Dmix),
where Dmix is the density of the mixture in kg/m3
Velocity may be less than 73.2/ SQRT(Dmix), m/sec at the vessel inlet or for
horizontal runs where separation of the two phases is desirable.
For critical two-phase process lines, detailed calculations must be made for
pressure drop and flow regime.

Control Valve Pressure Drop Allowance

Pumping Services (Discharge Normal flowrate

Greater of 100 kPa or 20% of
the variable friction pressure
drop (excluding the valve)

Rated Flowrate
15% of the variable system drop
(excluding the control valve) or
70 kPa whichever is greater.

Large variable system 15% of the variable system

pressure drops (1035 kPa or pressure drop (excluding the
over) as in heaters, control valve) for control valve
furnaces, etc., allow pressure drop.

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Other Liquid Services Not less than 10% or greater

(Gravity Flow, Cascading than 85% of the pressure
from One Pressure Level to differential available for frictional
Another, etc.) loss.

Gas Services Not less than 10% or greater

than 85% of the pressure
differential available for frictional
loss except Compressor Suction

Water Lines Minimum 1.00 m/s

Maximum 2.5 m/s. Overcapacity Factors

The following overcapacity factors shall be used unless otherwise specified:

Charge, product transfer services 1.1
Critical services 1.2

Compressors 1.2

Air Coolers 1.1

Other Equipments 1.1

For pumps specified for bubble point fluids show “B.P.” on the pump
specification sheet rather than the actual vapour pressure. Note that this also
applies to fluids containing dissolved/entrained gas. Fluid shall be considered
as bubble fluids (boiling liquids) if the operating pressure is less than 110% of
the liquid vapour pressure at the operating temperatures. Equipment Sizing Criteria

The followings are equipment sizing criteria used for the Pre-FEED:

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Cluster #1

Equipment Description Design Criteria

U-1011 Anti-Foam Package Base Case
1 x 100%
D-1011 Group Separator Base Case
1 x 100%
P-1011 A/B/C Cluster Transfer Pumps Base Case + 10% of flow-
3 x 50% Centrifugal Pumps
D-1013 Test Separator Base Case
Vessel designed for
maximum rate from 1 well

A-1011 Produced Gas Condenser Base Case, Low SOR +

10% of heat duty
1X100% air cooler
D-1012 Produced Gas Separator Design Basis – Base Case,
1 x 100%
P-1012 A/B Cluster Condensate Pumps Design Basis – Base Case,
Low SOR + 10% of flow-rate
(SINCOR design criteria)
2 x 100%
Centrifugal Pumps
D-1014 Vent KOD Design Basis –

VS - 1011 Vent Stack Design Basis –

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Cluster #2

Equipment Description Design Criteria

U – 1021 Anti – foam Design Basis – Base Case
Package 1 x 100%
D-1021 Group Design Basis – Base Case
Separator 1 x 100%

P-1021 A/B/C Cluster Design Basis – Base Case + 10% of flow-rate

Transfer 3 x 50%
Pumps Centrifugal Pumps

D-1023 Test Separator Base Case

Vessel designed for maximum rate from 1 well

A-1021 Produced Gas Base Case, Low SOR + 10% of heat duty
Condenser 1X100% air cooler

D-1022 Produced Gas Base Case, Low SOR

Separator 1 x 100%

P-1022 A/B Cluster Base Case + 10% of flow-rate

Condensate 2 x 100% Centrifugal Pumps

D-1024 Vent KOD Design Basis –

VS - 1021 Vent Stack Design Basis –

K-1021 Produced Gas Base Case, Low SOR + 20% of flow-rate (SINCOR
Compressor design criteria)

A - 1022 Produced Gas Base Case, Low SOR + 10% of heat duty

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Water De-oiling

Equipment Description Design Criteria

U-6010 De-Oiling Design Basis – PW Base Case +10 % Water Slug +
Polymer Make-up Water from Base Case + 10% of PW Base
Package Case (WSR=1.1)
1 x 100%
T-6001 Skim Tank Design Basis – PW Base Case +10 % Water Slug +
Make-up Water from Base Case + 10% of PW Base
Case (WSR=1.1)
1 x 100% Vortex type
Retention time = 6 hours (estimated, sized by Vendor)
Designed for 90% oil removal
Design: 2000 ppm (inlet) to 200 ppm(outlet)
Normal: 1000 ppm (inlet) to 100 ppm(outlet)
Skimmed oil assumed to contain 50% water
U-6001 IGF Package Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)
1 x 100%
Performance: 90% Removal
Design: 200 ppm (inlet) and 20 ppm (outlet)
Normal: 100 ppm (inlet) and 10 ppm (outlet)
Skimmed oil assumed to contain 50% water

D-6001 IGF Vessel Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)
1 x 100%
Supplied by IGF Package Vendor
P-6001 IGF Eductor PW Base Case + Make-up Water from Base Case +
A/B/C Pumps 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1) + 10% of total flow
3 x 50% Centrifugal Pumps
Supplied by IGF Package Vendor
P-6002 IGF Design Basis – Make-up Water from Base Case + 10%
A/B/C Discharge of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1) + 10% of total flow
Pumps 3 x 50% Centrifugal Pumps

P-6003 IGF Froth Design Basis – 10% of IGF total inflow + 10% of flow
A/B/C Pumps 3 x 50% Progressive Cavity type

U - 6011 Flocculant Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from

Package Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)

U-6002 ORF Package Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)
D-6002 A/B ORF Vessels Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)
2 x 100%
Design Performance: 20 ppm (inlet) and 2 ppm oil out
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Normal Performance: 10 ppm (inlet) and 1 ppm oil out


Water Treating

Equipment Description Design Criteria

T-6501 PW Tank Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case + 10% of PW Base Case (WSR=1.1)
Working Volume based on HLL – LLL 4 hours
Fixed skimmer with truck out connection for periodic
removal of skim oil if necessary.
P – 6501 WLS Feed Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
A/B/C Pumps Base Case + 10%
Centrifugal pumps
P – 6514 A/B Desanding Design Basis – 20 m3/h + 10% of flow
Water Pumps 2x100%
Centrifugal pumps
U – 6502 WLS Package Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water
Design Flowrate 1x100%
T-6502 Warm Lime Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Softener Tank Base Case 1X100%
Maximum operating temperature 100 °C
U - 6510 Coagulant Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case
U - 6011 Flocculant Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case
U - 6511 Lime Feed Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case
U - 6512 Magox Feed Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case
U - 6513 Caustic Feed Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case 1X100%
T-6503 WLS Overflow Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Tank Base Case
Working Volume based on HLL – LLL 0.5 hours
P – 6502 Sludge Pumps Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
A/B/C Base Case + 10% (SINCOR design criteria)
Type will be decided by package vendor

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P – 6503 After-filter Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from

A/B/C Feed Pumps Base Case + 10% (SINCOR design criteria)
Centrifugal pumps
U – 6501 After-filter Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case
D-6501 A-D After Filters Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case
U-6503 SAC/WAC Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Package Base Case

D-6502 A/B/C Primary SAC Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water from
Base Case
D-6503 A/B Polishing Design Basis – PW Base Case + Make-up Water
WAC Design Flowrate
P – 6504 A/B Brine Pumps Design Basis – Brine flow-rate based on PW Base
Case + Make-up Water from Base Case + 10% of
T – 6504 Brine Tank Design Basis – Brine flow-rate based on PW Base
Case + Make-up Water from Base Case
T-6005 Skimmed Oil Design Basis – 10% of (PW Base Case + Make-up
Tank Water from Base Case)
1 x 100%
Sizing basis: 4 hours working volume
P-6005 A/B Skimmed Oil Design Basis – Skimmed Oil Tank inflow + 10% of
Pumps flow
2 x 100% Progressive Cavity Type
T-6004 Slop Oil Tank Design Basis – Slop Rate estimated from Rag Layer
evacuation from HO treating area.
1 x 100%
Sizing basis: 160 m3 (1000 bbl) capacity.
P-6004 A/B Slop Oil Design Basis – Slop Rate +10% Slop Rate (SINCOR
Pumps design criteria)
2 x 100% Progressive Cavity Type
T-6006 ORF Design Basis – Water flow-rate during backwash
Backwash based on one 10 minutes backwash per 12 hours
Tank using full filter inlet water stream.
1 x 100%
Sizing basis: working capacity 6 hours from HLL to
P-6006 A/B Backwash Design Basis – Water flow-rate during backwash
Recycle Pump based on one 10 minutes backwash per 12 hours
using full filter inlet water stream +10% of flow-rate
(SINCOR design criteria).

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2 x 100% Centrifugal Type

Heavy Oil Treating

Equipment Description Design Criteria

E - 5501 Emulsion/BFW Base Case
Exchanger 1 x 100%, S&T exchanger
Train # 1
A - 5501 Emulsion Base Case
Cooler 1 x 100%, Air Cooler
Train # 1
U - 5502 Demulsifier Base Case
Package 1 x 100% Tank
Trains # 1 and 2 3 X 50% Pumps

U - 5503 Reverse Base Case

Emulsifier 1 x 100% Tank
Package 3 X 50% Pumps
Trains # 1 and 2

U - 5504 Antifoam Base Case

Package 1 x 100% Tank
Trains # 1 and 2 3 X 50% Pumps

M – 5501 Emulsion Mixer Base Case

Train # 1 1 x 100%,

D - 5501 FWKO Base Case

Train # 1 1 x 100%, Three-phase horizontal vessel
150# ANSI rating and sour specification
Oil Operating Density: API 17°
Outlet oil specification: 10% water cut
Outlet water specification: 1000 ppm oil normal,
2000 ppm max
Residence time: 20 minutes (estimated vessel size
by vendor)
No Bypass
E - 5503 PW/BFW Base Case
Exchanger 1 x 100%, S&T exchanger
Train # 1
M – 5502 Produced Oil Base Case, Low SOR
Train #1
D - 5502 Treater Base Case, Low SOR
Train # 1 1 x 100%, Three-phase horizontal vessel with
electrostatic grid clips.
150# ANSI rating and sour specification.
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Inlet oil: 10% water cut maximum

Oil Operating Density: API 17°
Outlet oil specification: water cut normal 1 %,
maximum 2 %
Outlet water specification: 1000 ppm oil normal,
2000 ppm max
Residence time 1.5 hours (estimated vessel size by
No Bypass

E-5505 Sales Base Case, Low SOR, plus 10% of Duty

DHO/BFW Oil Operating Density: 17°API
Exchanger 1 x 100% S&T exchanger
Train # 1
A-5502 Sales DHO Air Base Case, Low SOR, plus 10% of Duty
Cooler 1x 100%
Train # 1
E - 5511 Emulsion/BFW Base Case
Exchanger 1 x 100%, S&T exchanger
Train # 2
A - 5511 Emulsion Base Case
Cooler 1 x 100%, Air Cooler
Train # 2
M – 5511 Emulsion Mixer Base Case
Train # 2 1 x 100%,

D – 5511 FWKO Base Case

Train # 2 1 x 100%, Three-phase horizontal vessel
150# ANSI rating and sour specification
Oil Operating Density: API 17°
Outlet oil specification: 10% water cut
Outlet water specification: 1000 ppm oil normal,
2000 ppm max
Residence time 20 Minutes (estimated vessel sized
by vendor)
No Bypass
E – 5513 PW/BFW Base Case
Exchanger 1 x 100%, S&T exchanger
Train # 2
M – 5512 Produced Oil Base Case, Low SOR
Train # 2
D – 5512 Treater Base Case, Low SOR
Train # 2 1 x 100%, Three-phase horizontal vessel with
electrostatic grid clips.
Inlet oil: 10% water cut maximum
Oil Operating Density: API 17°
Outlet oil specification: water cut normal 1 %,
maximum 2 %
Outlet water specification: 1000 ppm oil normal,
2000 ppm max
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Residence time 1.5 hour (estimated vessel sized by

No Bypass

E-5515 Sales Design Basis – Base Case

DHO/BFW Oil Operating Density: 17°API
Exchanger 1 x 100% S&T exchanger
Train # 2
A -5512 Sales DHO Air Design Basis – Base Case, Low SOR
Cooler 1x 100%
Train # 2

Tank Farm

Equipment Description Design Criteria

T-5501 A/B/C Sales DHO Design Basis –Tank capacity (based on NLL –
Tanks HHLL) for 24 hours design production per train

P-5502 A/B/C Sales DHO Design Basis – Substation Sales DHO design
Booster Pumps production + 10% of rate (SINCOR design criteria) +
design margin (SINCOR tank empting option)
3 x 50% API type centrifugal pumps. (Consider
ANSI type)

M – 5503 Sales DHO Design Basis –Substation Sales DHO design

Mixer production
P-5501 A/B Off-Spec Design Basis – 50% of Substation Sales DHO
Pumps design production + 10% of rate (SINCOR design
2 x 100%
Progressive Cavity
F-5501 A/B LACT Sales Design Basis –Substation design Sales DHO
DHO Filters production

U – 5501 LACT Sample Design Basis –Substation design Sales DHO

Skid Package production
| LACT Sales Design Basis –Substation Sales DHO design
DHO Pumps production + 10% of rate (SINCOR design criteria) +
design margin (SINCOR tank empting option)
3 x 50% API type centrifugal pumps. (Consider
ANSI type)

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T-8201 De - Sand Tank Design Basis –

E-8201 De - Sand Tank Design Basis –
Reflux 1X100%
D – 8201 De - Sand Tank Design Basis –
Reflux 1X100%
T-5501 Sales Oil Tank Provide storage for diluted EHO at Substation.
Assumed one train loads one Tank. Surge time 5.9
hrs. Reserve time 6.2 hrs.
T – 6001 Skim Tank Vortex Type
Normal Flowrate of PW
Retention time = 3 hours (NLL – PW Outlet Nozzle)
Designed for 90% oil removal
Design: 2000 ppm (inlet) to 200 ppm (outlet)
Normal: 1000 ppm (inlet) to 100 ppm (outlet)
Skimmed oil assumed to contain 50% water
T-6004 Slop Tank See Skimmed Oil Tank

T-6005 Skimmed Oil Retention time = 4 hours (NLL-PW Outlet)

Tank Designed for upset operating conditions when Rag
Layer is evacuated from HO Treating Area
T-6006 ORF Backwash PW residence time 45 minutes (from HLL to LLL), 3
Tank backwashing cycles/hour, backwash duration 10
min, tank fill rate is half of PW flow rate.
T-6007 Make-Up Water Design Basis – Maximum water flowrate during
Tank start-up. Tank. Surge time 0.31 hrs. Reserve time
1.25 hrs.). Too conservative!
T-6501 PW Tank Normal Flowrate of PW. Tank. Surge time 1.12 hrs.
Reserve time 1.27 hrs.).
T-6502 WLS Tank
T-6503 WLS Overflow Normal Flowrate of PW. Tank. Surge time 3 min.
Tank Reserve time 3 min.).
T-6504 Brine Tank Capacity from similar projects
T-6505 Acid Tank Design Rate Basis – Maximum Produced Water.
Storage capacity for minimum 14 days + 1 truck
load. Material: Fiber Glass.
T-6506 Caustic Tank Capacity from similar projects.
T–6507 Neutralization Working volume enough for the amount of wasted
Tank water produced in 24 hours. Need to be resized.
Initial 60 t/day. Now 10 t/day
T-6512 Disposal Tank Normal flowrate of blowdown plus normal flowrate of
3280 m3/day disposal water. Surge time 0.7 hrs.
Reserve time 2.87 hrs.
T-7001 BFW Tank Normal PW flowrate.
Surge time 1 hr. Reserve time 3 hrs.
T- 7002 Distilled Water Normal distilled water flowrate.

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Tank Surge time 2.4 hr. Reserve time 1 hr.

T-8001 Diluent Tank Provide storage for diluent at Substation.
Normal Flowrate. Surge time 7.3 hr. Reserve time
4.5 hrs.

