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Planning Slideshows to Avoid Stage Fright

Chris Wylie
Speaking in Public

What is the secret?

Speaking in Public

Be prepared!
Speaking in Public

1. Plan in the form of an outline

2. Use the outline to write your script
and plan your images
3. Assemble your slideshow
4. Practice!!!!!!!
Speaking in Public

1. Plan in the form of an outline

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Fear of public speaking
1. Main Idea: Be prepared
II. Body
A. 4 tips to be prepared for public speaking
1. Create an outline
2. Use it to keep track of ideas like here.
3. Turn in your outline to Chris
B. Write script (don’t make it up as you go)
1. You don’t have to write every single
word, but you do need most of them.
2. Turn in your script to Chris
C. Assemble slideshow
1. When you know what to say you can
know what to show
2. Try to find one or two images for each
idea you discuss
D. Practice
1. I can’t tell you strongly enough how
much this helps build confidence in a
a) We will practice with partners
before we give presentations.
III. Conclusion
A. By planning, organizing and practicing we won’t
need to feel worried about our public speaking
because we will know we are as prepared as we
can possibly be!
2. Use the outline to write your script
and plan your images
3. Assemble your slideshow

● Title card with your name

● 7 to 10 slides
● 1 video up to 30 seconds
● No words on slides
○ I know, I know, there are so many words on
this slideshow, so…
■ …(with a small exception)
4. Practice

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