Fuel Gas

Equipment Description Design Criteria

U – 8101 Methanol Design Basis – 100% Design Steam Production, no
Package produced gas from Clusters and cold BFW.
1 x 100%
E-8101 Fuel Gas Design Basis – 100% Design Steam Production, no
Heater produced gas from Clusters and cold BFW.
Outlet Gas Temperature 50°C.
1 x 100% S&T Exchanger
D - 8101 Mixed Gas Design Basis – Base Case
Separator 1 x 100%
Two phase vertical separator
Sized for removing 300 microns liquid droplet from
Liquid hold-up and surge 10 minutes.
U - 8101 VRU Package Design Basis – Base Case
1 x 100%
Sized for gas blanketed tanks plus 10% contingency
from other gas sources.
Divert vent gas to LP flare when compressor is

D-8102 VRU Suction Design Basis – Base Case see VRU package.
Scrubber 1 x 100%

K-8101 A/B VRU Design Basis – Base Case + 20% of flowrate

Compressors (SINCOR design criteria)
1 x 100%

A-8101 VRU Seal Design Basis – Base Case +10% of duty (SINCOR
Water Cooler design criteria)
1 x 100% air cooler

D-8103 VRU Discharge Design Basis – Base Case

Separator 1 x 100%

P – 8102 A/B VRU Liquid Design Basis – Base Case

Recovery 2 x 100%
Pumps Centrifugal pumps
P – 8102 A/B VRU Scrubber Design Basis – Base Case + + 20% of flowrate
Pumps (SINCOR design criteria)
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2 x 100%
Centrifugal pumps
D – 7501 Produced Gas Design Basis – Base Case, Low SOR
Slug Catcher 1 x 100% Two Phase Horizontal Vessel
D - 8401 HP FKOD Design Basis –
1 x100%

P – 8401 A/B HP FKOD Design Basis –

Pumps 2 x 50% LEAD / LAG
FL-8401 HP Flare Stack Design Basis -
1 x100%

FL-8402 LP Flare Stack Design Basis –

1 x100%

Boiler Feed Water and Steam

Equipment Description Design Criteria

T-7001 BFW Tank Design Basis – Base Case
1 x 100%
Sizing Basis: 4 hours of working volume
U – 7001 BFW Oxygen Design Basis – Base Case
Scavenger 1 x 100%
P-7001 A/B/C LP BFW Design Basis – Base Case +10% design margin
Pumps (SINCOR design criteria)
3 x 50% Centrifugal Type
U – 7002 Polymer Design Basis – Base Case
Chelant 1 x 100%
P-7002 A/B/C HP BFW Design Basis – Base Case
Pumps 3 x 50% Multi-Stage Centrifugal Type
Rated capacity / head to meet ASME Section 1
E – 7005 BFW Utility Design Basis – Base Case
Cooler 1 x 100%
T – 7002 Distilled Water Design Basis – Base Case
Tank 1 x 100%
Sizing Basis: 18 hours of design rate
P – 7003 A/B Distilled Water Design Basis – Peak rate for utility water 20 m3/h
Pumps 2 X 100%
Centrifugal pumps
H-7001 A-D Steam Design Basis – Base Case
Generator 4 x 25%
Design Rate: 2970 m3/d CWE @ 77% quality
Operating Outlet Pressure: 9900 kPag.
Design Pressure: 11000 kPag (900# ANSI)
No combustion air preheat (HOLD for SINCOR)
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All Units to run on both mixed fuel gas and pure fuel.
Burners shall be Low NOx Burners.
E-7001 A/B BFW/BD Design Basis – Base Case
Exchanger 1 x 100% S&T Exchanger
D – 7001 A/B HP Steam Design Basis – Base Case
Separator 2 x 100% (1 vessel for 2 generators)

U - 7003 Filming Amine Design Basis – Base Case

Package 1 x 100%
E – 7002 A – Combustion Air Design Basis – Base Case
D Preheaters 4 x 25%

D – 7002 LP Steam Design Basis – 60% steam quality

Separator 1 x 100%

E-7003 LP Blowdown Design Basis – 60% steam quality

Cooler 1 x 100%
E-7004 LP Steam Design Basis – 60% steam quality
Condenser 1 x 100%

D – 7003 LP Condensate Design Basis – 60% steam quality

Drum 1 x 100%

5.2 EOR Sub Station

5.2.1 Process Description General

Refer to Block Flow Diagram in Appendix A

M869-50-10-B-MD-001 EOR Substation
The Substation includes the following Subsystems:
• Emulsion Treating
• Produced Gas System
• Produced Water De-Oiling
• Boiler Feed Water Treating
• Steam Generation
• Vapour Recovery
• Fuel Gas System
• Day Tanks and Pipelines

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Emulsion and Wet Produced Gas are sent separately from the Clusters to the
Emulsion Treating and the Produced Gas System.
The Cluster effluent, oil and water plus the remaining gas is routed to a free
water knock out drum to remove the free water and the remaining gas. It is
then pumped to the dehydrator where the BSW specification is achieved.
The produced water is used for the steam generation. To reach the
specification requested by the steam generator, the water is processed in a
de-oiling unit (Skimmer tank and Induced gas flotation unit) and then it is
treated in a boiler feed water treatment. Finally, the treated water is routed to
the steam generator.
The produced gas is routed to a Fuel Gas skid and then routed to the boiler
as Fuel Gas
In the following sections a detailed description is included. Detailed Process Description Emulsion Treating

Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A

M869-50-14-B-PF-001 EOR Substation - EHO Treating Train #1
M869-50-14-B-PF-002 EOR Substation - EHO Treating Train #1
M869-50-14-B-PF-003 EOR Substation - EHO Treating Train #2
M869-50-14-B-PF-004 EOR Substation - EHO Treating Train #2

The emulsion from each Cluster merges into a Substation feed header. The
emulsion is cooled by cross exchanging with boiler feed water (BFW) in the
Emulsion/BFW exchanger E-5501/E-5511. The BFW is throttled to control
the operating temperature in the treating trains at 140°C.
Diluent from Diluent Pumps P-8001 A/B/C is blended with the emulsion
entering each FWKO drum D-5501/D-5511. The diluent injection rate is
controlled to keep the operating oil phase density at about 17°API through the
treatment train (952.9 kg/m3 at standard conditions). The diluent injection
rate is expected to be about 0.544 Sm3 of diluent per Sm3 of dry EHO
(producing about 35.2% blend before shrinkage effects).
The FWKO drum provides settling time for free water droplets to separate
from the oil phase. The emulsified oil phase leaving the FWKO drum is
expected to contain about 10% residual water.
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The emulsion leaving the FWKO is fed into the Treater D-5502/D-5512 for
additional coalescence and settling time. The maximum allowable water-cut
in the oil product leaving the treaters is 2%. The normal operating water-cut
is expected to be about 1%.
The oil product leaving each treater is cooled by cross-exchanging with boiler
feed water in the Sales DCO/BFW exchanger D-5505/D-5515.
An Aerial Trim Cooler A-5502/A-5512 will be used:
• To further cool the oil product. This will help reduce flashing as the oil
is fed into the DCO product tank. The oil is then pumped to the main
station by above ground pipeline.
• To allow the oil treating train to remain in operation when the supply of
BFW is disrupted. When the steam generators are turned down, the
flow of boiler feed water will drop, and the process streams that need
the water flow for cooling will have to disperse their heat through the
aerial cooler. Produced Gas

Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A

M869-50-18-B-PF-001 EOR Substation - Produced Gas Separation

The produced gas from the Clusters is combined with vapours from the
FWKO vessels and treaters. The mixture is sent to the Slug Catcher D-7501.
The vapour from the slug catcher will normally flow to the mixed fuel gas
system which feeds the main burners of the steam generators. Nozzles and
valves will be provided to allow the produced gas to be routed through a
future sulphur removal unit upstream of the mixed fuel gas system if required.
Normally, the steam generators will consume more gas than can be obtained
from the production wells. If the steam generators are turned down while the
production wells continue to flow, then the produced gas rate (including lift
gas returns) may exceed the steam generator fuel consumption rate. This is
not expected to be a normal occurrence. However, during rapid operational
transitions it may be necessary to divert some of the produced gas from the
slug catcher to the flare system.
H2S levels in the produced gas are expected to start out at about 0.01% (100
ppm), and could ramp up to 1.2% due to the aquathermolysis phenomenon.
This concentration is based on the liberated solution gas coming from the
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The produced gas from the reservoir will be thoroughly diluted by lift gas. This
dilution should be sufficient to allow the produced gas + lift gas + makeup gas
mixture to be burned in the steam generators without installing an SRU. Produced Water De-oiling

Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A

M869-50-13-B-PF-001 EOR Substation - Produced Water De-oiling Unit
The water phase leaving the FWKO vessels and treaters is normally expected
to contain about 0.1% dispersed oil (1000 ppm by volume). However, the de-
oiling system will be designed to handle up to 0.2%. The heat from this
produced water is recovered by cross-exchanging with boiler feed water in
the Produced Water/Boiler Feed Water Exchanger E-5503. The cooled oily
produced water is then sent to the Skim Tank T-6001.
The produced water is sent to the skim tank where it is provided with a
residence time of a few hours to allow much of the oil to coalesce and float to
the top. Oil is continuously decanted from the top of the tank to the slop
system. The water from the skim tank is allowed to flow by gravity to the
Induced Gas Floatation unit (IGF) D-6001. The IGF unit is equipped with
Recirculation Pumps P-6001A/B/C, that jet water through eductors. Gas from
the IGF headspace is drawn into the eductors to generate small bubbles that
are jetted back into the water. The bubbles attach themselves to the oil
particles, causing them to rise to the top. The oily froth is skimmed off the
surface of the water and pumped back into the skim tank. This oily froth is
expected to contain about 90% water.
Water from the IGF unit is pumped through Oil Removal Filters (ORFs) to the
de-oiled produced water tank. The filters scrubbing cycle prevents filter bed
fouling. The scrubbing cycle fully reconditions the filter media during each
backwash. Scrubbing is initiated automatically by either preset time interval
or by detection of elevated pressure differential across the filter bed.
Backwashing uses a high intensity mixer to vigorously agitate the media bed
during the scrubbing cycle. A rotating backwash screen efficiently separates
the scrubbed filter media from the dirty backwash fluids. No chemicals,
surfactants, or air sparging cycles are required to clean the filter. Backwash
volume is typically 0.5% throughput, so downtime and reprocessing volumes
are minimal. Media cleaning involves less than 1% of total cycle time
(conventional filters require about 4% to 6%).
The short turnaround time for cleaning the ORFs will help operators respond
to IGF unit upsets. Increasing the frequency of ORF backwash cycles can
help reduce the risk of fouling the boiler feed water treatment train.
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PROJ. DOC. No.: M869-50-00-A-RP-001 Boiler Feed Water Treating and Steam Generation

Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A

M869-50-13-B-PF-002 EOR Substation - Water Treatment - WLS/AF
M869-50-13-B-PF-003 EOR Substation - Water Treatment - SAC/WAC
M869-50-13-B-PF-004 EOR Substation - Water Treatment - Acid/Caustic
M869-50-50-B-PF-001 EOR Substation - Steam Generation - BFW
M869-50-50-B-PF-002 EOR Substation - Steam Generation – HP Steam
M869-50-50-B-PF-003 EOR Substation - Steam Generation – Blowdown
Excess accumulation in the Produced Water Tank T-6501 will be diverted to
the Disposal Water Tank T-6512.
De-oiled produced water is fed into a Warm Lime Softener (WLS) T-6502
operating between 80°C and 90°C. The WLS has the ability to remove
reactive silica from the water. Elevated silica levels are typical for thermal
heavy oil production operations. Silica content should be reduced below 50
mg/L before the water can be further softened and used for boiler feed water.
The WLS uses a circulating suspension of lime and magnesium oxide to seed
the precipitation of calcium ions and magnesium ions (hardness). The
precipitation reactions also help remove silica from the water. The spent lime
and magox particles are periodically blown down via slurry pumps from the
WLS along with the precipitates and adsorbed silica. The spent slurry is sent
to the Sludge Settling Pond X-6501. Provisions for the addition of caustic
soda have been included in the design to assist in the management of
residual alkalinity and to help control the production of lime/silica sludge.
Water leaving the WLS passes through the WLS Overflow Tank T-6503 and
is pumped through the WLS After-Filters D-6501 A/B. This helps remove any
fine particulate that are carried out of the WLS. Another benefit demonstrated
by the WLS is that it provides an opportunity for dispersed oil to adsorb onto
the circulating lime and magox particles. This further reduces the amount of
organic compounds that get carried through to the steam generators.
The WLS helps reduce hardness, but not to the level required to protect the
steam generators from fouling.
The filtered water is additional softened to remove residual calcium and
magnesium ions in the primary SAC unit D-6502 A/B/C followed by the
polishing WAC unit D-6503 A/B/C. The SAC units capture most of the

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hardness, while the WAC units remove any residual calcium and magnesium
ions that escape from the SAC units.
The soft produced water leaving the polisher WAC unit is routed to the BFW
tank T-7001.
Makeup water from cold production activities in other parts of the oilfield is
obtained from the produced water pipeline leaving the Main Station. The
makeup water fed to the Substation is expected to contain small amounts of
residual oil. It will be fed into the Make Up Water Skim Tank T-6007 to float
out any oil droplets or slugs that may have coalesced anywhere in the
makeup water supply line.
The cold water will be pumped by the Makeup Water Pumps P-6007 A/B/C
from the Makeup Water Skim Tank to the. It also improves the reliability of
the boiler feed water supply. Make up rate will automatically drop if there is
an abundance of produced water. Conversely, the make up rate will
automatically increase if the flow of produced water is disrupted for any
The soft produced water is pumped by the LP BFW Pumps P-7001 A/B/C
from the BFW Tank T-7001 and is preheated in the following exchangers:
• DCO / BFW Exchanger E-5505
• PW / BFW Exchanger E-5503/E-5513
• Emulsion / BFW Exchanger E-5501/E-5511
It is then passed through the high-pressure BFW pump P-7002 A/B/C and
heated further by cross-exchanging with boiler blow-down in the BFW / Blow
Down Exchanger E-7001 A/B. The hot boiler feed water is then fed into the
once-through steam generators (OTSGs) H-7001 A/B/C/D.
During normal operation, the OTSGs will convert 77% of the boiler feed water
to steam. The remaining 23% remains in the liquid phase to help flush
dissolved minerals out of the boiler tubes. Attempting to operate the OTSGs
at higher steam quality will increase the risk of fouling the tubes and
damaging the steam generators. The liquid phase (boiler blow down) is
separated from the steam using a high-pressure cyclonic separator D-7001
The steam from the top of the separator is sent to the Clusters for injection
into the reservoir. The hot blow down is sent to the BFW / Blow Down
Exchanger E-7001 A/B to recover some of the heat back into the boiler feed
water. The partially cooled blow-down is then flashed in the LP Steam
Separator D-7002 to generate utility steam.

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The blow-down water leaving the utility steam flash drum will contain a high
concentration of dissolved solids. It will be trim-cooled in the LP Blowdown
Cooler E-7003 and sent to the Waste Water Disposal Tank T-6512. Utilities

Utility Steam
Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A
M869-50-50-B-PF-003 EOR Substation - Steam Generation - BD
M869-50-50-B-PF-001 EOR Substation - Steam Generation – BFW
Steam generator blow down water will typically leave the BFW/BD Exchanger
E-7001A/B at a temperature of about 153°C. As the hot water passes
through the control valve, some of it will flash to steam in the LP Steam
Separator D-7002.
This steam will be used for utility heating purposes and equipment cleaning.
Low-pressure steam will be distributed to hose connections at utility stations
throughout the plant.
An auxiliary air-cooled condenser A-7004 will be used to accommodate the
surplus utility steam. The condensed utility steam will be sent to the Distilled
Water Tank D-7002.
Condensed utility steam is relatively clean TDS-free water. This water will be
distributed to several utility stations located throughout the plant. Each utility
station will be fitted with hose connections to facilitate equipment cleaning.
The remainder of the condensed utility steam will be sent to the BFW Tank.
Fuel Gas System
Refer to Process Flow Diagrams in Appendix A
M869-50-50-B-PF-003 EOR Substation - Steam Generation - BD
M869-50-25-B-PF-001 - Utility and Fire Water System
High-pressure natural gas is obtained from a distribution pipeline leaving the
main station. A branch to the Substation will be installed as part of the
High-pressure natural gas is metered as it arrives at the Substation. The flow
is then distributed to the following users:
• Substation critical gas service (flare system purge; flare pilot)

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• Substation fuel gas system (makeup fuel gas, utility gas, vessel
blanketing, tank blanketing)
The Lift Gas Compressor K-8102 A/B boosts the pressure of the gas and the
flow is distributed to the well pads.
Each well-pad is equipped with an emergency shutdown valve (ESD valve).
Likewise, the branch that feeds the Substation fuel gas system is also
equipped with an ESD valve. These ESD valves are needed to disrupt the
fuel flow in the event of a fire or rupture in the facility.
The branch that feeds the Substation critical gas service will not be equipped
with an automated ESD valve. The flare system must remain operable and
reliable during any possible emergency situation. It is important that the flare
purge gas and pilot flames remain active during a plant shutdown. If the flare
system is damaged, the critical fuel gas supply can be turned off using a
manual block valve at the Substation perimeter.
The Substation fuel gas system will consist of the following main components:
• Lift Gas System (operating at about 7,600 kPag)
• Substation inlet header (operating at about 6,000 kPag).
• Critical fuel gas system (operating at 1,000 kPag; not affected by
• Fuel gas heater (using utility steam to heat the fuel gas to about 50°C).
• Medium pressure fuel gas header (operating at 1,200 kPag; pressure
vessel blanket gas; makeup gas to the mixed fuel gas system).
• Low-pressure fuel gas system (operating at 350 kPag; tank blanketing,
slop tank heaters, steam generator pilot flames).
• Odorized gas system (operating at 34 kPag; fuel for gas appliances in
occupied buildings).
• Mixed fuel gas system (operating at 300 kPag; mixture of produced
gas, lift gas returns, and makeup gas to feed main burners in the
steam generators).

Water Conditioning Systems

Water systems comprised of raw, utility, fire and potable water. According to
final use, water coming from nearby water wells is treated to optimize
investment and treatment effort. Fire, utility and potable water systems have
intermittent demand.

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A raw water system shall be provided for the supply of potable water, utility
water and fire water at the Substation.
Water to be used in the fire and utility services shall be stored appropriately in
a 7,800 m3 capacity Utility and Firewater Tank, from where it can be
Biocide injection is provided for potable water use. Potable water is filtered at
upstream and downstream of the potable water storage tank. The potable
water units shall be designed as a typical package system. Provision is made
for a fresh and potable water storage tank with a 48 hours supply capacity.
Pressure is boosted before entering the downstream fine filter so that, it will
be available to users at an adequate pressure.

Plant Air Systems

Air systems comprised of the utility and instrument air. These systems supply
utility air to users and dry air to instruments.
Air is compressed in 3x100% 800 Nm3/hr net capacity motor driven
compressors. One compressor is normally running, and the second
compressor starts when instrument air header pressure is 7 barg and the third
compressor will start at the instrument air header pressure of 6.5 barg.
Utility air is distributed through the corresponding network, and air for
instruments is sent to a dryer unit where moisture is taken out and is
distributed to the users.
At each Cluster an air compression package shall be provide to supply the
instrument and utility air requirements. Air is compressed in 3x100% 200
Nm3/h net capacity motor driven compressors.
An air receiver will provide continuity of air flow during compressor trips and
surges in air demand. The receiver will be sized to supply the instrument air
load for two minutes while permitting the instrument air pressure decay to 5.5

Firewater System
The Substation shall be equipped with a dedicated fire station. The fire
station shall be supplied by a firewater tank, which will provide more than 6
hours full flow requirement.
Three firewater diesel engine driven pumps with nominal capacity of 400
m3/h each (3 x 50%) to cover the firewater requirement of EOR Substation

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are provided. Two Jockey pumps have been provided with nominal capacity
of 15 m3/h each.
The prime movers for the firewater pumps shall be able to operate for a
minimum of 12 hours. Each will have a dedicated fuel tank of 12 hours
capacity with top up facilities from the fuel storage tank.
Foam concentrate package shall be provided to supply foam concentrate for
maximum duration of 65 minutes to a single fire zone at a time. Two foam
concentrate pumps, one electric driven and other diesel driven will be
supplied. Additionally, a jockey foam pump will maintain the foam ring header
pressure between 5 - 10 barg. Process Flow Diagrams

Refer to Appendix A Heat & Material Balances

Refer to Appendix A Utilities Summary

The following utility balance is preliminary and shall be reviewed

during FEED.

Utility Unit Consumption
HP Steam
Export to Clusters Kg/h 354 440
HP Steam Separator Kg/h (354 440)
LP Steam
LP Steam Separator Kg/h (5 610)
LP Steam Condenser Kg/h 5 610
LP Steam Condenser (5 610)
OTSG Kg/h 460 311
BFW from Water Treatment Kg/h (454 701)
Fuel gas

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Import from Main Station Kg/h (19 290)

Slug Catcher Kg/h (17 040)
VRU Kg/h (48)
OTSG Kg/h 20 752
Lift Gas Kg/h 15 580
Blanketing 46
Electricity *
Instrument and Plant Air m /h 800
Potable Water m3/h 10

* Refer to Electrical Drawings & Documents in Appendix D. EOR Sub station Equipment List

Refer to Appendix A EOR Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

Refer to Appendix A Design Studies Envelope Study

Refer to Document M869-50-00-B-RP-003 Envelope Study in Appendix A.

A preliminary envelope study was performed to assess the overall process,
the main design parameters and appreciate the differences compared to
other SAGD projects.
The purpose of this study was to:
• Simulate the process and assess influence of main design parameters,
keyword: step-changes
• Establish a “base case” for design and sensitivities
• Determine major operating cases
The main design parameters examined are summarized in the following table:

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Design Operating Case Results


H2S content High H2S 803 ppm (mole) H2S in fuel

in produced gas.
1.2% in Produced
Gas from Clusters. 1.4 tonnes/day of SO2
emission to atmosphere
assuming complete
stoichiometric conversion
4 ppm (mass) H2S dissolved
in the DCO product
→ No SRU is needed

Low H2S 17 ppm (mole) H2S in the

mixed fuel gas
100 ppm in
Produced Gas 0.03 tonnes/day SO2
from Clusters emissions from steam
generator flue stacks
Same as the base
case. 1 ppm (mass) H2S dissolved
in the DCO product
→ No SRU is needed

Gas to Oil High GOR Required Fuel Gas Makeup

Ratio rate = 114,451 sm3/day

SAGD wells
5.34 sm3 gas /
Sm3 of EHO
HASD wells
53.4 sm3 gas / sm3
of EHO

Low GOR Required Fuel Gas Makeup

rate = 145,219 sm3/day
→ Fuel Gas pipeline
SAGD wells
designed for 644,784
2.67 sm3 gas / sm3 sm3/day (Start up
of EHO Requirement)
HASD wells

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10 sm3 gas / sm3

of EHO

WLS Off spec Outlet Hot Produced Water to be

Operation diverted to Disposal

Silica > 50 ppm

Cold Produced Water to
compensate BFW flow
Lower BFW temperature
→ Impact on Heat

Operation during Cold makeup water will have

transitional a greater influence on the
startup temperature of the BFW
Cannot be sustained without
displacing oil from the
Steam generation
production zone
at full capacity.
Production at 50%

Produced 10 % Excess Excess produced water

Water would reduce the amount of
Imbalance makeup water required by the

10 % Deficit Extra influx of make up water

Increase OTSG Duty if
operators take no action. De-Oiling System Optimization

Refer to Document M869-50-00-B-RP-002 De-oiling Study in Appendix A.

The aim of this study was to identify options for de-oiling of water, perform a
life-cycle comparative study between the base case and the possible options
taken into account relevant parameters, e.g.: system performance in relation
to downstream system (e.g. oil content in water), CAPEX, OPEX, advantages
and disadvantages with each system and recommend a base case solution
for de-oiling part of the water treatment system for the FEED phase.

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SINCOR has proposed the following technologies to be studied and

compared with Induced Gas Floatation:
• MBF (Micro Bubble Floatation) licensed by GLR Solutions
• CFU (Compact Floatation Unit) licensed by MI-SWACO
This study evaluated three feasible options for de-oiling produced water.
• Case 1 Base Case: Skim Tank + IGF + ORFs
• Case 2 Skim Tank + GLR + ORFs
• Case 3 Skim Tank + CFU + ORFs
All options require three stages of de-oiling because of concerns on organics
in the downstream OTSG. The Skim Tank and the Oil Removal Filters are
required for all cases. The Skim Tank will add surge capacity which is
needed due to the nature of the upstream process. The Oil Removal Filters
are required as polish treatment for oil removal.
The SINCOR Design Philosophy for the Project outlines that mostly
commercially proven technologies with a population and years of operations
experience in the SAGD industry should be selected. Among the options
studied, IGF is the only technology that has been widely used and has
demonstrated commercial application in heavy oil thermal plants.
The other technologies under evaluation have been developed in recent
years for particular applications. GLR has been applied to retrofit existing
skim tanks systems and improve oil removal at lower capital cost. CFU has
been used in Offshore Platforms to cope with space restrictions and water
The Case 1 is recommended as the Base Case for FEED based on technical
confidence, plant reliability, operability, CAPEX and OPEX considerations. Pinch Analysis

Refer to Document M869-50-00-B-RP-005 Pinch Analysis in Appendix A.

Due to the abundance of surplus heat that cannot be used anywhere in the
facility a pinch analysis was carried out to optimize the heat recovery. The
objective of this study was the optimization of the plant heat balance: to
reduce fuel consumption without jeopardizing operability.
The optimum heat recovery scheme was developed for the EOR project.
The results of this heat integration show that the primary fuel consumer in the
Substation is the steam generators. Boiler Feed Water is the preferred

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destination of all recovered heat. The heat recovered to the boiler feed water
will help reduce fuel consumption and/or will increase the steam production
capacity of the OTSGs. The boiler feed water should be routed to the
recoverable heat sources in the following order: Produced Water – DCO,
Produced Emulsion and Boiler Blow Down.
The option to recover heat from produced vapours coming from the group
separators at the well-pads was examined. The study revealed that no
substantial improvement in heat recovery is achievable compared to the Base
Case. The main drawbacks of this option are the need to convey this heat to
the Substation to reach the preferred heat consumer (boiler feed water) and
several significant cost and operability implications on the heat integration of
Boiler Feed Water/DCO - Produced Water. Water Treatment Optimization

Several options were considered for the water treatment. The following
conclusions have been drawn from this study:
• The risk of not having a WLS to guarantee oil removal to below 1 ppm,
is too great, hence WLS will be part of the Base Case. The WLS can
treat the water in the three scenarios considered for design basis.
• The most important factors for the WLS to operate properly are the
temperature and the rate of change in temperature or water chemistry.
Operations must have complete control of these two variables to make
the WLS work.
• The Make-up Water will be heated to ~85oC using heat from the
disposal water stream, the OTSG blowdown water stream and the LP
steam (during initial start-up, plan will have to be put into place to deal
with the lack of heat). This heat integration arrangement does not rely
on production volume. Hence, temperature control will be more
effective and constant going into the WLS. All produced water will
initially be sent to disposal, until the chemistry of the produced water is
known and stabilized. Once the produced water chemistry has
stabilized, the operator then can select to blending in the produced
water. Each change in water chemistry will cause a short upset to the
WLS, but it can be controlled if the event is planned.
• No IGF is required for the Make-up water, since the Make-up water
has gone through an IGF at the Main Station. The Make-up Water
Tank is required to provide flexibility to operations. A skimming system
could be added to this MUW Tank to remove oil build up over time.

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5.3 Pipelines and Clusters

5.3.1 General Description

Refer to Process Flow Diagrams and P&IDs in Appendix A.

M869-01-10-B-PF-001 EOR CLUSTER #1 Wellheads
M869-01-10-B-PF-002 EOR CLUSTER #1 Group / Test Separators
M869-01-10-B-PF-003 EOR CLUSTER #2 Wellheads
M869-01-10-B-PF-004 EOR CLUSTER #2 Group / Test Separators
M869-01-10-B-PF-005 EOR CLUSTER #3 Wellheads
M869-01-10-B-PF-006 EOR CLUSTER #3 Group / Test Separators
M869-01-10-B-PF-007 EOR CLUSTER #4 Wellheads
M869-01-10-B-PF-008 EOR CLUSTER #4 Group / Test Separators
High pressure (HP) steam is fed into the injection wells at the Clusters to heat
up the reservoir. Each Cluster will be equipped with a high-pressure steam
distribution header and flow control systems. Start-up connections will be
provided to allow temporary steam injection into production wells. Use of this
start-up feature will be at the discretion of the facility operators.
During normal operation, heated EHO from the reservoir and condensed
steam (produced water) is expected to drain into the production wells. The
liquids in the well-bore are mixed with lift gas to create a low density fluid
mixture. The hydrostatic head of the column of fluid becomes less that the
reservoir pressure, allowing production to flow to surface. Some of the liquid
will flash to a vapour as the mixture rises in the well-bore.
The mixture of oil, produced gas, steam condensate, and lift gas from each
production well is collected in a header and sent to the Group Separator D-
1011/D-1021/D-1031/D-1041. At the operator’s discretion, flow from an
individual well can be isolated and sent to the Test Separator D-1011/D-
1021/D-1031/D-1041 for production evaluation.
Fluids entering the group separator are split into liquid and vapour phases.
The liquids (oil, emulsion, free water) are pumped by the Cluster Transfer
Pumps P-1011/P-1021/P-1031/P-1041 to the Substation by above ground
The vapour phase from the group separator will typically consist of produced
gas, lift gas returns, and about 76% water vapour. The vapour is cooled to
condense much of the water in the Produced Gas Condenser A-1011/A-
1021/A-1031/A-1041. The condensate recovered in the Produced Gas
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Separator D-1012/D-1022/D-1032/D-1042 is pumped by the Cluster

Condensate Pumps P-1012/P-1022/P-1032/P-1042 A/B into the emulsion
pipeline flowing to the Substation. The cooled gas is sent through a separate
pipeline to the Substation. Condensing the steam out of the produced
vapours at the well-pads significantly reduces the size of pipeline needed to
move the gas to the Substation.
Depending on the routing and elevation profiles, the produced gas pipeline
may require slug-prevention equipment. Even though the produced vapours
are cooled at the well-pads, residual water vapour and condensable
hydrocarbons may accumulate at inclines. Detailed pipeline modeling will be
required after the routing and elevation profiles are finalized.

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These criteria outline the basis of design for all mechanical equipment in this
EOR Project.
The latest editions of the SINCOR specifications were reviewed and gap
analyses were performed to compare the difference between the existing
SINCOR specifications and industry standards for SAGD projects. Where
there is no specification for required equipment, new specifications were
written. The list of applicable specifications is can be found in Appendix B.
Deviations and clarifications to the Project specifications will be done through
Technical Deviation Notices (TDN) which will be submitted to SINCOR for
Other applicable industry standards required for this project include the
• American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
• Instrument Society of America (ISA)
• American Petroleum Institute (API)
• ASME piping codes
• ANSI Standards
• American Standard Testing Society (ASTM)
• National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
• National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA)
o Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation (FM)
o Underwriters Laboratories Inc (UL)

All regulations, codes and statutes of authority, applicable supplements,

addenda and attachments having jurisdiction in the location of theses EOR
facilities shall also apply.
In addition to the above, the safety standards and features which are inherent
in the specific mechanical equipment design codes, standards and
regulations are also applicable.

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6.1 Equipment Design Basis (includes sparing philosophy)

Equipment design shall be based on maximizing shop fabrication and

assembly where deemed practical.
Design basis for the equipment will be as follows:
• Mechanical equipment for Substation will be designed for 30 years life
• Maximum use of standard equipment and design, proven technology,
and potentially off-the-shell equipment.
• Equipment size shall be designed as per the datasheets, and process
information included in the sized equipment list.

6.1.1 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Preliminary Thermal Ratings for all exchangers will be done. Engineering

shall check vendor’s thermal rating of the exchangers if the vendor’s design is
considerably different from the preliminary ratings.
Vendor sizing and calculations for heat exchangers shall be checked by EPC
Contractor using HTRI or similar software.
Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant
Standards and SINCOR specifications.
Process shell and tube exchangers will comply with the requirements of
TEMA Class 'R'.

6.1.2 Air Coolers

The same remarks as for shell and tube exchangers apply regarding thermal
ratings for air coolers.
Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant
Standards and SINCOR specifications.
All air-coolers shall be designed based on maximum ambient inlet air
temperature of 35oC.
50% of manually adjustable pitch fans and 50% of auto variable pitch fans will
be used for flow control.

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Manual louvers will be used at the air inlet. Automatic louvers with a
mechanical link to the side louvers will be used at the top and for re-
For fan speed reduction, chains and pulleys will be used. Removable bug
screens will be used.
Vendor sizing and calculations for heat exchangers shall be checked by EPC
Contractor using HTRI or similar software.

6.1.3 Pressure Vessels

Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant

Standards and SINCOR specifications.
Mechanical Design Basis shall be as shown on the pressure vessels Data
Sheets with its Technical Notes.
Vendors’ design and sizing shall be confirmed and approved by EPC

6.1.4 Storage Tanks

Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant

Standards and SINCOR specifications.
Mechanical Design Basis shall be as shown on the storage tanks Data
Sheets with its Technical Notes.
Tanks connected to the VRU system will have a design pressure of 2.0 kPag.
All field erected tanks will utilize a radial platform for nozzles access and
spiral staircases will be used when the shell height is greater than 12.2 m.

6.1.5 Rotating Equipment

All rotating equipment design and fabrication shall be in accordance with

relevant Industry standards and SINCOR specifications.
Generally rotating equipment drivers will be electric motors.

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6.1.6 Pumps

Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant

Standards, SINCOR specifications, and pump datasheets.
The High Pressure Boiler Feed Water pumps are considered critical service,
and shall be designed as per the HP BFW pump specifications.
Each HP BFW Pump will be equipped with a minimum flow recycle line,
designed to recycle BFW back to the HP BFW Pump suction header, or to the
BFW Tank during commissioning and early operation.
HP BFW Pump Sizing Basis:
• Rated capacity to match SDSR + 5% Flow design at sufficient head to
meet ASME Section 1;
• The pumps will also be sized to handle 10% extra flow at maximum
operating outlet pressure, to ensure that the BFW system is OTSG
capacity limited;
• Seals – high temperature type.

All process pumps will have Mechanical Seals. For specific ignitable or
hazardous fluids, Tandem, Double, or Inside Wet and Outside Dry running
seals will be used, after consultation with SINCOR.
If reciprocating pumps are used, then they will be horizontal for accessibility
and to control packing leaks.

6.1.7 Packaged Equipment and Miscellaneous Items

Some packaged equipment shall be per the packaged equipment

specifications and vendor’s standard design. Individual components will also
be subject to SINCOR’s applicable specifications. Typical examples are
vessels, tanks, pumps, motors and valves.

6.1.8 Fire Protection

Mechanical design and fabrication shall be according to the relevant

Standards, Codes and SINCOR specifications.
The fire protection system design criteria outline the fire fighting network and
design basis for the EOR Project.

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The Fire Protection system shall include fireproofing, foam system, fire water
system with storage and pumps, automatic water spray system, and hydrants.

6.1.9 Steam Generation

Each HP steam generator will be a multi-pass Once Through Steam

Generator (OTSG).
The OTSG’s will be shop modularized following the relevant transportation
restrictions and to minimize field erection time.
Circumferential radiant section has better advantages over other styles, and
has been used in SAGD technology for a number of years. Circumferential
radian section is preferred.
Burner(s) will be ultra low NOx type, if applicable, and the burner supplier
shall be involved in design of the OTGS’s from the initial stages of design.
The burner management system (BMS) shall be a PLC based unit and shall
meet all code requirements for the service.
The manufacturer of the OTSG’s will be entirely responsibility for the
equipment within the boundary delineation specified in the Datasheet and
All components within the boundary shall be tested, and registered with the
local government authorities prior to turnover.
Pigging connection will be provided for each pass of the OTSG.

6.1.10 Miscellaneous:

Personnel Protection, Safety Standards and Noise

Piping and equipment operating above 65oC shall include insulation for
personnel protection as per the insulation specification.
In addition to the above, the safety standards and features which are inherent
in the specific mechanical equipment design codes, standards and
regulations are also applicable.
Safety features to be incorporated into the design include, but are not limited
to, the following features for equipment:
• Ladder cages
• Safety chain across platform access

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• Step-off platforms where necessary

• Platform grating
• Enclosed guards over rotating components (couplings/V-belts
• Other features in accordance with SINCOR protection program will be
• Noise limits will be as standard Industry of 85 Db @ 1m.

6.2 Material Selection Study (includes corrosion prevention


6.2.1 Materials of Construction

Construction material will be as shown on the equipment data sheets and the
Materials Selection Diagram in Appendix B.
Material selection for the equipment (vessel, tanks, pumps, exchangers,
valves, compressors, coolers, equipment packages, steam generators,
treatment units) should be based on the life service.
All selected materials should be identifiable and conform to the ASTM
standard specifications.
Upset conditions, shutdowns, start-ups, environmental conditions,
contaminant levels, stream analysis, should be evaluated when selecting

6.2.2 Corrosion Prevention Philosophy

Based on the process fluids, a detailed system assessment shall be

performed to identify potential corrosion mechanisms, in the oil treatment,
water treatment, gas treatment, and steam area.

In addition to the material selection and corrosion allowance, there is

additional corrosion control equipment as follow:
• Protective Coatings
Internal coatings are recommended in critical vessel, as Boiler Feed
Water Tank, Induced Gas Floatation Unit, Caustic tank, and make-up
water tank, among others.

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• Cathodic Protection
The specification JOB SPEC 4478-70A13A Rev 1 will be followed for
corrosion control of metal in contact with soil, buried concrete, water,
and hydrocarbons.

• Inhibition Program
Inhibitor Injection packages will be identified in the P&ID, and is listed
in the equipment list, for corrosion protection.

• Monitoring program (Corrosion Coupons or probes)

Internal corrosion monitoring primarily involves installing a system that
provides access for exposing corrosion monitoring equipment to
strategic monitoring points within a process system. A key feature to
any system is the ability to access the equipment at prearranged
intervals to recover data, in order to measure corrosion rates.
Proper equipment and location of monitoring sites is critical for
obtaining useful information.

• Scheduled Maintenance
It is recommendable to be proactive and initiate monitoring before
problems occur. Monitoring allows the establishment of a corrosion
rate baseline upon which future operations can be compared and aids
in system life span forecasting. It will assist in pointing out problem
areas or trends before a failure occurs, and also proves due diligence
in protecting assets, safety and the environment.

6.2.3 Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) for the equipment shall be as

shown on data sheets. The lowest MDMT shall be -29oC.

6.2.4 Overall Equipment List

Overall equipment list is attached in Appendix B which includes the following

relevant information for all mechanical equipment:

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• Steam Generators;
• Tanks;
• Vessels;
• Air Coolers Heat Exchangers,
• Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers;
• Compressors;
• Pumps;
• Filters, Stacks, and Miscellaneous;
• Packaged Equipment;
• Motors; and
• Miscellaneous.
Also included is a summary list which is linked to the individual equipment list
with the key process conditions for quick reference. The equipment list can
be sorted by services, tag number or by name. Each equipment will have
process conditions both design and operation. The mechanical list will
include materials, insulation and vendor information, as appropriate.
For the packaged equipment, a number of individual components such as
vessels, pumps, tanks, coolers, exchangers are included within the
appropriate package identified by tag numbers.
All equipments will be ordered using an approved SINCOR vendor list.

6.3 Preliminary Mechanical Datasheets

Preliminary equipment datasheets for the major equipment which are

considered long lead items have been initiated and they are included in
Appendix B.
The following Project documents are required for interface with other
engineering disciplines (as may be applicable to specific mechanical
equipment items):
• Motor Data Sheets
• Electrical Area Classification Drawings
• Piping Layout/Location Drawings Civil/Structural Drawings
• Piping and Instrumentation Drawings

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• Material Selection Diagrams

• 3D REBIS Model for Piping and Equipment
Preliminary mechanical data sheets have all the necessary process and
mechanical information for both design and fabrication.
The data sheets will be used as a supplement to the SINCOR specifications
and will be applied in the purchase and procurement of equipment for the
EOR Project.
All tagged equipment shall have data sheets outlining their technical details.
The data sheets shall be tagged and numbered following the numbering
system as per Project procedures. As-built data sheets will also be issued as
dictated by the Project requirements.

6.4 Spare Parts Philosophy

Spare parts philosophy will depend on the type of equipment and also as per
input from the owner, SINCOR. Overall practice is to have installed standby
Usually equipments requiring the supplier’s site presence during pre-
commissioning and commissioning will require spare parts.
A spare parts template sheet will be issued with the quotation as an option
and this will be evaluated and decided during the purchasing stage.
The manufacturer shall recommend all spare parts for start-up and
subsequent operation for one year.
For commissioning spares and for special maintenance handling tools,
include wearing parts, which need replacement after start-up, test and
shutdown prior to production start.
The following information is required on all spare parts lists:
• Part description and number (sufficient detail to order size, material,
• Unit cost each part (identify unit-sets, pairs, etc.);
• Total quantity of items;
• All Owner purchase order number applicable;
• Supplier’s identification (shop order number, etc.) if applicable;
• Date of price quotation; and

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• Total price of all parts recommended

A supplier shall state additional information as required for a certain part
(serial numbers, tag numbers, etc.) to facilitate ordering and standardization.
A supplier shall also state price policy, F.O.B. point, freight status and

6.5 Long Lead Items

Equipment with a long delivery time has been identified and included in the
document called Long Lead Items bidder list, which is included in Appendix B.
Long lead items apply to both individual and skidded equipment which have
to be identified and ordered so they will meet the project schedule. These
equipment lists along with engineering work packages will be issued during
the FEED stage together with approximate delivery time.
A long lead item is an equipment which has more than six month delivery or
an equipment required early in the project.
Steam Generator’s preliminary inquiry indicated an estimate possible delivery
time of 2 years, after the Purchase Order release.
The Long Lead Item has been sorted by category and includes the potential
bidders from international vendors as well as Venezuelan vendors.

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7.1 Environment Philosophy

The SINCOR field production area presents high susceptibility to soil erosion
and sediment process. This is caused by the soil characteristic, the climatic
conditions, the predominant geoform type and the protection exerted by the
vegetation coverage.
The hilly landscapes and plateaus which have different evolution stadiums,
are characterized by a strong morphogenetic activity in natural conditions,
which are increased by interventions, such as sheep herding and earth works.
In general, the superficial material is very friable with exceptions where the
ferrous cuirass is surfacing or where soil is partially protected by a stony
pavement, originated by cuirass meteorization.
The scarce vegetation coverage, which dominates the highest areas, is
represented by gramineaes growing in Clusters. This may expose soil areas
and trees or isolated bush presence. Vegetation covering is only found in the
valley depths where wide gallery forests are developed, associated with
morichales (swamp palm).
Rain intensity is significant which causes loose soil. Another element to be
considered is the terrain slope. Terrains with slopes within 4-5% may cause
the acceleration of the erosion process.
On the other hand, the area presents a high density of water streams, with a
great quantity of headwaters, which confluence in bigger streams, are
colonized by morichales and forest galleries. The area is also characterized
by a high biodiversity making contrast with the nearby plains. However, these
ecosystems are largely affected by fires and by presence of agricultural
The SINCOR area is one with a high environmental sensitivity. This increase
high erosion and sediments potential, conjugated with the highly diverse and
complex presence of morichales. Therefore, the following environmental
elements shall be considered during the development of the new facilities.
Based on the Forestal Law of Soils and Waters, the following areas shall be
• 25 m from each side of intermittent water streams.
• 50 m from each side of continuous water streams.
• 300 m from each side of the navigable rivers
• 50 m around lakes and lagoons
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• 300 m around spring waters

• 50 m to hillsides
• Water diverts and headwaters
• Forests
According to the law, all the areas mentioned before are considered as
protective zones. Although the law does not restrict their intervention, a
particular Environmental Impact Study is required
Decret 846, which concerns Morichal Ecosystem protection and adjacent
areas established as protected the morichal ecosystem itself and adjacent
fringe of 300 m wide to each side, measured from the potentially flooded area
or the vegetation limits. The law considers that not necessarily the presence
of a single palm represents the limits of the morichal, it includes the
associated forest gallery. Exceptions are included to consider the presence
of indigenous communities and due to public benefit projects. Similar to the
above mentioned forestal law, although the law does not restrict their
intervention, a particular Environmental Impact Study is required and the area
is considered as ABRAE (Áreas Bajo Régimen de Administración Especial,
Areas under Special Administrative Regime). In any case, the Ministry is
denying these particular areas for oil facilities, authorizing only pipe lines and
power lines crossings, bridges and roads, with supported justification and an
Environmental Study
The interventions justification for sensitive areas should be based on
environmental criteria, for example: demonstrating how a different location
would cause bigger environmental impact than the proposed option; showing
how the project viability depends on the intervention of those spaces, etc.
These analyses should be sustained on social and environmental basis and
not on economic criteria. Also, the Ministry would request safety and health
criteria to complement the social and environmental required support.
The pipeline routes should maximize the use of existing corridors. New
corridors should be defined in already affected areas or with agriculture
activities; minimizing rivers and creeks crossings, avoid areas with high
morphodynamic potential and using areas where vegetation is low. Low
environment impact construction methods should be used minimizing
operational areas.

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Gaseous Effluents
Gaseous emissions control must comply with the following principles:
• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG);
• Reducing the emission of any gaseous or solid compounds affecting
air quality (H2S, SO2, NOx, nmVOC, CO, Particulates, etc.);
• Monitoring the flow and characteristics of significant emissions before
release to the atmosphere.
The following basic principles shall be applied:
• No continuous flaring of associated gas during normal operation,
unless there is no feasible alternative;
• No continuous venting of associated gas, unless there is no feasible
These principles do not apply to emergency, safety, temporary operational
upsets and start-up periods. In addition, the following emission reduction
measures are included in the design:
• Selection of the most energy efficient equipment;
• Use of Vapour Recovery Unit versus venting;
• Process optimization to minimize flaring caused by process upsets.
Emission sources shall be designed so that ground level concentrations meet
ambient air quality standards. Dispersion studies should be undertaken on a
case-by-case basis in order to assess the potential impact on air quality.
Diluent losses from tank vents can be significant. Normal temperature and
pressure transitions can light ends to flash off. Fluctuating tank levels can
also result in out-breathing of diluent vapours. This can lead to odour
problems and loss of valuable product. In extreme cases, explosive vapour
clouds could develop within the plant site. A vapour recovery unit (VRU) will
be installed to recover the diluent vapours and to prevent emissions of
flammable and noxious compounds.
The aquathermolysis phenomenon is expected to create H2S in the reservoir.
The H2S will be produced with the reservoir gas and carried through the
produced gas train. If the production wells are switched from lift gas to down-
hole pumps, then it may be practical to recover the H2S from the gas using a
sulphur removal unit (SRU). Produced gas, lift gas returns, and additional
makeup gas is fed to the mixed fuel gas system. All of this mixture is burned
by the steam generators. The firebox of the steam generators operates at
very high temperatures with adequate residence time to completely destroy
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all H2S. The sulphur emissions are converted predominantly to SO2. A

dispersion study shall be carried out to verify the compliance with the
applicable air quality standards.
Appropriate flow measurement systems shall be installed to quantify any
significant gaseous emissions streams to atmosphere (flares as a minimum).
In addition, sampling points shall be installed on main stacks to perform
monitoring of flue gas emissions.
A meteorological station shall be systematically installed and maintained all
along the installations life to measure as a minimum, temperature, wind,
rainfall, and nebulosity.
Liquid Effluents
The facilities shall be designed to avoid any risk of leak of liquid effluents
including produced water, drainage waters, chemically treated waters,
sanitary effluents, workover fluids and well test fluids.

7.2 Chemicals Identification

The following chemicals will be required by the process

Brine (sodium chloride)
De-oling polymer
Magnesium oxide Caustic
Hydrochloric Acid
Dispersant Oxygen scavenger
Reverse Demulsifier
Polymer chelant
Corrosion inhibitor
Filming amine
The chemicals shall be selected according to the following preference: lowest
toxicity, lowest bioaccumulation potential, highest biodegradation.
The chemicals shall be evaluated according to regulations. When all data are
available a chemical assessment model may be used. Each chemical
product shall be supplied with its own MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
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and fitted with a labelling correctly marked on the packaging. MSDS shall
include eco toxicological data.
Handling procedures shall be set up, Operators handling the chemicals shall
be trained, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be available on
work site. Bulk supply of chemicals via tote tanks or dedicated containers
shall be considered to minimize transfer operations and avoid packaging
waste. Chemical stock shall be properly managed to ensure that any over
capacity and leftover chemicals is avoided. Chemicals / materials supply
contracts should consider the possibility of returning the unused products to
the suppliers.
Chemical storage shall include secondary containment, either a double walled
container or a skid base plate or a bonded area and adequate ventilation.
The storage should be protected from rainfalls and direct sun radiation. On
logistic bases, large storage areas shall be fitted with an impervious slab
(concrete or other) with a slope towards a gutter and a relevant drainage
system. The storage design shall take into account chemicals compatibility.
The storage of laboratory chemicals is subject to specific regulations.

7.3 Wastewater Treatment Philosophy

Open drain and closed drain are provided for the proper collection, treatment
and disposal of oily and non-oily drain residues. Collection and treatment are
selected according to the water and oil content so as to optimize investment
and processing effort in dealing with the corresponding streams.
Non-oily rain water, not requiring treatment, is collected in one runoff pond.
The overflow system in the runoff pond will be arranged to pass the water to
the runoff pond sump from there it will be tested and transferred to the Waste
Water Disposal Tank or to ditches and final disposition.
Oily water goes to an API separator where most of the oil is taken out to be
reprocessed after proper intermediate storage. Water is treated in the API
Separator to get a maximum of 20 ppm oil in water. After passing to the
runoff pond sump the treated water is tested and discharged to ditches and
final disposition. Skimmed oil will be sent to the oil sump and pumped to the
slop oil tank.
The Closed Drain System collects liquid hydrocarbons drained from
equipment and storage tanks, thus recovering valuable product and avoiding
environmental pollution. The Closed Drain Drum is designed to handle one
third of the normal liquid volume of the largest separator drum. Emptying time
is two hours. Collected material is recovered and sent to the slop oil tank.

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The clarified supernatant from the Sludge Pond has been identified as having
a potential disposal problem. It will likely be oxygen-saturated and could
contain traces of oil released from the sludge. The oxygen content poses
corrosion problems if the water is pumped back into the process. The
contaminants in the supernatant preclude the option of discharging the pond
contents into the environment. Sending the supernatant to disposal could
create corrosion problems in the disposal pipeline and injection wells if not
treated. High rainfall rates in the region and low evaporation rates would
require a roof be installed over the settling pond. (Optional – A centrifuge
should be considered for dewatering the sludge; sending the centrate to the
disposal water pipeline and the solids to a landfill).

7.4 Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Philosophy

Waste generated during the installation life, including construction and

operations, shall be clearly identified, classified (as least non-hazardous,
hazardous) and quantified. The waste management shall take into account
the “5R” principle, i.e.: Reduce, Recover, Reuse, Recycle, Residue disposal.
Whenever possible, recycling/reuse of plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, scrap
metal, wood, etc. shall be considered. All the necessary waste treatment and
disposal facilities (controlled landfill, incinerator, biocentre….) shall be studied
and set up to be fully operational for the drilling and production phases, taking
into account the existing processes available at local or regional level and
appropriate for treating and eliminating the generated waste.
The main elements of waste management defined in the EIA study shall be
applied: collection, segregation, labelling, temporary storage means and
locations, treatment, elimination or disposal means. The disposal of non-
treated oily effluents and hazardous waste into pits either for burning (burn
pits) or burial is prohibited.
The main contributor to the production of solid waste is the Warm Lime
Softener. This process uses a circulating suspension of lime and magnesium
oxide to seed the precipitation of calcium ions and magnesium ions
(hardness). The spent lime and Magox particles are periodically decanted
from the WLS along with the precipitates and adsorbed silica. The spent
slurry is sent to a settling pond (Sludge Pond) for disposal.

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7.5 Blowdown and Flaring Philosophy

The flare systems must be designed and operated in accordance with all
applicable engineering and safety standards. These include (but are not
limited to):
• American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 521:
Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems.
• API Recommended Practice 520: Sizing, Selection, and Installation of
Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries.
• API Recommended Practice 537: Flare Details for General Refinery
and Petrochemical Service.
• ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes
The flare relieves shall be evaluated for all contingencies which may result in
equipment overpressure including external fire, utility failure, equipment
failure and malfunction, abnormal processing conditions, thermal expansion,
equipment trips and operator errors.
All pressure vessels must be protected by pressure relieving devices to
prevent the pressure from rising above the design pressure according to the
following table

Maximum Allowable
Overpressure (% AWP)

Fired and unfired Steam 3


Vessels equipped with 10

single relief

Vessels equipped with 16

multiple relief devices

Fire Contingency 21

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7.6 Hazardous Area Classification

The area classification for the EOR plant is shown on the drawing No. M869-
50-41-A-SK-001 “EOR – Area Classification Drawing for Substation” in
Appendix D.
The area classification is based on the equipment distribution according to the
EOR – Substation Plot Plan. The methods used to prepare the area
classification are outlined in SINCOR document No. CA04-04-33-P-DC-101
“Electrical System Design Criteria”. Hazardous Area Classifications for the
Clusters will follow the same procedure and will be produced in the FEED
stage of this project.

7.7 Flare System Design Concept

At the Substation two separate flare headers are included in the design. A
high-pressure (HP) flare header will be installed for emergency
depressurization valves and PSV relief. A low-pressure (LP) flare header is
needed to accommodate discharges from devices that cannot withstand high
backpressure. Normally there will be no flow to either flare header.
Both headers will have continuous purge to prevent oxygen ingress. Purge-
reduction devices must be installed to allow lower purge rates (below 0.05
ft/s). This will minimize purge gas consumption and normal operating
The HP flare header will consist of an aboveground flare knockout drum, flare
knockout pumps, and a flare stack with a continuous re-ignition device. Some
of the emergency relief scenarios could send non-combustible vapours to the
flare stack (i.e. high steam content may prevent the vapours from burning). In
this case, the flare stack will act as an emergency vent stack. The flare stack
will automatically reignite and return to normal readiness as soon as the flow
of non-combustible vapours subsides.
The LP flare header will be used to collect the tank vents in the event of VRU
upset, shutdown, or overload. The LP flare header and the stack will be sized
to minimize backpressure when tank vents are diverted to flare.
At each Cluster, a vent stack instead of a flare will be used based on the
following considerations:
• Design basis uses lift gas;
• Gas phase diluted 75% by steam and gas;
• Normally no vent at ground level;

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• H2S from vent gas not to go beyond 1 PPM at ground level. There will
be smell of H2S but should be no danger;
• There are no local regulatory constraints against such vent stacks.

7.8 Health and Safety philosophy

The facilities shall meet high standards where Health and Safety are
Safety shall be everybody’s concern. It shall not be limited to gas releases
and fire, but shall involve other specialists and in particular process and
instrumentation and shall require a multidisciplinary approach.
Regulation monitoring shall be based on the appliance of international Codes
and Standards.
The SINCOR General Specifications shall be applicable. The order of
prevalence of the different applicable Safety document shall be:
• Venezuelan Laws and Regulations;
• Safety Concept to be developed for the Project;
• Project particular specifications;
• SINCOR General Specifications;
• Other Codes, Standards and Norms and in particular API and NFPA.
The Safety Concept developed for the EOR Project is based on Un-Manned
Clusters and Permanently Manned Substation.
The following basic principles shall be applied:
• Primary and secondary escapes routes shall be provided to facilitate
personnel evacuation in critical situations.
• Chemical and Hazardous Substances are anticipated to be handled at
the Substation so safety showers/eye wash shall be installed close to
chemical injection packages to allow easy and quick access in the
event of exposure to harmful chemical.
• The four new Clusters will have fire and fixed H2S detection. No fixed
firewater system is required on the Clusters but mobile/portable
equipment are to be permanently provided. Stand-alone safety
showers and eye washer shall be installed close to the chemical skids.
• Fixed Fire Water and provision for monitors and hydrants are required
at the Substation.
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7.9 HAZID Study

Hazard Identification (HAZID) Study has been carried out during PRE-FEED
to asses the impact of the facilities on their surroundings, the impact of the
surroundings on the facilities, the interferences between main items and the
general hazards. In Appendix F, the effect or possible consequences and
the possible causes of the main events evaluated by the HAZID Team are
HAZID shall be reviewed at each major modification during the project

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The quality of any piping design is influenced by the supporting

documentation made available to the piping group. For this SINCOR Project,
the layout was based on the following supporting documents:
• Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s);
• Mechanical Equipment List; and
• Equipment Spacing Guide.

8.1 General

The primary consideration in arrangement of units and equipment shall be to

provide an economical plant, safe and easy to operate and maintain. The
arrangement shall favour compactness and integrated disposition of units and
equipment. Space shall be provided around equipment for convenient
operation and maintenance access. Within the units, space for future needs
shall be provided only where specifically designated.

8.2 Layout Philosophy and Equipment Spacing Criteria

SINCOR advised the project of four possible locations for the Sub Station
site. All sites are large enough and suitable to accommodate the EOR Sub
Station. A separate evaluation compared the options and recommended
Option #3 as the preferred location for the Pre-FEED.
Locations for the Clusters were given by SINCOR.
Layout of the Sub Station and the Clusters were done with the following
• The prevailing wind direction
• The natural topography of the site location: drainage to creeks and
• The existing infrastructure: roads, pipeline right of ways and power
• The constructability of the plant
• The operation of equipment
• The maintenance of equipment
• The safety of equipment
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• The Sub Station is divided into process areas. For example, Water
Treating, De-oiling, Steam Generation, etc.
• Placing heavy equipment on undisturbed soil (not compacted fill)
• Placing drainage ponds to take advantage of natural topography
• Locating odour causing process to take advantage of prevailing winds
• Locating equipment that have high noise levels away from office
• Providing adequate space around equipment for constructability,
operation and maintenance

8.3 EOR Substation

8.3.1 EOR Sub Station Location

EOR Substation Location:

• Final EOR Sub Station location will be based on involved cost for each
• A differential rough cost analysis for each option was done to
determine the differential cost for each option, considering the
differences in major items:
o Backfill/excavation volumes.
o Piping from/to Main Station to EOR Sub Station
o Piping from/to EOR Sub Station to Clusters
o Cost for power distribution
• Incremental pumping costs to/from Main Station to each location were
considered unimportant compared with the total pumping costs.
• Others factors like land property and Environmental to be considered
For option location see Drawing No. M869-00-10-N-DR-001 “Options
Location for EOR Substation & Clusters”.

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EOR Substation location study comprises of the following considerations:

Basis for Plant Location Selection
• Delimitation Area as defined in EOR Project Design Basis Data
• Preliminary Plot plans supplied by SINCOR for EOR Sub Station and
• Preliminary pipeline sizes as defined on Hot Production Phase 1
(HPP1), Conceptual Study, Process Report
• Topographic drawings supplied by SINCOR.
Location Selection Criteria
• Spacing requirements
• Relative cost for earth work, roads, pipelines and power distribution
• The EOR Project Substation to be located as close as possible to the
barycentre of the different Clusters.
• Maximize the use of existing pipeline/roads corridors
Spacing Requirements
• Potential Plant locations are limited by the presence of rivers, creeks
and existing infrastructure in the limitation area.
• The required plot area is based on preliminary plot plans prepared by
SINCOR during the Conceptual Study
• Three Extra High Voltage EDELCA Power distribution lines crossing
the area are limiting also the potential locations. A safety distance of
50 m at each side of each power line was considered
• The route for potential expansion is limited by the presence of natural
and existing infrastructure obstacles.

8.3.2 EOR Substation Plot Plan

The plot plan was then reviewed with SINCOR representatives and
comments were noted. The drawing was issued Rev. C, to reflect the
comments from the client review then re-issued, for the DBM. Essentially, the
plot plan is frozen at Rev. C. The Project will continue to make refinements to
the plot plan, but will not be re-issued during Pre-FEED unless there are
changes that may significantly affect the cost estimate.

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8.3.3 Preliminary Piping Layout

The piping shall be arranged in an orderly manner and routed as directly as

practical preferably in established banks or pipeways (pipe racks). Piping
shall run at different elevations designated for north-south and east-west
banks, and shall change elevation when changing direction. The piping
outside of the main pipeways shall parallel main pipes wherever possible.
The relative elevation of the pipeways shall be set to provide sufficient
clearance between lines at cross-overs. Dead ends and pockets in lines are
to be avoided. The piping shall be designed with sufficient flexibility to absorb
stresses due to line expansion or contraction as a result of operating, steam-
out, or ambient conditions, expansion or contraction of connected equipment
and settlement of equipment or tankage. Steam piping shall be designed for
complete condensate removal. Drip legs shall be provided on all steam lines
at low points and dead ends. Branch connections shall be made from the top
of the headers. Block valves shall be installed in the horizontal run of each
branch line
With respect to pipe flexibility, stresses due to thermal expansion or
contraction shall be analyzed by the methods in ASME B31.3 or ASME B31.1
as applicable. Where the layout does not provide sufficient flexibility, the
following may be used, in order of preference:
• Expansion loops with guides and anchors
• Spring loaded supports or hangers where rigid supports restrict line
movement or cause overstressing of the line.
• Cold springing.
• Expansion joints with guides and anchors, when approved by SINCOR
In regard to equipment piping, the piping at vertical vessels shall be located
radially (equal distance, vessel OD to pipe OD) usually on the pipeway side.
Manways and platforms shall be on the access side. Vessel nozzles located
at draw trays shall have a minimum of five diameters of vertical pipe run from
the vessel nozzle before any change of piping direction can be initiated. The
valves and flanges shall not be located inside vessel skirts. A valved and
blinded atmospheric vent shall be provided at vessel high points and/or
overhead piping with platform access provided for valve operation.
Other than to a closed hydrocarbon drain system, drains provided at vessels
shall run to a trench system with open connections terminating 50mm above
so that discharge is plainly visible. Relief valves discharging into a closed
blowdown system shall be elevated to provide self-draining of discharge side
into blowdown system. Relief valves discharging vapour to atmosphere must

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be provided with a pipe stack ending at least 3 meters above any platform
within a 8 meter radius. A NPS ¼” threaded weep hole shall be provided at
the bottom of the stack to prevent liquid accumulation. If the weep hole would
discharge to a platform, a NPS ½” sockolet and a ½” line shall be provided to
a safe location.
Exchanger piping shall not be run over channel or shell cover areas, or in the
way of built-in or mobile handling facilities except removable local
interconnections. Wrench clearance shall be provided at the exchanger
flanges. Spool pieces shall be provided beyond the channel nozzles to permit
the removal of the exchanger channel head and tube bundle. Cooling supply
and return lines shall be routed to minimize bypass lengths.
Pump suction piping shall be arranged with particular care to avoid
unnecessary pressure drop and vapour pockets. Concentric reducers are
preferred where size changes are necessary, except in horizontal suction
lines at pumps with end or side suction. In these locations, irrespective of
suction piping being routed from above or below the pump, eccentric top flat
reducers shall be used.
Piping at pumps and turbines shall be arranged to avoid interference with
operation or maintenance access. Removable spool piece shall be provided
as appropriate, such as at suction end pump inlets, to permit maintenance
without major piping disassembly.
Conical type temporary strainers shall be provided at all pump suctions and
turbine inlets unless permanent strainers are specified.
Pipe supports shall normally be designed to transmit all piping loads directly
to foundations. Loadings to be considered in design calculations include:
• Weight of pipe and insulation;
• Weight of the line contents based on water, or process fluid, whichever
is greater;
• Wind loading;
• Lateral loading due to movement of lines on supports;
• Vibrations due to pulsations from reciprocating pumps and
compressors and possible line surges.
Supports shall be located so that the force transmitted to connections on
equipment such as pumps, compressors, etc. does not exceed that allowed
by the manufacturer. The design of such supports shall be detailed and not
left for field improvisation.

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Piping to equipment requiring removal for maintenance, including control

valve assemblies, shall be supported so that temporary supports are not
required during removal.
The material for pipe supports shall be structural steel or reinforced concrete.
Shoes shall be installed on insulated pipe at supports. Uninsulated lines shall
rest directly on the supports but shoes shall be provided on lines subject to
excessive or continuous movement.
Guides shall be installed on supports to restrict lateral movement.
Variable spring hangers and supports shall be provided with a scale showing
the range of working load and a means of adjustment. Constant support
spring hangers shall be provided with the calibrated load clearly indicated, a
scale showing the range of movement and an accurate means of adjustment.
Pipe lines shall be anchored where necessary for the purpose of restraining
movement and protecting equipment, branch connections, etc. from thrusts
due to expansion, contraction or pressure. Anchors shall normally be
designed to transmit directly to foundation all thrusts due to line movement.
Where lines are supported on shoes, the shoes shall be welded to the
anchor. For high thrust forces, detailed shoes design are required. Where
lines are not supported on shoes, the line shall be fastened to the anchor by
means of brackets, u-clamps, etc. Welding the line directly to the support
structural steel is not acceptable.
Anchors shall be provided at Substation limits on all piping coming or leaving
to prevent any stresses from being transmitted to offsite piping. Where
necessary, anchors shall be provided in conjunction with expansion loops,
expansion joints and guides to control excessive movement of the lines.
Blowdown headers shall be installed so that the piping slopes into the
blowdown pond or drum.
Relief valve may be located on piping instead of on equipment and shall be
located at the lowest possible elevation that may be economically justified.
This shall be reviewed and approved by the Process and Instrumentation

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8.4 Pipelines and Clusters

8.4.1 Pipelines routing

In general, the new pipe-ways run beside to existing pipelines. The limit of
clearing is determined by existing Right-of-Way boundary. The new pipeline
shall be installed 7 m (as a minimum) from the outer pipeline on the existing
Main Station to EOR Substation:
The pipelines from Main Station (Gas Supplied, Water Make-Up, Diluent,
Diluted Crude Oil and Water Disposal) shall be tied ins at Main Station.
Those pipelines route runs to the Substation by new pipe-way to be installed
beside the existing pipe-way.
It is expected to install approximately 16,000 m of each of the above pipelines
between the Main Station and EOR Substation.
The new pipelines shall follow the existing topographic conditions and similar
routing alignment of the existing pipelines. For supporting the new pipelines,
piping supports shall be installed according to the pipe standard spans.
Stress loops shall be installed along the pipe-ways with loop projections
toward opposite side of the existing pipe-way. The preliminary design
contemplates loops each 260 m. Loop typical arrangement is shown in
drawing M869-50-16-0-SK-001, in Appendix C.
For maintenance purposes, valves and flanged connections shall be installed
at both pipelines ends (Main Station battery limit and EOR Substation pigging
area) to allow installing traps.
Routing preliminary details are shown in drawing M869-07-10-N-DR-001-
Pipelines Export/ Import - Main Station to/from EOR Sub Station –
Conceptual Route. Details related to piping supports in drawing M869-07-10-
EOR Substation to Clusters:
The pipelines from EOR Substation (Gas Lift, Steam, Produced Emulsion,
Produced Gas and Diluent) begin or finish at Pigging area. Those pipelines
to or from clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be installed on new pipe-way beside to
the existing pipe-way.
It is expected to install approximately 57,000 m (total) of the above pipelines
between the Clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 and EOR Substation.

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The new pipelines shall follow the existing topographic conditions. For
supporting the new pipelines, piping supports shall be installed according to
the pipe standard spans.
Stress loops shall be installed along the pipe-ways with loop projections
toward opposite side of the existing pipe-way. The preliminary design
contemplates loops each 260 m. Loop typical arrangement is shown in
drawing M869-50-16-0-SK-001, in Appendix C.
For maintenance purposes, pig traps (launcher and receivers) shall be
installed only for Produced Emulsion and Produced Gas pipelines. For the
rest of pipelines (trunk lines), valves and flanges connections shall be
installed to allow for traps connections. Traps and valves shall be installed at
Pigging Areas (EOR Substation, Main Station battery limit and Clusters).
Routing preliminary details are shown in drawing M869-08-10-N-DR-001-
Pipelines Export/ Import – Clusters to/from EOR Sub Station – Conceptual
Route. Details related to piping supports in drawings M869-07-10-N-DR-001
and M869-08-10-N-DR-006. Route and Profile Map

The new pipelines shall be bended to adapt the pipelines to the expected
topographic conditions.
For adjust the pipelines to the existing topography, fittings (elbows) can be
used along the pipeline, but the minimum required pigging radius has to be
For supporting the new pipelines, piping supports shall be installed according
to the pipe standard spans. As well as, settlements that may induce
additional loading on the pipeline must be minimized.
Routing profile details are shown in drawings:
• M869-07-10-N-DR-002 Pipeline Export/ Import – Main Station
to/from EOR Substation – Longitudinal Profile
• M869-08-10-N-DR-002 Pipeline Export/ Import – Cluster 1 to/from
EOR - Longitudinal Profile
• M869-08-10-N-DR-003 Pipeline Export/ Import – Cluster 2
to/from EOR - Longitudinal Profile
• M869-08-10-N-DR-004 Pipeline Export/ Import – Cluster 3
to/from EOR - Longitudinal Profile

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• M869-08-10-N-DR-005 Pipeline Export/ Import – Cluster 4 to/from

EOR - Longitudinal Profile Crossings

It is anticipated that the pipelines will be above ground, with minor exceptions
Pipeline river crossings shall be aboveground through designed pipe-way
bridges. Pipe-way bridge as per preliminary design shown in drawing M869-
Pipelines roads crossing shall be through culverts. The culverts shall be built
so that the Pipelines routing remains without level changes for avoiding
unnecessary pockets to Steam pipeline. Culverts’ preliminary design is as
per detail in drawing M869-08-10-N-DR-006.
Pipelines electrical line crossing shall be buried. It is considered that pipes
shall be installed inside casings covered with borrowed material.
In general, the detailed design of crossings shall preserve pipeline integrity
particularly through minimization of accumulation of water around the
pipeline; avoid interference with adjacent pipelines; allow convenient and
inexpensive routine inspection of road and line crossings; avoid pocketing of
water externally in the road casing and minimize external and internal

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8.4.2 Clusters Locations

The exact location of the Substation will have to be defined during the
engineering phase taking into account the following “notional” pad locations:

Notional Pad Layout - Location

SAGD - Thick sand targets HASD - Thin sand targets

Pad 1

Pad 2

Pad 3
Pad 4

Remark :D1-D2 sand map plotted Remark :A2 sand map plotted

1. The detailed positioning of the pads and SAGD and HASD wells will be
finalized only after the delineation campaign which will be carried in 2
phases. The first phase will consist of 30 wells to narrow down the
thermal development area and a second campaign (~25 wells) to
precisely locate the wells
2. However, the location of the Substation will be fixed prior to the
completion of the delineation campaign based on “notional” pad location
as shown above.

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Clusters Locations:
• Original pads locations given by SINCOR Geosciences are interfering
with existing facilities. The given coordinates were:

Cluster North East

1 920.740 278.100
2 919.610 275.670
3 917.510 275.260
4 917.100 276.050

• New pad locations are suggested avoiding existing interferences:

Cluster North East Elev. (M)

1 920.626 277.444 123.00
2 919.506 275.128 110.50
3 917.573 274.840 102.50
4 917.099 275.751 102.50

8.4.3 Clusters Plot Plant

SINCOR advised the Project of the desired approximate location of four sites
suitable to accommodate SAGD well Clusters for sites numbered 1, 3, 4 and
HASD well Clusters for site number 2.
Plot plan studies were developed using PFD’s and the Equipment List for all
four Clusters with the following criteria:
• The prevailing wind direction;
• The natural topography of the sites;
• The existing infrastructure: roads, pipeline right of ways and power

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• The constructability of the Clusters;

• The operation of equipment;
• The maintenance of equipment; and
• The safety of equipment.
The plot plan Clusters were reviewed with SINCOR representatives and
comments were noted. The plot plan Cluster drawings were issued Rev. A
“Issued for Review (MTO)” to provide a base for costing estimate.

8.4.4 Preliminary Cluster Piping Layout

Steam piping shall be designed for complete condensate removal. The vent
stack is to be located a minimum distance of 25 meters away from production
wells or process equipment. Flexible ball joints with removable spools are
required to accommodate wellhead expansion and service rig deployment. A
6 meter access road leading to a 25 meter clear area perpendicular to wells is
required for service and drilling rigs. With process equipment and pipe racks
running between production/injection wells, it will reduce any conflict with
future expansion. A berm and containment ditch to circuit the plot plan
Cluster sites is required for runoff or spills.
With respect to pipe flexibility, stresses due to thermal expansion or
contraction shall be analyzed by the methods in ASME B31.3 or ASME B31.1
as applicable. Where the layout does not provide sufficient flexibility, the
following may be used, in order of preference:

• Expansion loops with guides and anchors;

• Spring loaded supports or hangers where rigid supports restrict line
movement or cause overstressing of the line;
• Flex and swivel connectors; and
• Expansion joints with guides and anchors, when approved by SINCOR

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8.5 Main Station piping tie-ins

8.5.1 List of piping tie-ins

Refer to the document M869-50-14-B-IX-001 EOR Project Tie in list in

Appendix A. The tie-in points are based on preliminary information supplied
by SINCOR and shall be confirmed in the FEED stage of this project.

8.5.2 Associated Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

Refer to the document M869-50-14-B-IX-001 EOR Project Tie in list in

Appendix A
8.6 Stress Analysis Considerations

A detailed stress analysis will be performed for all piping and pipelines
according to the relevant Standards and SINCOR specifications CA04-00-00-
L-SP-011-X1. This study will ensure piping stress levels and thermal growth
are within acceptable limits and to code requirements.
Modeling will evaluate the piping system under weight, hydro-test loads, and
pressure and temperature differentials (installed and operating cases). The
modeling will be conducted using Caesar latest Edition stress analysis
software or equivalent and ASME B31.1 / B31.3 / B31.4/ B3.1.8.
The following piping systems shall be considered for formal stress review:
• Entire Steam piping system for the steam generation, distribution, and
injection, including boiler feed water, and blowdown;
• Piping going to or from sensitive equipment as centrifugal pumps,
reciprocating or centrifugal compressors, air-cooled exchangers, heat
exchangers, rotating or sensitive equipment with limited piping loads;
• Piping with flexible components (hoses, expansion joints, swivel joints,
• Piping to tanks subjected to settlement;
• Piping to wellheads (Clusters) subjected to thermal growth;
• Piping subject to vibration;
• Piping subject to seismic loads;
• Piping subject to severe cyclic service;

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• Piping subjected to fluid transients as pressure relief. Slugging, water

• Piping with D/t ratio >90;
• Any line NPS 4 or larger or with design temperature higher than120°C,
and as per requirement of SINCOR Specifications;
• Any additional stress calculation as required by the stress engineer
Piping runs will be stress analyzed for the design temperature, upset
conditions and nozzle loads included in the detailed line list.

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9.1 Civil Design Basis

The civil design basis covers all preliminary design for development of all civil
facilities for the following areas:
• EOR Substation
• Clusters
• Pipeline from/to Main Station to/from EOR Substation
• Gathering lines from/to Clusters to/from EOR Substation

9.2 Fireproofing Concept

Fireproofing definition is conceptualized following the SINCOR specification

No. CA04-04-00-G-SP-019, which defines the basic requirements for design,
materials and application of fireproofing for steel structures, equipment, and
supporting elements of piping and equipment located in fire hazardous areas.

9.3 EOR Substation

EOR Substation has approximately 36 Ha. of area, according to PLOT PLAN

No. M869-50-47-L-PL-001

9.3.1 Foundations

Concrete Foundations are conceptualized following the SINCOR specification

No. CA04-04-00-G-SP-019, which specifies the requirements for the design
of equipment and structural foundations.
In general, the spread foundation system is considered for this facility. Piling
system is not discarded, but its requirements shall be confirmed once soil
investigation report is obtained.
The soil allowable capacity adopted for this project is 1,50 Kg/cm2 (15
Ton/M2). This value will be confirmed by the soil investigation report.

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Equipment and structural foundations shall be defined according to following

design philosophy:
• Steam Generators: Spread Foundation or Slab Foundation
• Tanks Foundations: Ring Foundation (including footing , is necessary)
• Horizontal Vessels: Spread Foundation
• Vertical Vessels: Octagonal Spread Foundation
• Exchangers: Spread Foundation
• Air coolers: Spread Foundation
• Compressors: Slab Foundation
• Flare & Vent Stack: Spread Foundation
• Pumps Foundation: Block Foundation
• Package Foundation: Slab Foundation
• Sleepers Foundations: Slab Foundation
• Miscellaneous Foundation: Spread Foundation
• Pipe Rack Foundation: Spread Foundation
• Structures Foundation: Spread Foundation

9.3.2 Structural Steel

Steel structures are conceptualized following the SINCOR specification No.

CA04-00-10-M-DC-001, which includes the general requirements and the
calculation methods for the design and construction of the structures.
The following facilities are defined using steel structure configuration:
• Pipe rack configuration are based on modules 6.00 m x 6.00 m and
two levels, as minimum; to install on process areas; such as, Water
Treatment, Tank Farm, EHO Treatment and Steam Generator areas.
• Equipment structures configurations are defined as all steel structure
associated to equipment support for Steam Generator area and EHO
Treating area.
• Miscellaneous structures are associated to special piping supports.
• Typical configuration for Main Office, Control Room, Warehouse, Fire
Station & First AID, Changing Room, Gates Security Offices buildings.

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9.3.3 Site Grading and Drainage

In general, all the sites will be levelled and graded. At the Sub Station, the
storm runoff water shall be collected through open concrete channels and
routed to the Runoff Pond. At the Clusters runoff will be drained to perimeter
concrete channels and route to runoff pond located at each Cluster.
The interconnection of drainages channels, under internal road or process
areas will be provided by carbon steel pipes API 5l Grade B.

9.3.4 Underground

All underground systems conceptual definition as per Underground Piping

and Surface Drainage Specification No. CA04-00-10-N-SP-006.
It is foreseen that an open drain system will be provided to collect all oily
water system from process areas. Each process area has a perimeter curbed
with concrete pavement draining to a particular catch basin.
From this catch basin, the oily water is connected through an underground
piping system and manholes that finally arrive at the API Separator, located to
south-east from EOR Substation, to be treated. Material piping underground
to be used for this system is Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE).
The manhole locations will be defined according to changes direction and
intersection pipes routing, as follow:
• Pipes 12” to 24” , 100 m each.
• Pipes > 24”, 150 m each.

9.3.5 Buildings

The buildings are conceptualized in the specification Architectural Buildings

Specifications No. M869-50-10-R-SP-001, which defines the minimum
requirements, procedures, and quality of materials for the construction of the
buildings of the EOR Substation.

Basically, the buildings are defined are a follow:

• Main Office Building/Warehouse:
This building will have facilities to allow administration offices for
operation personnel. There will be a changing room for the personnel,
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a conference room, a lunch room and restrooms. The lunch room will
be not have a kitchen because the meal will be sent from Main
Station’s kitchen.
This warehouse building will dedicate some area to storage of most
common spare parts related to EOR Substation equipments.
• Control Room Building:
This building will have facilities to allow control room for operation
personnel in the operation plant. In addition, these facilities comprise
offices, conference room and restrooms.
• Changing Room
This building contains restrooms, showers and a locker area allowing
personnel to change their coveralls prior to returning home.
• Fire Station & First AID Building.
This building contains the fire station offices, the first aid station for all
operation personnel as well as lockers and restrooms.
• Gates Security Offices Buildings.
This building contains all the facilities which control access to the plant of
operational personnel as well as guests.

9.3.6 Plant Infrastructure and Roads

The infrastructure and plant roads were conceptualized according to indicated

at PLOT PLAN NO. M869-50-47-L-PL-001. The roads are 8.00m wide with
asphalt paving on all routes.
There are two accesses to the EOR plant. One is located in the north area
near to exiting Cluster IC access and the other is in the south area with
connection to existing secondary road.

9.3.7 Preliminary Earth Work

Earth works were conceptualized according to Earthworks Specifications No.

CA04-00-10-N-SP-005, which covers the technical requirements for materials
and construction for earthworks to perform excavation, backfill and grading for
all project areas.

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Following excavation and backfilling compaction, the embankments shall be

built using quality materials. Soil investigation shall define if the quality
material is suitable for use as backfilling material.
According to SINCOR’s experience with the soil in the area, fill material from
borrow pits will be required. It is estimated that about 250,000 m3 of fill
material is required.
The preliminary site preparation definition is shown in Drawing No. M869-50-

9.4 Pipelines and Clusters

The new pipelines to install from Main Station to the EOR Substation and
between Clusters to the EOR shall be aboveground, supported on piles and
structural steel.
The material for piles will be structural steel grade pipe, carbon steel ASTM
Pipelines from Main Station to EOR Substation:
The pipelines between the Main Station and the Sub Station will cross
existing roads, rivers and creeks as shown in the typical detail Drawing No.

Pipelines between EOR Substation and Clusters:

The hot emulsion and steam pipelines between the Clusters and the Sub
Station will cross rivers and creeks using pipe bridge supports as shown in
preliminary design on Drawing M869-08-10-N-DR-006.
Pipelines roads crossing shall be through concrete culverts. The concrete
culverts shall be built so that the Pipelines routing remains without level
changes for avoiding unnecessary pockets to Steam pipeline. Concrete
culverts preliminary design details are shown in drawing M869-08-10-N-DR-

9.4.1 Foundations

Concrete Foundations are conceptualized following the SINCOR Specification

No. CA04-04-00-G-SP-019, which specifies the requirements for the design
of equipment and structural foundations.

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In general, the spread foundation system is considered for these facilities.

Piling system is not discarded but its requirements shall be confirmed once
soil investigation report is obtained.
The soil allowable capacity adopted for this project is 1,50 Kg/cm2 (15
Ton/M2). This value will be confirmed by soil investigation report.
Equipment and structural foundations shall be defined according to the
following design philosophy:
• Horizontal Vessels: Spread Foundation
• Vertical Vessels: Octagonal Spread Foundation
• Flare & Vent Stack: Spread Foundation
• Pumps Foundation: Block Foundation
• Steel Support: Spread Foundation

9.4.2 Structural Steel

Steel structures are conceptualized following the SINCOR Specification No.

CA04-00-10-M-DC-001, which includes the general requirements and the
calculation methods for the design and construction of the structures.

Miscellaneous structures associates to special piping supports will utilize

these structural steel structure configurations.

9.4.3 Site Grading and Drainage

In general, the site will be graded and levelled using native soil or fill material
from borrow pits. The storm water on each Cluster will be captured through
open concrete ditches at the perimeter and collected in a runoff pond.

9.4.4 Undergrounds

All underground system conceptual definition as per Underground Piping and

Surface Drainage Specification No. CA04-00-10-N-SP-006.
• No underground piping system is expected for the Clusters.

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9.4.5 Clusters Infrastructure and Roads

Earth works were conceptualized according to Earthworks Specifications No.

CA04-00-10-N-SP-005, which covers the technical requirements for materials
and construction for earthworks to perform excavation, backfill and grading for
all project areas.
Roads and embankment for the clusters will be built using quality material
either from native soil or from fill material obtained at borrow pits. Soil
investigation shall define if the quality material it is capable as backfilling
Access to each Cluster will be extensions from the existing infrastructures.

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10.1 General Description

Note: A complete listing of all electrical specifications, documents and

drawings may be found in Appendix D.
The electrical system needed to supply the power to the EOR Substation and
its associated Clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be delivered from the Main Station
group of generators. There will be a new Dead End Gantry at the Main
Station in order to run the new powerline to the EOR. This new 34.5kV
powerline will run along the existing road and to one side of the existing
power line. There will be no redundancy of powerlines for this purpose.
Electrical Tie-ins necessary to supply power to this new EOR Substation and
Clusters will be at the switchgear GS-02 in the Main Station. Reference will
be made to “EOR - Preliminary 34.5kV Overhead Line Route”, Document No.
M869-07-10-N-DR-001 and “EOR – General Single Line Drawing”, Doc No.
The incoming electric power at the EOR Substation will be distributed through
a 34.5kV switchgear in order to have an exclusive circuit to feed the four
Clusters. This will provide another dedicated circuit for the EOR Sub Station.
The 34.5kV powerline from the Sub Station to the Clusters will be located
beside the existing powerline which feeds the associated Clusters IC, JB &
The electric system for the EOR will have a 6.9kV switchgear which will
distribute power to the Medium Voltage (MV) MCC, the lighting distribution
transformer, and to the 480V Low Voltage (LV) MCC.
The internal cable route within the Sub Station will be mainly installed on
cable trays. The cables from cable trays to the motors and/or their pushbutton
boxes will be buried, where required.
The complete distribution system for lighting includes the necessary
transformers, feeders, distribution panel boards, branch circuits, lighting
fixtures, control switches and receptacles.
All motors greater than 200kW will be fed through a 6.9kV MV MCC. Motors
between 500W and 200kW will be fed through a 460V LV MCC; fractional kW
motors will be fed with a single phase 115V supply. The same basis will
apply to the four associated Clusters.

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10.2 Power Generation and Distribution

As stated in section 10.1, the power for Sub Station will be supplied from the
Main Station’s generator room through a 34.5kV power line. In the new
MVSG-3 (by others) there shall be provisions for one power circuit breaker for
this 34.5kV power line. This power circuit breaker, with its cell, will be the
battery limit for this project.
The outgoing 34.5kV power cables will run underground up to a new cable
tray designed specifically for this Project. These power cables will cross the
whole process area along the existing pipe rack, and again will run
underground in order to reach the new dead end gantry. The new overhead
powerline will start from this dead end gantry and will run along side the
existing powerline (line Circuit #2), with the new circuit maintaining a
minimum clearance distance of 9m between lines. The new powerline will be
integrated on existing SINCOR standard 12 sided poles with an average span
of 100m. The estimated size of the conductors for this line will be 465.9kCM.
Reference to this document can be made in Appendix “D”, specification
At the end of the powerline, reaching the EOR Substation, there will be a 12
sided pole dead end gantry similar to the ones provided for existing Clusters.
From the Sub Station there shall be an outgoing powerline with a conductor
size of 246.9kCM to feed the four Clusters. All deviation branches to the
Clusters will be made through disconnect switches in the poles. Each Cluster
will have its own respective dead end gantry made with the 12 sided poles as
the ones mentioned above.
In order to take advantage of the proximity of existing Cluster IC, there will be
a backup 34.5kV line from this Cluster. This back up powerline will be for
essential loads only since it will not have enough capacity to feed the whole
Sub Station. The powerline route from the Main Station to the EOR is shown
on Drawing No. M869-07-10-N-DR-001. The powerline route from the EOR
to the Clusters is shown on Drawing No. M869-08-10-N-DR-001

10.2.1 EOR Sub Station

The electrical substation at EOR Sub Station, including primary disconnect

facilities and secondary switchgear, will consist of 34.5kV distribution
switchgear to provide the power to the EOR Sub station and its associated
Clusters. This switchgear will have the backup from Cluster IC as mentioned
above in section 10.2.

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This 34.5kV switchgear will feed the 34.5/6.9kV power transformers feeding
the 6.9kV MV switchgear which will provide the power for the MV MCC, the
power transformers for the LV MCC and the power transformers for general
All of the 34.5kV Switchgear, MV MCC, LV MCC and applicable related
equipment will be located in a Prefabricated Electrical Cabinet (PEC) within
the boundaries of the plant. This will be in accordance to SINCOR
specifications, codes and standards. Reference may be made to documents
listed in Appendix “D”.
The distribution system, from the secondary side of the transformer, shall
follow the standards and criteria shown on the latest revision of SINCOR´s
specification CA04-04-33-P-DC-101 and supplemented by the applicable
single line drawing.
The internal electric distribution may be referenced to the “EOR - General
Preliminary Single Line Diagram” drawing No M869-00-33-P-SK-001 and
various equipment locations. For this reason, the power cables from the PEC
will run above ground over the cable trays along the pipe rack to reach the
critical motor driven equipment. For the other buildings (office buildings, fire
buildings, control room, etc.), the power distribution will be made through local
panel boards for lighting and necessary power outlets.

10.2.2 Pipelines and Clusters

The electric distribution for Clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 consists of the electrical

substation, including primary disconnect equipment and secondary
distribution switchgear, to provide power to the equipment in each of the
Clusters. Essentially, each of the four Clusters will have similar equipment
with exception of Cluster 2 which has several more motor driven loads. All
the cable routes inside the Clusters will be above ground using cable trays
according to the plot plan and equipment location. In accordance to SINCOR
specifications and related standards, the motor cable will run underground
wherever possible.

10.2.3 Overall Single Line Diagram (SLD)

The single line diagram No. M869-01-33-P-SK-002 “General Preliminary

Single Line Diagram” shows the interconnection between Main Station to
provide power for the EOR Substation and also shows the distribution from
the EOR’s 34.5kV switchgear to its associated Clusters.

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10.2.4 EOR Sub Station

The single line diagram No. M869-50-33-P-SK-003 “EOR Substation Single

Line Diagram” shows the schematic distribution inside the EOR plant to
provide the power from the incoming 34.5kV line up to each electric motor
driven load associated with the EOR process.

10.2.5 Clusters and Pipelines

The single line diagram No. M869-01-33-P-SK-009 “EOR Pads Single Line
Diagram” shows a brief schematic distribution to provide the power from the
incoming 34.5kV line to each electric motor driven load associated within
each Cluster.

10.3 Emergency Back-Up Power

Standby power equipment will take over essential electrical service during a
normal power outage. There shall be standby power equipment for control
system requirements, feeders, panels, and branch circuits. All wiring shall
conform to the provisions of the NEC, SINCOR specifications, and all other
regulations covering this type of installation.
The emergency back up power equipment will consist of:
• A 1 MW (estimated) diesel driven Emergency Generator which will
connect to the 460V bus; this will be determined in the FEED stage of
the project.
• A 34.5kV overhead back-up line from Cluster IC that will be connected
to the 34.5kV switchgear bus bars.

10.4 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS)

There will be a group of dedicated UPS’s sized according to each critical

system’s requirements. Actual back-up time will vary depending on the type
of load. Critical devices that will be considered for back-up power include the
SCADA system, security and surveillance equipment, and the electrical and
electronic protective devices. These UPS cabinets, associated breakers and
battery cabinets will be located inside the PEC.

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10.5 Load List

The electric loads are preliminary and are listed on document No. M869-50-
33-P-SK-001. The preliminary and estimated load for the EOR is 10.5 MW.
For each of the Clusters, with exception of Cluster 2, the driven load is
estimated to be 0.5 MW. The load lists for the Clusters may be found in
documents No. M869-01-33-P-SK-001, No. M869-01-33-P-SK-002, No.
M869-01-33-P-SK-003, and No. M869-01-33-P-SK-004

10.6 Electrical Equipment List

The major Equipment is listed in document No. M869-00-33-P-IX-001

10.7 Long Lead Items

The following is a list of long lead electrical items and potential suppliers:
• Power Transformers - ABB, Federal, Marcus, Pioneer
• Low and Medium Voltage Motors - ABB, WEG, Westinghouse/Teco,
Toshiba, Siemens, Hyundai
• Power Poles - P & M per SINCOR standards
• Power Breakers - ABB, Toshiba, Schneider, Sace, Controlled Power,
• Emergency Generators - Finning, Caterpillar, Mitsubishi, Detroit Diesel,
Volvo Penta
• Medium Voltage VFDs – ABB, Toshiba, Rockwell, Siemens, Robicon

10.8 Lighting, Lightning and Grounding

Indoor and outdoor lighting for building and parking areas shall be made
according to SINCOR recommendations. Reference shall be made to
Document No. CA04-04-33-P-DC-101, “Electrical System Design Criteria”,
and any other applicable standards such as COVENIN, API, NEC, and IEC.
Lux levels and work plane details are listed in this document.
For larger areas, 3 HPS floodlight poles will be used; roadways two light poles
will be used for street and roads. For the working areas around the process
equipment the appropriate hazard lighting fixture will be used.
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Grounding and lightning shall be designed according to the latest revision of

SINCOR document No. CA04-04-33-P-DC-101. There will be a ground
network on the EOR Substation and on each Cluster in order to provide the
necessary safe grounding for each piece of equipment.
The lightning grounding system will be with Franklin air terminals around the
perimeter of roof buildings and on top of highest poles or structures near the
area to be protected. Generally, all elevated and/or isolated objects such as
stacks, columns, structures shall be grounded for lightning protection –
reference to this requirement is located in Document No. CA04-04-33-P-DC-

10.9 Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection shall be designed according to the latest revision of

SINCOR document No. CA04-04-33-P-DC-101.
Magnesium Galvanic (sacrificial) Anodes are to be used for the buried piping
and structures, with special considerations for water crossings. For each
section of buried piping there will be four sacrificial anodes in accordance to
SINCOR’s specifications.

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11.1 General Description

Detailed specification of the instrument and control systems will be defined

during the FEED phase of engineering. Engineering work packages will be
developed for long lead items, which will be purchased during the EPC phase
of the project. The EPC contractor will be responsible for facilitating and
managing the activities of:
• Detail Design and Engineering
• Procurement
• Configuration and Programming
• Factory Acceptance Testing
• Installation
• Site Acceptance Testing
• Pre-commissioning
• Commissioning Assistance
These activities shall be done in accordance to the design criteria found
within this document and with the standards and guidelines found in the
preceding sections. All instrumentation and controls design shall be in
accordance with applicable ISA standards.

11.1.1 Manufacturers

Through the FEED portion of the project, an Approved Manufacturers’ List

shall be created. This list shall facilitate standardization on all processes,
equipment, and packaged equipment. The SINCOR Approved Instrument
List shall be provided with all packaged and mechanical equipment material

11.1.2 Instrument Air

Instrument air shall be the main motive force used for all actuated control and
ESD valves. Minimum supplied instrument air pressure shall be 550 kPag
(80psig) and the shutdown pressure will be 415 kPag (60psig). All
instruments shall be sized for a maximum supplied air pressure of 830 kPag

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(120psig). Normal Supply shall be 690 kPag (100psig). Refer to SINCOR

Specification CA04-00-J-SP-023 rev. X1 or the Project equivalent.

11.1.3 Instrument Index

The instrument index shall be generated during the FEED stage base on
P&ID. This index shall be a single point data entry for all information on
instrumentation and controls. The information contained within the instrument
index will be complete and approved by SINCOR.

11.1.4 Instrument Data Sheets

Standard projects instrument data sheets shall be completed for all major
instrumentation. All suppliers shall complete the data sheets supplied. All
control valves, pressure safety valves and flow measurement devices shall be
supplied with calculation data sheets.

11.1.5 Flow, Level, Pressure and Temperature Measurement

Two wire, 24 VDC loop powered, 4-20mA signals shall be specified for all
analog instruments. All analog instrumentation shall be provided as “smart”,
with HART protocol communications for ease of calibration and maintenance.
This basis shall also enable the implementation of an Asset Management
System. See section 11.9 of this document for a concise definition of an AMS
type system.
Redundant analog instrumentation shall be utilized where control and
shutdown functions are required. Each function (control and shutdown) shall
be handled separately, refer to 11.6 of this document. Discrete instruments
shall only be used for trip initiators if an analog device is not applicable.
All process trip initiators shall have “soft bypass” switches provided from the
BPCS operator interfaces to facilitate the on-line testing of all field devices.
Flow measurement shall be temperature & pressure compensated (as
required) and displayed in standard units. All flow compensation, totalizing,
etc., with the exception of custody transfer applications, shall be done in the
BPCS. Custody transfer application being any of higher accuracy used for
final transfer of product to other companies or facilities.

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11.1.6 Intrinsically Safe (IS) Wiring

Intrinsically Safe wiring, if required, shall be reviewed during FEED. If IS

wiring is required, appropriate barriers shall be specified within the required
new specification.

11.1.7 Solenoids and Discrete Devices

24VDC shall be utilized for field mounted discrete devices, solenoids, etc.
Any motor control or MCC devices that require 120VAC control circuit shall be
provided with such an interface within the control system.

11.1.8 Fire, Gas and Smoke Detection

All process buildings and underground areas including underground MCC

shall be supplied with a level of fire and toxic or combustible gas detection to
ensure safety of all personnel and/or equipment. Above ground MCC and
Control Buildings including any non-classified buildings where electrical or
electronic equipment are installed shall also have appropriate smoke

11.1.9 Control Valves and Actuators

All control valves and actuators shall be sized to ensure the appropriate level
of shutoff and performance of the specific service.
All valves shall be supplied with smart positioners with HART communication.
The use of high diagnostic type positioners shall be evaluated on selected
(i.e. severe service) valves, but shall not be supplied on all valves.
Appropriate testing procedures shall be submitted to SINCOR by all
contractors or vendors for approval.
All control valves shall be sized for noise level no higher than 85dBA.
Secondary noise abatement shall be used only if valve cannot be sized

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11.1.10 Low emissions packing shall be used for all throttling


Single Port globe bodies with top guide or cage shall be the preferred type of
control valve. Rotary design where larger size economics apply, or where
required by service (i.e. heavy oil, solids, etc.)
Severe Service shall include high noise, high D/P, cavitations, high
temperature or sour service.

11.1.11 Pressure Safety Relief Valves

All pressure safety valves shall be sized selected and installed according to
the latest edition of API 520 and must meet ASME Section I or VIII
requirements or ASME Section IV for Boiler applications.

11.1.12 Process Analyzers

All analytical equipment shall be specified with environmentally controlled

shelter(s) as required.
A data network shall be designed to allow data transfer between analytical
equipment, BPCS, and PC based configuration tools.
Instrument Installation
All instruments shall be installed as per industry standard. Installation details
shall be developed and utilized.

11.1.13 Metering

All metering shall comply with the classification laid out in SINCOR
specification “Flow Instruments” CA04-00-35-J-SP-025 X1.

11.2 Emergency Shutdown Philosophy

Different level of Shutdown shall be implemented:

• Emergency Shutdown (ESD) shall be an overall facility Shutdown,
isolate and de-pressure activity.
• Unit shutdowns (USD) shall shutdown and isolate or park (NOT-de-
pressure) individual units. (i.e. OTSG, Process unit)
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These ‘modes’ of shutdown shall be in accordance with the project generated

S/D keys (cause and effect charts) as well as HAZOP and/or SIL activity
results. Local and remotely mounted hand switches shall initiate each of the
above modes, as well as other safety related devices as fire, gas detection,

11.3 Control Block Diagrams

This diagram describes the relationship between the different systems such
as the BPCS, SIS, Fire and Gas, ESD system, and downhole monitoring, as
well as the communication methods between these systems and
Please refer to the Project Drawing M869-50-35-J-SK-001 Rev A.

11.4 Basic Process Control System (BPCS)

The initial Sub Station shall be designed as a stand-alone facility, with limited
expansion capabilities (25%). The BPCS shall provide all basic control
functions and equipment operation, as well as main HMI capabilities. As well
the BPCS shall include:
• Alarm management;
• Seamless interface with packaged equipment;
• Seamless interface with SIS system, and AMS;
• Historical event and analog value trending;
• Supply of data to the business LAN;
• Full online configuration change capability;
• Maintenance functions and system diagnostics.
Maintenance functions shall include the ability to stroke all shutoff (ESD,
BDV) manually from the operator interface.
Alarm Management shall consist of strategies to eliminate “alarm flooding” on
critical equipment or process failure.
Operations interface shall be via a central control room, as well as in the
underground MCC building. All Areas of the facility shall be accessible from
any of the system interfaces. Packaged equipment shall have stand-alone
operator interface local to the equipment which shall have complete control
and monitoring capabilities.
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All controlled systems shall be designed with a minimum 25% free cabinet
space and 15% wired spares within the system. The CPU (Processor)
loading and memory usage shall not exceed 65%.
Selection of the control system will be performed during the FEED stage. A
study evaluating different control systems has been completed as part of the
Pre-FEED result. Please refer to Document No. M869-50-00-J-RP-001 Rev
B PLC/SCADA and DCS Study in Appendix E.

11.5 Emergency Shutdown System (ESD)

The ESD system shall be part of the Safety system. All pushbuttons and final
elements (solenoids, MCC’s) shall be connected to the SIS. This system
shall be designed to give Safe and reliable operation and ensure the safety of
the personnel equipment and the environment.

11.6 Safety Instrumented System (SIS)

The Safety System shall be designed to the requirements of the facility. This
system shall be designed in accordance with ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004. As a
minimum, the ESD and USD functions, Fire and Gas detection shall be
connected through this system. All emergency beacons, horns and
indications shall be driven from this system. All inputs to this system shall be
displayed on the same interfaces as the operating information. Indications
separate from the BPCS shall signal any alarm condition to the operations
group. This system shall be separate from the BPCS, but may be the same
hardware type as the BPCS if the equipment selected is capable and certified
for handling the SIF’s identified during HAZOP, and/or SIL review.

11.7 Fire and Gas Detection System

All fire and gas detection equipment, as stated above, will be connected to
the safety system. As a minimum, this equipment will be connected to a
physically separate hardware than any other safety functions.

11.8 Control Panels

All MCC installed control panels shall be of top entry design with top hat. All
panels will be designed for a minimum 25% free space for expansions. All
panels shall be FAT tested in the supplier’s facility by an EPC representative.
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Deficiencies shall be corrected prior to shipment of panels. All drawings shall

be as built red-lined by the supplier.

11.9 Asset Management System

The BPCS and safety systems shall be designed with an interface to an AMS
type. The AMS system will monitor all equipment tied to the systems, and aid
operations and maintenance in troubleshooting problems, failures and rectify.
This system shall give predictive diagnostics for any instrument connected to
the BPCS,or SIS that has the capability. This system shall track any failure
and provide aid in identifying the type of problem, and the possible solutions
that the diagnostics identify. This system shall be capable of communicating
with the BPCS, and giving this information to the operations group. This
system will also be capable of communicating with higher level corporate type
asset management systems in order to facilitate capital and costing control,
as well as manpower planning, and other maintenance and operational
management activities.

11.10 Infrastructure and Buildings

11.10.1 Central Control Room (CCR) and Office Building

The central control room shall consist of:

• BPCS console workstations (3 – one for each major process area);
• Engineering workstation;
• Facility PC’s connected to office LAN system;
• Secondary SIS alarm board;
• CCTV monitors (each Cluster and Substation flare);
• Facility telephone system;
• Access control system (card readers);
• Network printers (BPCS and facility LAN); and
• Fax machine.

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Administrative offices as well as Warehouse and Construction offices shall

each have:
• Facility PC’s connected to office LAN system;
• Facility telephone system; and
• Network printers on facility LAN
Refer to SINCOR Project Drawing M869-50-35-J-SK-000 REV A.

11.11 Fibre Optical Communication Systems

The control and safety systems in the Substation’s MCCs and Field Clusters
shall be connected together in one network using fibre optic media. The
communications to the Main Station and existing facilities shall also be
connected using fibre optic media.

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1-2 Km

4-6 Km
4-6 Km

Existing and New Fiber Optic Communication

11.12 Communications Tie-in to Main Station

As shown in the above illustration, the tie-in for the fibre optical
communications to the Main Station shall be done in the existing fibre optic
junction box. This box is located 1 to 2 km away from the EOR Sub Station at
an existing Cluster. All telecoms and communication to the Main Station shall
be routed through this connection.

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11.13 Interface to Telecom

This facility shall have full functional interface to voice/video/data telecom

services. This shall be used for external data collection or transfer,
communication and remote monitoring or support.

11.13.1 Wide Area Network (WAN)

The facility will be connected (as shown in the above diagram) with SINCOR’s
existing Main Station.

11.13.2 Local Area Network (LAN)

A LAN communications infrastructure will be provided that will span the field,
plant, offices and the control buildings, as well as interconnecting the
Substation to the Main Station.
• The “site” LAN system, consisting of personal computer workstations
(for e-mail and Microsoft Office Suite software), server(s), and printer
will be capable of connection to the Control Network/Administrative
LAN and the Main Station SINCOR´s offices;
• Firewalls will be installed for security isolation between the “site” LAN
and the outside world;
• The LAN servers, router and PC’s will require network support and
user administration.

11.13.3 Telephone

A Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or suitable alternative will be installed to

provide local and external phone service, including voicemail in the control,
administration building, the warehouse and other offices. The PBX and
voicemail equipment power systems will require a UPS to ensure
uninterrupted service in the event of a commercial power failure.
Also, the use of a voice-over IP system will be given preference over older

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11.13.4 Radio

The radio system will be used to maintain communication between plant

facility operators, field operators (well and pad sites) and maintenance staff.
This system already exists in the SINCOR´s EOR Operating Area. No
additional equipment (towers or repeaters) will be required as part of this
project as signal coverage is good.

11.14 Metering System

All metering shall be done within the BPCS. Any Custody Transfer shall be
done with external equipment and then communicated with the BPCS.
Special attention will be given to the injection and production wellhead
metering. This will be necessary to track the behaviour of these ‘pilot’ well
facilities. Refer to SINCOR Project Drawing M869-50-35-J-SK-002 REV A.

11.15 Steam Generation

The OTSG packages shall be supplied with their own separate Burner
Management Systems (BMS). These systems will monitor flame status and
start-up to ensure safe operation of the burner. All fuel rate and multiple fuel
sources will be controlled by a system supplied by the vendor but of the same
equipment as the selected BPCS. The BMS’s shall interface seamlessly with
the control system (BPCS) and the Safety System (SIS).

11.16 LACT Unit

The Lease Automatic Custody Transfer skid shall be supplied with its own
flow computer to give custody transfer quality flow metering. This system
shall fully integrate with the facility BPCS to give seamless control, and
information transfer.

11.17 VRU Compressor Package

The VRU package(s) shall be controlled and monitored by the BPCS and all
shutdowns will be performed by the Safety system (SIS). There shall be local
indication with full access to controls for unit start-up and operation.

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11.18 Water Treating (Warm Lime Softener, ORF, WAC/SAC Units)

The water treatment area shall be controlled and monitored by the BPCS and
all shutdowns will be performed by the Safety system (SIS). There shall be
local indication and access to controls for unit mode changes and operation.

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The overall project schedule for FEED, Detail Engineering, Procurement and
Construction for the EOR project is shown in Appendix G. The assumption is
that Detail Engineering will start approximately six months after the
completion of FEED, due to the EPC contract selection process.
Some of the highlights of the schedule are:
• It typically takes 6 months after start of Detail Engineering to get the
piping model to 60% complete. At this point the rack pipings are define
and spooling or modules may proceed. The remaining piping layout
has to wait for vendor information.
• The critical path for detail engineering is always procurement of
equipment. Procurement has to complete early to provide vendor data
to designer.
• If procurement is on time, the model can reach 90% complete within 9
months of Detail Engineering start. At this point, on-site mechanical
work can begin.
• Civil will start working on an overall site plan early, but the details of
the plan site usually do not start until the model is 60% complete. For
this reason, civil works usually start about 9 months after Detail
Engineering start.
• With the start of Detail Engineering in mid year, the earth work will be
starting in spring. This is the start of the wet season, hence, higher
risks of weather delays and cost overruns for earth work activities.
• Delivery of the OTSG is the most critical long lead items. This
schedule assumes 60 weeks delivery for the OTSGs. Typically
construction requires 9 months after setting of the OTSG to complete
mechanical construction. If the OTSG delivery time is longer, it could
delay the start-up.
• The construction of these facilities will most likely be “stick built”, that
is, piping and equipment are installed at site. When all the
construction man-hours are spent on-site, the risks for delays are
higher than when the works are distributed to various sub-contractors’
facilities. The current schedule does not have much float for
construction duration.
• Overall the duration between Detail Engineering start and Steam-in is
slightly more than two and a half years. This is reasonable for a

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project of this size, with careful planning, well defined WBS, availability
of skilled resources, good Subcontractors, and well staffed
Construction Management Team.

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13.1 Scope

The objective of this project is to set the general Construction Philosophy

applicable to the PRE-FEED for the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Project at
the SINCOR Upstream Facilities in San Diego de Cabrutica, Anzoátegui
state, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The general philosophy involves the required general strategies for all
disciplines to successfully develop the constructions phase of the project;
nevertheless, the Well’s construction/installation, pre-commissioning and
commissioning activities are specialized disciplines not considered in the
This Executive Summary presents the executive highlights and the most
relevant aspects of the proposed Construction Philosophy and strategy to
execute the construction phase of the EOR Project.

13.2 Construction Philosophy

The Construction Philosophy is based in the maximization of the

prefabrication, the implementation of Fast-Track Construction, Independence
of Construction Team (EPC, PMC) from principal offices concerning
information, construction decision scheduling, procurement, etc. Another
important aspect to implement is the independence from local suppliers such
as concrete, water, asphalt, construction bulk material, etc. by maintaining
high inventories and having their own concrete and asphalt plants if possible.
The EPC contractor and its subcontractor, as well as the PMC, shall install
wide telecommunication systems (phone, internet, e-mail, fax, data/voice
capability) to maintain fluid communication among different parties. This is a
key issue for the Project’s success.
The contractor shall develop a Project Execution Plan based on the particular
conditions of this Project, in its experience in similar projects in Venezuela,
and complying with owner requirements, premises and process design data.
The plans shall be developed using a timely execution approach with special
emphasis on the availability of qualified manpower, schedule, quality and cost
The Project execution, as presented in the plans, is implemented by the
Project Management Team and made known to all personnel and

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subcontractors, in order to implement common objectives on the Project

The key elements of execution strategy for the Project are the following:
• Contractor shall mobilize a field construction task force early;
• Contractor shall develop and implement a fast track management
approach and schedule that allows for the optimization of the execution
time, with emphasis on the critical activities such as major foundations
and structures; early material requisitioning; critical equipment and
materials procurement and delivery; early subcontracting packages
and subcontractors mobilization; and expediting of construction critical
activities, with very close tracking of the cost and quality objectives;
• Execution Continuity: The Project construction team, especially the
leaders and key personnel, shall move from the engineering office to
the construction site, maintaining the same line of responsibilities and
ensuring the transfer of data, controls and execution capabilities from
the office to the site. The Project history shall not be lost in the move
from the engineering office to the site;
• The Project construction team shall be in a privileged position to start
construction activities immediately after the contract is awarded;
• The management of the procurement activities for all equipment and
materials shall be centralized at site. The contractor shall study the
most convenient sourcing policy for the equipment and material of
similar projects and shall allocate the fabrication of equipment and
materials based on the following considerations:
• Delivery times
• Quality
• Shop capabilities, compliance record and past experience
• Logistics and transportation considerations
• Cost considerations
All construction activities shall maximize the performance with local resources
either by direct hiring, using pre-established alliances with local construction
companies or by subcontracting local construction companies. The Contractor
construction subcontractors shall be committed to the Project and integrated
into the Project Team, thus providing for the commitment of construction
equipment, labour and supervision resources to the EOR Project.

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The Construction Management Team shall be integrated by Venezuelan

resources provided by the contractor and/or alliance subcontractors. The
Construction Management Procedures shall be common and shared by all
the construction organizations, including subcontractors in order to ensure
uniformity and consistency throughout the construction effort.
The contractor’s own construction capabilities shall be used as deemed
necessary to enhance the subcontractor’s capabilities, to assume the direct
execution of selected parts of the work, and to take control of critical elements
in the construction plan. The contractor shall support the construction
subcontractors in providing managerial resources, capabilities, skills and
systems in the areas of management, project controls, planning, cost control,
materials control, safety, labour relations, logistics, etc. The integration of the
Venezuelan construction companies into the Project Team and the sharing of
tools and management systems shall enhance their capabilities, ensure the
attainment of Project goals and provide for technology transfer to the
Venezuelan construction companies.
Alliances shall be established with local construction companies to execute
selected construction scopes for EOR Project. Among the advantages for the
Project of establishing alliances with construction companies we can list the
• Construction capabilities, construction equipment and staff and labour
resources from recognized construction companies are reserved in
advance for the EOR Project;
• The construction company is integrated into the support organization,
sharing procedures and management capabilities. The construction
company’s management and control capabilities are enhanced and
supplemented as necessary;
• Plans and schedules for the construction scope assigned to the
alliance subcontractor are more easily integrated into the overall
Project plans and additional flexibility is provided for adjustments to the
• Uniform and common procedures shall be ensured for project controls,
quality assurance and control, safety, etc.; and
• Close co-ordination of plans and resources shall be enhanced and
Administrative procedures shall be simplified providing for enhanced
effectiveness and efficiency to the Construction Management Team.

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The Venezuelan construction organization shall be provided with the required

expertise, procedures, systems, equipment and personnel to execute the
Project with 100% Venezuelan labour and local management and supervision
resources, in accordance with the construction plan. The construction team
shall be responsible for the following areas:
• Construction management
• Safety and health
• Environments
• Field engineering
• Supervision of all construction work
• Quality assurance and quality control
• Materials management at site
• Administration of all contracts
• Overall construction scheduling and progress control
• Cost control
• Labour relations
• Execution of the field work
• Supply of construction materials in accordance with the scope of work
(basically civil materials and consumables)
• Supply of construction equipment
• Supply of skilled and non-skilled construction labour
• Labour training as required
• Labour relations
• Labour supervision
• Scheduling and cost control capabilities
• Site material control capabilities
The following actions shall be taken to ensure the Project’s goals are
accomplished through the use of the local construction organization:

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Labour Register:
Contractor maintains a Labour Register, based on recent experience in
the industry projects for the Strategic Alliances, and especially for the
EOR Project. Extensive use of this register and the recent updates shall
be made in order to determine the labour availability at various stages of
the construction phase. The construction subcontractors will maintain
their own register of labour and shall use it to complement and update the
Owner’s register.

Work Packaging Strategy:

The Project Team shall establish the work packaging strategy that shall
guide the construction objectives.

Construction Work Break Down Structure (Packages):

A close coordination of the construction packages shall be required in
order to determine their content and timing in accordance with the Project
schedule and the work packaging strategy. Engineering activities shall be
scheduled and prioritized in accordance with the construction packaging
strategies set forth by the Project Management Team. The construction
packages shall be established and prepared based on the construction
strategies and plans along with the work packaging structure and, taking
into consideration the coordination of interfaces among Venezuelan
subcontractors, their capabilities and the maximization of the use of local
labour resources.

Construction Direction and Supervision:

The Project Team shall assume the direction of the construction activity as
general contractor for the EOR Project. The Construction Management
organization shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and
direction of the construction activities, making optimum use of the local
construction capabilities and maintaining under its responsibility the
overall supervision, scheduling and material control matters in order to
ensure the accomplishment of the construction objectives. Close and
continuous monitoring and follow-up of the construction activities, quality
and schedule shall be exerted by the Construction Management

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13.3 Work Breakdown Structure

13.3.1 Procurement

• Placement of LLI’s P.Os

• Placement of the resting P.Os
• Nationalization.
• Heavy Transportation to Site

13.3.2 Construction

• Temporary Facilities For PMC

• Piling
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Performing
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Steel Structure Prefabrication
• Site Preparation, Access Roads and Dikes Construction
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Performing
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Concrete Foundations and Sleepers Prefabrication
• Manholes/Sumps Prefabrication
• Civil Works
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Cast-in-Place Foundations.
ƒ Duct Banks Construction
ƒ Sewers
ƒ Drainage
ƒ Concrete Paving/Slabs
ƒ Steel Structures Installation
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ƒ Miscellaneous Structures and Platforms Installation

ƒ Fire-Proofing to Steel Structure & Equipment
ƒ Fencing
ƒ Asphalts Roads
ƒ Finishing/Cleaning Site
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Tanks Construction
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Foundations
ƒ Shop detail Engineering
ƒ Mechanical Works
ƒ Platform and Accessories
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Buildings
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
• Office Buildings
ƒ Infrastructure
ƒ Superstructure
ƒ Architectural Works
ƒ Electrical Works
ƒ Plumbing
ƒ Others
• Electrical Substation
ƒ Infrastructure
ƒ Superstructure
ƒ Architectural Works
ƒ Electrical Works

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ƒ Equipment Installation
ƒ Testing
ƒ HVAC Installation
ƒ Others
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary facilities
• Heavy Lifting
ƒ Heavy Equipment Transportation
ƒ Heavy Equipment Installation
• Mechanical Works
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Static Equipment/Vessels/Towers Installation
♦ Internal Assembly
♦ Cleaning/Closing
ƒ Prefabrication of Small Bore Piping <= 2, 5 inches
ƒ Prefabrication of Large Bore Piping > 2, 5 inches
ƒ Underground Piping Installation
ƒ Aboveground Piping
ƒ Steam Tracing
ƒ Painting
ƒ Equipment Insulation
ƒ Piping Insulation
ƒ Pipe Hydro test, Flushing and Reinstatement.
ƒ Other
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Electrical Work
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Trenches
ƒ Conduits/Trays installation

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ƒ Cabling
ƒ Lighting System
ƒ Small Transformers Installation
ƒ Panels Installation
ƒ Connection
ƒ Testing
ƒ Cathodic Protection Installation/Testing and Start-up
ƒ Other (Electrical Equipment & Telecommunications
ƒ Demobilization/Dismantling Temporary Facilities
• Instrumentation Work
ƒ Mobilization and Temporary Facilities Construction
ƒ Trenches
ƒ Conduit & Trays
ƒ Cabling & Connection
ƒ Loop Tests
ƒ Other (Instruments & Instrument Equipment Included)
ƒ Automatization/Software Installation
• Demobilization/Dismantling EPC Temporary Facilities
• Demobilization/Dismantling PMC Temporary Facilities

13.4 Special Site Conditions

• Lack of certified workers and craftsmen at the area;

• Training should require for the Local work force;
• SINCOR does not allow accommodations inside its area;
therefore, accommodations for no local work force could be a
• Travel Time is 2 hours per day;

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• Rain is usual in the area. The schedule must consider it and

contingency measures must be foreseen; and
• There is a lack of water for construction works.

13.5 Contracting

The EPC Contract shall be Lump Sum Basis/Unit Price referential. The EPC
contractor shall be aware of site conditions and an EPC contractor with
experience in the area is recommended. The EPC prime contractor can be a
joint venture between local EPC contractors of Venezuela or just one with
solid financial capabilities. Subcontractors are defined according the Work
Break Down Structure.

13.6 Construction Organization

• Project Management Service (PMC)
• EPC Contractor

13.7 Temporary Facilities

The contractor shall provide temporary facilities for Operation representatives

and for all Contractors’ and Subcontractors’ requirements.

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14.1 Definitions

Mechanical Completion/Check-Out
All of the mechanical, instrumentation, electrical and control features
necessary for safe operation of the facility modifications are in place and
no type “A” deficiencies exist. Wiring continuity checks, panel
terminations, end device installations, end device calibrations,
adjustments and primary settings, etc. are completed and checked-off as
meeting the design requirements and specifications.

Deficiency List
Is a list of deficiencies which are categorized and numbered with an
action, schedule & responsible designate to get the work done.
Deficiencies are categorized A or B:
A = Completion required to operate (includes safety and
environmental issues).
B = Completion not required to operate (touch-ups, etc.).

Completion of the ‘Transfer to Operations Form’ transfers care, custody
and control of the mechanically complete new control systems and
equipment to Operations.

Pre-Commissioning is the period when conformity, non-operating checks
and verifications that the installation conforms to plans, specifications and
drawings are carried out. The new control system wiring, hardware,
software and communications are also checked. Pre-commissioning
includes the calibration of instruments, cold-alignment checks, testing of
safety devices, loop checks. The loop check includes checking from the
end device through the DCS I/O, DCS logic and HMI.


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Commissioning is the period when the dynamic verification of the

functioning equipment, the simulation of control loops and safety systems,
and the operational tests are carried out. Commissioning includes also a
variety of activities such as cleaning and drying-out of piping systems,
tightness tests, loading of chemicals and catalysts, running-in of pumps
and compressors, with inert fluid (water, nitrogen).
These operations are conducted before feed introduction into the plant
and end up at a point in time called ready for start-up.

Start-up is the initial running of equipment and facilities with process fluids.

SINCOR operating personnel.

EPC - EPC Contractor
Sub – Subcontractors

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14.2 Activities

Mechanical Completion
Checkout for Mechanical Completion Construction Manager Contractors
Energize electrical & DCS equipment Operations Contractors
Energize End-Devices & Loops Operations Contractors
Instrument Calibrations Construction Manager Electrical
Control System Communications EPC Contractor Electrical
Checkout Subcontractor
Pre-Start-Up Safety Review Operations Contractors
List Mechanical Deficiencies “A” + “B” Construction Manager Contractors
with completion dates
Check-off sheets with deficiency lists to Construction Manager Contractors
Operations for sign-off.

DCS and HMI communications Operations & EPC Electrical
Loop checks Operations & EPC Electrical
Control Function checks Operations & EPC Electrical
Cause & Effect Key – Function Checks Operations & EPC Electrical
Site Acceptance Testing Operations EPC

Electrical Motors & Pumps Operations Contractors
Instrumentation Operations Contractors
Process Fluid Introduction Operations Contractors
Purge and Leak Tests Operations Contractors
Process System Test-runs Operations Contractors

Transfer of Operations Construction Manager All

Start-Up Operations
Start-up Operations All
Control System Training EPC

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14.3 Construction Completion Checklists

As part of the Quality Assurance plan for the project, EPC, SINCOR and the
Subcontractors will carry out a detailed check of the completed facility against
the latest approved edition of the “Issued For Construction” drawings and the
“Construction Completion Checklists” listed below.
These marked-up drawings provide the final data for any “as-built” drawings
and identify any deviations from the design. They also form the basis of the
Transfer to Operation’s documentation. The standard for this drawing mark-
up is:
• Each line, item and note on the drawing shall be highlighted in
YELLOW as being correctly installed,
• Deviations will be marked off in RED and itemized by a number. A
comment bearing the same number will be listed on the back of the
drawing with a dated reference to the follow-up,
• Upon satisfactory resolution to technical queries, the RED highlight will
be highlighted in YELLOW.
Deficiency lists used in the final completion stages to track and prioritize any
outstanding items will be generated for each of the mechanical, electrical,
instrumentation and controls disciplines.

• Mechanical Completion Checklists (by the Construction Manger);
• Electrical Completion Checklists (by the Electrical Subcontractor);
• Instrument Completion Checklists (by the Electrical Subcontractor);
• Instrument Calibration Forms (by the Electrical Subcontractor);
• DCS I/O Drawings and Loop Diagram Check-offs (by EPC &
• HMI Check-offs (by EPC & Operations); and
• Pre-Start-Up Safety Review (by Operations).

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14.4 Completion and Turnover Packages

Once the mechanical completion activities are finished, the Construction

Manager will prepare the Turnover Packages. These packages consist of the
• Marked-up/As-build drawings,
• QC information,
• Construction Checklists,
• Deficiency Lists (‘B’ Only).
Once a package has been turned over to Operations, the pre-commissioning
& function checkouts will commence.

14.5 Pre-Commissioning and Function Checks

Pre-commissioning entails the completion of all the activities necessary to

bring the mechanically complete facility to a state of readiness for
commissioning. These activities are:
• DCS and electrical equipment power-up;
• Checkout of DCS and HMI communications;
• Downloading DCS programs;
• Remote I/O DCS configuration;
• DCS I/O and Loop checks;
• Bumping all Electric motors;
• DCS and HMI control function checks;
• Shutdown Key/ Cause & Effect Key function checks and drawing
yellow-off; and
• Site acceptance testing.
Upon completion of the pre-commissioning and function checks, the following
documentation is added to the Completion/Turnover Package;
• DCS I/O and Loop check documentation;
• Control Function Checks documentation; and
• Shutdown Key/ Cause & Effect Key Function Checks documentation.

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14.6 Commissioning

Commissioning entails the completion of all the activities necessary to bring

the mechanically complete and pre-commissioned facility to a state of
operational readiness for start-up. These activities are:
• Safety Orientations and Final Safety Audit;
• Introduction of process fluids;
• Opening of all Instrumentation isolation & manifold valves;
• Leak Test/Vent/Purge; and
• Process system test runs; pumps, vessels, transmitters, etc.

14.7 Pre-Startup and Safety Review

Operations will conduct a Pre-Start-Up Safety Review, with all the

Subcontractors support, during the pre-mechanical completion
checkout/turnover activities and initial stages of commissioning.
The purposes of the review are:
• To outline the key steps to be taken to ensure that all the safety
devices and systems designed into the Project are properly installed as
per design objectives and are operational.
• To ensure the necessary quality assurance checks have been
completed such that the new installations are safe to operate.
• To provide guidance in evaluating the adequacy of leak testing,
purging and operational procedures.
It is not the intent to duplicate the construction detailed check-off quality
assurance system but rather to ensure that the safety features will meet the
design objectives and that adequate start-up plans and procedures have
been prepared.

14.8 Start-Up

Start-up is complete when the new equipment and control systems are
operating & transferring information to/from the HMI. Operations are
responsible for the safe start-up and operation of the new and existing

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15.1 Operation and Maintenance Philosophy

Operation and Maintenance will be developed in later stages of engineering.

During the FEED stage, engineering will develop Operating and Maintenance
Philosophy base on IFE P&IDs, and HAZOP results. The Operating and
Maintenance philosophy will then get developed further during the detail
engineering phase with vendor information.

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